Dowsing to Connect to Source and Clear Discordant Energies

See general instructions first given in Basic Dowsing Guidelines.

gold pendulumWhy this post?

Especially since the end of last year I have been targeted by vicious, dark energies. But as I believe in turning every experience into a blessing, I started developing a better clearing protocol than I had already outlined in my dowsing book. This protocol you see below is the result. It helps me. Try out yourself or use it as a guide to write one best suited for you.

Pause between each segment. Wait until the pendulum stops before proceeding. And forcibly repeat any sections that are relevant. 

Dowsing Protocol to Connect to Source and Clear Discordant Energies

“I AM that I AM a powerful, spiritual being endowed with dignity, direction and purpose. I have something of value to offer, and I have a right to call upon the powerful, beneficial forces of the universe to guide, support and protect me on my life’s journey. I do hereby invoke their guidance, support and protection now and always.

It is commanded to remove all blocks known and unknown that interfere with me connecting to my true spiritual guidance, and knowing myself from my divine nature and place in the cosmos. Align my identity with the Source of All That Is. “The Divine Father and I are One.”

Saturate my form and energy field with a surrounding halo of the higher harmonic of gold, and envelop me in a bubble of the highest frequency of divine light. Combust all contaminants in my energy field and purify it so completely that the divine light readily shines in and through me.

Release all blocks known and unknown to my soul’s healing now. Heal all distortions of my ego, and transmute all imperfections of my being. Resolve and release all stuck energies of unhealed emotions.

Extract the positive learning to be gained from each experience and keep it as part of my wisdom. Share this wisdom throughout all my existences. Access, download and activate divine wisdom within me and integrate it fully with the right and effective use of my power so that I make wise choices and use of my time and energy today.

By the authority given to me as a sovereign spiritual being, I declare that all energies within me, my energy field and everything associated with me be harmonized with the highest vibrations of Divine Love.

By the authority granted to me as a sovereign spiritual being, it is commanded that all detrimental energies (including what is invisible or hidden) that cannot be transmuted, healed and harmonized with Divine Love are to be now made harmless and formless, purified in the divine fire, and returned to the void.

It is commanded that all beings meaning me harm in any way be permanently and completely blocked, neutralized, and forever removed from my experience. It is commanded that any connecting psychic links or pathways by which their evil intentions have traveled be permanently cut, severed and dissolved, unable to ever reform. If there are any blocks to such removal, such blocks are now themselves fully nullified so that the command to block, neutralize and remove such beings, and the links dissolved, proceeds effectively.

It is commanded that all detrimental entities and sinister forces be taken to the appropriate place where they can evolve yet do no harm to any life form, and that any of the connecting links, cords or pathways between us be completely severed with Archangel Michael’s sword, and permanently dissolved, never to reform. Nothing can interfere with such swift and total removal.

It is commanded to neutralize and remove all mind control, subliminal messages, detrimental radionics, detrimental thoughts, emotions or inclinations, detrimental influences, psychic attack, curses, black magic, and any detrimental programs, blocks or restrictions sent or imposed upon me or anything associated with me. Neutralize and reverse any and all evil intentions.

Bless me powerfully instead with much greater mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health, happiness, prosperity, joy, success, and support than ever before. And restore optimal functioning in all areas of my being and life.

Duplicate all of the above healing and blessings for all people everywhere throughout all time and space for whom it is appropriate and in accordance with their highest good. Duplicate this also for communities, states and nations alike so that all of humanity and all of it’s organizational structures are healed and blessed.


When you are done, ask if you need to strengthen/repeat any particular segment. In which case, hold the pendulum over the side of the paper, and ask “please indicate” and allow the pendulum to pull you to what you need to repeat. Repeat until you get ‘yes’ to the question, “am I done for now?”

Copyright May, 2020 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.

Psychic Self Defense

This past year I had to re-up everything I thought I knew about clearing detrimental energies. I had been working very long hours,  dealing with emotionally draining people, and a health issue so my energy field was already weakened. With the hype and hysteria about the Corona virus and the resulting mass global consciousness of fear, problems worsened.

