Regaining Your Center In Times of Stress

Free Online Seminar, Saturday, April 6 at 4 PM Eastern (3 PM Central, 2 PM Mountain, 1 PM Pacific)

     In a time of rapid change, increasing polarization of society, & breakdown of institutions, how can you find solid ground upon which to base your life, guide your decisions & plan when the world as you knew it is gone & the future is very much in flux?

     What is the rock you stand upon? How can you regain your sanity when you start freaking out? Or release anger without killing anyone? How can you take the stress of massive change to grow & heal, & by extension to help to heal the world around you as well? In short, how can you take the chaos as motivation to tap into the wisdom within, work on what needs to be addressed starting with the self, & to find & enhance the strength inside to ultimately turn it into a blessing?

     At age 4 like the Lucy of Peanuts cartoon fame, Roxanne Louise started counseling playmates, & was overheard telling another 4 year old that she was “Master of Herself”. Roxanne’s life since has been a personal & vocational quest to understand people, & for various methods that can help especially in the realm of mental & emotional healing & stress management. As in the saying “be careful what you ask for”, much of her knowledge & wisdom has been gained the hard way. During this presentation, she will go over many quick & easy ways she has found effective to reduce stress & turn problems into compost for personal healing & growth.
The Foundation for Mind-Body Research is hosting this free online seminar . Here is a link to their most recent newsletter announcement where you can register. . All videos are recorded & are available here:

Regaining Your Sanity When You Start Freaking Out!

In times when you are already experiencing trauma or prolonged stress, it is not unusual for one more small thing (the ‘straw that broke the camel’s back’ ) to come along and cause you to cross over the line from ‘dealing with it’ in some fashion to going into full melt-down, panic, collapse or just giving up. As the Universe has offered me many challenges in my life, I have had to dig down deep within myself to find a way to dig myself out of the hole in which I found myself. It was the stimulus that had me study psychology, hypnosis, dowsing, EFT, and a wide variety of other modalities. In the process, I found ways that helped me and helped my clients. I use as many techniques as relevant or necessary.  

What can you do to head it off when you feel it coming? What can you do once it happens?

I asked this question of a combat veteran, “what do you do when you get really stressed out?” His way of putting things into perspective was “if they’re not shooting at you, it’s not serious.”  And then he said that he does something physical to work off the energy.  

So the first remedy to regain your balance is 


Anything that makes you breathe deeply (working in the garden, shoveling snow, raking leaves, scrubbing the tub, cleaning out the garage, going on a brisk walk or run, singing, dancing, shooting baskets or a golf ball) flushes the stress out of your body, brings oxygen to your brain so that you can think more clearly, and gets your energy moving to offset paralysis and depression. If you choose an activity that brings you joy or a sense of accomplishment, that is a double bonus.

The second remedy is to 


Turn your head, or look up in a different direction. Look up at the sky or out to the horizon.  Look for something beautiful, awe inspiring, funny, cute – flowers, pets, animals, children, a sunrise or sunset.

I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help. 

My help comes from the Lord which made heaven and earth….”  Psalm 121

What do you have in your life that warms your heart or makes you smile or laugh or feel peaceful, safe or protected? You may have photos of loved ones or a place that you visited that was wonderful, or filled with peace and joy. Look at those photos and feel the love of these others, and happy memories. 

The third remedy is to 

3. CONNECT WITH & HUG SOMEONE YOU LOVE – even your pets!

If you can’t physically hold them, call them. And if they are deceased, close your eyes and imagine them with you, holding you, lifting you up, loving you. I firmly believe we are always connected to those we love.

Years ago, I was performing in Manhattan and getting off the bus in Jersey around midnight. I was so exhausted that I literally had to think “Put one foot in front of another.”  Yet I still had a 90 pound dog that had to be walked when I got home or there would be a pile of mess on the carpet. So I imagined my two deceased grandmothers  as my guardian angels holding me up under each arm pit helping me to walk. That prayer and image indeed gave me strength to do what I had to do. 

The fourth remedy is to


What do you have to be grateful for today? Do you have a roof over your head, do you have food in the pantry, running water, a hot shower, clothes to wear today? Is the sun shining? Are you breathing, able to walk, able to see? Regardless of what may be happening tomorrow, for today you have life, you have or have had people and things and conditions for which you can be grateful. 

The fifth remedy is to


Think about all the things you have already learned and overcome – learning to walk/talk/read & write & do arithmetic/ride a bike/drive a car, etc. Think about your talents, your ability to learn, experiment and improve, teach yourself things, and start something totally new and get good at it in time. Or think about how you may have moved into a new neighborhood, new job and learned your way around and made new friends, etc.

The sixth remedy is to


Affirmations only work if you can believe what you are saying. If you don’t, they will backfire! Memorize some positive suggestions that resonate with you  and repeat them over and over until you calm down. I have a standard affirmation that I use when discouraged:



Another affirmation that I frequently use because I believe in reincarnation and have what I believe are memories of many past lives, some of which ended horribly, is


In other words, whether I am a little Jewish girl living in Munich in early 1940’s, or the best prepubescent teen in a Mayan village during the times of human sacrifice to the gods, or a victim of jealousy or hatred by the priest training me in ancient Egypt, my soul will survive even if they kill my body, and I will be reborn in another one.

