Dowsers Can Make a Difference!

As Past President of the American Society of Dowsers, I send this message to dowsers everywhere, members and non-members alike, to inspire and empower you to use what you know to make a difference in the world!

FDR’s Words Are Most Appropriate Today:

In 1933 during the Great Depression Franklin D. Roosevelt said this in his first inaugural address. I believe it is pertinent to what we face today with the corona virus:

“let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” 

And then he adds:

“…we have still much to be thankful for.…”

“…our true destiny is not to be ministered unto but to minister to ourselves and to our fellow men.”

His full speech can be found here:

FDR’s words sum up how we might respond constructively to this pandemic:

  1. Stay out of fear.
  2. Refocus on gratitude.
  3. Instead of looking for someone to fix things for us, do what we can to take care of ourselves and to help others. 

Dowsers can be part of the solution both with this and other world problems.

As dowsers, we are powerfully blessed with the ability to tap into the greater field of consciousness directly to obtain needed information to help ourselves and others. 

Dowsers practice grounding. Deliberately tuning into the life giving energy from the earth helps us to be fully here and present, and renews our vital life force at the same time. 

We practice centering and quieting the chatter in our heads so we can hear our higher guidance. Dowsers deliberately practice letting go of preconceived ideas, ego, hopes and fears, and of connecting firmly to that great field of consciousness to increase accuracy to the questions we ask. 

Through intention, dowsing can lessen the detrimental effect of mass consciousness, especially important today as the mass contagion of fear is so assiduously promoted by the media. By seeking answers directly from Source, dowsing can mitigate mass marketing, propaganda, mind control and other unwanted influence from others that would push us in the direction of their agenda and away from the truth and from what is in our highest good.

Dowsing develops our gut level instincts, our awareness of what is right and true, and increases our discernment.

As dowsers, we know how to draw up a list of possibilities to any question we might ask, and dowse out a realistic plan to solve any problem we might wish to solve: the best course of action, the priorities, and the timing in which to put that plan of action into place.

We dowsers fully understand the power of clear, focused intent, and how to project that intention to affect positive change and to heal. As we can band together in groups, we can multiply that power of intention to correct the very problems we face in the world today.

In my opening talk at last year’s American Society of Dowsers Convention, I quoted from Stephen A. Schwartz, a consciousness researcher, and former Keynote Presenter. He said:

“we are in this matrix of consciousness where all life and all consciousness is interconnected, we cannot really design the solutions” to world problems unless we recognize that “working with consciousness is one of the ways we can achieve not only personal well being but social well-being” as well. 

He further stated that “As far as I can see, there is no greater power than the collective intention of a large group of people. It can change politics. It can change physical reality. It can affect healing….Consciousness is the fundamental we are dealing with…” 

“You have the power through your intention to literally alter the circumstances of your physical surroundings…and the structure of reality.” 

I believe that especially at this time dowsers are being called to use what they know to help both themselves and others.

Dowsing Protocols

Heather Wilks of Melbourne, Australia ( and I have each written protocols for the Corona virus. The links to both transcripts and a recording of both can be found here (DOWSING on the Corona Virus) .

One of the most important things to dowse upon right now is to “neutralize the detrimental effect of mass consciousness of fear.” Fear drains the life force. It depresses the immune system. It attracts or makes you vulnerable to the very thing of which you are afraid. It interferes with clear thinking, wise decisions and accurate dowsing. So clear fear first.

Physicist Tom Campbell, author of My Big Toe – The Theory of Everything, has said that the thoughts, emotions, and consciousness of each individual are felt by the whole. Consciousness is made up of thoughts, beliefs, and judgments which generate emotions, mood and behavior. And the consciousness of even one person affects others, who in turn affect many more. As you through your dowsing ground, center and connect to Source and reduce your own fear, you help others also to do the same.

Perhaps these protocols might inspire you to write your own. You may want to 

  • scramble the frequency of ___,
  • neutralize the detrimental effect of ___,
  • increase the life force/ability to ___,
  • remove the spirit/life force of ___,
  • install the spirit of ___,
  • delete any __, and replace it with ___, etc.
  • access, download and activate a blueprint/program for ____ (a vibrantly, healthy body, a speedy recovery)

Possible Dowsing Charts or Checklists to Create

Doctors have said that most of those who died from the corona virus were already severely ill and immune compromised. So why not write a dowsing chart on “Ways to Boost the Immune System”? Make a list of what health experts are already advocating, include the word ‘other’ on your list, and then dowse out what you might want to add, increase, decrease, or eliminate from your diet, supplements, lifestyle, etc. Use the same dowsing chart or checklist to help your family members. 

Fear paralyzes the breathing mechanism. Feelings of uncertainty and confusion sets up paralysis of action. Get your energy moving by focusing on a solution to anything whether improving your health or some other area of your life. For example, you might want to create dowsing charts/checklists on: 

  • 201806 awardASD:me.crop copyHow to Reduce Inflammation
  • How to Detoxify my Body
  • How to Reduce Stress
  • What is the Best Dietary Plan for Me?
  • Plan of Action to ___
  • Ways to Prosper in Spite of ___
  • Alternate Sources of Income
  • What Can I/We Learn from This?
  • How Can I Turn This Into a Blessing?
  • How Can I Add More Fun Into My Life on a Regular Basis?
  • How Can I Improve My Relationships?
  • The Best Exercise Program for Me
  • How Can I Best Use This Down Time to My Advantage?

Dowsing Focus Groups

Groups generate positive energy, enthusiasm, ideas, comradery and support. They encourage their members to take action and stay on track to complete projects. Why not set up a dowsing group to focus on combating any of the many problems we face in the world? Many of these problems such as pollution in the air and water, depleted soil, pesticides contribute to disease both directly and indirectly. Dowsers can commit themselves to working to mitigate any of these problems. Just as radionic practitioners can broadcast minerals to the soil, pesticides to crops, and medicines to animals, so can dowsers through clear, focused intention. 