I also was not prepared for the sophisticated energies that targeted me – things that were beyond my training from multiple people on spirit releasement (Edith Fiore, Bill Baldwin, Robert Dexler, Father Marty Patton, Irene Hickman, Don Taylor, and more). 

Nonetheless, within every problem is a potential blessing. One of them was gathering more information on how to further strengthen the energy field, which boosts vitality and the immune system as well as balancing the mind and emotions. 

Among what I found valuable is this simple meditation that you can do with or without dowsing. I have written down all the instructions below from this audio file. Click here for the meditation by Dr. Palmer. 

PSYCHIC SELF DEFENSE by Dr. Terrence Palmer Waterstones

  1. Place your feet flat on the floor and close your eyes.
  2. Visualize a gold light that goes down to the center of the earth and comes up into your feet.
  3. Open your heart chakra, and visualize a golden light from your heart chakra going down to the solar plexis and sacral chakras, and streaming outwards from those chakras front and back.
  4. From your heart chakra see the light running down the arms and out the fingers.
  5. Move this light up through the throat, 3rd eye, and outwards from the chakras front and back.
  6. Connect the light from the heart to the light coming down into the crown from the universal consciousness or the life giving sun. Feel the warmth. Connect with the universal consciousness of creation which exists everywhere.
  7. Be with the experience of oneness with Creation and the warmth and peacefulness of tranquility.
  8. Repeat if necessary until you feel the oneness with Creation.
  9. Check if clean from other entities. Ask 3 times “Am I sovereign?” and be sure to receive a positive response each time. 
  10. If you do not get 3 yeses, imagine taking a golden sword and cutting all around over your body and head and under feet to cut any negative cords from any time and any source.
  11. Visualize your etheric body burning brightly with golden white fire with  a declared intention that the fire will burn away any negativity that may be hidden in your etheric field.
  12. Repeat 3 times, “Am I sovereign?” Continue until you get 3 yesses. If you do not get that, then seek outside help. When clear of all negative energies, go onto next step.
  13. Visualize a bubble of golden white light emerging from your heart chakra and spreading outwards through every cell of your body to the skin and beyond. 
  14. Visualize yourself inside of this bubble of golden white light. This is your protected space where nothing can enter or cause you harm, a shell or armor. You do not step outside of this sacred and safe field of positive energy.
  15. You are now grounded to the earth and connected to your own higher self and the Source of universal creative energy. The bubble or shell of your strength and aura is your protection from negative energy. This aura needs constant reinforcement and maintenance to make sure that it is strong and provides adequate protection at all times. In precisely the same way as your body has an immune system, so too does your etheric body. If your etheric auric armor  becomes weakened or has holes in it then negative energy may infect it and cause all sorts of emotional, mental and physical sickness. Use this method daily.

Dr. Palmer’s website is

He has put many videos online of various remote clearing sessions on youtube. Click here, 

How Not to Let Non-Beneficial Energies Stick

Energetic Self Defense:

A Common Sense Approach

Non-beneficial, uncomfortable energies are around us in the sea of consciousness just like beneficial, comfortable ones all the time. The point is not to let them stick to you. Non-beneficial energies cannot stick if your energy field is strong and healthy and if you have no receptor sites. Your energy field is affected by your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state.

  •  Non-beneficial energies cannot stick if you are in a good physical state.

Therefore, take care of your health, and get adequate nutrition, sleep, etc. Also, do something that forces you to breathe deeply and preferably combine it with connecting with others. Exercise strengthens your energy field, dumps a great deal of stress, and oxygenates your brain so that you can think better. But rather than work out in isolation on machines, sign up for a dance class, chorus, drumming circle, hiking group where you will socialize at the same time and get additional benefits.  Even hard, physical work that gives you a sense of accomplishment is helpful, but is even better if you do it with a friend.

  •  Non-beneficial energies cannot stick if you are in good mental and emotional state.