 Others affirmations that help me are:


Go from “I can’t” or “it’ll never work” to “If it could work, how would it work”, or “Who do I know that could help me with solving this so that I can create ___  instead?” , or “Who has experience dealing with this before?” Or “who is able to create ____ easily?  What do they know or what do they do to be successful?” 

The eighth remedy is to


What can I learn from this?” “How can this experience help me to grow?” “Who do I need to be, and what do I need to think or do to experience ___ instead?”

The ninth remedy is to


Ask the question: “How can I turn this into a blessing?” Or  make a declaration: “I turn this into a blessing!” Or demand it of Universe or the cosmic forces: “Turn this into a blessing!”

The tenth remedy is to


What can you do to totally take your mind off your problems? Make love? Watch a good movie, or comedian, or something else that captures your full attention? Preferably, it should be something that doesn’t just distract you, but which actually makes you feel better, calmer, happier, more resourceful or energized.

The eleventh remedy is to


If the problem is in your house, go outside. If it is in the city, get out to nature. If it is with work, go to lunch with friends, or visit friends after work. Take a vacation or travel to a place with good memories. After you regroup, then go back and tackle whatever you need to do. 

The twelfth remedy is to


Yes, listen to comics, watch funny things online, and laugh at yourself for getting so stressed out. I sometimes imagine a fat, clown balloon character that flops down at the waist and says:

“Ha, ha, ha, ha, I’ve created more drama. It’s part of the karma I now choose to heal.” (Repeat until you start laughing yourself.)

Years ago I was going through the tremendous stress of a divorce. Unable to function in my office, I went next door to a neighbor on my floor and said “tell me a joke.” He then told me one. I laughed, and with that went to another office on our floor and said “I have a joke for you.” I repeated the new joke, and we both laughed, and then he told me one as well, and I laughed again. I did this over and over again developing a repertoire of jokes that kept me laughing as I couldn’t repeat one without doing so. It got me through.

And thirteenth and fourteenth remedies are related, and so bunched together


You don’t have to do anything all alone. Perhaps you know someone, or you know someone who knows someone, or you know how to get physical help, advice, or information online or in a library or from a company or an agency. When I am stuck, I start asking questions. If relevant and if my budget allows, I hire someone. 

For example, I have a list of people that can help with various things on a task or an hourly basis whether housework, farm chores, repairs, handyman stuff, strong back lifting, bookkeeping, internet, etc. And what I found is that I get a ton of work done both setting up for my helper, working while they are there, and continuing after they leave. Extra hands don’t just add to your productivity, they multiply it many times over.  They build energy.

Short of funds? Perhaps consider a high school student or barter or a mentoring program. What can you give in exchange? My area has a TIMEBANK program where people donate their services and in receive services on an hour for hour basis. This is a organized form of “I scratch your back, and you scratch mine.”

NOTE: Getting help in ANY area of your life will free up time for you to work in ANOTHER AREA especially those that only you can do.

Finally, the fifteenth remedy is to


This is the spiritual side of Ask for Help. But only pray for what you want, not what you don’t. Pray for help in dealing with or resolving a problem. Pray for guidance, understanding, clarification, insight, strength, personal character traits, skills, ideas, wisdom, healing, the right kind of assistance for anything. Focus not on the problem as if it is huge as this will manifest more of the same and delay forward movement. Focus instead on that problem either moving towards resolution or being already resolved. Give thanks for it already being completed. 

One time when I felt completely betrayed by a neighboring store that was openly attempting to take over my business, I prayed “how can I look at this in a way that doesn’t hurt quite so much?” And I received an analogy that immediately shifted me from grieving to taking appropriate action. I then prayed for another office in a location closer to home, with many things that would make it much better than the office I had. And that happened. 

Another time I was again betrayed by a ‘friend’ and colleague who plagiarized a significant portion of one of my books without giving me any credit for the pages of word for word heist. I prayed for understanding, and received a message that it was a pre-birth agreement that would teach each of us something important. This immediately dissolved both my anger and grief over what she had done and allowed me to sever the relationship and take action to notify the professional organizations of which we were both members of this ethical breach.

When my husband told me he didn’t know if he wanted to remain married to me or not, I was so devastated that I prayed to die. Spirit said “not now, later you will have a chance.” So with that I asked, “does that mean that I have to get up off the floor?”  With death now closed as an option, I said that I needed to feel that I was still loved if I was to have the strength to continue living. And love from Spirit did flow into my being and I healed.

Copyright by Roxanne Louise, 2023. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.

All Hands on Deck!

I believe that those of us here are positioned in this moment of time for a reason. It is not a time to flee or hide from what is or may be coming, as there is nowhere to go. The threats we face are global. And when you cannot run, your only recourse is to stand your ground, unite and take action.

“for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”       

2 Timothy 1:7

I believe that whatever talents, knowledge or skills you have already acquired including the skill of discernment, knowledge of the law, skill in communication, collaboration, education, networking, team building, problem solving, along with the qualities of integrity and courage, are being called upon now to form coalitions to face the rapid disintegration of our nation and indeed the entire world. It is time to come together as rapidly as we can to CHANGE COURSE. Mass misinformation, fear mongering and mind control, censorship, violence and intimidation by domestic terrorist groups such as Antifa, and the massive overreach of government are rapidly leading towards the total control and subjugation of humanity, and the disintegration of society.

