Using Humor to Defuse Anger!

Unless you’re a psychopath, you are not going to kill somebody while you are laughing. And when you are done laughing, the original anger that made you want to kill, will have almost certainly lessened or be gone. Humor lessens tension so that better communication or constructive action can take place. So use humor to defuse!

Years ago when my son was a teenager and giving me a lot of ‘lip’, we had lots of arguments. I was completely frustrated, and constantly upset by his defiance. On this particular occasion, we (my husband, son and myself) were at the dinner table when my son started in. I was just about to serve the mashed potatoes. The big spoon with a heaping amount of vegetable was in my hand ready to dish out. Something in me clicked, and I pulled back on the spoon and catapulted it’s contents into my son’t face. My son responded by dipping his bare hand into the mashed potatoes and dumping them on top of my head. With that, my husband leapt up yelling “food fight!” And the fight was ON! All three of us threw mashed potatoes, pillows, anything non-breakable and non dangerous at one another, running all over the house.


It turned out to be the best thing we did because it totally cleared the air of tension between my son and I that had been building since I remarried. While we had to redecorate the hallway afterwards, that was no loss as the wallpaper was 50 years old and needed to go. My coat, which someone had used as a shield, also suffered, and had to go to the dry cleaner. But otherwise, everything else was fine.

At a later time, when my marriage was ending, I was extremely depressed (depression is the flip side of anger).  At the office and unable to concentrate on doing any work, I wandered next door to a neighbor’s office. Finding him alone, I asked him to tell me a joke because I badly needed to laugh. He remembered one, we both laughed, and I proceeded to someone else’s office. “I have a joke for you,” I said. I repeated the joke, laughed again, and asked him to tell me one. With this, I continued down the hall, repeating each of the jokes I learned and asking for more. Each time I told or heard one, I laughed and they laughed. This went on for weeks. The entire floor became engaged in joke telling and it boosted the spirits for us all.

Humor can be a healthy way of coping with strong emotions such as anger, depression, frustration and emotional pain. It allows you to keep your sanity so you can survive whatever is going on. The laughter brings oxygen to your brain so that you can think more clearly. As tension is released, it allows you to become more rational and make better decisions and to take constructive action.

At an earlier time and another divorce, my son (then in grade school) and I both had a lot of anger at his step-father, who had not only been emotionally abusive to us both, but had been physically rough with my son. My son truly hated this man and was prepared to hurt him if he came back into the house. So I had him play mental games with me of what practical jokes we could play on this man – things that would be an affront to his dignity, but not physically hurt him in any way.

For example, we would imagine giant birds or animals flying overhead and pooping on him, or sending dog too-doo to him in the mail, etc. We would imagine him as animal/bird/critter, and come up with insulting but funny names to call him. These mental games helped him, and are similar to a Neural Linguistic Programming technique called ‘Carnival’. I have written several visualizations to turn anger into humor in Chapter 6 my self-hypnosis course book, Your Unlimited Potential (see link here).

When things are really tough, sometimes the only thing you can do is to laugh. And if you are able to laugh on a regular basis, you probably will not get so angry or as often. So look for the funny side of things!

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.

Help Yourself & Others Release Anger without Killing Anyone!

updated 4/13/20

Have you ever thought of ANGER AS OPPORTUNITY? or TEACHER? or MOTIVATOR? or CHOICE?

Understanding the underlying dynamics of your upset helps you to harness anger so it actually accomplishes some good and, hopefully, does no harm to you or others.

Over a lifetime, I have had the ‘opportunity and motivation’ pushing me to learn something about unconscious forces, and mental and emotional healing.
“Necessity is the Mother of invention.” 
Some of what I have learned has been compiled in a 154 page content rich manual, Releasing Anger Without Killing Anyone, to assist you personally, and to assist you to help others. Whether you are a spouse, parent, employer, employee, mental health practitioner, I feel strongly that there is something in this book for you that can assist to make your conversations more productive, your relationships more harmonious, your life more effective, your sleep more restful and your health improved, all leading to overall greater inner resources and peace of mind. I know that this information works because I use it regularly to help myself, my friends, my clients and students.
 This is some of what the book covers.
  • Become aware of underlying beliefs, judgments, faulty assumptions or perceptions that cause anger!
  • Learn more effective communication skills to both avoid unnecessary problems and to address the ones you have!
  • Learn to maintain and regain balance and perspective quickly!
  • Set better boundaries!
  • Learn to fight clean and stop conversations from spiraling downwards!
  • Learn more effective coping skills!
  • Take effective action without the baggage of the past!
  • Use anger to grow in maturity and cast off leftovers of childhood!
  • Allow anger to locate and address your own unhealed wounds!
  • Understand the underlying dynamics of anger!
  • Learn to deal with what is instead of wasting precious energy in resistance!
  • Notice negative patterns and screw them up!
  • Understand and dissolve triggers!
  • Nip anger in the bud by noticing and taking action at the first warning signs!
  • Understand physical reasons for anger so you can address them!
  • Use anger as motivation for much needed healing and change!
  • Make your adversaries help you!
  • Learn the benefits of anger
Cartoon above is from