This means that in order to keep your energy clear, it is important to

  1. Deal adequately with everyday stress.
  2. Deal also with your old hurts, anger, resentment, trauma, drama, etc. 
  3. Stay connected to others.
  4. Have fun.

All of us need to learn basic stress management techniques to dump stuck energies. In today’s highly stressed world, it is easy to become overwhelmed. There are a great many techniques, but the Emotional Freedom Technique is a good place to start because it is simple to learn, highly adaptable to anything, and powerful. There are many videos online making it easy to learn this process. I teach this to everyone. Another good technique and another that I teach all my clients is the Infinite Intelligence Process that I wrote about in my book Accessing More.

Your mental and emotional issues, your unhealed wounds, fears, prejudices, limiting beliefs and addictions act as velcro that attracts similar, compatible energies. This makes your own situation worse. Like attracts like. But each time you heal some of your own issues, you remove the receptor site and prevent these non-beneficial energies and the entities that like them from sticking to you.

  •  Non-beneficial energies cannot stick if you are happy, surrounded by people you love, and having fun.

One major contributor to severe depression and even suicide is isolation. Wholesome laughter, get togethers with people you love and care about and who care about you is vital to keep your health and energy field strong.

For example, I notice a real difference in how I feel when I am around my son and grandchildren. Giving piggy back rides and engaging in vigorous games just doesn’t hurt my body the same way as it would it I were doing hard, physical work or lifting heavy things at home. And I am much more resilient to intrusive energies.

  • Laugh.

When I was going through a divorce, I would deliberately stop in the offices of other people in my building and ask them to tell me a joke. I was not denying what was going on in my life or my upset about it. Rather, I realized that sometimes things are so bad that all you can do is laugh. I knew that the laughter would help to break up all the congested feelings of sadness, anger, grief, overwhelm, depression, etc. Then as  I retold the joke quickly to several other people, I laughed again. I developed a significant repertoire. Despite the severe stress from my personal situation, and despite the frustrations of my work associates, the jokes helped to restore balance for us all. It made a positive shift in the energy, both in me and the workplace.

  •  Non-beneficial energies cannot stick if you are in a high vibrational or good spiritual state.

By spiritual, I mean that you feel deeply connected to something beyond yourself. Perhaps you feel a real sense of belonging and service to your family, the larger community, to humanity as a whole. You may feel deeply rooted to the earth, to nature, to some over arching intelligence behind the cosmos. This has nothing to do with specific religious beliefs, but with having a strong connection to or relationship with something More. This sense of belonging to something beyond yourself provides you some immunity against intrusive, uncomfortable energies.

If you consider that as consciousness you are connected to the Source of consciousness, that connection provides a link to greater resources of knowledge, wisdom and power you can harness to meet any challenge. I consider that each person is a powerful, spiritual being somehow intrinsically connected to the greater whole. Instead of being a powerless victim without influence, I consider that what makes you — you –that special spark that is your vibratory signature–was created by design, by intention, on purpose.

When you feel connected to something More, and also when you are aligned with a sense of purpose and feel you are making a meaningful contribution, this contributes to spiritual strength as well.

You are psychically linked to others that love you, believe in you, and are there to help you. Whether you are physically with your friends or family members or alone when you are feeling low, just by thinking of your loved ones, by thinking of your love for them and their love for you, you instantly are enveloped in a protected bubble.

You do not have to be religious to gain spiritual strength.

You can put out a mental call to and connect with that something More in the universe for help. You can also deliberately imagine your loved ones, guardian angels, ancestors watching your back. Imagine taking them with you when you are going into a tough situation, like having your own personal army standing alongside and behind you when faced with the school yard bully.

If you have trouble going to sleep, put your angels or ancestors at the head and foot of the bed to watch over you throughout the night and only awaken you if it is important to do so.

 Gratitude helps to strengthen your energy field.

When you think of all the things for which you are grateful, you realize that you do have resources to bring to any challenge. The old rituals of praying before bed and before meals with thanksgiving are energetically protective.