Consider assembling a dowsing intention group whether as a one-time event or an on-going project. Perhaps model yourselves along the lines of Lynn McTaggert’s ‘Power of Eight’ groups. They work best when they meet every week whether online or in person even for as little as ten minutes. Don’t neglect this powerful tool for healing and creating positive change!

Use intention also to create and energetically transmit healing and project a joyful image of people – yourself, your friends, family and community, and people around the world smiling, happy, healthy, living meaningful lives, cooperating and helping one another. In other words, create an image of a world you want to live in, one that supports life on this planet with clean air, clean water, nourishing food, healthy people, plants and animals and dowse for that. One of my favorite intentions is turn it into a blessing.”

The list is endless of what constructive action you can take with dowsing. 

Convert your worry and uncertainty into dowsing action!

Each person can make a difference!

As Raymon Grace says, 

“you don’t know if you can do something until you try.”


Copyright 2020 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.

Therapeutic Dowsing & Telepathic Healing

All sorts of unresolved trauma, drama and emotional residue siphon off vital energy needed to be healthy, happy, successful, productive, and vibrantly alive. Lacking the awareness, skills, time and/or energy to process, these things get shoved in the background where they get added to current stressors making life more difficult. What you think you got over may only have been buried yet still festering beneath the surface, draining energy, and causing trouble. 

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Whether for yourself or your clients, this manual will teach you how to 

  • quickly determine what needs to be addressed
  • locate stuck energies of any kind & set up priorities in addressing them
  • identify the root cause & all relevant factors involved with any issue
  • learn multiple ways dowsing can heal issues without trauma, drama or reliving painful events! 
  • establish priorities and develop a plan for moving forward
  • become a master problem solver for anything!


Locate & clear stuck energies on people, ages, events, activities, as well as detrimental beliefs, judgments, addictive thinking, fears, self-sabotage, secondary gain, and even other people’s issues you picked up. All of these things can hold you back from making your dreams come true.  


Regardless of whether you are new to dowsing or have been dowsing for years,

this manual is the absolute gold standard dowsing class on mental/emotional issues.

Especially if you work with clients, this class will enable you to hone in on your client’s issues before they walk in the door! This is a huge time saver and allows you to get straight to the root cause of their problems (or your own)!

Not only will this manual give you a much deeper understanding of yourself, but it has the potential of stopping negative repeating patterns and creating positive flow in every area of your life! 

This manual also includes dozens of extensive charts and checklists including reasons for smoking and excess weight, body charts, healing modalities, life plan, themes in past/current life, archetypes, needs of the body, helpful actives, and more.


The Infinite Intelligence Process – Powerful Self-Help Tool!!!

Here is a talk I gave for the American Society of Dowsers as part of their monthly teleconference that I lead. All the material teaching how to do this modality is the book below – Accessing More – Tapping into the Eternal, Unlimited Self with the Infinite Intelligence Process.

CLICK : Here is an earlier article on this modality

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Clearing Non-Beneficial Energy Patterns in Your Timeline

Clearing an event of upset by itself does not heal an issue, stop a negative repeating pattern, or solve a problem. Nor does it really eliminate the type of upset you are experiencing. While you may feel better about a current situation, you can still hold the same underlying beliefs and feelings such as that of abandonment, betrayal, not being good enough, etc. Consequently, these unhealed feelings, and the beliefs or judgments underlying them will set up future problems. To really heal, your consciousness across all points in time has to heal.
In non-local reality the past, present and future exist simultaneously. Energetic patterns affecting us in this life can have their origin in any one of these realities. Recent scientific studies with both humans and rodents have shown that issues such as specific fears can be carried on the DNA. But we also know that issues of our family members can be picked up in the womb or assimilated after birth from both family and society. The origins of societal beliefs even without considering the possibility that we may have had past lives can go back to the earliest days of mankind.
In the hypnosis world, we call the origin of a problem the root cause. Dowsing colleague, Marty Lucas, calls it the inception point, the point of disruption from wholeness. I like this term as it takes in the broader spiritual dimension spanning centuries.
To be complete in any healing work you must change the consciousness responsible for the problem you wish to heal, going back and forward throughout all of time to change the underlying beliefs or judgments whether they started with you or your ancestors. Then the consciousness responsible for all similar subsequent events up to the present moment have to be corrected. Because your consciousness is and has been in setting up future problems of a similar nature, those non-beneficial patterns have to be also healed in your future. And because you bear karmic responsibility for your progeny, clear them as well in all of your lifetimes past, current and future.

Copyright 2019, updated 4/2020 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.                                                                                                                     


Thinking about Prosperity

More than Money

“Prosperity is more than just money and things. It is first of all a feeling of wealth insidean awareness of the vast abundance that is everywhere in nature, in your life and within yourself that you can draw upon. And this recognition provides some measure of confidence in being able to meet whatever challenges that come your way.

Prosperity includes love, friendships, networks and personal connections, as well as your own personal qualities that engender trust, respect, cooperation and help from others. While it includes your talents, skills, work experience , it also includes your unpaid life experience, the way you think and approach a challenge. It includes your creativity, your belief in yourself and your ability to learn new things and solve problems. And finally, it includes your health, sense of humor, joy, fun, appreciation and gratitude. All these things together generate a sense of fullness, satisfaction, security within yourself, and, therefore, a measure of peace of mind. 

The recognition  that you do have something to work with relieves stress, which is vital to being able to connecting to your inner guidance from which to generate ideas of what to do and where to start. Then the attitude of gratitude provides the energy conducive to good fortune as does love and enthusiasm for your work.

Creating prosperity is MORE than what specific actions you take or don’t take – vital as that piece is.

It requires a consciousness that is open to wealth in all its forms.

This means becoming aware of and then healing any discomfort, negative beliefs, judgments or fears about money, wealth or yourself so that there is a willingness to receive, hold, invest and expand upon what you have. It requires feeling worthy. It requires a compelling vision of a better future that motivates you into needed and sustainable action, and a belief that you can learn whatever is necessary and overcome any problems to bring it forth. And it includes a willingness to share or give something in return so that there is a flow instead of a blockage of energy. 

