Dowsing Without Permission

Recently someone called me for my professional help. Unfortunately, he called at a very bad time. While I said that I couldn’t help him that moment or even that day, nonetheless, I would him back later to get more information on what he wanted. I suggested something he do in the meantime that might be helpful.

Before we hung up, he sensed something off in my energy, and asked me if I was going through something. I said that ‘yes’ I was dealing with major technological issues with a computer program. [I was right in the middle of designing a new cover for one of my books, and the page kept flipping off the screen, the font and all type settings kept switching to a default setting I didn’t want, and I was going bonkers with trying to get it done for a meeting with the printer today. It had been working on it for hours. I was also pressed for time because I had to finish the cover before I could close down the computer, and late to get out the door to feed and lock up my farm animals for the night.  I had spent the entire week searching for a 194 page manuscript that a computer repairman had deleted from my back up hard drive along with 30 years worth of other writing including books, charts, manuals, correspondence . He was able to retrieve only a portion of it.So, yes, I was stressed and the tension must have been in my voice.

There had been other major problems, but I didn’t want to go into it. After all, this was not a friend or relative, not someone I even knew, and certainly, you do not ever discuss your personal issues with clients or potential ones. 

Anyway, when I called him back, he said that following my suggestion he now felt great. But now he wanted to ‘share’ what he picked up on me and tell me how to deal with it. The problem was that I hadn’t asked for his help. I had not given him permission to dowse or tune in with me to do a psychic reading. But because I felt that he was probably a good, decent, kind hearted man just wanting to be helpful, I was polite instead of rudely cutting him off. Nonetheless, the interchange bothered me.

This minor incident brings up some guidelines that we need to talk about in the dowsing  community. 

Here’s what bothered me:

  • Unsolicited dowsing or psychic readings are a form of snooping, spying, and are not ethical. They are an invasion of privacy. 
  • They are a betrayal of trust that others respect your psychic boundaries, and negate building a relationship with them in the future.
  • It is presumptuous that anyone without taking the time to do a detailed, lengthy  interview could possibly know what is going on in someone else’s life or advise them.
  • It can be considered arrogant to tell someone how they might address their problems without knowing all the details from a lengthly conversation–
    • what they already know,
    • what they have already been doing about it,
    • and what the results have been.
    • Otherwise you are insulting them.

While psychics and empaths may have no training or professional guidelines to follow, dowsers who have undergone any training program of value have been told that

  • you must have permission to dowse by the person for whom you are going to dowse in advance– not by their friend or spouse, but the person himself or the person with legal custody or authority has to initiate the request. You do not dowse first, and then ask to share later. If you haven’t been asked, you don’t dowse at all!

ONLY AFTER BEING ASKED, do you should proceed to ask what you consider Divine Spirit:

  •  ‘Can I, May I, Should I’?

But, I repeat YOU MUST BE ASKED to dowse! Some people skip this. DON’T.

Good intentions are NOT good enough.

Remember, that accuracy in all dowsing and intuitive work comes after a long, period of hard work. You may think you are getting permission from your true spiritual guidance to dowse or do a reading, but that thought can also come from your ego, trickster energy, not high level guidance. It is important to practice discernment in selecting someone to work with. If I don’t know you, or know you well enough to have earned my trust and confidence, I don’t want you dowsing for me.

Further, you may think that you know what someone is feeling and why they are feeling that way and what to do about it because it resonates with something within you. But your thoughts are about you and your history, not about the other person.


From every situation, there is much to learn.

VENTING EXERCISE – Writing a letter you do NOT send.  

While this entire blog post is a vent for me of something I have observed for a while, I thought it might potentially be something that could help you as well. Hence, I posted it. 

In retrospect, here what I could or should have said:

Thank you for wanting to be of assistance. But I don’t know you or your qualifications before I would feel comfortable launching into the details. Nor do I have the time to do so now. It is also a violation of my professional code of ethics to discuss any personal issues with clients or potential ones.

