dolores-3-e1355459003189-219x300[1]Yesterday, as I was fighting off some ‘bug’ and just trying to rest,  I listened to a video of Dolores Cannon yesterday saying that “ILLNESS IS SOMETHING YOU BRING ON YOURSELF”.
No one would argue that an individual has a great deal of control as to what he does or does not do that affects his health. And by not doing what he knows to do or not do to be or remain healthy, some individuals may in fact be choosing to be sick. See my blog article:  “What if illness was sometimes a choice?”)
However, Dolores in her blanket statement that “illness is something you bring on yourself” ignores the multitude of factors over which you have no control: your dna, the health and nutrition of your ancestors, your mother’s nutrition during her pregnancy with you, how well you were fed as a child, the economics and the political instability of the times that would even enable the availability of wholesome food & necessities of life. And what about the cleanliness of the water & air, whether or not your home had lead paint, whether you were exposed to multiple toxins, whether you were overly vaccinated, experienced high stress levels in the home and larger community, or trauma at any point in your life?  
Dolores like Dr. Michael Newton, author of Life Between Lives, believes that you pick your parents in a pre-birth planning session. But while many people in hypnotic regression have reported that to be what happened to them, can we know that everybody picks their parents or just some? Is it possible that for some the parents are chosen for them? And even if you did choose them, it doesn’t seem realistic that you signed up for everything that came along with those individuals such as every inherited body weakness, potential disease, and possible element from a long line of ancestors on both sides that could impinge upon your health over your lifetime. 
I am picking on my hypnosis colleague Dolores whom I both knew personally, and heard speak live many times at conferences over several years, because she like many in the New Age community that are enamored with the Law of Attraction, and the power of our mind and emotion to create reality, are overly simplistic and ignore the many factors and other forces involved. While she has justly received respect and acknowledgement for her work, we should not blindly accept her dogmatic conclusions as if they are literal truth when they are just her beliefs and theories. All hypnotically retrieved information has to be validated carefully and never accepted at face value. 

Difficulty in making definitive, accurate conclusions from client work utilizing hypnosis.

Because it is very difficult to ascertain the factual accuracy of anything reported in hypnosis, states have strict guidelines in whether or not and how they will allow any testimony in court where memory was hypnotically refreshed. Persons in hypnosis can lie, create a total fantasy, and mix true elements with falsehood. While in hypnosis, they are highly suggestible and can be led knowingly or not by the hypnotist to come to believe that something happened that did not.

Limits to mental causation of reality

What has repeatedly annoyed me with Dolores (and others) despite her voluminous body of interesting material, is in presenting her work as factual when the truth is that hypnosis is a creative process. It cannot be considered research. Hopefully, it is utilized to be therapeutic. But sometimes, it is just total fantasy. 
If you are interested in delving into the limits of hypnosis to extract true information, contact me at for a free 30 page pdf on False Memory.

My Personal Bias

Beliefs, attitudes, as well as some driving forces in my life’s path.

Since friends and followers know that I work with clients, write self-help books and teach classes, you should be aware of my underlying beliefs and attitudes. So here they are:

  • I identify myself, and believe others to be, inherently good, worthy, loved and cherished.

I consider that I am a “chip off the old block” of the Great Intelligence that created all that is, and not damned because some mythical couple in the very dim past of the Book of Genesis ate an apple. Nor does a rib make me as a woman less than a man.

I believe that all naturally created life forms have a purpose, right to exist and an intrinsic (even if undiscovered) value

  • I think that the Great Intelligence plays by creating and exploring different possibilities, experiences, and learning through it’s creations.

This means that I believe that our deepest desires for our life and chosen work are holy and need to be respected.

  • I imagine being already recognized and accepted into an inner circle of mutual admiration and support with those famous, outstanding leaders and others that I deeply respect, admire and choose to pattern myself after.

This helps me to develop my potential, and with a deep breath to offer my gifts to the world without undue humility. It also sets up opportunities for me to do so.

  • I attempt to connect with what I consider Source.

This provides energy, guidance and support.

  • I am aware of unseen spiritual forces that are on my team.