Some people are good at part but not all parts of the equation.

They may generate money, but then squander it and lose it as quickly perhaps out of fear, guilt or unworthiness. Others are very frugal and careful in spending, but seem almost allergic to receiving, asking for a fair return for their services or seeking out better income-making opportunities. Perhaps there was trauma around money, or past life vows of poverty, or a belief that wealthy people are evil, or a belief that it is dangerous to have money, that someone will try to take it away from you, or that having more than your friends and loved ones would cost you their love and acceptance.

Some people are so fixated on their problems that they don’t see possibilities, they don’t see that it just might be a growth opportunity. The energy they need to solve their current problems is drained from any number of emotions, some of which have been held for things that happened (or didn’t) many years prior— grief, blame, shame, anger, guilt remorse, hopelessness, or feeling like a victim. Not seeing hope, they are not proactive in seeking whatever help they need or in taking effective action.

Dowsing can assist to find and resolve the root cause of prosperity issues.

This may be in the areas of generating, retaining, investing or increasing money, giving and sharing wisely. It can be in healing trauma, negative beliefs, judgments, fears and other energetic blocks. Dowsing can also assist to set up a strategy for action and overcoming challenges.

Free American Society of Dowsers Teleconference “Dowsing Support & Continuing Education”, Tuesday, June 11 at 8 PM Eastern

Dial (646) 876-9923, enter Participant Code# 443-333-280, & press # at next prompt.

On the American Society of Dowsers Dowsing Support Teleconference scheduled for Tuesday, June 11, Dick Tippett and Gale West are going to address various aspects of creating prosperity and how dowsing can assist us to both generate prosperity and use our resources wisely.

In particular, Gale will talk about her connection with money as a consciousness and share how we hold money affects not only ourselves, but the energy field around us. She believes that healing our relationship with money is one of the most powerful things we can do to affect change in the world. She will give practical tools to identify energetic alignment and misalignment with money. 

Dick Tippett will (as time allows) talk about clearing non-beneficial energies, emotions, thought forms, story lines, attitudes, beliefs, judgments and other prosperity blockers that include money allergy, cords, promises and vows, past lives, generation frequencies or genetic memory, and beliefs absorbed from others.

The live call is moderated by Roxanne Louise and is open to everyone to listen. There is time for Q & A at the end. It is recorded and available on the Members Only page at usually on the following day. 

galewest pict (1)GALE WEST is an internationally known artist, entrepreneurial coach, and intuitive who brings more than 35 years of experience in human potential and as a transformational change agent.  A midwife to magnificent businesses, careers and lives, she is passionate about empowering clarity of vision, right action and actively co-creating with the Divine. 

She specializes in transforming personal and collective relationships to money and success through workshops, retreats, classes and breakthrough coaching. Additionally, she is certified as a consultant and teacher in the Akashic Records. 

She has taught business, entrepreneurship and leadership both in China and the U.S.  Her soon to be published book, “Money Come Dance with Me,” was in inspired by her communication in the Akashic records of money. It invites a new paradigm of money as the expression of Divine love in the marketplace, a guide and loving friend, and an agent for a generous and collaborative world. She has been dowsing since the early 80’s.

For a free video on money mastery and meditation on prosperity, see her website at

Gale can be reached at, 773-494-4300 USA.

Dick TippettRICHARD “DICK” TIPPETT has been a business manager and a consultant for most of his professional life. An Honors Program graduate of Kings Point, he holds degrees in engineering and management. He first learned to dowse from Master Dowsers Harold McCoy and Raymon Grace. Dick brought his dowsing skills into the business world, where he quickly learned that they make him more efficient, his business more profitable and his clients happier and better served. 

For many years, Dick has been an active part of the West Coast Dowsing Conference. In 2018 he served as the Speaker and Special Event Coordinator for the conference and, in partnership with Gladys McCoy, again led the very successful all-day Beginning Dowsers’ School. 

Dick is also the Chair of the Golden Gate Dowsers. Dick has spoken on various topics at the West Coast Dowsing Conference, at several ASD chapters, at The Ozark Research Institute and at the New Jersey Healers’ Retreat. He teaches beginning and advanced water and energy dowsing, a prosperity workshop, works to clear non-beneficial energies and heal disincarnate beings. He and his late wife, Karen Ashley, have a fine workbook that goes along with the prosperity workshop they led together.


Heal Yourself to Heal Your World

“Before you can help make the world right,

you must be made right within.”        John Miller

earth-global-globe-87651It is very easy to compile a lengthly list of what is wrong in the world. Society has traditionally tried to address those wrongs through a top down approach of rules and regulations, and the legal and judicial system. While a deterrent, such measures cannot stop bad behavior. People will find a way around them. Furthermore, a top down approach makes you dependent upon others to write and execute the laws and enforce them. If those people are themselves corrupt, new laws, new systems, will not change underlying evil and abuses. This can make you feel hopeless and powerless.

“Whatever is right or wrong in our world is exactly what is right or wrong in the individual human heart.” —Margaret Leckie

What if you considered that the world, filled as it is with people just like us, was simply a reflection of our own issues and what was unhealed within ourselves? Is it not then conceivable that in taking the responsibility to heal ourselves of any resonating trait or emotion that such healing would become a ripple in the pond influencing those around us, motivating and enabling them to evolve as well?

This is something that each of us can do—overcome our own issues, inspire, mentor, and teach others how to do it, until it becomes the ‘100th Monkey Effect’. Or to paraphrase Gandhi, we can individually

Be the change, we want to see in the world.

Physicist, Tom Campbell, agrees. He says that simply replacing the leaders or the system, will not result in real, long-term improvement unless the consciousness of the populace changes. One dictator or set of crooks will be replaced by others until the population no longer supports them. Campbell says that

Unless WE change, real, permanent change will not happen. But as we grow and evolve in consciousness, our leaders and systems will reflect that.