Dowsing for Mind-Body Healing Recording

If you missed the free teleconference call sponsored by the American Society of Dowsers as part of their Discover Dowsing Series, you can listen to it online here  at

Then for more information, see the abundant amount of other related articles on this blog. If you then still have questions, call me at 434-263-4337 or email me at and put ‘Dowsing Question” in subject line.

German New Medicine & the Mind-Body Connection

Recently, I was introduced to the work of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, M.D., who explored the connection between specific diseases and even the specific types of diseases ( lung versus breast versus prostate cancer) and the specific emotional traumas experienced by his patients. Even which side of the body was affected was found to be relevant to emotional issues. As he studied his patient’s brain scans and their histories, not only did he find patients with particular cancers has emotional issues in common with each other but that these issues were different from other cancers and other diseases. Further, he found markers on specific areas of the brain scans for each disease. This allowed him later to diagnose what was going on in the body from the CT scans alone. 

iu  Originally studying cancer patients, he went on to catalog the mind-body connection for a host of other diseases as well. He found that an unexpected emotional shock and the subjective internal conflict it caused in the patient determines which illness manifests and where.  You can find more on his work here and here. Another article briefly summarizing his work and from I took the photo is here.

A very interesting feature in the first above link is a listing of diseases and the emotional conflict it represents. See it here. Understand that there is no harm to do inner work (meditation/hypnosis/dowsing) to clear a possible non-beneficial emotion or conflict. The moment you change your mind, interpret something different about what happened, the emotional impact upon you changes. This is necessary to free up energy for your body to heal.

Below is a sample wording. But you might contact me for more assistance.

“If I have any iota or residue of _____ (conflict) on any level or dimension of my being, from any point in time, I command that it be resolved, transmuted, healed fully and completely in a way that I am able to rapidly be restored to abundant good health now. I command that any unresolved emotional trauma responsible or related in any way for the health condition of ___ be clarified, resolved, healed  and released. I release all blocks known and unknown to my full healing now.”

Marilyn Gang, President of Toronto Dowsers has given me permission to reprint a portion of their January/February 2017 Newsletter that includes information of Dr. Hamer’s work. It is part of a 4-part series on “The Politics of Health.” While I will reprint it separately, you can view it now here

Teleconference: Dowsing for Mind-Body Healing

American Society of Dowsers

Discover Dowsing Series

Free Teleconference, Tuesday, October 17 at 8 PM EST. 

“Dowsing for Mind-Body Healing” with Roxanne Louise

Call 712-775-7035, then with prompt, access code is 436564#. You will be able to ask questions on the live call. A recording will be posted the following day at For background information, you might read the articles on Roxanne’s blog, but especially those below. See 

First of all, all illness has a stress component that weakened the system and interfered with it’s ability to maintain homeostasis. And, in addition, those same stressors may be siphoning off vital energy that is required for healing now. This stress can be physical including chemical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Anything that consumes more energy than it supplies can be considered a ‘stressor’ including ‘good’ or ‘happy’ things like moving into a new home, getting married, having a baby, starting a new job.

While illness may have a genetic component, biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton maintains that each gene can have multiple possible expressions. The environment determines how it is expressed. So why this expression, and why now?

Illness can also have a pathogen component. Yet it has been found that people can be exposed to the same bug, yet not everyone gets sick. Why? 

20190411_dowsing coverDowsing can assist you in pinpointing your own vulnerabilities and brainstorm possible ways of addressing them in a can’t hurt way. Roxanne has written an entire book of charts and checklists to assist in locating both in her book, Therapeutic Dowsing and Telepathic Healing.

        fullsizeoutput_1d1She also has written another book for accessing internal resources in solving problems and releasing stress in her book ACCESSING MORE – Tapping into the Eternal, Unlimited Self with the Infinite Intelligence Process

fullsizeoutput_1d6This is NOT about diagnosing or treating disease. It is about establishing a wholistic approach to health and good self-care, and covering the bases not taken into consideration by the allopathic or pharmaceutical establishments. 

Listen in this Tuesday, October 17 at 8 PM Eastern Standard Time or go to any time after to listen to the recording. Call Roxanne Louise at 434-263-4337 or email at for further information.