I feel that there is an invisible group assisting me in my life. In some areas, I may be the one in baseball terminology ‘on base’, making the decisions of when to swing and choosing where to aim, while they are watching and cheering me on from the bleachers, perhaps wincing at my misses.

But in other areas such as my writing and client work, I am very aware of a collaborative effort especially as I ask for help. Sometimes I am very clear that ideas and information are being fed into my mind from an external source. And these ideas, metaphors, analogies or suggestions turn out to be precisely what my client needs. The more I focus on being of service to someone else, the more I am fed good ideas and information by a spiritual source. I seem to tap into the field of consciousness where all information is stored and available because of a genuine ‘need to know’.

  • I try to remember to notice and to connect with the beauty, natural rhythm and healing power of nature.

Fortunately, some benefit rubs off by proximity even if I am not paying attention. So I  live in a rural area, which is neither too isolated, nor too close to neighbors so that I can enjoy the tranquility and scenery.

  • I believe that I have something of value to offer and have a passionate drive to express that and leave a legacy behind for the benefit of those that follow.
  • And I feel strongly that each of us has some wisdom that needs to be passed on to future generations.  It is an awful waste if this is lost.

It gives me an incredible satisfaction and burst of energy to work on an article, book, help a client, or prepare to teach a class no matter how time consuming because I feel I am living on my purpose. 

This simple spiritual that I have sung as a child sums up my determination:

  • I hold an absolute clear intention and a nothing-withheld determination to release all blocks, known and unknown, to my full healing now for this lifetime and all others. 
  • I have an absolute commitment to help others who are willing to do the same.

Change is required for any kind of healing. And commitment for that change is a prerequisite.

  • Whenever possible, I express the sheer joy of life through music and dance.

I believe that life is a precious gift meant to be celebrated. This plus love makes it worth living.

My question to you:

  • What central attitudes or beliefs do you hold that guide your life?
  • What wisdom – big or small – have you gained?

I am interested in your answers.

Copyright 1/26/2019 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and links to and are included with the content.

Dowsing on Goals – Big and Small

Goals come in all categories, big and small, short and long-term, internal and external, and dowsing can help with all of them.

Added to what is already known about successful goal setting like SMART goals from business coaches and motivational speakers, and manifesting principles from the New Thought Movement, is the importance of tapping into and listening to the voice within to identify:

  • your core values,
  • your direction in life (this is your core intention also called your ‘why’), and to
  • develop and receive on-going guidance and support in following that path from the inner voice of wisdom within.  

This allows for amazing things to happen that are also deeply soul satisfying.

On the mundane side

You can write down your short term goals (daily or weekly). This is your ‘to do’ list that is a reminder of both what has to be done right now and what you would like to accomplish today. You can then dowse out your priorities of what to focus upon, and the order in which to tackle them. You can dowse over the yellow pages, a Google listing, Angie’s List, to determine who to call for help. As problems come up to be solved, you can write down a list of possible reasons and another on possible solutions, and dowse these lists out. 

Identifying and Clearing Resistance

If you encounter inner resistance on attending to important tasks, or goals that you say you want or need to do, you can use dowsing charts and checklists to locate the reasons for self-sabotage or procrastination: negative beliefs, judgments, doubt and fear, bad memories, and unresolved upsets or trauma. Should you find any of these inner underlying reasons for being stuck, you can then dowse with clear intent to heal, clear or otherwise to resolve them.

You can also dowse for your level of allowance versus level of resistance for accomplishing any given task or goal. This is done using a percentage chart. With dowsing you can both ask to raise your motivation or level of acceptance of that goal, or lower your resistance to it doing the work –  providing that doing so is acceptable on the ‘soul’ level.

Why you need to find your ‘Why’

Whatever your goal, you cannot ignore your soul desires or push against your ‘prime directive’. After a prolonged time of being severely off course and ignoring all the warning bells, your soul can revolt, perhaps setting up ‘accidents’, illness and other serious problems as an ‘opportunity’ for you to reconsider what you are doing and correct.   