“For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” Romans 8:15

It is time for us to breathe deeply, pulling up strength through our feet from the earth. CLAIM THE GROUND YOU WALK ON and your right to SELF DETERMINATION. Stand up and strengthen your reserve, and connect firmly to the divine, eternal consciousness that has sustained you and mankind in every peril. Then as you tap into that great Spirit and draw upon the love that is there for you, and indeed for all of us, listen to that still small voice within for guidance on what is YOURS to do and then DO IT.

Envision a world WE ALL WANT – one that protects the freedoms we so shortly lost – like those of free speech, movement, assembly, religion, sovereignty over your own body, and the ability to breathe clean fresh air. Imagine a world where the air and water are pure, and food is healthy and abundant, where people can disagree while still working TOGETHER to solve problems, where children and the sanctity of life are cherished and protected, and where politicians are SERVANTS OF THE PEOPLE. As Martin Luther King said

“I have a dream….”.

I think of the original Martin Luther, who as just a monk in 1521 was called before the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V to recant his 95 thesis posted on a church door. Luther replied to his sovereign:

“I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God. Amen.”

Pull in that strength that comes from being connected to both heaven and earth and feel it running up through your spine strengthening your backbone and your will to defend your core values and everything you hold sacred. Your children, your grandchildren are depending upon you.

Those of my generation remember the mighty cry of Martin Luther King, who like his namesake, was a man of great moral courage. With clear vision of a world where all sides could live together peacefully in a better world, he said:

“We shall overcome….”.

How shall we now overcome corruption, greed that tramples over public health, welfare, and the right to control what happens to your body, and the outrageous abuse of power?

As Benjamin Rush, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, said

The American war is over; but this far from being the case with the American revolution. On the contrary, nothing but the first act of the drama is closed. It remains yet to establish and perfect our new forms of government, and to prepare the principles, morals, and manners of our citizens for these forms of government after they are established and brought to perfection.”

I believe we are headed to a much needed different type of revolution – not of guns, but one of consciousness. This revolution is one of awakening people globally to things previously hidden, a tearing away the veil that has hidden the controllers behind the curtain. This revolution in consciousness is one of awakening and empowering the inner power, creativity, problem solving ability, and strength of will of ordinary people to establish what our founders originally intended to create which was a government that protects life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – not just for us, but for humanity as a whole. It is a revolution in consciousness that supports the right and means for self-determination.

A society and it’s government reflects the consciousness of a people. So if we want our society to heal, then in addition to whatever action we take, we must heal our own consciousness. This means dealing with our own imperfections, fears and wounds.

It means creating a vision of what kind of world we want our children and grandchildren to inherit, and working towards making that possible. Martin Luther King had a clear dream that birthed the Civil Rights Movement. What is your dream of a positive future?

Such a dream will inspire and guide you to taking appropriate action whether it is cleaning up the oceans of garbage, or the rivers of pollution, teaching others the guiding principles outlined in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and the practice of self-examination, compassion and forgiveness taught by religions.

I would like to see tolerance and respectful dialog taught in the schools. I would like young people provided with positive role models of others that rose from humble backgrounds to make a strong, positive contribution to the world. Teaching victimization and stoking feelings of entitlement and desire for revenge destroys society and has to stop. Bring back school debating teams, and have contestants switch sides to argue the opponents point of view so that they learn to see both sides of every issue.

Get involved in some part of your community to exercise citizen oversight in an area of your concern. This past year has taught us that we can not trust any aspect of government to take care of us. It is time for us to commit to citizen oversight of those who are supposed to work for us, to make sure that they serve the highest good of us, the people, instead of themselves.  Perhaps choose to oversee the school board. Perhaps attend town hall meetings and vocalize what you want and do not want to happen in your community. If we cannot tolerate petty dictators in our home, we should not tolerate them in our local, county, state or national government or any of it’s agencies.

In any storm, all hands are needed on deck!

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.

Neutralizing the Detrimental Effect of Mass Consciousness

You can listen to the audio of this here.

What is Mass Consciousness?

Any widely held thoughts, beliefs or emotions that are pervasive in a group can be called “Mass Consciousness”. In a country beset by war, starvation, severe economic depression there is going to be a mass consciousness of fear, perhaps also grief and anger, hopelessness and despair.

Mass consciousness is not always negative. It can be happy and joyous as well as during the victory of a national sports team, or election of a leader that is expected to bring hope, or winning the war, or the wedding of Prince Charles and Diana.

But when it is negative, it impacts upon our health, sleep, our ability to digest our food, to think clearly, make good decisions, and drains us of the energy to take wise, effective action. Hence, the need to clear it away when we can feel it getting to us.
While I have written this for dowsers, it can also be utilized by anyone having the ability to focus their mind, and intend with strength and energy that what is being said IS being done. To that end, it is important in any healing work to build your energy field first.

