Distant Energy Healing

Healing has both physical and non-physical components.

The physical are obviously things like drugs, diet, supplements, surgery and other medical interventions, physical therapy, acupressure, massage, exercise, etc.

The non-physical include mental, emotional and spiritual healing, healing of relationships, stress management techniques such as self hypnosis, the Emotional Freedom Technique, Tapas Accupressure Technique, prayer, meditation, emotional support and love, energy healing modalities such as Reiki, , and other modalities such as hypnosis and dowsing. All of these can be considered forms of energy healing.

Both the physical and non-physical (or energetic) are important. Sometimes the non-physical makes the critical difference by freeing up stuck energy or blocks to healing, as well as adding more energy and improving the flow.

There are so many stories of miraculous healing — cases where the person was written off by the best medical treatment, and then through an intense prayer chain, recovered. Or you may have heard where forgiveness has also led to healing of disease. I like the story of Anita Moorjani, author of Dying to Be Me, who was declared dead of cancer, but through her near death experience was able to heal a lifelong issue that not only brought her back to life, but caused rapid elimination of her cancer.

Miracle healings should not be dismissed. Where an exception to the rule appears, it points to another rule that we should analyze and find out how to replicate.

Many prominent doctors and scientists say that all illness has a stress component, and without addressing that, healing will be partial, slower and more likely to reoccur. For example, a heart patient without learning how to address his emotions is setting himself up for another heart attack. Mental and emotional stress depresses the immune system. The body’s energy that should go into the healing process can be siphoned off to fight the tigers in our lives. This makes healing slower, harder or even impossible. It can cause a person to give up. And when a person loses their reason and desire to live, the body soon follows.

If some mental, emotional or spiritual issue is the root cause of a health condition and so weakened the body’s system that it was set it up for disease, then such issue or issues must be addressed or it will only reoccur.

Energy healing can be applied both by the person for himself, but also sent at a distance by someone else to him (distant healing).

Here’s how you can send distant healing to yourself or someone else:

  1. WRITE CLEAR INTENTION: down identifying information about the person, issue, and the positive intention. This should include the person’s name, maybe their address, or possibly their photo. You can also draw some visual representation of it. [NOTE: the positive intention is the OPPOSITE of the problem. If the complete opposite is outside of your belief system, then make the positive intention a MOVING TOWARDS the opposite, which is the ideal outcome. In other words, choose END RESULT or PROCESS.]
  2. SAFETY CLAUSE: Add some phrase to further signify a good outcome that does not go against the will of the recipient. Such phrase could be “in accordance with ____’s [name of person] highest good”, or “in a way in which ____ [name] is really pleased.” In Reiki, we say when sending energy, “you are free to accept or reject or use as you see fit.”
  3. PREPARE to send energy by GROUNDING (anchoring) your energy in the earth, then CENTERING (letting go of extraneous thoughts and focusing on your intention), CONNECTING to the Source of healing energy.
  4. BUILD ENERGY perhaps by deep breathing, clearing & expanding your energy field.
  5. FOCUS YOUR INTENT & SEND by directing image out your 3rd eye, love out your heart chakra, and healing energy out your hands towards their name or photo.
  6. DISCONNECT from the recipient’s energy field. Connect healing energy to yourself & imagine yourself healthy and well in every respect.

Instructions to Dowsers

If you are dowsing, you should check if each step is done before proceeding to the next step.

Copyright 1/2022 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and links included with the content to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com

Making Your Dreams Come True

Mitch Horowitz on Goals and Manifestation 

mitch-horowitzRecently I have been listening to a lot of Mitch Horowitz, speaker, author of The Miracle Club and many other books on New Thought, positive thinking, and the occult. He references many of the authors I have read over decades, reiterating what I have been practicing and teaching on goal setting and achievement including creating miracles in your life. But he says it so well, that I am going to summarize his bullet points here with my own commentary.

Basically, in order to manifest your goals and create miracles in your life:

  • You must have a very NARROWLY DEFINED CHIEF AIM.

This chief aim may be expressed multiple ways with smaller goals as part of the overall direction.

For example, my chief aim is to use my voice to uplift, inspire and facilitate mental and emotional healing. I do this through organizing and running teleconferences, teaching, speaking, writing, and making products. I also belong to professional organizations where I can share, develop and express my chief aim. Years ago, I followed this same chief aim through being a professional classical singer.

  • Your goal needs to be PASSIONATE. You need to want it MORE than other distractions. 

It is this passion that will mobilize your energies to do the work and overcome challenges.

  • In addition to being very SPECIFIC, this goal needs to be held with SINGLE MINDED FOCUS. This will give you greater energy and stamina to push through to do what is needed. 

