The Power of Thoughts, Emotions & Politics

Thoughts and emotions are things that can create or destroy, enhance or interfere, make things easier or harder, heal, harm or even kill. The clearer the thought, the more that thought is focused, directed, sustained, and then energized with strong emotion, the greater the impact will be upon both sender and receiver.

When thoughts are directed with love or gratitude, forgiveness and compassion, even to people you dislike or you consider your enemies, you are assisting both friend and foe to show up in the world from their higher nature.

Lynne McTaggert’s Power of Eight intention groups have shown that offering positive intention to another has a powerful blessing for the sender as well. Blessing others blesses you . It also helps your adversaries to heal and stop doing the very things that distress you. The caveat is that it needs to be done repeatedly.

Clinical Psychologist, Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len demonstrated this clearly by applying his practice of Ho’oponopono with the criminally insane at Hawaii State Hospital. Instead of responding with fear or revulsion towards his dangerous patients, he instead directed love, compassion and forgiveness towards them on a continuous basis. As a result, the inmates so improved that the ward was closed in just a few years. Dr. Len accomplished by simply holding his patient’s file while continuously repeating

“I’m sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.”

NOTE:  you might want to address the meditation to yourself as in

“I’m sorry, ___(your own name). “Please forgive me (for putting you through this). I love you. Thank you (for being there for me).”

The words of any mantra or words in meditation have to be in alignment with your own belief system.  Dr. Len considers himself responsible for the behavior or condition of others, which is why he can use his 4 phrases. As I disagree, I have had to modify the words in accordance with my own beliefs, which are that as I am human, the seeds of every evil that humanity has done lie within me, and that under the right circumstances, I could perhaps commit the same wrong, want to do so, or my ancestors or I myself in another lifetime may have already done. Here is my version:  

I’m sorry.

“I am sorry or whatever is within me, my relatives, progeny or ancestors in this or any other lifetime that attracted, allowed, caused or contributed to this ____ (illness, condition, state, feeling, tendency, behavior, situation, problem, event, experience or issue).

Please forgive me. 

“Please forgive me. Please forgive all of us.” 

“Divine Creator, please correct any erroneous thoughts in my consciousness and/or our shared consciousness that is responsible in any way.” 

I love you.

“I acknowledge, ____(name), that the Divine created us both, and as such, we are part of the same human family. I look for and love the Creator’s spark within you.”

Thank you 

“Thank you, ____(name), for bringing to my attention what needs to heal within myself.”

“Thank you, divine Creator, for bringing love, healing, harmony and balance into this for the Highest Good of all.” 

“Thank you, Creator, for healing any resonance with the problem within me, and correcting any errors in my consciousness and humanity’s shared consciousness.”

Dr. Len in repeating his mantra was taking responsibility for his patient’s behavior. He considered it his creation and therefore, his responsibility do something about although it was not his fault. But what if we applied this practice or something similar to the unsavory people and events in our lives?

What if we applied this to politics?

It doesn’t matter if you are talking about the politics within families, churches and spiritual circles, subdivisions, professional or civic groups, the office, and of course, politics on a state, national and global level. Egos, desires for power and control, greed, money interests, private agendas, shadow issues, fears, insecurities, and unhealed wounds create conflicts everywhere. Responding to them constructively is not just about taking what you consider appropriate action. For long-term change, it must also include healing yourself of any resonance with the behavior or personality trait of the person you dislike, or the issue, problem or condition that upsets you.

As Physicist, Tom Campbell, has said,

Unless WE change, real, permanent change will not happen. But as we grow and evolve in consciousness, our leaders and systems will reflect that.”

Quantum Entanglement

The theory of Quantum Entanglement within the field of physics explains the effect that one particle can have on another even though separated by huge distances. However, the psychological implications are that individuals have a very real effect on one another  as well. Your thoughts and feelings not only guide your action but also effect mine. Campbell says that the thoughts, emotions, and consciousness of each individual are felt by the whole. Consciousness is made up of thoughts, beliefs, and judgments which generate emotions, mood and behavior. The consciousness of even one person effects others, who in turn effect many more. This works for good or ill. 

There is only one of us here.

Some scientists are saying that we not only effect one another, but that we are the other – we are all one consciousness. The implication of this is that in hating another, I am actually hating a part of myself. The opposite is also true.

Right now, tensions within the US are ratcheting up to remove the sitting President by any means possible. As we get closer to election, I am once again concerned about the extreme level of anger and even hatred so rampant in our society before and after the last one. Unrelenting anger and hatred not only makes real, long term, positive change much, much more unlikely, but it poisons our health, our relationships, and well-being on every level. I know. I personally got ill after the last election, and I am still suffering the painful aftereffects three years later.

There has to be way to be aware without being obsessed, to listen to and possibly consider the other person’s point of view, to create positive change without destroying what is good, of informing/educating others without then transferring your hatred onto them if they do not understand or agree with you. 

Consequently, I am advocating applying the Ho’Oponopono in some fashion to your daily or weekly routine. Look for and address any old wounds that are being triggered by current events. Forgive yourself and recognize your common humanity with others (all of them). 

Copyright 2019 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.                                                                                                                     

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  1. Hella
    Dec 03, 2019 @ 04:26:38

    Thank you for this email.


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