Simple Affirmation to Solve Problems in These Difficult Times

In my book, Accessing More–Tapping Into the Wisdom Within, I lay out a helpful modality that I call the Infinite Intelligence Process. You can hear it explained on a teleconference here.  

The Infinite Intelligence Process is a method of dealing with stress and doing creative problem solving in powerful ways by harnessing internal resources and tapping into a greater field of consciousness that goes beyond time and space. Lynne McTaggert calls it ‘The Field’.  Quantum physicists talk about all of consciousness being connected. Dowsers call it the ‘Greater Consciousness System’ and deliberately  tap into this field of information and energy to know where to drill for water, oil, and other resources. Indeed, dowsers use it to resolve any problem and answer any important question.

The first part of the Infinite Intelligence Process involves recognizing and affirming that you are infinitely smarter, wiser, more resourceful than of which you are consciously aware. You then give clear instructions to your unconscious mind on what you want or need, and authorize it to take appropriate action to resolve/achieve your intention in a satisfying way using this simple phrase formula:

“There is a part of me that knows ___ , and that part is ____ now ____ in a ___ way.”

Sample Phrase:

“There is a part of my being that knows something that I can do to help myself to ____ in this situation ____ (of /with) _____. And that part brings that information to my attention and provides me the clarity and motivation to take appropriate action on it now.”

Fleshed Out Examples:

“There is a part of my being that knows something that I can do to help myself to boost my immune system so that I don’t get sick from this or any other virus. And that part brings the best information to my attention on what I can do right now in effective, doable, and affordable ways to protect myself without fear, and to take appropriate action on it now.”

“There is a part of my being that knows something that I can do right now that will help me to develop other sources of  income while reducing overhead. And that part brings me the ideas, information and contacts I need to move forward now in effective, doable, and affordable ways.”

“There is a part of my being that knows how I can use this economic shutdown productively that will allow me to come out stronger on the other side of it. And that part is guiding me in clear, doable ways to put everything in place now.”

Just fill in the blanks or adjust this infinitely adaptable phrase to your own needs. Then allow the affirmation to roll around in your mind, and go about your day. Repeat your affirmation anytime you think of your problem so you redirect your mind to find a solution. Be sure to do it especially before you go to sleep because your unconscious will work on it throughout the night. You might well have the answer or the next step to take upon awakening.  This process will increase your ‘hunches’, set up synchronicities, and assist you to make the breakthroughs that you need.

This is similar to a technique Thomas Edison used when he was stuck working on his numerous inventions. Edison had a cot in his laboratory and would nap in a very particular way whenever an experiment reached an impasse. Lying down with the intention of finding a solution to the problem, he held a key in his hand that was suspended over a pail of water. As he allowed himself to drift into a state of hypnosis that occurs naturally as you drift off to sleep, his hand would relax, drop the key and splash his hand. This would wake him up from his nap, and he would go back to work.

What you are doing with the Infinite Intelligence Process is turning over the solution to your subconscious mind which is tied into the greater consciousness field to come up with a creative solution for whatever is going on. By turning a problem over when you don’t consciously know what to do, you will free your mind of stress and pressure so it can relax sufficiently bring the information or ideas into your awareness, or the people, sources and help you might need.

Just as your unconscious mind can digest food effectively, heal from cuts and bruises, or keep your lungs and heart working without your conscious interference, your unconscious can also solve other matters as well. Just provide it clear guidance on what you want and how you want it (ie., quickly, easily, efficiently, in a satisfying way).

More Affirmation Examples:

“There is a part of my Being that knows everything related to that problem/issue of ____, and that part is reviewing it to assist me now to ___ (clarify what needs to be clarified/ resolve what needs to be resolved/ heal what needs to be healed) in a way in which I am really pleased.”

“There is a part of my Being that knows everything related to this pandemic and the  shutdown And that part is assisting me now to sort through the contradictory information to clarify what is really going on so that I can know the proper action to take to protect myself, my business, and my family.”

“There is a part of my Being that knows everything to do with my goal of ____, and that part is evaluating the best way to achieve it now, and assisting me to do so with ease, efficiency and joy.”

“There is a part of my Being that knows how I can resolve this problem of ___ in a way even better than I can imagine. And that part is assisting me now to do so.”

“There is a part of my Being that knows everything about me – my credentials, interests and abilities. And that part directs me to another job or business opportunity better than I had before, and better than I could have imagined.”

“There is a part of my Being that knows the best use of my time, energy and resources.  And that part is guiding me me to make the wisest choices today so that I accomplish the most important things with grace and ease.”

“There is a part of my Being that knows the root cause and all relevant factors involved in this problem of ___. And that is assisting me now to resolve those issues quickly and efficiently in the best possible way.”

“There is a part of my Being that knows how I can resolve this situation gracefully with ___ in a win-win way. And that part is assisting me now to do so.”

“There is a part of my Being that knows the best ___ (person/company/tool) to help me with ___ to achieve my goal/s of ___ efficiently and affordably,  And that part is bringing that information to me now.”

fullsizeoutput_1d4Important Notes

The phrase in a way in which I am really pleased” is added to exclude any possibility of the problem being solved in unhappy ways. For example, you can solve that problem of an unreasonable boss by getting fired, or you can get out from those house payments by going into foreclosure. 

It is not enough to know a solution. That solution must be put into place. So you have to include an action word for that to happen. This is because your unconscious mind is literal. If you ask a literal person if  they can close the door, they will reply ‘yes’ without closing the door. If you want your subconscious mind to do something, you must specifically say so.

Be specific enough without boxing yourself in. The best solution may be better than you can imagine.


If you want to learn the full program, it is outlined in this 112 page manual described here

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Donna-Lee Powers
    May 07, 2020 @ 11:43:22

    Thank you for this wonderful sharing! What a gift…I have your book but this is very helpful 🎇Donna-Lee

    Sent from my iPhone



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