What is mine to do?

Following on the heels of my earlier post, ‘From Fear to Action‘, (https://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com/2020/11/01/from-fear-to-action) is the question:

“If I am to take back my power and citizen oversight on those agencies, companies and organizations that influence or control any aspect of my life, what is mine to do? Where should I focus my energies?”

Another question might be: “What is my role to play on _____ (making this world a better place, helping to insure the health, liberty and general well being for my children and future generations to come)?

Start out by thinking about an area of your personal life, family, business or environment that is most important to you. Maybe it is already negatively impacted, or information has come into your awareness where it could be. Perhaps that area is in good shape, but you want to ensure that it stays that way and even make it better.

You might start by affirming that somehow you already know the answer. I start with the phrase “There is a part of me that knows ____” (or knows how to ___), “and that part is ____ in a way in which _____.” Then I just let the affirmation roll around in my mind without having to know what the answer might be consciously. And yet, over time of reaffirmation, you will notice that synchronicities begin to happen – you’ll be in the right place or time for things to start falling into place.

Examples: There is a part of me that knows what I can contribute to help make a positive difference in the world. And that part is bringing to my attention where my time, energy and unique gifts can be best utilized right now.”

“There is a part of me that knows what I can do in simple, everyday ways to make a positive difference in the lives of ___ (animals, children, children with ___, victims of ___, etc). And that part is guiding me now to be in the right place and time to do so.”

“There is a part of my being that is guiding me now on clear, practical steps I can take to best train and prepare for the contribution I can make in the field of ____. It brings everything that I need — information, resources, network, mentorship and/or technical assistance, etc. – all at the right time and way .”

Let’s say you have children and most interested in their health. Because vaccines are required by law starting at birth, you might want to inform yourself about them. Are these vaccines including both those that are currently required, those proposed to be mandated, and those that are optional are safe and important to have?

If this is an area in which you want or feel a need to get involved, you could affirm: “There is a part of me that knows how I can get the most accurate information on vaccines and the suggested vaccine schedule so that I can make the wisest decisions to both promote and protect my children’s health.”

If you later find yourself becoming alarmed about what is being mandated for your children and you feel the need to work for change, you might make an affirmation like this:

“There is a part of me that knows how I can work to change vaccine mandates so that the final decision and authority to vaccinate a child or not with any specific vaccine or when it is administered, be returned fully to the decision of the parents as guardians. This part also also assists in ensuring that parents receive full and accurate disclosure on the risks and benefits for each vaccine, and on the impact of bunching multiple vaccines together at the same time. Everything I need in order to be part of successfully assisting in this area is coming to me now.”

If you don’t know what is yours to do, you can jot down some ideas, and dowse them out. “Is there something I need to investigate? If you get a ‘yes’, make a list and dowse out. Or you could ask “do I need to get involved (or more involved) in the area of ____?” Ask what your soul wants you to focus upon. Get a percentage of value of spending time and energy on any possible project.

Focusing on the children – their health, mental and emotional well being, and education – is always a good place to ensure a positive future.

This basic phrase “there is a part of me that knows” is infinitely adaptable to every situation. All of this is fully explained with tons of examples in my 117 page book, Accessing More – Tapping into the Wisdom Within with the Infinite Intelligence Process).

Listen to this talk on the subject: https://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com/2020/03/03/the-infinite-intelligence-process-powerful-self-help-tool/

Copyright by Roxanne Louise, 2020. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com  are included with the content.

From Fear to Action

Sudden change as this year has been precipitates massive shock, fear and paralysis. And yet, it is dangerous to both our health and liberty to remain there.

Even if you had the skills and knew what to do, it is too easy to want to let ‘the other guy’ handle it, to hope someone else to come up with a solution and fix things for us. After all, isn’t that the job of government and it’s agencies? Aren’t they supposed to protect us? Isn’t that why we are paying them?

Let someone else stop the corruption, the tyrannical mandates, the overwhelming and deliberate propaganda and lies, the loss of our freedoms, and the rapid disintegration to a less moral and civilized society. Let someone else march in the streets against the shutdowns, the destruction of properties and livelihoods, the decision to force the placement of very sick people into nursing homes. Let someone else file a lawsuit against media censorship, or right to assemble, or hold religious services.

So take a deep breath, perhaps many deep breaths to pull in sufficient courage and strength, claim the ground we walk upon, to stop going along with the Covid response program that is highly misguided and controversial at best, and a major power grab at worst.

Part of this was because you were busy, overwhelmed, sometimes lazy, distracted, and not wanting to do the work. We understand. It is more fun to watch a movie and have a glass of wine, and that is fine in some measure. But in with fun and time for rest, there is a need for responsible oversight of government and it’s agencies, corporations, media, education, drug manufacturers, and, yes, religion, and any with power or influence over your lives. Form citizen action groups according to an area of your concern – whether it be health, human rights such as freedom of speech, assembly, etc. 

It is time to take back your power and citizen oversight. No political leader or representative can do it for you.