Psychic Self Defense

This past year I had to re-up everything I thought I knew about clearing detrimental energies. I had been working very long hours,  dealing with emotionally draining people, and a health issue so my energy field was already weakened. With the hype and hysteria about the Corona virus and the resulting mass global consciousness of fear, problems worsened.

I also was not prepared for the sophisticated energies that targeted me – things that were beyond my training from multiple people on spirit releasement (Edith Fiore, Bill Baldwin, Robert Dexler, Father Marty Patton, Irene Hickman, Don Taylor, and more). 

Nonetheless, within every problem is a potential blessing. One of them was gathering more information on how to further strengthen the energy field, which boosts vitality and the immune system as well as balancing the mind and emotions. 

Among what I found valuable is this simple meditation that you can do with or without dowsing. I have written down all the instructions below from this audio file. Click here for the meditation by Dr. Palmer. 

PSYCHIC SELF DEFENSE by Dr. Terrence Palmer Waterstones

  1. Place your feet flat on the floor and close your eyes.
  2. Visualize a gold light that goes down to the center of the earth and comes up into your feet.
  3. Open your heart chakra, and visualize a golden light from your heart chakra going down to the solar plexis and sacral chakras, and streaming outwards from those chakras front and back.
  4. From your heart chakra see the light running down the arms and out the fingers.
  5. Move this light up through the throat, 3rd eye, and outwards from the chakras front and back.
  6. Connect the light from the heart to the light coming down into the crown from the universal consciousness or the life giving sun. Feel the warmth. Connect with the universal consciousness of creation which exists everywhere.
  7. Be with the experience of oneness with Creation and the warmth and peacefulness of tranquility.
  8. Repeat if necessary until you feel the oneness with Creation.
  9. Check if clean from other entities. Ask 3 times “Am I sovereign?” and be sure to receive a positive response each time. 
  10. If you do not get 3 yeses, imagine taking a golden sword and cutting all around over your body and head and under feet to cut any negative cords from any time and any source.
  11. Visualize your etheric body burning brightly with golden white fire with  a declared intention that the fire will burn away any negativity that may be hidden in your etheric field.
  12. Repeat 3 times, “Am I sovereign?” Continue until you get 3 yesses. If you do not get that, then seek outside help. When clear of all negative energies, go onto next step.
  13. Visualize a bubble of golden white light emerging from your heart chakra and spreading outwards through every cell of your body to the skin and beyond. 
  14. Visualize yourself inside of this bubble of golden white light. This is your protected space where nothing can enter or cause you harm, a shell or armor. You do not step outside of this sacred and safe field of positive energy.
  15. You are now grounded to the earth and connected to your own higher self and the Source of universal creative energy. The bubble or shell of your strength and aura is your protection from negative energy. This aura needs constant reinforcement and maintenance to make sure that it is strong and provides adequate protection at all times. In precisely the same way as your body has an immune system, so too does your etheric body. If your etheric auric armor  becomes weakened or has holes in it then negative energy may infect it and cause all sorts of emotional, mental and physical sickness. Use this method daily.

Dr. Palmer’s website is

He has put many videos online of various remote clearing sessions on youtube. Click here, 

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