1. Affirm and step into your personal power

Stand up and raise your arms in front of you as you breathe in and think or say “I AM”. Then lower your arms out to the sides as you think or say “That I AM”. Repeat several times adding a visualization of a golden ball of light inside your heart area expanding throughout your entire body, and pushing a bubble of light out from your body as you exhale.

2. Gather your strength

Imagine those both in physical form and those in the spiritual realms that love and believe in you supporting and protecting you on your life’s journey. 

3. Ground your energy

Imagine growing roots and pull that energy up through your feet, up your spine and out your head, and then loop it back down to the earth picking up any stress or toxins on the downward cycle and removing it out your feet.Make several cycles until you feel your legs tingling with energy.

4. Center 

As you pull energy up the spine, allow your mind to come into a narrow line, letting go of extraneous thoughts so that you can focus on your intention.

5. Connect to Source

Imagine a brilliant golden sun above your head that represents to you the source of divine healing energy and power joined with divine wisdom and love. Pull beneficial energy from this golden sun down through your head and your entire body. Invite the frequency of the higher harmonic of gold such as the halo seen around holy figures. This higher harmonic of gold thought to be connected not just with prosperity and manifestation, but most of all with wisdom. And that is what is needed in solving big problems – to manifest healing through the highest frequency with divine wisdom. Cycle it through you several times. Fill your body with this golden light and the energy of love.

6. Increase your aura and set up a strong, force field

Expand your aura a minimum of 3 feet in all directions, and then perhaps in increments out as far out as you can go, maybe 10-20 feet or more. Dowse this distance for yourself. At the perimeter, install a protective shell, shield or force field that prevents detrimental energy from entering.

For dowsers, assess: On a scale of 0-100% calibrate your overall strength of your energy field.

Monitor Your State & Make Corrections on an as needed basis

Assess: dowse out on a scale of 0-100% the overall detrimental effect upon you of the mass consciousness of ____.

hopelessness, etc.

Neutralizing Detrimental Mass Consciousness 

If you are dowsing, start spinning the pendulum counterclockwise:

“Neutralize all blocks to clearing the detrimental effect upon me & others of the mass consciousness of ___ that has come from any source – internet, news media, social media, conversations, or psychic airways.

Neutralize the detrimental effect upon me of the mass consciousness of _____ [emotion].

Neutralize the negative effect of mass consciousness upon me from any & all sources regarding anything.

Neutralize the detrimental effect of mass hysteria about the ____ (Corona Virus, lockdowns, etc).

Delete all excessive, unwarranted fear & panic from my consciousness.

Delete all falsehoods or lies in my consciousness that are causing or contributing to any unjustified fear or panic.

Delete all victim mentality. Delete all feelings of doom.

Delete all feelings of helplessness to protect myself or my loved ones, & whatever I hold dear.

Delete any beliefs or expectations of getting this virus or any other disease. Delete any illness programs.

For both myself and all others that desire it on a soul level neutralize the mass consciousness of unwarranted fear & panic present within ___ miles of each person’s physical location.

For both myself & others that desire it neutralize the mass consciousness of doom, hopelessness, & victim mentality present within __ miles of each person’s location. (5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 miles & beyond).

Neutralize the mass consciousness of anything draining the energy or lowering the immune system of myself & others in accordance with their highest good & soul’s desire. That is lowering the ability to think clearly and rationally. To make wise decisions. To discern what is true or false. Do this over ___ (5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 miles & beyond).”

When the pendulum stops spinning, start inputting positive opposites of the above while spinning clockwise.

“Fill those cleared areas now with ____ (enhanced discernment and the ability to perceive truth from falsehood, clear awareness of the true situation, perspective of the true picture, increased connection to my true spiritual guidance, awareness of and gratitude for all the blessings in my life, love, joy, etc.”

Wait for the spinning to stop. Ask “Is that done?”

Go back and assess the percentage of detrimental energy still in your energy field now.

Man Meant It for Evil but God Meant It for Good.

“But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” Joseph addressing his brothers in Genesis 50:20

Bad things in life can sometimes result in unexpected, good outcomes.

In this biblical story, Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. Although his brothers meant to harm him, Joseph ended up in Egypt where he became second in command under the Pharaoh because he was able to interpret the Pharaoh’s disturbing dreams and advise him on what to do. The dreams foretold of a coming famine that led Joseph to be put in charge of a mass grain storage that enabled the Egyptians and and it’s neighbors to survive a prolonged food collapse. Joseph’s brothers were among those that traveled to Egypt to buy food unknowingly from Joseph himself. Amazingly, Joseph was able to forgive his brothers’ treachery as he saw their action as God’s plan to save many people. 


You may have heard me speak about Nelson, who was fired on a Friday along with his entire department of 40 people. On Tuesday, those not fired were killed as a plane flew into their very floor of the World Trade Center on 9/11. Or about Carolyn, fired from her job in NYC Opera Chorus, who used it to ramp up her vocal training, and got hired in the Metropolitan Opera Chorus at twice the salary, security and prestige a few months later. Or Irene whose house and contents were severely damaged by fire, but who totally rebuilt her home, greatly improving it in a way that only the insurance money made possible.

What we see as a bad, awful, or even tragic event, can have within it the seed of an equal or greater benefit for us or others depending upon how we handle the situation and the choices we make in response to our problems.