Yet, history has also demonstrated that a single individual is not powerless. One person can make a difference. And that person doesn’t have to be a guru, a charismatic leader, or a motivational speaker. Ordinary people such as Rosa Parkes made a difference. There are people out of the limelight quietly doing simple things like planting trees, cleaning up debris, that over time make an impact upon their communities. There are Transcendental Meditators that have significantly reduced the crime rate or political tensions in certain areas. 

Again, Campbell says that the thoughts, emotions, and consciousness of each individual are felt by the whole. As each person evolves, he makes easier for the next to do so.


One man, Clinical Psychologist, Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len had such a profound healing effect upon his patients at the Hawaii State Hospital for the criminally insane that it was closed in just a few years. Previously that ward had been a very dangerous place with high staff absenteeism and turnover.

“After a few months of Dr Hew Len being there, patients who had been shackled started being allowed to walk freely; others who’d been heavily medicated, started getting their medications reduced; and those who had been seen as having no chance of ever being released, were being released and freed.” 

Dr. Len did this solely through the practice of Ho’oponopono. In studying the inmate files, he would work on healing himself by repeating a mantra over and over –

“I’m sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.”

In saying his mantra, Dr. Len was taking responsibility for what was showing up in his life, which were his patients. He considered it his creation and therefore, his responsibility do something about although it was not his fault. Taking responsibility means to heal yourself in order to heal whatever or whoever it is that appears to you as a problem. 

Physician, heal thyself!” (ancient Greek proverb)

Ho’oponopono recognizes that we are all part of one consciousness system. Consequently, our actions, reactions, and very our consciousness effect the system even as we are effected by it. 

“No man is an Island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were; any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.

John Donne, Meditation XVII, English clergyman & poet (1572 – 1631)

Ho’oponopono is related to the principle of Quantum Entanglement. While Quantum Entanglement is a theory from physics that explains the effect that one particle can have on another even though separated by huge distances, the psychological implications are that individuals have a very real effect on one another. Your thoughts and feelings not only guide your action but also effect others. 

The bad news is that my funky mood, anger or resentment, even if never expressed, can have a negative effect, like agitation or depression, upon you, which can cycle back onto me. Therefore, I not only have a responsibility to clean up my mess, but it is in my best interests to do so.

“What goes around, comes around.”

The good news is in healing myself, I not only feel better, but I am setting up a conductive environment for others to heal as well, who in turn help even more people to do the same. These ever enlarging ripples in the pond make a big difference. And all of us reap the benefits!

Whether you agree with Hew Len’s underlying premise, you cannot argue with his results. If one man can be heal the criminally insane, what can each of us do with addressing those issues and wrongdoings that upset us? The caveat is that to make a real dent you have to be relentless about constantly clearing any issue until the situation changes. Len says that it is a lifetime process. Like an onion, things come off in layers.

Former hypnosis colleague Doreen Virtue taught me years ago as a way of healing and releasing blame and negative judgment, 

“I recognize and forgive in myself what irritates me about you!”

Rather than immediately assigning blame of who is wrong and needs to be punished, consider that what you judge may also reflect a quality inside yourself. However, getting angry, irritated, upset or triggered is helpful in revealing your Shadow Self – that part of the psyche that denies and hides away of your own unacceptable thoughts, emotions, and behavioral impulses. explained at length by psychiatrist, Dr. Carl Gustav Jung and author Debbie Ford. 

The ego avoids self loathing by denying the existence of it’s own faults by projecting them onto others. This process of denial and projection tends to attract people who reflect these same faults. In other words, if you deny your anger, angry people show up in your life. It is the soul’s attempt to get you to look at yourself and then heal. As you admit and forgive yourself for your own shortcomings, you will have greater tolerance of others, and instead attract others who have likewise worked on healing their own issues.

What is denied cannot be healed. Therefore, unsavory people, conditions or events in our lives serve a useful purpose in calling us to recognize and heal those resonating elements within ourselves. Instead of condemning your adversary, thank them for bringing your own baggage to your attention to now process.

How you can use your upset to heal?

Identify the trait or issue or behavior that you dislike or upsets you. Look inside honestly to see if you have ever exhibited that trait, acted that way or wanted to, even in a minuscule way, maybe years ago. If so, accept and forgive yourself anyway. This is profoundly healing, and stops the repetition of more of the same type of unpleasant experiences.

And then because you may not know or remember if you are ever did something similar, do the Emotional Freedom Technique on a ‘can’t hurt basis:

“Even though I don’t know if  I have ever ____ (felt/done/wanted to)  ___, I deeply love and accept myself.”

“Even though I don’t know if there is anything in me that attracted or contributed to this condition/situation,  I deeply love and accept myself.”

“Even though I don’t know what is within me that resonates with this condition/situation,  I deeply love and accept myself.”

“Even though I don’t know what needs to heal within me that reflects this condition/situation,  I deeply love and accept myself.”

Perhaps in another lifetime you acted in a despicable way, and while you have since matured, you may never have forgiven yourself. Or perhaps, the old data file for that nasty behavior still lingers in the recesses of your being waiting for a trigger to reactivate it. Hence, having a mirror image of your former self may show up in your life to get you to recognize your common humanity and forgive yourself now. Dowse on it.

Dowsing is a phenomenal help in locating root cause of problems.

Dowsing is profoundly powerful, and is the fastest way to identifying issues, the origin, and reasons behind them when utilizing dowsing charts and checklists. It can be used to focus intention to clear mental and emotional issues, and to calibrate completion. And it can identify possible action to take in the physical world. Without dowsing with charts, one can emply age regression, kinesiology or meditation — all of which take much more time.

RESOURCES: You can use dowsing instead of muscle testing with Dr. Bradley Nelson’s book, the Emotion Code. You can dowse with the Infinite Intelligence Process, as outlined in my book, Accessing More—Tapping Into the Wisdom Within With the Infinite Intelligence Process, and you can use the many charts and checklist in my pendulum dowsing manual, Therapeutic Dowsing and Telepathic Healing).