One way to keep your focus is through visualization. Imagine any scene that would imply achievement of your goal.

  • You need to make a DECISION to pursue this goal now. It is not a ‘someday’.
  • For a goal to be authentic, it must be ACTIONABLE. You have to be able to take concrete steps in the direction of it’s achievement. It is cannot be a daydream for which you can do nothing to promote.
  • Your goal must be ETHICAL and in keeping with your CORE VALUES. Furthermore, if you have any partners and collaborators, everyone needs to be in alignment both with your goal and values.

If your goal is in conflict with your values and ethics, you will experience problems in achieving them or will achieve them at a price such as in health or relationships.


See my earlier blog “Under, Over, Around and Through” as an example of bulldog perserverence and yet also knowing when to shift direction.

  • PRAY for what you want. This can be a request, but it can also be a demand or even be waving your fist.

Jean Slatter calls this Hiring the Heavens and describes it in her book by same title. I write about this in my own book Accessing More – Tapping Into the Eternal Unlimited Self with the Infinite Intelligence Process. The act of prayer summons both internal resources and the something to which we are all linked – that greater sea of consciousness and the Great Intelligence behind all that is.

  • Manifestation has a gestation period. This is the Sabbath, and a time of exercising PATIENCE and REST.

Do what work you can, and then do something to lift and renew your spirit in some way. This will give you fresh energy to bring to your goal later.

  • While you are waiting, STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE.

This continual application and learning prepares you for whatever opportunities do come your way. It also keeps your goal in focus, adding more and more energy to attract what you want.

LIMITS to Mental Causality:

Mitch acknowledges that we live under many laws and forces that effect mental causality. Results are not guaranteed by just following the Law of Attraction. By thinking it so, by visualizing and feeling you can direct miracles into your life. But you cannot always make what you want happen the way you want, when or how. Nonetheless, these are things you can do to increase the odds in your favor.

Copyright 1/2019 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and links to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com are included with the content.

Prayer and Healing

While this is an excerpt from my book, Reiki Path to Transformation, Volume 3, it applies to prayer in general, hypnosis, dowsing, energy healing, telepathic healing, etc.

Larry Dossey, M.D. in his best selling book Healing Words, The Power of Prayer and The Practice of Medicine, carefully documents the scientific studies that prove that prayer works. According to his research, prayer works regardless of the distance between the person praying and the one being prayed for, or any electromagnetic influences. “Nothing seemed capable of stopping or blocking prayer. Even when an ‘object’ was placed in a lead-lined room or in a cage that shielded it from all known forms of electromagnetic energy, the effect still got through.”

He classifies prayer that works falls into two categories, non-directed and directed prayer. Both work, but some work better for different personality types.

Non-Directed Prayer

This is prayer on behalf of someone without attachment to a specific outcome. One might simply pray “Thy will be done” while being confident that on some level they are always safe and loved regardless of what happens. Non-directed prayer takes the long view of eternity rather than dwelling on the immediate crises. Yet praying for healing with “Thy will be done” does bring healing to those in immediate crises. Dossey prays “May the best possible outcome prevail.” You might also say “into God’s hands and keeping I place this ___ (person/situation).”

Directed Prayer

This type of prayer very specifically asks for and visualizes specific outcomes. Directed Prayer is combined with clear visual images of what you want plus a positive, confident feeling that it is possible. For example, if a person has a broken leg, you might imagine him at some time in the future running, playing tennis, dancing again with a smile on his face. If you use suggestions like any of those below, be sure to also include mental pictures that indicate that there has been a successful outcome.

  • “Guide the physician’ s knife to completely remove all cancerous growth.” Follow with image of smiling patient living his life in the future and saying “feeling better than ever”
  • “Dissolve and remove all tumor.” Follow with image of popping balloon, and body now vibrantly alive and healthy
  • “Make new neural pathways to carry messages from the brain to the muscles.” Follow with image of smoothe, easy movements.
  • “Reattach the pieces of bone so that it is strong and better than ever.” Follow with image of that happening and person doing whatever fun activity would assume that full healing has taken place.


Dossey relates that “a simple attitude of prayerfulness–an all-pervading sense of holiness and a feeling of empathy, caring, and compassion for the entity in need” sets the stage for healing to occur. Countless other spiritual healers agree.

Centering, letting go of other thoughts or distractions and being totally focused are also important. Some healers prepare for healing work by first focusing on their connection with the Divine, on the interrelationship of all living things, and finally, on the perfected state of being they want for their client/ patient in an unconditional loving, compassionate way. Reiki practitioners like other spiritual healers understand that they are only the conduit for the healing energy, but that the source comes from the Source of All That Is.