Ty & Charlene Bollinger, who founded The Truth About Cancer that has helped so many people get well, did so because of losing a number of family members to the disease. Candace Lightner and Cindi Lamb, whose children were victims of drunk drivers, started MADD – Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. America itself was founded largely by people oppressed because of their religion, ethnicity, or political views. The New School for Social Research in New York City was founded by  refugees escaping Nazi Germany. 

Our response matters!

I am convinced that the proper attitude and an open and alert mind to deliberately look for the benefit or to find way to create one is essential to: 

Turn It Into a Blessing!

For many years I have adopted this attitude as my immediate response to adversity. While I may mouth the phrase, the emotional shift doesn’t always happen right away, but it helps. Like anyone, I get angry or depressed or wonder what I can do. But this attitude, this single-minded determination to use every experience to grow or get better in some way even though I may not have a clue as to how something good could possibly come out of the current situation or what I can do, leads me out of an emotional cesspit into appropriate action and positive change.

Finding the blessing is necessarily coupled with the questions:

What Can I Learn from This?

How can I, you, or how can we use our difficult or upsetting situation to be better in some way?

How can it make my, yours, or our ___ (business, relationship, life, health or community) better?

And right now with the crises from Covid 19, all of us can ask:

How can we use our experience with this global pandemic and shutdown to make

  • our countries stronger and better?
  • our business and economies more resilient?
  • our immune system and overall health better?
  • our supply chains more crises proof?
  • the information upon which we base serious decisions more accurate?
  • our food supply less dependent upon non-local sources?
  • our supply of critical items no longer totally dependent upon foreign nations?
  • our source of  personal income less dependent upon only one source?
  • our neighborhoods more supportive?
  • our governments – local, state and national – more responsive to the wishes of it’s ordinary citizens not just the big monied interests?
And how can we make sure others do not take unfair advantage of this or any crises to take away our our health, livelihoods, or our freedoms to enrich themselves and advance their private agendas at our expense?
Copyright 5/4/2020 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and links are included to and .

PUBLISHED: Releasing Anger without Killing Anyone!

Just Published!!!!

beartoons-anger    Cartoon citation:

Releasing Anger Without Killing Anyone!

by Roxanne Louise

An entire Anger Management Course!

Teach right out of the book!

Use it to help yourself! Use it to help others! 

A jam-packed guide on how to:

√ Turn anger into a blessing! 

√ Shift anger into constructive action! 

√ Use your challenges to improve yourself, your business, relationships & your life!

    • Understand the underlying dynamics! 
    • Change how you look at things so that they don’t bother you nearly as much! 
    • Make your enemies & problems help you! 
    • Harness anger as motivation to heal & make much needed change! 
    • Communicate more effectively! 
    • Fight clean! 
    • Stop conversations from spiraling downwards! 
    • Notice negative patterns & screw them up! 
    • Take effective action without the baggage!
    • Enjoy your life despite the crap!

Jam Packed Tips, Strategies, Techniques & Visualizations! 

Turn Everything Into a Blessing!

154 pages. Just $29.95 plus $5 shipping.  Order here:

In addition to covering this information with clients over the years, I have taught this material at numerous hypnosis conventions including workshops at the National Guild of Hypnotists Convention and the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists.


Dowsing for Solutions

My father’s influence

I born into an engineering family. My father, who was a mechanical engineer, inventor of roller bearings for General Motors, and occasional instructor for Hyatt GM, taught me early on to work out my problems on paper. He told me to “think negatively towards a positive solution.” In other words, consider your design from all possible angles including things that could go wrong. And if things are already going wrong, redesign to counteract those non desired effects in order to get your desired outcome. 

Inventors like my late father are both highly analytical and highly creative—a perfect blend of left and right brain thinking, rational and psychic, logical and artistic, head and heart. This is true with dowsers as well. Dowsing is a balancing of both hemispheres of the brain. The analytical and logical left brain helps you to research the subject at hand—both to clarify exactly what is desired, and the elements that may be causing or sustaining a problem, and those that may lead to a possible solution. 

Resolving problems starts first with a recognition that there is a problem and knowing what that is.

My father’s way of thinking applies perfectly to dowsing for solutions to problems and for goal achievement of any kind. Although you may have a clear positive intent of what you want to create, you should also check for and eliminate whatever could sabotage or negatively impact upon that intent. To ignore or deny the negative factors is like putting ice cream (your affirmations and positive desires) on top of horse manure. 

Factors to be considered include among others, your gut level belief in yourself, and in your ability to learn and to solve each phase of the project, your belief in the viability of your project, and your allowance of it versus any doubt or fear. Other factors include conflicts, motivation, commitment, endurance, and anything that could be sap your strength, energy, or your ability to follow through.

Determine the likely causative factors to resolve or clear, and any challenges or conflicts that will need to be addressed. Dowse out your priorities and the order in which to tackle them. Set up a strategy for the best course of action to follow. Your analytical mind will assist you to fine tune your dowsing questions. In fact, you can dowse “is this question now worded correctly?”

For any problems you are likely to encounter again, develop dowsing charts and checklists. These are especially useful and time saving in future.