Copyright 4/1/2019 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and links to and are included with the content.

“Dowsing to Dump Bad Habits – Part 1”

I have been a creative problem solver all of my life. But since becoming a hypnotherapist in 1989, I have been helping people professionally to get rid of smoking, overeating, procrastination, and a host of bad habits as well as detrimental mental and emotional patterns. In 1990, I added dowsing to my hypnosis, counseling and other skills for a comprehensive approach to dumping bad habits. 

20190411_dowsing coverBecause I understood the dynamics of smoking and addiction in general, I created dowsing charts for typical conscious reasons why people started smoking as well as both the conscious and unconscious reasons that keep the habit/addiction alive. I then created charts and checklists on interventions, visualizations, modalities, and strategies that would most likely work with any individual client. I made dowsing charts on secondary gain (a benefit obtained from a problem), defense mechanisms, coping skills, emotions, beliefs, judgments, and much more. These charts eventually became the book, Therapeutic Dowsing and Telepathic Healing.

As I studied all the reasons for overweight and what to do about them, I created dowsing charts for the physical reasons for weight gain and difficulties in losing. I had other charts for the emotional and psychological reasons for weight including the reasons why people binge or eat when they are not hungry. And I had many charts on various traumas, issues, and typical life events as well as the people and ages at which they may have originated.

The most important parts of getting rid of any problem behavior are:

  • A decision and commitment

Nothing happens until you do this.

  • Having a big enough reason—your why. 

What’s the downside if you don’t change? Be very clear about this. Then you can dowse the key issue/s. 

What’s the upside if you do? Clarify this as well. Dowse out the most important.

What do you want more than ___ (the cigarette, ice cream/potato chips, beer, etc.)?This is all part of your clarity of purpose. 

Anthony Robbins says that all motivation is carrot and stick. A donkey can be motivated to move forward if he wants to get the carrot held in front of him, or he can move because someone is hitting him on the rump with a stick and it hurts enough. 

Do you go to work because you love your job and can’t wait to get there? Or do you grudgingly get out of a warm, comfortable bed because you don’t want to be fired and end up homeless?

Increase the appeal of moving forward to make the change, as well as increasing the distaste for the negative ramifications of not doing so.

  • Clearing, healing, resolving any resistance to change

Dowse out the percentage of resistance to getting rid of the bad habit. Perhaps your unconscious mind thinks it is helping you in some way by maintaining it. If so, use dowsing, EFT, or hypnosis to re-educate the unconscious of a constructive way to achieve the higher intention, and to agree to release the negative habit.

  • Increasing the allowance, even excitement for change

Dowse out this percentage as well. Then ask if you can increase it to the highest level possible at this time, and do so.

  • Knowledge of the issue at hand

Do some research on the habit you want to change. Then you can design your own dowsing checklists/charts. For example, overeating can be triggered by food cravings stemming from allergies, metabolic issues, fungal overgrowth, as well as psychological or emotional issues, particularly anger and guilt. If physical causes elicit a positive dowsing response, it would make sense to consult a physician. 

Smoking can start as a desire to be grown-up, rebel against authority, seek acceptance by the ‘in crowd’. Unconsciously the person is still the kid trying to fulfill those original desires. List the possible reasons and dowse out what is relevant to you.

Knowing that addictions are filling a void will help you to look for what it is that is trying to be filled and address that. Is there an emotional or psychological wound that has to be healed? Dowse.

  • Substitution of a positive or constructive alternative

What are you going to do instead? 

Understanding that overeating, taking drugs or alcohol, and smoking are coping strategies for many emotional states (boredom, loneliness, upset, depression), will make you aware of the need to learn healthy ways of coping with stress and emotional lows. 

  • A well designed strategy. 

Again by doing research on what has helped others will allow you to design your own program. List the possibilities and dowse out what will work for you. Having a buddy or someone to whom you place yourself accountable is helpful. Do a 30 day challenge with a friend.

  • Focus

This is needed to stay on track as it takes time of consciously doing things in the new way until it becomes routine and comfortable. But be aware that if you slouch off, the old behavior will resurface. Ask any person who despite years of not smoking picked up one cigarette as to just how quickly they reverted to full scale smoking habit again. Any habit that is also an addiction (smoking, drinking, gambling, etc) must be totally permanently eliminated.

  • Consistent action

The desired habit must be maintained through frequent, repeated action or it will not become internalized and automatic. The more you repeat the behavior, the stronger it becomes. The less you repeat it, the weaker.

So if I want set a new habit of cleaning the kitchen every night before bed, I have to make a point to do it, tired or not. I tell myself how little time it will take, and how good it will feel to wake up to a clean kitchen. It also helps to check it off on a calendar. I write down my goals and accomplishments for each day. Noting what I have done, even if many things on my list did not get done, is a reward in itself. Noting what I didn’t do creates greater urgency to do it the next day. I focus on making progress to avoid getting discouraged.

  • A positive attitude and belief in one’s ability to succeed. 

If you don’t think it is possible, you won’t even try. This is what stops more smokers from quitting – they tell themselves they ‘can’t quit’. You will also need a positive attitude to deal with setbacks, challenges, delays, etc.

If you find yourself with a negative mindset, you can dowse, do EFT, or hypnosis to counter it. Hold a strong intention to let the negative belief go, and the belief you want to hold instead. “I release any belief, perception or judgment that ___ (negative belief). I now choose to believe that ___ (list at least 3 strong beliefs).”


Central Virginia Dowsers Meeting, Sunday, March 10 at 1:15 PM.

At our next CVD Meeting in Charlottesville, Virginia, Roxanne Louise will teach you how to use dowsing to succeed in dumping bad habits and installing good ones instead. Contact us for further information at 434-263-4337 or email at

American Society of Dowsers is holding a free teleconference, on Tuesday, April 9, at 8 PM Eastern (US). Roxanne Louise will be discussing this topic of Dowsing on Habits with Margaret VanLaanMartin

Want to Learn Pendulum Dowsing?