Dowsing medium to long-range goals

List what you would like to achieve in the major areas of your life: health, love, relationships, family, home, community, fun/recreation, travel, work, financial, personal growth, spiritual, etc. These would include those things that you want to achieve this year, over the next 5, 10 or lifetime goals. Then go inside and dowse out the strength of strong motivating energy each goal has for you consciously, subconsciously, and finally on a soul level. Focus your efforts on those with the biggest energetic pull. 

Goals fall into categories:

  1. internal or external – you decide what you want or need to do, or someone else sets them and requires you to comply. 
  2. have deadline dates for completion or are open ended.  
  3. have strong negative consequences for not doing them or are without sufficiently clear negative consequences
  4. have strong positive payoffs that motivate you towards action or lack sufficient rewards
  5. clearly relate strongly to your core values or don’t
  6. clearly relate strongly to your core purpose/mission/direction in life or don’t
  7. relate to just everyday, routine needs (your ‘to do’ list) or deal with the bigger picture for your life
  8. relate strongly to resolving your on-going issues, negative repeating patterns or not
  9. relate to resolving a crisis or emergency situation or not
  10. relate to creating balance in all areas of life or are just focused on one area

One reason that New Year’s Resolutions fail is when they are often just things that ‘would be nice’ if they happened. They may sound good, but lack real strategy, a deadline to finish, or a burning desire to see it to the end. They may sound like things your mother would like you to do like ‘clean up your room’.

What’s your passion?

Goals that tend to get done even when they require tremendous effort are those for which you are committed. You have burning desire – like getting married, or moving into your own home. 

I have lots of examples of this from my own life. So watch for an upcoming blog coming soon called “Under, Over, Around and Through”.

Dowsing the Big Picture

Dowsing can also assist you to assess your skills, talents, personality traits, preferences, likes and dislikes, and narrow down your interests to help you identify your life path and primary goals. This is the part that Mark Hurwich and I will spend most of our time discussing on a free teleconference call February 12.

COMING UP: Free Teleconference sponsored by the American Society of Dowsers.

On Tuesday, February 12, Mark Hurwich, who helps people discover their Core Intention, and I will be discussing an expanded version of goal setting applied to dowsing that includes “Finding Your Why” . The time is 8 PM Eastern. While anyone can listen live, the recording will be available for Members only.

Call information: 

Dial (646) 876-9923, enter Participant Code# 443-333-280, & press # at next prompt.

Copyright 1/2019 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and links to and are included with the content.

Finding Your Why!

The end of December and beginning of January are traditional times to reflect on the year past and set goals for the year ahead. People think about getting rid of bad habits and accomplishing a long list of things that they have never been able to do before. Yet unless they do something different, it is likely that these goals will not get done this year either.

New Year’s Resolutions tend to wither on the vine before February rolls around. Setting goals, making ‘to do’ lists, and having the best of intentions are simply not good enough. You have to have a big enough reason, a reason to get off the couch, a reason to do a bunch of things you don’t like or are outside of your comfort zone especially when you are tired, stressed, or there is a good movie on Netflix. This is what I call finding your ‘why’. 

Why New Year’s Resolutions and Goals Fail

In an earlier blog article “When Goals Lack Luster”I addressed part of why people do not achieve what they would like. Here they are:

  1. The goals are not really your goals. They sound good but really belong to someone else, hence, they don’t inspire you to take action. 
  2. Internal conflicts – there is a part of you that wants it, but also a part that doesn’t. Until you resolve it, you are literally fighting yourself.
  3. You either do not have a big enough reason or cannot see the connection to your core values or soul path to do the work necessary and overcome whatever challenges are involved.
  4. Negative beliefs, assumptions, and judgments
  5. Not knowing how to achieve these goals, who to turn to for help, the first steps to take, and not having faith that you can figure these things out as you go along.

But here, I would like to address #3 — finding the underlying reason why you want what you want especially focusing on your core values and primary life direction. This reason, which I call your ‘Why’ also relates to ‘Relevant’ in SMART goals listed below.

What are SMART goals?