The real problem may not be apparent.

There can be a problem beneath the problem. For example, you may think that the problem is that you ___ (drink/smoke/eat too much). And while that may be true, there can be an unconscious need or wound that is driving it, for example, trauma, pain, boredom, feeling unloved/not good enough/angry/hurt, etc., unable to set healthy boundaries or express your needs to others, difficulty communicating with others, poor stress management skills, ad infinitum.

So the first task is to write out what you think the problem is. Then dowse out: 

Is this the real problem? If you get a ‘no’, brainstorm on paper until you find it.

Is there a problem underneath that is either creating or aggravating the problem of ___? If you get a ‘yes’, brainstorm what that might be. Always include the word ‘other’ on your list, and dowse out.

You may want to know when the problem first began, and if it originated with you in this or another lifetime, or if you inherited it from an ancestor. For example, author Dr. Bradley Nelson of The Emotion Code as well as others has found that we frequently carry issues that are passed down on our DNA. [Nelson, by the way, has a helpful chart of non-beneficial emotions that can be located with kinesiology. I use his chart with dowsing instead.]

With dowsing, you may ask if you need to research a particular issue. If you get a yes, it may be helpful to know what players are involved as this can help to refresh your memories and emotions and focus on forgiveness or understanding. You can make or purchase dowsing charts for this purpose. Here is mine, Therapeutic Dowsing and Telepathic Healing. 


What do you want instead?

Hint—it is NOT to not have that problem on ____. Clarify the positive opposite of what that problem would look/feel like. How would it show up? How would anyone know without you telling them that you solved that problem?

How motivated are you on a subconscious level?

On a scale of 1-10 how much do you want to resolve that problem and achieve your objective on a subconscious level? Is that problem serving a need or secondary gain? Is it protecting you? To what degree will your subconscious mind permit you to solve the problem? I call this your level of allowance. To what degree will it resist? This is your level of resistance.

Dowse this one at a time and get the percentage for each. Ideally, you want to get the resistance (probably a fear) down to zero and the allowance up to 100%. The way to do this is ask your subconscious mind to review everything to do with that problem, and extract the positive learning first. Then ask if you can heal/transmute any fear or resistance. If you get a ‘yes’, then go and do so.

Secondary gain is a benefit that you get out of a problem that the unconscious mind considers of greater importance than the problem itself. For example, an illness can serve to protect you from something that is painful, upsetting or threatening. Or it can provide attention, acts of love and kindness that you crave. [See the article, “Secondary Gain – A Gain From Pain”]

You might also state “I release any belief, perception or judgement that _____” (belief causing the resistance). “I now choose to believe that ___ (positive opposite belief).” Check with the pendulum again on the levels of resistance, and of acceptance. 

Is anything else blocking you?

Dowse if you have any other blocks to resolving the problem or achieving your goal. Some people have multiple goals that require more time and energy than are possible to achieve all at the same time. Priorities should be dowsed out. Perhaps all goals can be met in some measure with one being the main focus and another as a hobby or a one time event. Again, you can dowse out the percentage of time to devote to each. Perhaps, all can be met in some measure over a lifetime, or achieved sequentially instead of together. Some people have goals that conflict and will need to set up a hierarchy of values, and do some deep soul searching. If you are consciously motivated, but have unconscious blocks, those blocks will have to be addressed first.

What needs to happen?

Next, determine what has to occur to solve that problem and achieve a real transformation. Once you have clarified what you want, identified the problem and elements to be addressed, and brainstormed possible solutions, it is time for action. This may be through dowsing alone as in mental or emotional healing, or through physical or other action. 


Manifesting is the act of creation through joining strong clarity of intent with strong emotion. Positive creation will require an elevated emotion such as love, joy, gratitude, bliss.

Quiet your mind, and drop down into the deepest part of your inner being with clear focused desire to connect with Source — that universal sea of consciousness behind all that is. This is the repository of information, ideas, wisdom and guidance linking all minds throughout time and space. This is the place of pure creation, healing and manifestation where it is possible to alter reality and create miracles. Stay there until you feel a sense of completion – this can be seconds or much longer.


Dowsing is phenomenally valuable in all aspects of problem solving: clarifying intent, aligning with that intent, removing any blocks to such alignment, raising one’s frequency, and connecting with universal consciousness and divine creation to bring about the results you want with greater ease, grace and speed. 


For more information, you can reach Roxanne Louise at 434-263-4337, or

Original copyright 3/17 by Roxanne Louise, and rewritten 6/18. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.  

The Relationship Between Fear and Depression, Breath and Posture

How You Breathe Can Lessen Fear 

A recent study by Christina Zelano at Northwestern University indicates that breathing in through the nose as opposed to the mouth helps a person to respond more quickly to fear and knowing this can help you to deal with it. 

“We can potentially use this fact to our advantage. For example if you’re in a dangerous environment with fearful stimuli, our data indicates that you can respond more quickly if you are inhaling through your nose.” ~Christina Zelano

But, what I would add to this is that it is NOT ENOUGH to just breathe through the nose, but to BREATHE DEEPLY and FULLY. 