I will be teaching an all day Pendulum Workshop for Hypnotherapists, Monday, April 29. at the HEARTLAND HYPNOSIS CONFERENCE in St. Louis, MO See here :  Therapeutic Dowsing & Telepathic Healing  

Copyright 2/28/19 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.  

Dowsing on Goals – Big and Small

Goals come in all categories, big and small, short and long-term, internal and external, and dowsing can help with all of them.

Added to what is already known about successful goal setting like SMART goals from business coaches and motivational speakers, and manifesting principles from the New Thought Movement, is the importance of tapping into and listening to the voice within to identify:

  • your core values,
  • your direction in life (this is your core intention also called your ‘why’), and to
  • develop and receive on-going guidance and support in following that path from the inner voice of wisdom within.  

This allows for amazing things to happen that are also deeply soul satisfying.

On the mundane side

You can write down your short term goals (daily or weekly). This is your ‘to do’ list that is a reminder of both what has to be done right now and what you would like to accomplish today. You can then dowse out your priorities of what to focus upon, and the order in which to tackle them. You can dowse over the yellow pages, a Google listing, Angie’s List, to determine who to call for help. As problems come up to be solved, you can write down a list of possible reasons and another on possible solutions, and dowse these lists out. 

Identifying and Clearing Resistance

If you encounter inner resistance on attending to important tasks, or goals that you say you want or need to do, you can use dowsing charts and checklists to locate the reasons for self-sabotage or procrastination: negative beliefs, judgments, doubt and fear, bad memories, and unresolved upsets or trauma. Should you find any of these inner underlying reasons for being stuck, you can then dowse with clear intent to heal, clear or otherwise to resolve them.

You can also dowse for your level of allowance versus level of resistance for accomplishing any given task or goal. This is done using a percentage chart. With dowsing you can both ask to raise your motivation or level of acceptance of that goal, or lower your resistance to it doing the work –  providing that doing so is acceptable on the ‘soul’ level.

Why you need to find your ‘Why’

Whatever your goal, you cannot ignore your soul desires or push against your ‘prime directive’. After a prolonged time of being severely off course and ignoring all the warning bells, your soul can revolt, perhaps setting up ‘accidents’, illness and other serious problems as an ‘opportunity’ for you to reconsider what you are doing and correct.   

Dowsing medium to long-range goals

List what you would like to achieve in the major areas of your life: health, love, relationships, family, home, community, fun/recreation, travel, work, financial, personal growth, spiritual, etc. These would include those things that you want to achieve this year, over the next 5, 10 or lifetime goals. Then go inside and dowse out the strength of strong motivating energy each goal has for you consciously, subconsciously, and finally on a soul level. Focus your efforts on those with the biggest energetic pull. 

Goals fall into categories:

  1. internal or external – you decide what you want or need to do, or someone else sets them and requires you to comply. 
  2. have deadline dates for completion or are open ended.  
  3. have strong negative consequences for not doing them or are without sufficiently clear negative consequences
  4. have strong positive payoffs that motivate you towards action or lack sufficient rewards
  5. clearly relate strongly to your core values or don’t
  6. clearly relate strongly to your core purpose/mission/direction in life or don’t
  7. relate to just everyday, routine needs (your ‘to do’ list) or deal with the bigger picture for your life
  8. relate strongly to resolving your on-going issues, negative repeating patterns or not
  9. relate to resolving a crisis or emergency situation or not
  10. relate to creating balance in all areas of life or are just focused on one area

One reason that New Year’s Resolutions fail is when they are often just things that ‘would be nice’ if they happened. They may sound good, but lack real strategy, a deadline to finish, or a burning desire to see it to the end. They may sound like things your mother would like you to do like ‘clean up your room’.

What’s your passion?

Goals that tend to get done even when they require tremendous effort are those for which you are committed. You have burning desire – like getting married, or moving into your own home. 

I have lots of examples of this from my own life. So watch for an upcoming blog coming soon called “Under, Over, Around and Through”.

Dowsing the Big Picture

Dowsing can also assist you to assess your skills, talents, personality traits, preferences, likes and dislikes, and narrow down your interests to help you identify your life path and primary goals. This is the part that Mark Hurwich and I will spend most of our time discussing on a free teleconference call February 12.

COMING UP: Free Teleconference sponsored by the American Society of Dowsers.

On Tuesday, February 12, Mark Hurwich, who helps people discover their Core Intention, and I will be discussing an expanded version of goal setting applied to dowsing that includes “Finding Your Why” . The time is 8 PM Eastern. While anyone can listen live, the recording will be available for Members only.

Call information: 

Dial (646) 876-9923, enter Participant Code# 443-333-280, & press # at next prompt.

Copyright 1/2019 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and links to and are included with the content.

When Goals Lack Luster

Confronting Your Malaise

Sometimes knowing what you want is fuzzy. Perhaps you have a vague feeling of wanting something more. Maybe you feel bored, stuck,  dissatisfied, restless or uneasy in your present situation, job, relationship, home, location. While some people just ‘suck it up’ and push forward with their normal routine anyway, thereby keeping their job and relationships intact, others self-medicate with food, booze, entertainment, etc. Some quit their jobs, leave their spouse, and go off to ‘find’ themselves and explore different options without any serious thought or destination in mind.

But staring your malaise in the face to clarify what is going on, and what you authentically want as opposed to what your family, society and the advertisers always hungry for your wages have programmed you to want, is something every adult needs to address in order to achieve real life satisfaction. Next follows the need to develop and follow a plan to make it happen.

External versus Internal Goals–what do you want?

