Healing Through Time – Resolving Issues from This and Other Lifetimes

10352395_817109968379998_8072222321633381639_n    Have you spent a lot of time to get over an upset just to have another similar thing happen again? Have you just extricated yourself from one lousy job or relationship only to realize that your new one is just as bad? Did you think that you got over some long past trauma only to realize that you’re just as angry, resentful, bitter as ever? Would you like to stop that and end the suffering?

Healing through time is designed to stop negative repeating patterns, issues, and pain. It intends to resolve the matter by addressing the root cause and any significant contributing causes. While you may remember what happened, it doesn’t trigger the same unpleasant emotional responses anymore, and similar events no longer occur.

From my perspective, this involves healing your soul’s journey in this lifetime and beyond, whatever that means to you. Believing that the soul may have existed beyond the current lifetime is not necessary to being able to direct your unconscious mind successfully to the root cause of issues and resolve old, intractable patterns below the level of conscious awareness. Consciousness seems to permeate time. Indeed according to some scientists, time may be more of a handy mental construct rather than scientific reality. 

Healing through time involves also healing your family’s or clan’s issues that were internalized by you or inherited genetically. Regardless of your personal beliefs about such matters, holding an open-minded  intention to address the origin of the problem wherever it is found is important.

Here are some techniques that help:

Hypnotic unconscious healing modalities, particularly that taught by A.L. Ward, Art Winkler, or Walter Sichort.

Hypnotic age regression to cause,

Time Line Therapy (a Neural Linguistic Programming technique), (See book by same title by Tad James and Wyatt Woodsmall)

The Infinite Intelligence Process by Roxanne Louise. (See Accessing More–Tapping Into the Eternal, Unlimited Self with the Infinite Intelligence Processfullsizeoutput_2c

The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson (See his book of same title)

Pendulum dowsing for mental and emotional healing (See Therapeutic Dowsing and Telepathic Healing by Roxanne Louise) 36d631736cfeb9bb3142bd858052fa6e

Past Life Regression (see comments below)

Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy as originated by Dr. Michael Newton

My preference is to include at least one technique that works on an unconscious level because all too often, maybe even most of the time, the true origin of a problem is unknown. You do not need to know what happened in order to heal. All you need is the clear intention to heal whatever it is. 

Is the current upset, problem or issue part of a pattern?

Is it related to a larger or different issue?  While it is fine to address the most recent incident first, a pattern will not stop repeating until all other similar incidents are resolved. Go through each one that you remember with the intention of finding the positive learning (wisdom) and then letting go of the upset. It is important to learn from each experience so that there is no need to go through it again.

Forgiveness is important.

Where appropriate, have the intention of forgiving yourself and forgiving others and deliberately draw on the spiritual dimension within for assistance. Tapping into your internal resources and the greater spiritual dimension is all part of The Infinite Intelligent Process written about here.

Once you clear the upsetting incidents that you remember, hold an intention to heal all other events of like kind from wherever they have occurred or will occur in time. This includes the future. Just as your present comes from thoughts, emotions, patterns, habits, and actions of the past, your future develops from how you are thinking, feeling, acting in the present.

Examine your family tree.

Do other family or clan members or society have similar issues? Have you accepted their negative beliefs, judgments, expectations, or emotions as your own? Have you taken on their burdens? Clear away the negative energy of your ancestors, family, friends, society that you are or may be carrying.

The new emerging science of Epigenetics suggests that the emotions of both parents and sets of grandparents are passed on to the baby in utero. The emotional climate in the home and perhaps the larger neighborhood is felt by the fetus and young child. Was your mother experiencing a lot of worry or upset while she was pregnant with you? What about the mental/emotional state of your father at your conception? What was the mental/emotional state of your grandparents during the in utero experience of your parents? Was the home peaceful, happy, welcoming or not?

What about Past Lives?

Those who believe in past life feel that unresolved issues and relationships are carried over to future lives to be healed. That does not mean that past life causes the problem directly (maybe yes, but maybe no). But it does make it trickier to heal. Here are some theories.

Because an issue was not resolved or handled well in a past life, the soul may set up a situation in this life as a second chance or opportunity to resolve or to do things better or at least differently than they were done before, and, thereby, for that soul to learn and grow. However, while two people may be destined to meet and hopefully to work things out this time, what they then do with that meeting is up to them.