 I would have preferred if you had first asked me for permission to ___ (dowse/ tune into me psychically). As it is, I am somewhat uncomfortable. I feel as if was a violation of my privacy even though you are now asking for permission to share what you found. While I feel that you are good, kind-hearted person just wanting to help, I do not want to go into what is going on.

If you want to be of service, I would appreciate it if you would simply bless me by holding a positive vision of me ____ (sorting out all of my technical issues so that books are beautifully and professionally printed to great acclaim, etc.). For that, I would be grateful. Thank you.”

ReleasingAngerCoverpngIn my book, Releasing Anger Without Killing Anyone, and the workshops that I am teaching both at the Heartland Hypnosis Conference in St. Louis, Missouri on April 29, and the HypnoExpo in Daytona Beach, Florida on May 17, I recommend writing a letter to fully ventilate everything you WANTED to say but didn’t, and wished that you had. 

Get it all out in the most truthful, blunt manner. Then go back over and refine it to get to the core issue/s. If you later will want, need, or expect to talk to this person later, your un-mailed letter will have clarified the crux of what bothered you, and what you want instead so that your next conversation can be more productive.

Once done,  you can move on to a THANK YOU NOTE you also do NOT send. 

This makes you cognizant of what you learned as a result of the unpleasant interchange (and there is ALWAYS something of value to be gained). When you can acknowledge that you learned or grew a lot perhaps out of necessity, perhaps out of personal commitment to do so, or perhaps just as a natural response to the situation, it assists you to then release any negative emotions regarding that experience. Ask yourself the question, “What can I learn from this to ____ (be better, grow, improve my ____)?” “How could I have handled it better?” Then write down as many things as you can think of.

“Dear ______, thank you for inspiring me with material for this blog article.

Thank you for helping me ____ (learn to, forgive myself for, clarify, set better boundaries, speak up for myself, stop conversations immediately when they are spiraling downwards, come up with a helpful strategy to use next time, etc.)____.

WHAT About the Other Guy? What could he have done differently?

There are always times when we sense that something is ‘off’ when we are speaking with someone. It can be as simple as they are in the middle of something, they have someone on the other phone line, or are running out to an appointment, or the cat just vomited on the rug, etc.

There is no problem asking, but leave it alone if the other person does not want to talk about it, or talk to you, or then, or ___. Do not pursue it through dowsing or any psychic means. Rather just hold a positive image of them at their best – happy, healthy, centered, etc.

  • “Is this a bad time? Would you like to call me back? Can I give you my phone number and you call me when it is a good time?” 
  • “You sound ___ (stressed, tired, etc.). Are you okay? Would you like to talk about it?”
  • “I am a ___ (dowser, empath, psychic, etc.). Would you like my assistance to check on something for you?
  • “Can I help you in any way?”

Post Script: By the way, those familiar with the Law of Attraction, may have noted that I am speaking on Releasing Anger at two conferences coming up shortly. So the Universe has given me an opportunity to practice what I preach and to further expand upon the exercises I had already planned for the classes. The Universe has such a sense of humor!!!

For more information on Ethics see the blog articles below. Even while I talk about dowsing, these ethical considerations apply to any form of counseling, hypnosis, or therapeutic work:

Dowsing Ethics —“Above all, do no harm” 

Dowsing Ethics, Part 2: What Not to Do!


Copyright 3/28/2019 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and links to and are included with the content.



Pendulums and Hypnosis

The Historical Connection Between Hypnosis and Pendulums



The Swinging Pocket Watch — Creating Trance with Eye Fixation

The 19th century Scottish physician who coined the term ‘hypnosis’, Dr. James Braid,  found that staring creates a hypnotic state. Hence, many old-time hypnotists used a swinging pendulum (sometimes a pocket watch on a chain) for that purpose.