My understanding is that the first reaction of fear is to freeze the breathing mechanism – in other words, to hold the breath. This is the deer in the headlights syndrome while you are evaluating what to do (run/fight or stay in freeze). The fastest way I have found to discharge that fear is then to deliberately take a deep, big breath. Followed by other deep, regulated breaths, the mind quiets down.

Deep Breathing Lessens Depression & Fatigue Too!

As a former classical singer with NYC Opera and elsewhere, I noticed that deep breathing whether through the nose or mouth through the process of singing, dancing will process out the debilitating emotions of fear and depression as well as fatigue. While music also plays a significant part, I am sure this significant improvement has much to do with the increased oxygen reaching the brain. Classical singers while singing, for example, breathe four times as deeply as people at rest. Increased breathing and oxygen intake through any form of exercise will put you in a better frame of mind and in a more emotionally balanced state where you are able to think more clearly and make more rational decisions. 

Posture is Important 

Deep breathing is aided by an erect posture that allows the rib cage to expand. Then a person must train themselves to keep the chest still while breathing  deeper down that fully engages the diaphragm. This means that the belly moves in and out with each breath.

Good posture makes better breathing possible, and greater oxygenation of the brain allows a better processing of emotions. But posture is by itself relevant to mood and energy levels. Multiple studies indicate that good posture, holding the head erect and eyes looking forward rather than down [downward facing eyes puts a person into their emotions] lessens depression and fatigue! There are multiple such articles cited on the internet indicating that simply choosing to alter body posture to a more upright position is a quick shortcut to improve mood and energy levels. 

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.  

Prayer and curses work on the same principles?

Really? Why would anyone say that?

Let me explain. I am a Hypnotherapist trained to understand the power of suggestions, the principles of the unconscious mind, and how the unconscious mind and emotions help to create reality and impact upon our lives. I am also a Reiki Master Teacher trained in energy work, and a Dowser trained in the power of intent to effect change and healing.

Prayer and curses are related. 

Both work on similar principles. They are simply

Clear intention + strong emotion + belief projected outwards to someone or something.

What differentiates them is

  1. the intention behind it, not just the Being to whom you pray,
  2. the image you hold in your mind,
  3. your belief/faith that it is possible or not, and
  4. the emotional energy that goes along with it.

Please don’t pray with fear in your heart!

Even if your intention is to help but you are visualizing a negative outcome with a lot of emotional energy, your prayers can hurt. 

While probably most people think that prayer works simply by appealing to an outside source  (God) regardless of how they pray, the outcome of prayer, in my opinion, depends on you as well. The words, images and feelings you hold while praying can work in alignment with or against what you want.

INTENTION – what do you want?

IMAGE – what image are you holding in your mind? Are you imagining what you want or what you don’t want?

TARGET – who or what is the focus of your attention?

BELIEF – do you really think that your prayer can be answered or not? Is it possible?

EMOTIONAL ENERGY – what is the nature of the emotion that is energizing your prayer and driving it forward to the target (the person or situation that you want to help)?


  • People usually think to pray when there is a crises and when they are in fear. If they are feeling powerless, they sabotage their own ability as co-creator to make changes to manifest a better condition. A fearful person is inclined to run or freeze, not take positive action.

During the American Revolution, there was a Springfield, New Jersey minister who used to say “Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.” In other words, don’t just pray, do something.

And as the Dalai Lama has said after the recent Paris shootings, it is “not for God to fix this. Humans created it, and humans must fix it themselves.”

  • If the person praying doesn’t  believe the prayer will be answered, that the help will come, it is like saying to God, ‘forget about it.’  Doubt cancels out.
  • If the person praying is so focused on what they don’t want to happen, they are unwittingly broadcasting more of that into the world. This can happen when they are consumed with worry, anger, fear or upset. Take the time to quiet your mind first, gain some perspective, and get into alignment with your spiritual source. In my perspective, this means getting into the frequency of love. Go to that quiet place within.

Hypnosis can help you find this quiet place and then anchor it. We hypnotherapists usually call this our “safe place.” From that place ask,

What is mine to do? 

How can I be of service? 

  • While anger is powerful energizer to carry intention to the target, it is the same as cursing or black magic if directed at anyone or anything. If you curse your enemies, don’t expect them to act any better. Whereas Dr. Hew Len in the modernized version of Ho’oponopono has demonstrated convincingly that love and forgiveness can heal even the criminally insane.

Using your anger in a positive way

If you have difficulty getting out of the energy of anger, you can harness it constructively to focus of the positive opposite that you would like to see in the world, and to powerfully project that outwards. Use your anger to get off the couch and do something to make the world a better place. Then you can turn this tragedy into a blessing. Hold the thought,

How can I turn this into a blessing?

While bad behavior has to be stopped, you cannot stop violence by creating more of it. The experiences of Northern Ireland and elsewhere has clearly proven that violent retaliations against violence create more violence that seems never to stop.

In the meantime, in your prayers hold the intention of what you want to see in the world, in your country and neighborhood, and pray for guidance and assistance to do what is yours to do. Believe it is possible to effect positive change. Gather others around to do the same. Keep the image front and center. As Transidential Meditators have proven, group meditation for peace does make a difference. Then follow it with action.

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.