SMART is an acronym for each element that needs to be in place for goal achievement:  

  • Specific (clear, concise goals writen down and described in detail),
  • Measurable (allowing you to track your progress with end date in mind ),
  • Achievable (challenging yet doable),
  • Relevant (fit in with your core values, overall life plan or purpose), and
  • Time-based (with dates for each part of the process).

To Achievable listed above, I would add that you need to BELIEVE that this goal is achievable even if no one has done it before, and you don’t have a clue yet how to do it yourself.

Setting SMART goals is commonly talked about in business circles because it takes goal setting out of the realm of fuzzy thinking into a clear action plan enhancing the likelihood of results.

A recent example of finding your WHY:

Right after Thanksgiving I took a train from Charlottesville, Virginia to New Jersey, picked up my son’s van and most essential belongings and drove about 3200 miles or 8 hours/day most days for 8 days to get them out to California in time for my son to start work at a job that he had only just gotten only a couple of weeks before. I had to hustle to schedule, organize, instruct caretakers for my farm, get animal houses cleaned, feed purchased, and everything ready, including getting my other businesses taken care of to make this happen.

Now, I should tell you that I hate driving and dislike leaving home especially when I don’t know where I am going and have to set up my own travel arrangements and accommodations along the way. I procrastinate endlessly when I have to go somewhere, usually waiting until the last moment. I worry incessantly about other people taking good care that my pets and farm animals are kept safe, well fed and sheltered appropriately, greenhouse and other plants watered, doors locked, etc. There are enough problems and emergencies that come up when I am here all day for me to tell you that these fears are based in reality.

And yet I offered to do this. Why? I had a big enough reason. I saw it as the only realistic solution that would allow my only child to start his wonderful new job on time, a job that would enhance the well-being of his entire family and fulfill their cherished dreams. And because of that reason, I put everything aside and got it done.

As a hypnotherapist, I work with a lot of smokers. Most important to their success is in having them identify their ‘why’. What do they want more than a cigarette? No one stops smoking because it is a good or healthy thing to do, or it costs too much, or other people are nagging them. No one stops even if doctors tell them that they have to stop. Lots of people continue to smoke after heart attacks, getting emphysema or cancer.  They only stop when they want something MORE.  

When your reason is clear and big enough, anything is possible. You will amaze yourself and others with what you can do. 

So as you look at your year ahead and what you would like to see happen this year, ask yourself

What is my ‘Why’?


Once you know that, then ask

And if it could work, how would it work?


Copyright 1/2019 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and links to and are included with the content.



When Goals Lack Luster

Confronting Your Malaise

Sometimes knowing what you want is fuzzy. Perhaps you have a vague feeling of wanting something more. Maybe you feel bored, stuck,  dissatisfied, restless or uneasy in your present situation, job, relationship, home, location. While some people just ‘suck it up’ and push forward with their normal routine anyway, thereby keeping their job and relationships intact, others self-medicate with food, booze, entertainment, etc. Some quit their jobs, leave their spouse, and go off to ‘find’ themselves and explore different options without any serious thought or destination in mind.

But staring your malaise in the face to clarify what is going on, and what you authentically want as opposed to what your family, society and the advertisers always hungry for your wages have programmed you to want, is something every adult needs to address in order to achieve real life satisfaction. Next follows the need to develop and follow a plan to make it happen.

External versus Internal Goals–what do you want?

Many times a person doesn’t achieve or follow through with their goals because they are not excited or inspired sufficiently to undertake the long-term and sustained action required for real achievement. Such goals may sound good. They may bring the approval of friends and family. While such goals may fall into the category of  being ‘practical’, ‘realistic’, socially respected, and lead to financial security, it is still important to tie anything to which you are going to be spending a lot of time, money, effort on doing to ultimately lead to deep, internal satisfaction for you. And while the road to your goal might involve learning and mastering a lot of things that do not interest you, it is doable IF you

keep your WHY in central focus.

