Healing Meditation

LISTEN HERE: Healing Meditation – 12 minutes

The key to receiving healing energy is to be in a receptive state. This you do by by relaxing, letting go of tension and upsetting emotions such as fear, and to elevate your mind and emotions into a state of gratitude, love, joy, and awe.

Start with taking a few deep breaths. With each exhale intend to let go of any muscular tension, and allow your body to sink into the furniture. 

Next focus on those things for which you are grateful. These can be simple things – food, shelter, a hot shower or a cup of hot tea. Besides feeling grateful for all of those things that you have now, you can also think about those things for which you had in the past providing that the emotion arising from those memories make you feel that you were blessed instead of making you sad. Sadness, guilt and shame drain your energy. And anger, resentment, blame block it. But gratitude, love, joy, humor, and especially awe, increase it.

Image two giant hands cradling your body, supporting you, infusing you with love and life-giving energy. And as these hands lift you up, let all unnecessary stress drain away.

Further information: see our other articles at UnlimitedPotentialHealingCenter.com .

Listen also to Podcast: “Dowsing for Mind-Body Healing”


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