Current life situations/relationships may open a file from past life. It may feel like a deja vu experience–that they have been somewhere, done this thing, been with this person, had this experience  before.  Or it may feel like someone just ripped the scabs off a wound not yet healed. The past life trauma file once opened adds to the burden of current life problems, and will need to be addressed.

What about past life regression?

While I personally believe in past lives, I do not interpret any material elicited from a hypnotic past life regression as literally true. Unless it can be verified through extensive research later with names, dates and places, it may be total fiction even if it is skillfully handled to have a therapeutic effect. Rather, I consider past life scenarios as I consider dreams — as a metaphor or message from the unconscious mind.

In forensic hypnosis, all statements elicited from a hypnotized criminal witness would have to be investigated for accuracy before being accepted in court as admissible. Because most past life hypnotically obtained material cannot be proved, and because clients can get stuck in the story line, I personally prefer to use other methods with clients.


Truly resolving issues will mean addressing the root cause and significant contributing events. This can go beyond one’s memory and current lifetime. It may include one’s ancestors. And it may include clearing the energetic patterns that one has been laying out to create future events.

For more information: see our main website: http://www.roxannelouise.com or call 434-263-4337

Copyright 2015 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com  are included with the content.

Stopping the Downward Spiral of Emotions

Emotions follow thought. Santa Cruz Vending 7:16 copy

As you notice your thoughts, you can predict their emotional outcome, and deliberately shift them to get to a more desirable emotional end result.

Thought substitution is an easy way to do this because you cannot think of two things at once.

This is never to deny your feelings or thoughts as denial leads to more problems. But rather it is to recognize that holding or dwelling on some thoughts or emotional states is counter productive and you pay a price for that. Making wise decisions so that you can take the most constructive, effective action requires being able to think clearly.

Emotional control starts with thought stopping and switching.

Furthermore, it is recognition that many thoughts, beliefs and judgments are based on faulty interpretations or world view that hinder you from overcoming challenges or achieving your goals. Such counterproductive thoughts or judgments may have been absorbed or adopted by you years ago without being examined consciously as an adult. Are they really accurate assessments of what is real or possible? Shift them as necessary.

Here are simple ways to shift

1. Shift to a question.

If the thought is “I can’t, I mustn’t, it’ll never work”. Change it to a question of the opposite: “what if I could, what if I can, what if it could work?” All will stimulate your thinking to look for solution, possibilities.

2. Shift emotion by decision.

If you have a bad experience, you could make a decision that it is going to work for your positive advantage even though you cannot possibly know if that will be the case. This decision will stimulate you to look for and possibly find constructive ways to turn that situation around.

“I turn this to my positive advantage.” or “I make this work for me.”

3: Affirm inner resources to solve problems.

If you are feeling stressed, you could affirm that there is greater wisdom, creativity and strength within you that knows how to solve problems and handle whatever you have to do. Then affirm that these inner resources can be harnessed to do so. The truth is that you cannot know the true limits of your inner resources so why not affirm that there is more ability within you? Why not think that you are capable of rising to the occasion and overcoming problems and achieving goals? This can have the immediate effect of calming you down and moving forward.

fullsizeoutput_2c I do this through what I call The Infinite Intelligence Process, which is fully explained in my book, Accessing More – Tapping Into the Eternal, Unlimited Self with the Infinite Intelligence Process. Below is a sample wording:

“There is a part of my being that knows how to handle this with grace and ease, and is doing so now,” or “there is a part of my being that can resolve this issue, and I am being guided to what I need to do and how to proceed,” or “there is a part of my being that knows who can help me with this, and I am being directed now.” 

4: Challenge negative authoriity figures.

If someone else says that you can’t do something, that it will never work, you can challenge their authority to know. In your mind, negate the value of their opinion. The truth is that when someone offers their opinion, even their educated opinion, it is only from what they have studied, what they have experienced, and does not include what they have not studied or experienced.

For example, medical doctors are experts in drugs and surgery, but not in nutrition, energy work or the healing power of prayer, stress management, forgiveness and loving relationships–all of which have a powerful ability to heal. Even within any given profession, the experts frequently disagree. This is why we are advised to seek a second or third medical opinion. Same thing goes for all other experts as well.