For example, when I decided that I wanted to become an opera singer, the training required not only voice lessons, but piano lessons, music theory, learning foreign languages, dance and movement classes, memorization, and practicing vocal scales – the most boring of all. But I had supportive friends that sent me a card that inspired me. The card started with a fund-raising brochure put out by the Metropolitan Opera in NYC. The front pictured a legendary fat soprano with the words “The MET needs you!” To this, my friends put my name. So the card now read “The MET needs you, Roxanne”. This sat on my piano music stand encouraging me to do those ‘stupid’ scales. Oh, as postscript, I did go later to work at the MET first as Executive Secretary to the Orchestra Manager, and later singing onstage in the chorus multiple times with visiting reknown ballet companies. 

What Mama (or Dad) Wants

Many parents insist that their offspring follow goals that they have chosen for them – doctor, lawyer, Indian Chief. These include academic, sports, or creative as well as professional pursuits.

For example, in my youth, many children were unwillingly pushed into music lessons and the daily practice. But even though the goal was external to the child, that child may have later developed their own joy of making music and pursued it willingly, developing enough skill to please themselves and others. And whether music became a professional pursuit later on or not, that forced musical education had multiple benefits in teaching self-discipline, striving for excellence, appreciation for music and creating something of beauty. It might have also become a satisfying hobby or part-time way of making additional money. The same can be true of other externally applied goals.

But long term, trying to live out someone else’s dream or goals for you tends to lack passion and backfire even if on the surface it sounds laudable and your head says that you should want it. Like so many New Year’s Resolutions, the work towards such goals peters out unless it is clearly seen as a means to an end you really want for yourself.

If the driving motivation of ‘nice’ or ‘should goals’ is external and not coming from inside your core self, knowing then how to communicate with your core self is hugely helpful to clarify the direction of your long-term and soul satisfying path.

Obstacles, or why don’t you have what you want already?

Perhaps, after embarking upon your own goals, you run into a problem or conflict you didn’t know you had. For example, in a hypnosis seminar, the instructor asked us all to visualize a personal goal as if we already had achieved it. Mine was to be able to buy a big, beautiful house. Initially thrilled imaging that this house was mine, I then noticed that I was quickly disquieted. Who was going to clean it? I have always disliked housework. I would have to hire people to help me, and this brought up an uncomfortable feeling of having ‘servants’, of being the employer, boss, of being on elevated position over others, telling others what to do. Where did this come from? Had resentment against the ruling class, of master versus slave, boss versus worker, lord versus peasant somehow creeped into my DNA from ancestors past? Had I identified from characters in books, history class or had I had unpleasant experiences in possible past lives? 

Whatever the source, internal conflicts will always sabotage your efforts and have to be resolved.

But even once you know what the conflict is, you may not know how to resolve it. There may be aspects to achieving your objective that involve learning new things, developing knowledge or skills in which you have no interest or actively dislike. You may lack belief in yourself to overcome them. Such challenges may bring up past humiliation or pain.

You have to have a big enough reason to overcome challenges. Why do you want what you want?

Without a clear, driving vision of the end goal and the belief in yourself that you can overcome whatever challenges that come up, you will lose momentum. Obstacles have the potential of putting your dreams into the closet where they gather dust and die if you don’t have the tools, the belief in yourself, the motivation and vision to get through the challenge. Knowing how to brainstorm for solution is a big help here with dowsing being of major assistance.

Journaling for Goal Setting and Problem Resolution

Writing forces you to clarify things. Write down one question at a time and then attempt to answer it. If you don’t know how to dowse, journal. In journaling, write as if you were speaking bluntly with a trusted friend without any self-censorship. Then go back and reread everything you have written, rewriting it ever more concisely until you can sum up the essence into a short paragraph or sentence and you feel comfortable that you have ‘nailed it’. If not, keep writing until you do. 

Challenge negative beliefs

Where you find negative beliefs or judgments, worry or fear, challenge them. Who says you can’t ____? Who says that it’ll never work? Instead, ask the question:

If it could work, how would it work?