Stopping the Downward Spiral of Emotions

Emotions follow thought. Santa Cruz Vending 7:16 copy

As you notice your thoughts, you can predict their emotional outcome, and deliberately shift them to get to a more desirable emotional end result.

Thought substitution is an easy way to do this because you cannot think of two things at once.

This is never to deny your feelings or thoughts as denial leads to more problems. But rather it is to recognize that holding or dwelling on some thoughts or emotional states is counter productive and you pay a price for that. Making wise decisions so that you can take the most constructive, effective action requires being able to think clearly.

Emotional control starts with thought stopping and switching.

Furthermore, it is recognition that many thoughts, beliefs and judgments are based on faulty interpretations or world view that hinder you from overcoming challenges or achieving your goals. Such counterproductive thoughts or judgments may have been absorbed or adopted by you years ago without being examined consciously as an adult. Are they really accurate assessments of what is real or possible? Shift them as necessary.

Here are simple ways to shift

1. Shift to a question.

If the thought is “I can’t, I mustn’t, it’ll never work”. Change it to a question of the opposite: “what if I could, what if I can, what if it could work?” All will stimulate your thinking to look for solution, possibilities.

2. Shift emotion by decision.

If you have a bad experience, you could make a decision that it is going to work for your positive advantage even though you cannot possibly know if that will be the case. This decision will stimulate you to look for and possibly find constructive ways to turn that situation around.

“I turn this to my positive advantage.” or “I make this work for me.”

3: Affirm inner resources to solve problems.

If you are feeling stressed, you could affirm that there is greater wisdom, creativity and strength within you that knows how to solve problems and handle whatever you have to do. Then affirm that these inner resources can be harnessed to do so. The truth is that you cannot know the true limits of your inner resources so why not affirm that there is more ability within you? Why not think that you are capable of rising to the occasion and overcoming problems and achieving goals? This can have the immediate effect of calming you down and moving forward.

fullsizeoutput_2c I do this through what I call The Infinite Intelligence Process, which is fully explained in my book, Accessing More – Tapping Into the Eternal, Unlimited Self with the Infinite Intelligence Process. Below is a sample wording:

“There is a part of my being that knows how to handle this with grace and ease, and is doing so now,” or “there is a part of my being that can resolve this issue, and I am being guided to what I need to do and how to proceed,” or “there is a part of my being that knows who can help me with this, and I am being directed now.” 

4: Challenge negative authoriity figures.

If someone else says that you can’t do something, that it will never work, you can challenge their authority to know. In your mind, negate the value of their opinion. The truth is that when someone offers their opinion, even their educated opinion, it is only from what they have studied, what they have experienced, and does not include what they have not studied or experienced.

For example, medical doctors are experts in drugs and surgery, but not in nutrition, energy work or the healing power of prayer, stress management, forgiveness and loving relationships–all of which have a powerful ability to heal. Even within any given profession, the experts frequently disagree. This is why we are advised to seek a second or third medical opinion. Same thing goes for all other experts as well.

Before you accept the opinion of others, determine how knowledgable and experienced that opinion really is on the given topic. Within every profession there are those that find solutions to problems that their colleagues think are unsolvable. And outside of the profession there are those that sometimes come up with creative solutions that work. Why not let that creative problem solver be you?

“What does he know?”or “That’s what he thinks. He’s not an expert. He only knows ___, not ____.”

Or “if there was another way to go about this, what might that be? How can I look at this situation differently?”

Affirm that you are going to find a solution to any important issue.

“I find a way to make it work, I find the answers I need, etc.”

When you are clear about what you want, when you are determined to achieve your goal, you harness both internal resources and external assistance to do so. This gives success your best shot.

5: Focus on what you can do or what you need to do right now.

“What can I do right now to help this situation?”

Write a list and sort out priorities.

“What is the most important thing I need to focus upon?” “What is the first thing I need to do?”

6: Use affirmations and counter thoughts

Repeat any helpful suggestion or counter thought in your mind over and over to blot out the negative thoughts that prevent you from solving the problem.

7. Walking Mantras


Walking Mantras are positive counter thoughts or affirmation in the form of a little jingle that you repeat rhymically to match to steady movements such a walking steps. I list a great many more in my self-hypnosis book, Your Unlimited Potential, along with an entire chapter on stress management, but here are some:

I find a way that works for me.

Sooner or later I figure it out. 

I learn and move on.

I get everything done on time.

8. Singing

After you have done what you can and your thoughts are still run-a-way negative, you can perhaps shift with singing a song, preferably a happy tune or inspirational one. Or just listen to music. Dancing also helps. They interrupt the pattern and instantly shift mood.

9. Jokes

Tell a joke or ask someone to tell you one, and then quickly retell to others. The humor will release internal tensions, and shift your mood quickly. I did this when I was going through a divorce. It helped a great deal. See another blog article, Using Humor to Defuse Anger! 

10. Exercise

Physical work or exercise gets tension out of the body. Because you also have to pay some attention to what you are doing, it takes away from negative ruminations.

11. Concentrate on anything else

Do anything that requires complete concentration.



My book Releasing Anger Without Killing Anyone is full of visualizations, exercises, and information that helps you to transmute not just anger, but other disturbing emotions.

Copyright 2015 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.

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