Clearing Non-Beneficial Energy Patterns in Your Timeline

Clearing an event of upset by itself does not heal an issue, stop a negative repeating pattern, or solve a problem. Nor does it really eliminate the type of upset you are experiencing. While you may feel better about a current situation, you can still hold the same underlying beliefs and feelings such as that of abandonment, betrayal, not being good enough, etc. Consequently, these unhealed feelings, and the beliefs or judgments underlying them will set up future problems. To really heal, your consciousness across all points in time has to heal.
In non-local reality the past, present and future exist simultaneously. Energetic patterns affecting us in this life can have their origin in any one of these realities. Recent scientific studies with both humans and rodents have shown that issues such as specific fears can be carried on the DNA. But we also know that issues of our family members can be picked up in the womb or assimilated after birth from both family and society. The origins of societal beliefs even without considering the possibility that we may have had past lives can go back to the earliest days of mankind.
In the hypnosis world, we call the origin of a problem the root cause. Dowsing colleague, Marty Lucas, calls it the inception point, the point of disruption from wholeness. I like this term as it takes in the broader spiritual dimension spanning centuries.
To be complete in any healing work you must change the consciousness responsible for the problem you wish to heal, going back and forward throughout all of time to change the underlying beliefs or judgments whether they started with you or your ancestors. Then the consciousness responsible for all similar subsequent events up to the present moment have to be corrected. Because your consciousness is and has been in setting up future problems of a similar nature, those non-beneficial patterns have to be also healed in your future. And because you bear karmic responsibility for your progeny, clear them as well in all of your lifetimes past, current and future.

Copyright 2019, updated 4/2020 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.