 Forgiveness helps too.

When you hold onto negative emotions, you bind those you hold responsible to you. Why drag them around? This prolongs your suffering and weakens your energy field making you more susceptible to other non-beneficial energies. Your anger, hurt, resentment or disapproval does not change what happened, and cannot resolve it. Constructive action is the only thing that can rectify anything.

The reason to forgive is simply because you do not want to hurt anymore, and you realize that you need to free your vital energy to be able to create a better future for yourself.

  • Turn those that offended you over to their destiny under God.
  • Ask for forgiveness from those you have harmed whether knowingly or unknowingly–even if that harm was only in the perception of those other people.
  • Pray to heal any karma between you.
  • Practice Ho ‘oponopono. This exercise as popularized by Dr. Hew Len and Joe Vitale in their book, Zero Limits, is very helpful.

Forgive yourself.

If you don’t find a way to forgive yourself, your unconscious mind will find a way to sabotage or punish yourself, which you don’t want to happen. Learn what you can from your experiences. Learn what you need to say or do, or not say or do next time. Mentally rehearse handling the situation in a better way at least 5 times. Perhaps think of how someone else might have handled it better, and learn from them.

Perhaps make a symbolic act of contrition as a way of saying you are sorry. For example, you can light a candle in church, do some act of charity or kindness for someone else.

Do not take on or identify with the emotional issues or problems of others.

This is especially important if you are sensitive, empathetic and feel other people’s emotions. Assist others as appropriate, but do not assume their burdens and pain. Keep one foot always planted in a world without such problems so that you know that things can be different. Vividly imagine a better world, and then ask yourself if there is something you can do to move in that direction. If you identify with problems, whether your own or that of others, it will drain your energy and ability to be effective in changing it.

Are these distressing emotions and thoughts really yours?

They may not be. You may be just telepathically picking up those belonging to someone else, or those left over in the environment by others. Are these thoughts true? Is your mother, your kid brother, that old school teacher still in your head and telling you it’ll never work, that you’re no good at, etc.? Can you regain your composure by challenging discordant thoughts? Do they reflect something you saw in the media, a movie, or read in a novel? Is the nightly news getting you down because you do not have enough good news to balance it?

Are you picking unsettling emotions up on the psychic airways? If they are not yours, say a prayer for the owner of those feelings even if you are not sure where they came from. Think of each person as really a powerful, spiritual being, guided and protected as well as you are. Imagine the person/s involved as  healthy, happy, confident.

But if the feelings are yours, or you resonate with them, then do something to resolve or heal them. Again, the Emotional Freedom Technique or the Infinite Intelligence Process that I teach can help.

Do not accept emotional abuse.

Let someone’s verbal bombardment pass right on by like the wind. You would not be upset if a lion in the zoo roared at you. The lion is just being itself. So is your boss, your ex, your ____.

While it is good to be aware of what is going on in the world and how people feel about it or about you, their feelings, their judgments are their perceptions, their opinions, their reality.  However, information is useful. It is feedback. Information informs you of action that might be appropriate, needed and timely. It may inform you on how you might be helpful or better. It may make you aware that you need to communicate more clearly, set boundaries, adjust your own behavior. It may make you aware of what issues are resonating within yourself that might need to be healed.

Ask yourself

  • How can this be turned into a blessing?
  • Is it necessary or appropriate for me to take any action? What?
  • What can I learn from this?

Non-beneficial energies that do seem to stick whether from people or annoying entities that are around always have something to teach you. If you pay attention and take action, they can actually bless you.  There is a saying

“Man made it for evil, but God meant it for good.”

Remember to have an attitude that any energies that bother you are a temporary annoyance. My belief is that you are a powerful, spiritual being–a chip off the Old Block, which is the ultimate Source of all that is that people call God. Therefore, you have a right to dominion within your own energy field, your own home and environment, and a right to command the benevolent forces of the heavens to come to your aid and assist you.