Before you accept the opinion of others, determine how knowledgable and experienced that opinion really is on the given topic. Within every profession there are those that find solutions to problems that their colleagues think are unsolvable. And outside of the profession there are those that sometimes come up with creative solutions that work. Why not let that creative problem solver be you?

“What does he know?”or “That’s what he thinks. He’s not an expert. He only knows ___, not ____.”

Or “if there was another way to go about this, what might that be? How can I look at this situation differently?”

Affirm that you are going to find a solution to any important issue.

“I find a way to make it work, I find the answers I need, etc.”

When you are clear about what you want, when you are determined to achieve your goal, you harness both internal resources and external assistance to do so. This gives success your best shot.

5: Focus on what you can do or what you need to do right now.

“What can I do right now to help this situation?”

Write a list and sort out priorities.

“What is the most important thing I need to focus upon?” “What is the first thing I need to do?”

6: Use affirmations and counter thoughts

Repeat any helpful suggestion or counter thought in your mind over and over to blot out the negative thoughts that prevent you from solving the problem.

7. Walking Mantras


Walking Mantras are positive counter thoughts or affirmation in the form of a little jingle that you repeat rhymically to match to steady movements such a walking steps. I list a great many more in my self-hypnosis book, Your Unlimited Potential, along with an entire chapter on stress management, but here are some:

I find a way that works for me.

Sooner or later I figure it out. 

I learn and move on.

I get everything done on time.

8. Singing

After you have done what you can and your thoughts are still run-a-way negative, you can perhaps shift with singing a song, preferably a happy tune or inspirational one. Or just listen to music. Dancing also helps. They interrupt the pattern and instantly shift mood.

9. Jokes

Tell a joke or ask someone to tell you one, and then quickly retell to others. The humor will release internal tensions, and shift your mood quickly. I did this when I was going through a divorce. It helped a great deal. See another blog article, Using Humor to Defuse Anger! 

10. Exercise

Physical work or exercise gets tension out of the body. Because you also have to pay some attention to what you are doing, it takes away from negative ruminations.

11. Concentrate on anything else

Do anything that requires complete concentration.



My book Releasing Anger Without Killing Anyone is full of visualizations, exercises, and information that helps you to transmute not just anger, but other disturbing emotions.

Copyright 2015 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com  are included with the content.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: see our main website: http://www.roxannelouise.com or call 434-263-4337

Releasing Anger Without Killing Anyone!


I just returned from teaching at the National Guild of Hypnotists Convention in Marlboro, Massachusetts. It is the largest professional hypnosis conference in the world, and always a treat to attend, which I have done yearly since 1989. I have been a regular presenter there since 1992, and was honored by them in 2011 with a Lifetime Achievement Award, the Order of Braid, named after James Braid, the Scottish surgeon considered the father of Hypnotherapy!!! (See information on Braid, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Braid_(surgeon)

My topics this year were Releasing Anger Without Killing Anyone and a two-hour workshop on What to Do When Stress Is Over the Top! Both were well attended, and for good reason. Stress is a major problem with our fast-paced lifestyle.

28473e803e35e109e67ed86c222bfda6   In preparation for my presentations, I put together a 32 page booklet on Releasing Anger assembled from a lifetime of study and practical application on the subject. It is filled to the brim on

√ How to shift anger and improve yourself and your life at the same time,

√ How to harness anger so it actually works for you, and

√ How to make your adversaries help you!

This fluff-free manual was written both for you to help yourself, and to use to help others!

Here is some of the content:

Understanding the Underlying Dynamics

Changing how you look at things so that they don’t hurt nearly as much!

Making anger work for you!

Using your enemies and problems to actually help you!

Using anger as motivation for much needed healing and change!

Communicating more effectively!

Fighting clean!

Stopping conversations that are spiraling downwards!

Noticing negative patterns and screwing them up!

Nipping anger in the bud!

How to use journal writing effectively!

Taking effective action without the baggage!

Using positive counter thoughts, walking mantras and more!

Regaining balance and perspective!

Dealing with what is 

Incident Review Worksheet

At just $12.95 with $3 shipping or $5 priority, it is a real bargain as it gets right to the chase. No filler!

BONUS: As a bonus for your order, we will include a handout with directions for doing the Emotional Freedom Technique.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: see our main website: http://www.roxannelouise.com or call 434-263-4337