The object would be held slightly above the client’s eye level so he had to look up at an angle. The client would be asked to stare while suggestions were given for eye fatigue, closure and hypnosis. For example, “as you stare at the pendulum moving back and forth,  your eyes are getting sleepier and sleepier, you’re becoming more and more relaxed, and your eyes want to close right down. That’s right, closing right down now. Sleep!”

Ideomotor Response

My first introduction to a pendulum came with my initial hypnosis training with Dick Harte in 1989. He called it Chevreul’s Pendulum after the 19th century French scientist, Michel Eugene Chevreul, who found that it was a way to elicit an ideomotor response –those small unconscious movements that are caused in response to our thoughts. Thought alone could cause a small weight on a string to move. If the mind could be programmed to cause the pendulum to move in one direction when the answer was ‘yes’, and another direction when the answer was ‘no’, then information below the level of conscious awareness could be obtained. While kinesiology is another way to solicit unconscious information with a ‘yes’ and ‘no’ response, using a pendulum is much easier on the body.  

Today, hypnotists are less likely to create an ideomotor response with a pendulum. Instead, the more frequent method used is to induce hypnosis and then program the client to indicate his response to questions with finger movements instead. Once hypnotized, it is suggested to the client that he lift a specific finger when the answer is ‘yes’, another to mean ‘no’, and perhaps a third finger lifting to mean ‘I don’t know’. The advantage of this finger method is that the client does not have to continue to hold the pendulum throughout the hypnosis, which can last a long time.

Whereas the advantage of the pendulum is that the client does not have to be hypnotized or to even close his eyes to signal the true feelings of his subconscious mind. And further, that the client can do it on his own to get answers for himself. And as you already read , the hypnotist can easily transition from eye fixation with the pendulum to trance induction.

Uncovering the Buried Origins of Problems in the Subconscious Mind

It is extremely important to develop a way to determine your true beliefs and inner feelings. All too often you don’t know. You may repress them, or lie to yourself. And while some of the root cause of issues can be recovered through hypnotic age or past life regression, the negative judgments and trauma causing a problem may be so buried in time, may have been absorbed in the womb from someone else, and the resulting fears so deep that it was passed on from our ancestors along with the DNA–all things that you can never discover consciously. Talk therapy will never reach it. Other methods have to be employed, and dowsing is one way to do so.

Dowsing is the fastest way to tap into the subconscious mind for answers!

Learning to dowse (the art of tapping into your subconscious and Higher Guidance with a tool such as a pendulum as the read-out device) is perhaps the easiest way to develop your intuition and self awareness, your inner wisdom and other resources for guidance and resolution of issues. Not only can you find out why you repeatedly procrastinate or self-sabotage, but you can then do something about it by correcting erroneous ideas, internal fears, conflicts, and traumas.

Talking to the Subconscious Mind with the Pendulum

If you learn to dowse with a pendulum, you could ask, “On an subconscious level, how committed am I to ____ (stop smoking, follow through with ____)?” You could turn to a percentage chart such as the one below, and ask, “On a scale of 0 to 100, to what degree is my subconscious willing to _____?” 

YesNoLangChrtHere is a chart from Dale Olson that you can download free from his website, [Dale has written a number of dowsing chart books that are available for purchase.]

What questions can the hypnotist ask while the client is holding the pendulum?

Once the client has ‘yes’ and ‘no’ response movements established, the hypnotist could follow with questions to find out the extent of unconscious resistance or cooperation, and more. He could even turn it into the full therapy, which is precisely what dowsers do. For example,

  • “Unconscious mind, do you know the cause of _____’s (name) problem of ____?”
  • “Is there only one cause? Are there two? three or more?”
  • “Do we need to know what caused this problem of ___ in order to ____ (heal, resolve or release it)?” [If you get a ‘yes’, then you will have to ask a lot more questions in or out of hypnosis.]
  • “Are you, unconscious mind, willing to assist (name of client) to ____ (heal, resolve, or release any further need for that problem of _____)?
  • “Are you, unconscious mind, willing to assist (name of client) to do _____ instead?
  • Can you, unconscious mind,  _____ (heal/resolve/release any further need for that problem)?
  • “Are you willing to do so now?”
  • “Then close your eyes and do so, and don’t reopen them until you are done. Start now.”