Remember to keep a healthy energy field starts with good basic care of yourself with adequate sleep, and nutrition. Then it means dealing with stress and old issues, by being around loving, supportive people, having fun, laughing, singing and dancing, doing anything that brings a smile to your face, and gives you a sense of meaning and purpose in life. Breathing deeply will instantly release fear, raise your vibration and strengthen your energy field. And happy or sacred music will assist you to stay in a good place and permeate the walls of wherever you play it.

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.


Picking Up Vibes

Sensing Energy

You walk into a building, a room, or down a street, and for some reason, start feeling peaceful, happy, warm, safe. Or, sometimes you might start getting agitated, scared, creeped out, or simply uncomfortable. There may not appear to be any rational reason for it, but you can’t deny that you are sensing or reacting to something. What?

I remember visiting the home of Philosopher, Jidda Krishnamurti (long since dead) in Ojai, California and I COULD NOT HELP SMILING. While I respected this sage, I certainly was not a follower. Yet, the happy energy in that space was palpable, and forcibly changed my usual overly serious continence to happy as long as I stayed in his house and immediate grounds.

I have walked into some empty churches, and immediately felt a sense of peace. And while the architecture and sheer beauty of the place may have been lovely in all of them, the peace appeared to be unrelated to aesthetics. Some of the most beautiful left me empty, and some of the plainest churches felt the best. One place where I particularly and consistently felt at ease was at the Lake Shrine of the Self Realization Fellowship in Pacific Palisades, California. It is a small, simple place in a beautiful garden with a small lake, that was dedicated by Yogi Paramahansa Yogananda (also long deceased). His followers have regularly practiced meditation there over the years.

Just what is the cause of our reactions?

  • Are we sensing energy vortexes?

Some vortexes are especially palpable as are those in Sedona. Other beneficial yet invisible earth energies and ley lines were harnessed in the placement of the world’s oldest cathedrals. Dowsers are skilled in locating them.

  • Are we picking up on chi?

Chi is the movable positive or negative life force which plays an essential role in the Chinese study of feng shui? This can take into consideration the lay of the land and a building’s placement on it, the shape of spaces and angles inside, colors, the function of the rooms and furniture placement, and much more. Feng shui has been shown to effect energy and mood.

  • Are we sensing the emotions, frame of mind, and possibly even the intentions of the current or even long past inhabitants?

For example, was I feeling the left-over residues of years of peaceful meditation, or the personality imprint of saints such as Krishnamurti or Yogananda, and of good people who had peace in their hearts who had spent a lot of time at those locations? I think so.

  • Are we feeling the residue of activities and events that occurred there?

Yes, if they are powerful enough even for a single event as in an accident, murder, battle, or if repeated over time if less in intensity in daily life.

  • Are we feeling the good will and harmony or the irritation and dislike within a household or company?

Don’t we have the expression that ‘you could cut the atmosphere with a knife’ ?

  • Are we even picking up on the emotions and thoughts of others that are directed at us?

Energy directed at us can be perceived whether the sender is physically present with us or not. For example, am I feeling good because someone who loves me is thinking of me even though miles away? Conversely, if I am uncomfortable, is it because someone is angry with me and focusing on me at that moment? Am I picking up on their disapproval, rejection, negative judgment?

The reverse of things that make us feel good can also saturate a place and be sensed as well.

This can include bad feng shui, geopathic zones, the residue of traumatic, unhappy, stressful events, or the imprint of upset, angry, fearful or depressed people.  I, personally, am very uncomfortable in or around hospitals, prisons, certain neighborhoods (whether or not obvious from the buildings), the World Trade Center, or anywhere near old battlefields, factory farms or animal feedlots.

Years ago, I was awoken in the middle of the night while camping in New Jersey by a British soldier and American Indian in hand to hand combat outside my motorhome. Dream? No. Ghosts? Again, I think not. It seemed more like a frozen piece of time being replayed like a broken record because of the emotional intensity in that spot.