It is recommended that in addition to the specific concern, that you pray for healing on all levels for that individual. Love those for whom you pray without attachment. In other words, you want what is in their best interest, not yours. You may not know what is best. And especially, pray without any fear. Call in spiritual assistance.

While healing work is done with slow preparation, prayer, in general, can be as fast as a thought and a flash of the healing image. Anytime you think of the sick or challenged person or situation simply imagine a positive outcome with the words, “the best possible outcome prevails.”

Why is it that saints frequently die of awful diseases?

Holiness, empathy and compassion are abundant in saints who are noted for healing others, and yet they themselves may later suffer from the very diseases they have helped alieviate. Dossey says: 

“there is no invariable, linear, one-to-one relationship between one’s level of spiritual attainment and the degree of one’s physical health.” 

Some people may knowingly or not take on the sufferings of others. Empaths may focus on the problem and identify with the suffering, feeling it in their own bodies.

At the end your day, disconnect from preoccupation with both your own problems and that of others. Imagine that on some level everyone is fine and in perfect health. Break all psychic links with the sick and troubles in the world. Go to sleep feeling gratitude, thinking of someone or some thing that makes you happy. These uplifting thoughts will stay with you through the night, assisting your sleep so that you have the energy to be of service tomorrow.


Aligning Prayer with Self-Hypnosis Principles

Prayer follows the same steps as does self-hypnosis: you must ask for the positive thing that you want in the present tense (not some future time), and believe that it is possible to receive that for which you are praying. Prayer is a focused call for help and an expectation of receiving that help. State your request as follows:

  1. Word your request in the present tense, i.e., “My body is healing now” (don’t say ‘will’ heal because your inner mind does not act on future tense). Or use the good for all suggestion, “Everyday in every way I get better and better.”
  2.  Use only positive words of what you want to happen, not what you don’t want to happen. For example, instead of praying to be less tense or fearful, pray to be calm and relaxed.
  3. Word your prayer only in a way that is believable. If you pray for something and at the same time doubt that it can happen, your doubt will cancel out your request. If you cannot believe in or imagine a cure, imagine the next step that you do believe can happen. For example, if a person is in a hospital bed with a broken leg in a cast, imagine him home on crutches, using a walker, or walking with a cane. Make a picture of the best outcome you can imagine. Later, go beyond that as your belief enlarges.
  4. If you are doing directed prayer, be specific about that for which you are praying without being inflexible. Some people finish their prayer with “this or something better” or “according to my/his/their highest good.”
  5. Engage your positive emotions and faith in your request being granted. Believe that it is possible.
  6. Turn your request over to God (release it) with confidence that you are heard and that your request (quite small in comparison to creating the universe) is infinitely within the Creator’s power.



Cleanse the body with fasting, prayer, sweat lodges, juicing, bathing. Cleanse the thoughts and emotions. Be silent. Wait with patience. Isolate the self in meditation or retreat, nature, vision quests, away from distractions or ordinary life. Take corrective action for any wrong action. Ask forgiveness of others. Make restitution.

Holding a Willingness to Heal, Change or Release

Come into alignment with thoughts or actions that lead to health. Ask Spirit to remove any blocks known or unknown to your full healing now. Be willing to surrender your pet negative judgments, resentments, anger and fears. Be also willing to clean up your relationships, examine yourself honestly, eliminate your delusions, addictions and self-destructive habits.

Healing always requires change.  

Chinese medicine believes that illness is synonymous with blockages of flow, with resistance to change.Remember that it was patterns, habits of mind or body repeated over time that created the problem. There is also a relationship between real or imagined unscrupulous behavior with its resulting guilt and call for self-punishment, and with illness. “The body doesn’t lie.” Ask for guidance to know what to do, change or release.

• Knowing

Know with certainty that the help you seek is present, that answers or solutions already exist, that the thing you pray for already exists. This becomes self-fulfilling prophecy.

• Union

Become one with what you are praying for. Become one with the power, wisdom, love of whom you are praying. Become one with whom you are praying.

• Making the request

Ask and listen for spiritual guidance, divine intervention, healing and help. You can also ask for a clear sign what is right and when it is right.

• Giving thanks

Give thanks that the request is already granted before the results are seen. Giving thanks sets up an attitude of gratitude which is always a blessing to us. It also gives us hope and encourages us to continue to take positive action. It strengthens our belief and faith.

• Taking appropriate action

Do your part of whatever seems needed or appropriate increases faith. It is acting as if it is going to happen.

• Illumination, or receiving the answer

Rollo May in his book,  The Courage to Create, said that mental breakthroughs or creative insight come after a period of intense concentration and then mental rest.


 • Charging

Charging means lending an emotional charge to your intention. For this you need

  • an idea,
  • an image representing that idea, and
  • emotional energy to carry that idea to fruition. I recommend you use love, gratitude, joy.