Many times a person doesn’t achieve or follow through with their goals because they are not excited or inspired sufficiently to undertake the long-term and sustained action required for real achievement. Such goals may sound good. They may bring the approval of friends and family. While such goals may fall into the category of  being ‘practical’, ‘realistic’, socially respected, and lead to financial security, it is still important to tie anything to which you are going to be spending a lot of time, money, effort on doing to ultimately lead to deep, internal satisfaction for you. And while the road to your goal might involve learning and mastering a lot of things that do not interest you, it is doable IF you

keep your WHY in central focus.

For example, when I decided that I wanted to become an opera singer, the training required not only voice lessons, but piano lessons, music theory, learning foreign languages, dance and movement classes, memorization, and practicing vocal scales – the most boring of all. But I had supportive friends that sent me a card that inspired me. The card started with a fund-raising brochure put out by the Metropolitan Opera in NYC. The front pictured a legendary fat soprano with the words “The MET needs you!” To this, my friends put my name. So the card now read “The MET needs you, Roxanne”. This sat on my piano music stand encouraging me to do those ‘stupid’ scales. Oh, as postscript, I did go later to work at the MET first as Executive Secretary to the Orchestra Manager, and later singing onstage in the chorus multiple times with visiting reknown ballet companies. 

What Mama (or Dad) Wants

Many parents insist that their offspring follow goals that they have chosen for them – doctor, lawyer, Indian Chief. These include academic, sports, or creative as well as professional pursuits.

For example, in my youth, many children were unwillingly pushed into music lessons and the daily practice. But even though the goal was external to the child, that child may have later developed their own joy of making music and pursued it willingly, developing enough skill to please themselves and others. And whether music became a professional pursuit later on or not, that forced musical education had multiple benefits in teaching self-discipline, striving for excellence, appreciation for music and creating something of beauty. It might have also become a satisfying hobby or part-time way of making additional money. The same can be true of other externally applied goals.

But long term, trying to live out someone else’s dream or goals for you tends to lack passion and backfire even if on the surface it sounds laudable and your head says that you should want it. Like so many New Year’s Resolutions, the work towards such goals peters out unless it is clearly seen as a means to an end you really want for yourself.

If the driving motivation of ‘nice’ or ‘should goals’ is external and not coming from inside your core self, knowing then how to communicate with your core self is hugely helpful to clarify the direction of your long-term and soul satisfying path.

Obstacles, or why don’t you have what you want already?

Perhaps, after embarking upon your own goals, you run into a problem or conflict you didn’t know you had. For example, in a hypnosis seminar, the instructor asked us all to visualize a personal goal as if we already had achieved it. Mine was to be able to buy a big, beautiful house. Initially thrilled imaging that this house was mine, I then noticed that I was quickly disquieted. Who was going to clean it? I have always disliked housework. I would have to hire people to help me, and this brought up an uncomfortable feeling of having ‘servants’, of being the employer, boss, of being on elevated position over others, telling others what to do. Where did this come from? Had resentment against the ruling class, of master versus slave, boss versus worker, lord versus peasant somehow creeped into my DNA from ancestors past? Had I identified from characters in books, history class or had I had unpleasant experiences in possible past lives? 

Whatever the source, internal conflicts will always sabotage your efforts and have to be resolved.

But even once you know what the conflict is, you may not know how to resolve it. There may be aspects to achieving your objective that involve learning new things, developing knowledge or skills in which you have no interest or actively dislike. You may lack belief in yourself to overcome them. Such challenges may bring up past humiliation or pain.

You have to have a big enough reason to overcome challenges. Why do you want what you want?

Without a clear, driving vision of the end goal and the belief in yourself that you can overcome whatever challenges that come up, you will lose momentum. Obstacles have the potential of putting your dreams into the closet where they gather dust and die if you don’t have the tools, the belief in yourself, the motivation and vision to get through the challenge. Knowing how to brainstorm for solution is a big help here with dowsing being of major assistance.

Journaling for Goal Setting and Problem Resolution

Writing forces you to clarify things. Write down one question at a time and then attempt to answer it. If you don’t know how to dowse, journal. In journaling, write as if you were speaking bluntly with a trusted friend without any self-censorship. Then go back and reread everything you have written, rewriting it ever more concisely until you can sum up the essence into a short paragraph or sentence and you feel comfortable that you have ‘nailed it’. If not, keep writing until you do. 

Challenge negative beliefs

Where you find negative beliefs or judgments, worry or fear, challenge them. Who says you can’t ____? Who says that it’ll never work? Instead, ask the question:

If it could work, how would it work?

Every goal has challenges, and every challenge is a call for you to rise to the occasion and grow. Going through the process leads to increased abilities, confidence, self-esteem and a real feeling of accomplishment.

fullsizeoutput_2cAnother way to resolve your malaise is to just focus on a question in meditation or self-hypnosis and let it roll around in your mind without needing an immediate answer. I do this through the Infinite Intelligence Process, which is a modality I have put together in a book entitled Accessing More – Tapping Into the Eternal, Unlimited Self with the Infinite Intelligence Process.  

Under the section called ‘Connect’, there is the opening phrase, “There’s a part of me that knows _____, and that part is _____ (guiding me now, bringing that information into conscious awareness, assisting me to do this in a way in which I am really pleased, etc.).” Here again, just allow yourself to drift into a meditative/self hypnotic state. Hold the question in mind without needing an answer. Over time, your subconscious mind will bring things to your attention, and synchronicities will occur.

Below are some sample questions to ask: 

  • Why am I feeling ____ regarding ____?  
  • What is underneath this feeling of _____?
  • If I could support myself anywhere, where would I want to live?
  • How could I support myself living in ____ (name of location)?
  • How could I support myself doing ____ while living in ____?
  • If I could support myself doing anything I like, what would be most satisfying to my soul? 
  • What does my spirit want to do ____ (now, short term, long term, as my life’s work)?
  • What kind of work can I do right now that would help me to eventually be able to do/become ____ in the future?
  • What kind of work is most in keeping with my soul desired life’s path?
  • What kind of work combines my main interests and abilities?