Using the Pendulum as a Suggestibility Test. 

At the beginning of the first meeting with a client, the hypnotist might want to know how amenable to suggestion or resistant (fearful) that client is. This will effect the type of approach used with that client. Is an authoritarian (telling the client what he will experience) or permissive (suggesting possible things he may or may not experience) approach going to work better? Does the client have a need to be in control out of fear that has to be addressed up front? 


How to Do the Suggestibility Test

Place a picture of a large circle with a vertical and a horizontal line crossing in the middle similar to the one above from my colleague Cal Banyon’s website, hypnosis Have the client sit or stand directly over the paper, and hold a pendulum a couple of inches off the center of the crossing point. Ask him to stare at the diagram and move his eyes up and down the line. Then say as you move your finger up and down “As your eyes move up and down the line, ____ [choose one of below]

Permission Approach: “you may find that there is a tendency for the pendulum to begin to move up and down the line as well.”

Authoritarian Approach: “the pendulum will begin to move up and down the line as well.” 

 Once the pendulum is moving from either approach, switch to moving the eyes side to side along the horizontal line. Either way, movement indicates the client’s openness to suggestion by the hypnotist. If the pendulum does not move at all, he is ‘resistant’, which only means that he possibly being so analytical that he is getting in the way, that he is saying it is humbug, or that he needs to be in control and work against any suggestion given to him.

20190411_dowsing cover
If you want to learn Pendulum Dowsing, I  have an entire pendulum training manual, Therapeutic Dowsing and Telepathic Healing, that will provide the information and materials to develop this into a very sophisticated art to help yourself and others.

All day workshop coming up at the

Grace Wellness Center

Saturday, April 4, 2020 in Meredith, NH

for further information, click here: 

Copyright 3/23/2019 and updated 3/9/2020 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and links to and are included with the content.


The Infinite Intelligence Process


For the past several years, I have been teaching others how to tap into the wisdom within both to solve problems with ease and grace, and to relieve stress in minutes with a modality that I developed and call The Infinite Intelligence Process. It can be used anytime, anyplace by ordinary persons to help themselves as well as by hypnotherapists and mental health professionals with sometimes profound results. Yet it is easy to both learn and apply through one of my short workshops or even right out of my book, Accessing More–Tapping Into the Wisdom Within with the Infinite Intelligence Process

What is this inner wisdom and how can you access it?

    • Have you ever had the experience of tapping into something More–more than you are aware of knowing or being able to do consciously? 
    • And has this More allowed you the ability to accomplish the difficult with ease and grace? 
    • Did it allow you to succeed even though success was considered unlikely or even impossible? 
    • Was it there just when you needed it? 
    • And did it solve a problem in the most perfect way?

fullsizeoutput_1d6Certainly, I have on multiple occasions, and I have heard the stories of others as well. Whether it is suddenly being able to solve problems that had previously defied solution, having creative breakthroughs, superhuman strength to save the life of another, or responding protocol perfect to a never before encountered emergency, people have amazed themselves and others when they have spontaneously accessed this greater wisdom, intelligence, strength, ability or knowledge. Sometimes it has come as a result of a necessity or out of nowhere during an emergency, and sometimes it has come in quiet moments after working on it for a prolonged period of time through normal conscious means and then letting their mind relax.

For example, I was awakened one morning with noise coming from my master bathroom. I found my five cats surrounding a copperhead snake that had gotten up into the ventilation system from the crawl space and pushed up the floor grate to get into the room. The snake was coiled up ready to attack, and kept rotating its head to watch each of the cats. What could I do? I had to protect my cats, prevent the snake from getting back down the floor grate and having access from the ventilation system to other parts of the house. I had to be sure to get it, dead or alive, completely out of the house without myself or my animals getting hurt. The way I responded turned out to be protocol perfect even though I had never been trained. How did I just naturally do everything right?