• Connect to the Source of healing energy

Send this energy to the person or situation you want to receive it. Imagine the person/s connected directly to this energy source.

• Break psychic contact with the person for whom you are praying and the problem 

20170928_Rset coversNOTE: Reiki–Path to Transformation comes in 3 volumes, which can be purchased separately or as a set.

Volume 1 is Hands on Healing and Reiki I Class Manual. 167 pages.

Volume II: Distant, Emotional & Mental Healing, 106 pages. It includes how to start talking with a client in ways that can only be helpful, multiple ways of doing distant healing, and how to create instant trance to implant helpful suggestions for powerful synergistic effect.

Volume III: Becoming a Full Mind/ Body/ Spiritual Healer a course manual for advanced Reiki practitioners integrating Reiki with visualizations and hypnotic interventions for a powerful synergistic effect.

See the Store on my website, www.roxannelouise.com or call 434-263-4337 for more information. 

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com  are included with the content.

Prayer and curses work on the same principles?

Really? Why would anyone say that?

Let me explain. I am a Hypnotherapist trained to understand the power of suggestions, the principles of the unconscious mind, and how the unconscious mind and emotions help to create reality and impact upon our lives. I am also a Reiki Master Teacher trained in energy work, and a Dowser trained in the power of intent to effect change and healing.

Prayer and curses are related. 

Both work on similar principles. They are simply

Clear intention + strong emotion + belief projected outwards to someone or something.

What differentiates them is

  1. the intention behind it, not just the Being to whom you pray,
  2. the image you hold in your mind,
  3. your belief/faith that it is possible or not, and
  4. the emotional energy that goes along with it.

Please don’t pray with fear in your heart!

Even if your intention is to help but you are visualizing a negative outcome with a lot of emotional energy, your prayers can hurt. 

While probably most people think that prayer works simply by appealing to an outside source  (God) regardless of how they pray, the outcome of prayer, in my opinion, depends on you as well. The words, images and feelings you hold while praying can work in alignment with or against what you want.

INTENTION – what do you want?

IMAGE – what image are you holding in your mind? Are you imagining what you want or what you don’t want?

TARGET – who or what is the focus of your attention?

BELIEF – do you really think that your prayer can be answered or not? Is it possible?

EMOTIONAL ENERGY – what is the nature of the emotion that is energizing your prayer and driving it forward to the target (the person or situation that you want to help)?


  • People usually think to pray when there is a crises and when they are in fear. If they are feeling powerless, they sabotage their own ability as co-creator to make changes to manifest a better condition. A fearful person is inclined to run or freeze, not take positive action.

During the American Revolution, there was a Springfield, New Jersey minister who used to say “Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.” In other words, don’t just pray, do something.

And as the Dalai Lama has said after the recent Paris shootings, it is “not for God to fix this. Humans created it, and humans must fix it themselves.”

  • If the person praying doesn’t  believe the prayer will be answered, that the help will come, it is like saying to God, ‘forget about it.’  Doubt cancels out.
  • If the person praying is so focused on what they don’t want to happen, they are unwittingly broadcasting more of that into the world. This can happen when they are consumed with worry, anger, fear or upset. Take the time to quiet your mind first, gain some perspective, and get into alignment with your spiritual source. In my perspective, this means getting into the frequency of love. Go to that quiet place within.

Hypnosis can help you find this quiet place and then anchor it. We hypnotherapists usually call this our “safe place.” From that place ask,

What is mine to do? 

How can I be of service? 

  • While anger is powerful energizer to carry intention to the target, it is the same as cursing or black magic if directed at anyone or anything. If you curse your enemies, don’t expect them to act any better. Whereas Dr. Hew Len in the modernized version of Ho’oponopono has demonstrated convincingly that love and forgiveness can heal even the criminally insane.

Using your anger in a positive way

If you have difficulty getting out of the energy of anger, you can harness it constructively to focus of the positive opposite that you would like to see in the world, and to powerfully project that outwards. Use your anger to get off the couch and do something to make the world a better place. Then you can turn this tragedy into a blessing. Hold the thought,

How can I turn this into a blessing?

While bad behavior has to be stopped, you cannot stop violence by creating more of it. The experiences of Northern Ireland and elsewhere has clearly proven that violent retaliations against violence create more violence that seems never to stop.

In the meantime, in your prayers hold the intention of what you want to see in the world, in your country and neighborhood, and pray for guidance and assistance to do what is yours to do. Believe it is possible to effect positive change. Gather others around to do the same. Keep the image front and center. As Transidential Meditators have proven, group meditation for peace does make a difference. Then follow it with action.

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com  are included with the content.