Every goal has challenges, and every challenge is a call for you to rise to the occasion and grow. Going through the process leads to increased abilities, confidence, self-esteem and a real feeling of accomplishment.

fullsizeoutput_2cAnother way to resolve your malaise is to just focus on a question in meditation or self-hypnosis and let it roll around in your mind without needing an immediate answer. I do this through the Infinite Intelligence Process, which is a modality I have put together in a book entitled Accessing More – Tapping Into the Eternal, Unlimited Self with the Infinite Intelligence Process.  

Under the section called ‘Connect’, there is the opening phrase, “There’s a part of me that knows _____, and that part is _____ (guiding me now, bringing that information into conscious awareness, assisting me to do this in a way in which I am really pleased, etc.).” Here again, just allow yourself to drift into a meditative/self hypnotic state. Hold the question in mind without needing an answer. Over time, your subconscious mind will bring things to your attention, and synchronicities will occur.

Below are some sample questions to ask: 

  • Why am I feeling ____ regarding ____?  
  • What is underneath this feeling of _____?
  • If I could support myself anywhere, where would I want to live?
  • How could I support myself living in ____ (name of location)?
  • How could I support myself doing ____ while living in ____?
  • If I could support myself doing anything I like, what would be most satisfying to my soul? 
  • What does my spirit want to do ____ (now, short term, long term, as my life’s work)?
  • What kind of work can I do right now that would help me to eventually be able to do/become ____ in the future?
  • What kind of work is most in keeping with my soul desired life’s path?
  • What kind of work combines my main interests and abilities?

Writing Dowsing Charts and Checklists

Finding the right answers starts with asking the right questions. 

In my opinion, dowsing is the fastest way to gather information, determine the underlying dynamics, and solve problems of any sort. Start with writing down your question on the top of a page. Next, brainstorm possible answers in a list format or spread out in a fan or circle format. Include the word ‘other’. 

If you are working with a list, then turn the page to the side so the widest part of the page is on the horizontal line. Without looking at the words, but either with relaxed eyes staring into space, or focused at the bottom of the page, hold the pendulum in your hand and let it pull your hand in the direction of the appropriate line. Then look, and read what it says.

For example, if you were trying to figure out your emotions, you would list possible emotions, including the word other. Then you would ask:

  • What is the main reason I am feeling ____ about ____?
  • What is the next main reason I am feeling ____ about ____?

Continue, until there are no more emotions indicated. 

Next, because emotions come from beliefs, judgments or thoughts, write a list of possible ones, such as “people should (or shouldn’t) do ____”. Then dowse:

  • What is main thought or judgment underneath this feeling of _____?
  • What is next main thought or judgment underneath this feeling of _____?

Keep brainstorming and dowsing until you have a complete picture. Then work on addressing/healing any issues uncovered. Some of this work will entail straight forward problem solving, such as the below:

  • Who can help me with ____?
  • What are my next steps? (dowse out priorities)
  • Is anything preventing me from moving forward with this?
  • How motivated am I to do what it takes to accomplish this goal? 
  • Do I have any fears or limiting beliefs that ___ (are likely to, could) sabotage me in achieving this? If you get a ‘yes’, brainstorm what they might be and dowse out.
  • How can I make this required task easier, interesting or even fun?

Working below the level of conscious awareness

In some cases, you will not identify the cause of your malaise or failure. I then suggest  turning over the healing/resolution to what some call the ‘healer within’ or one’s spiritual dimension. I do this again with the Infinite Intelligence Process as listed earlier, “There’s a part of me that knows… and is doing so now.”

But there is another part to that process that is called “Process”. It installs a stress management program either with dowsing, meditation or hypnosis and then turns the healing over. For example, “From the perspective of my High Self, process and ____ (heal, clarify, release, resolve) ____ in a way in which I am really pleased.” If I am doing this with dowsing, I add “Take action now with the pendulum, and let me know when it is complete.” Both techniques are fully described in my book Accessing More–Tapping Into the Wisdom Within with the Infinite Intelligence Process.

In conclusion,

Overcoming malaise and obstacles in reaching your goals is made infinitely easier when you have a big enough ‘why’, when they are your goals, and you work with your inner resources every step of the way. I look forward to hearing about your own journey.

Copyright 1/9/2019 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and links to and are included with the content.