Writing Dowsing Charts and Checklists

Finding the right answers starts with asking the right questions. 

In my opinion, dowsing is the fastest way to gather information, determine the underlying dynamics, and solve problems of any sort. Start with writing down your question on the top of a page. Next, brainstorm possible answers in a list format or spread out in a fan or circle format. Include the word ‘other’. 

If you are working with a list, then turn the page to the side so the widest part of the page is on the horizontal line. Without looking at the words, but either with relaxed eyes staring into space, or focused at the bottom of the page, hold the pendulum in your hand and let it pull your hand in the direction of the appropriate line. Then look, and read what it says.

For example, if you were trying to figure out your emotions, you would list possible emotions, including the word other. Then you would ask:

  • What is the main reason I am feeling ____ about ____?
  • What is the next main reason I am feeling ____ about ____?

Continue, until there are no more emotions indicated. 

Next, because emotions come from beliefs, judgments or thoughts, write a list of possible ones, such as “people should (or shouldn’t) do ____”. Then dowse:

  • What is main thought or judgment underneath this feeling of _____?
  • What is next main thought or judgment underneath this feeling of _____?

Keep brainstorming and dowsing until you have a complete picture. Then work on addressing/healing any issues uncovered. Some of this work will entail straight forward problem solving, such as the below:

  • Who can help me with ____?
  • What are my next steps? (dowse out priorities)
  • Is anything preventing me from moving forward with this?
  • How motivated am I to do what it takes to accomplish this goal? 
  • Do I have any fears or limiting beliefs that ___ (are likely to, could) sabotage me in achieving this? If you get a ‘yes’, brainstorm what they might be and dowse out.
  • How can I make this required task easier, interesting or even fun?

Working below the level of conscious awareness

In some cases, you will not identify the cause of your malaise or failure. I then suggest  turning over the healing/resolution to what some call the ‘healer within’ or one’s spiritual dimension. I do this again with the Infinite Intelligence Process as listed earlier, “There’s a part of me that knows… and is doing so now.”

But there is another part to that process that is called “Process”. It installs a stress management program either with dowsing, meditation or hypnosis and then turns the healing over. For example, “From the perspective of my High Self, process and ____ (heal, clarify, release, resolve) ____ in a way in which I am really pleased.” If I am doing this with dowsing, I add “Take action now with the pendulum, and let me know when it is complete.” Both techniques are fully described in my book Accessing More–Tapping Into the Wisdom Within with the Infinite Intelligence Process.

In conclusion,

Overcoming malaise and obstacles in reaching your goals is made infinitely easier when you have a big enough ‘why’, when they are your goals, and you work with your inner resources every step of the way. I look forward to hearing about your own journey.

Copyright 1/9/2019 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and links to and are included with the content.





You can dowse!


Dowsing is the art of quieting the mind and turning inward to deliberately seek very specific information, which while not known consciously is nonetheless available in the vast sea of consciousness in which all information is already known and everyone is connected. 

Sometimes called water witching, rhabdomancy or radiesthesia, it is an natural form of divination to which everyone can learn to develop. The body reacts to the answers of questions asked with subtle body sensations or movements, which are clearer when using tools such as L or Y rods, bobber or pendulum.

Your body already senses and knows things unconsciously 

Perhaps you remember a time when you had strong gut feelings that correctly warned you of potential danger, or encouraged you to take action and proceed. Perhaps you have been somewhere that had strong good or bad vibes without knowing the history or the people of that place. Maybe you walked into a room and felt immediately uncomfortable although you were completely unaware that an argument had just taken place or that the occupants hated one another. 

I remember visiting the home of Jiddu Krishnamurti, an Indian philosopher and writer, in Ojai, California. Now while I was aware that he practiced meditation and wrote books, I knew very little about him. And while I am by nature a serious person, I could not help smiling broadly throughout the site. The house and grounds exuded enormous joy. 

My point is that your body has been sensing things right along, and that inborn ability with training and practice can give you good information upon demand with or without a tool such as an L or Y rod, bobber, pendulum or forked stick. 

Body Dowsing – the Sway Test

The body itself can be used as a dowsing tool. Here’s how.

First drink some water as dowsing works best when you are hydrated. Stand up and separate your feet comfortably apart. Hold an intention of your body moving in a particular direction when the answer to a question that you ask is ‘yes’. Close your eyes. Without being rigid and stiff, but without deliberately moving either, allow your body to show you it’s ‘yes’ response. Internally say “show me ‘yes’ “. Keep repeating until your body moves and note the direction. Then ask your body to indicate the direction for ‘no’. “Show me ‘no’ “ Unless their polarity is reversed, ‘yes’ for most people is indicated by leaning forward, and ‘no’ by leaning backwards. It may be subtle. Practice until it is a clear response.

When you have a distinct direction for each response, then ask simple questions to which you know the ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. For example, “my name is ___ .” “I live at ____.” From there you can go on to simple other things for which you can verify after dowsing. For example, “how many quarters are in my wallet?” Then ask “how many nickels? “How many dimes?

Uses of Dowsing

While dowsing is an ancient practice to find water, oil, ore or minerals such as gold, it can also be applied to health, agriculture, business, relationships, forensics, military, and problem solving of all kinds. It can be used to find missing persons, pets, objects, unexploded bombs, unmarked graves, the best location for a home or office, an effective marketing or business strategy, and the best use of your time, energy and resources. It can be used to develop a comprehensive self-care program. It can locate the root cause of issues or problems and determine the best way to address them. However, like everything else, it requires training and practice to do skillfully. But the benefits are well worth the investment.

My passion is in using pendulum dowsing for mental and emotional healing both for myself and my clients.  I have adapted it to the hypnotherapy practice and will be teaching hypnotherapists as well as other mental health professionals how to apply it for that purpose an all-day workshop,  “Therapeutic Dowsing and Telepathic Healing” on Monday, April 29 at the upcoming Heartland Hypnosis Conference, in St. Louis, Missouri. 


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