Another time, I found myself caught in a rip tide and rapidly pulled out to sea. I tried swimming to shore, but it didn’t work and I quickly got exhausted. I tried yelling and waving my arms for help, but those on shore didn’t notice and couldn’t hear me over the surf. I was getting wiped out with the waves and getting water in my mouth. Again, it seemed that I tapped into that something More to stay calm and focused on what I could do to stay alive.

Like a cat with nine lives, I have had many experiences starting from childhood that could have been dangerous, even fatal. I have also had many overwhelming responsibilities or pressures through which I sailed calmly. I have accomplished some amazing things with ease. You probably have done or know others who have done the same. Just google feats of superhuman strength and you will find many real life examples.

While necessity does motivate us to look deeper for ideas and strength, it certainly does not guarantee being able to do so as so many people blank or numb out, freeze or just panic. The questions for all of us are:

• How do we tap into that greater knowing, wisdom, ability or resources without it having to be an emergency, life or death situation? 

• How can we tune into whatever it is that allows us to handle life with greater ease and grace on a regular basis? 

• How can we routinely tune in and save ourselves a lot of time and energy, worry and frustration, fear and anger on or about upsetting events as well as ordinary everyday things–our job, relationships, daily life and responsibilities?

Some people may automatically jump to religious causation for all beneficial outcomes, and I do not dispute that miracles may occur. But it is my personal opinion that believing that all help comes from outside of us can actually limit the natural flow and development of what may inherently be an inside but undeveloped part of us. Instead, if we can consider that we are MORE than we think we are, we may be able to connect to the More that we truly are. I do not know or need to know where the demarcation ends of what is me at my highest and best and what goes beyond ‘me’.

Accessing More starts by adopting the open minded attitude that it is possible–that you are able to harness greater resources, wisdom and ability that go beyond the limitations of the ego and conscious mind, beyond the subconscious, to the spiritual dimension of the self that is further linked to an even greater consciousness. Start with a positive attitude and set an intention to do so.

Accessing More of both what is within and without is done below the level of conscious awareness. Simply quiet your mind, and go inside to the peaceful part of you, affirm your intention, and allow that inner something to do its work. This approach circumvents the ego, the mind games, circuitous thinking, internal and external blocks, and inhibiting energies that have prevented previous solution to the issue of concern. The process works to solve practical problems, relieve stress, and heal from long-standing issues–even sometimes those that have previously defied resolution. All aspects of your life can be addressed–mental, emotional, relationship, physical, financial, business, and spiritual.

This process can be used anytime, anyplace as a self-help tool by the ordinary person to help himself in real life situations. It can also be used for meditation, constructive self-programming, and in conjunction with other modalities. But hypnotherapists, dowsers, teachers, counselors, life coaches, energy healers, mental health practitioners, and others can also employ it as a full-fledged therapy. It draws upon the principles and practices of hypnosis, Neural Linguistic Programming, dowsing, meditation, prayer and many energy healing methods.

So what exactly is this More?

While it includes your subconscious mind that regulates all of your body functions, automatic behavior, physical, mental and emotional habits, directives and injunctions, beliefs, judgments, and memory, it goes beyond that. I believe that this More is primarily the eternal, infinite intelligence within you that is intrinsically linked to the ultimate consciousness behind all that is. Using this system increases your awareness that you are More than your ego, More than your body and local mind, and More than the individual, spiritual self that people call the soul, to something beyond.

Traditional religious circles say that this More is God, and exists totally outside and apart from the self, and is reachable through prayer, petition, ritual or sacrifice. Unfortunately, all too often prayers beg, whine, or plead in fear without really believing that help will come, or make things worse by focusing on the negative. Consequently, such practices can nullify such help.

Labeling or identifying this More is not important to access the benefits.

In fact, it can get you stuck and mired in mankind’s perpetual argument over philosophical and religious discussions that are, in the final analysis, unprovable and come down to a matter of beliefs. Whether right or wrong, true or false, your beliefs and attitude do make things easier or harder. So adopting a helpful attitude, a curious mind that holds a window of possibility when you desire to solve a problem or achieve a goal is crucial to your success.  

The Infinite Intelligence Process is one way to tap into what I call More.

It helps you to adopt an attitude that will make things easier and flow more readily. It makes a big difference in processing overload and releasing stress, and it does so in a very simple way that you can do anytime, any place. Let me show you how you can quickly and easily tap into that incredible wisdom and resources within you on a regular basis! 

Accessing More — Tapping into the Eternal, Unlimited Self with the Infinite Intelligence Process is available at for just $24.95 plus shipping.


This is a rewrite of an article originally done in 9/21/17. New copyright 3/20/19 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.  

Harness your anger to get better!

  • Have you ever thought of anger as an OPPORTUNITY to learn and grow?
  • Have you thought that it can prod to do something different and potentially find a better way?
  • That it can push you to go after a better relationship, job, location, home or car?
  • That in getting fed up you make a decision – a decision to change, to do something about your drinking or smoking or other habits, your health, your weight, your lifestyle, or to do a thousand other things you already know you need to do?
  • That it can impress upon you that you need to set better boundaries, to learn to communicate more clearly, to think before you speak or act, to not settle for less, to stand up for yourself, to ask questions instead of making assumptions?
  • That it can alert you to what needs to heal within yourself, old buried wounds, things from childhood, things you thought you got over long ago but didn’t, and motivate you to do something about it now?
  • And that it can cause you to take a good look at yourself and see what other people see in how you effect people, how you ignore, or upset them, how you take them for granted or give them the impression that they can take you for granted?
  • Have you considered that anger can be your TEACHER, your COACH?  
  • That it can nudge you off the couch and motivate you into taking much needed and long overdue action to create a life that is meaningful and satisfying? 

And have you considered that by using anger in this way, your life will get better?

Learn to harness your anger to help you to become a better person and improve your life.

Over a lifetime, both personally and professionally, I have had the ‘opportunity’ that pushed me to learn about the unconscious forces driving emotional reactions, choices, behavior, issues, and interpersonal problems. And because I like to sleep at night and did not like experiencing negative repeating patterns myself, I was motivated to learn, change and grow.

“Necessity is the Mother of invention.” 

What I did learn in order to help myself, helped others as well, and some profoundly so. I compiled much of it in a 154 page content rich manual, Releasing Anger Without Killing Anyone, to assist in facilitating clear communication, resolving internal and external conflicts, enhancing personal growth, and improving relationships of all kinds. Using this material, I have gained greater perspective and maturity. I am seldom triggered, and if I am, I immediately work to heal the causative factors. My sleep is greatly improved, and I have developed inner resources, resiliency and peace of mind. My clients and students also report positive results.


You can learn and teach much of this information right out of the books.

This is some of what the book covers.

  • ReleasingAngerCoverpngBecome aware of underlying beliefs, judgments, faulty assumptions or perceptions that cause anger!
  • Learn more effective communication skills to both avoid unnecessary problems and to address the ones you have!
  • Learn to maintain and regain balance and perspective quickly!
  • Set better boundaries!
  • Learn to fight clean and stop conversations from spiraling downwards!
  • Learn more effective coping skills!
  • Take effective action without the baggage of the past!
  • Use anger to grow in maturity and cast off leftovers of childhood!
  • Allow anger to locate and address your own unhealed wounds!
  • Understand the underlying dynamics of anger!
  • Learn to deal with what is instead of wasting precious energy in resistance!
  • Notice negative patterns and screw them up!
  • Understand and dissolve triggers!
  • Nip anger in the bud by noticing and taking action at the first warning signs!
  • Understand physical reasons for anger so you can address them!
  • Use anger as motivation for much needed healing and change!
  • Make your adversaries help you!
  • Learn the benefits of anger