Another night, I was compelled to follow the energy I felt in my parent’s house some time after my father’s death. Dowsing my way, much as one might follow breadcrumbs from one end of the house to the other, it lead me down to the basement to my father’s ham radio room where he spent countless, happy hours talking to people all over the world. Was this my father’s ghost? No, I felt sure that wasn’t it. It felt like the leftover residue of his concentrated energy over the years. That room and the activities there played a big part in his life.

Referring to my father, there was an intense holy and loving presence in the house after he died that lasted for some months. It extended even into the yard. Was this energy my father that was continuing to love us? Maybe. Was it the love of our deceased ancestors to comfort us? Maybe. But it felt like much, much more than either of those possibilities. Was it the spiritual energy that my father attracted by his goodness and religious devotion? It felt like the latter.

As I think about the uncomfortable energies that I have encountered over the years, especially the ones that seem to be in my own space or follow me around, I am convinced that a great deal of it falls within my own lap.

The problem is not in that I perceive uncomfortable energies, but that such non-beneficial energies sometimes seems to stick and are difficult to shake because of me being in a weakened state, whether physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.

This weakened state might come from both current issues as well as past issues that I have not yet resolved. The cumulative effect makes it harder to gain perspective, and deal with those issues. It also makes me vulnerable to other stressors as well as to outside energies that drain my energy further and feed off and aggravate the very non-beneficial thoughts and emotions I am trying to heal.

Such weakening agents include:

  • Fatigue, exhaustion, lack of sufficient sleep and pushing beyond my limits.
  • Other health issues including illness, toxicity, inflammation, lowered immunity, diet.
  • Overwhelm, worry and stress in my personal life. Concern for loved ones.
  • Worry, grief, fear, anger, depression or upset about the suffering, cruelty, corruption, ignorance, injustice, and evil that I perceive or hear about in local, national, world conditions and events.
  • My own unhealed emotional wounds, limiting beliefs and judgments.

Like attracts like.

For example, if I am sensitive to the jealousy/anger of others, it may be because I have not healed either my own jealousy or anger, or the pain/upset from previous experiences with jealous/angry people.

I have found that anything that depresses my spirit or challenges my health makes me vulnerable to being impacted by bad vibes.  But the reverse is also true.

Anything that lifts my spirits and enhances my health can strengthen my energy field and make me more resilient to non-beneficial energies, stress, and able to deal, in general, with problems or challenges of any kind.

Energy Enhancers

This includes all the usual, common sense things like quality nutrition, sleep, detoxification, gratitude, forgiveness, love, joy, happy music and dance, loving friends and family nearby, a supportive network and community, recreation, nature, sunshine, wholesome laughter, exercise, and more.

Even if bad vibes are directed at me personally as when someone is jealous, angry or resentful or if they reject, judge or disapprove of me, if I exercise healthy diet and lifestyle habits, if I work to resolve my own personal issues, and if I challenge my own limiting beliefs and judgments, and if I have supportive, loving people around me, it makes a substantial, positive difference in being able to maintain a healthy boundaries,  equilibrium, and resiliency. Then I am less impacted by whatever disharmony, bad vibes or energy pollution is out there from any source.

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.

Things That Go Bump In The Night


Weird or uncomfortable energies and what to do about them!

After a long hiatus, my book on spirit releasement–clearing yucky emotional residues, ghosts, entities, curses, psychic attack, and more –is finally scheduled to be out this summer. Much of the book was originally written as part of the 1994, 1997, 1998 and 1999 editions of another book, Therapeutic Dowsing and Telepathic Healing , but removed from the 2007 edition to be greatly expanded for this separate book with it’s title Things That Go Bump In The Night announced at that time. However, as sometimes happens, other responsibilities took over and this project was sitting on the shelf until now. Look for more information in later posts.


However, while the book is mostly written, I still have time to include your personal stories. If you have anything you think of interest on any of the topics listed below–

  • your experiences
  • things that worked for you or made a positive difference in dealing with it
  • things you did try but which did not help, or only marginally so,

Please contact me at or by phone at 434-263-4337.

  • ghosts
  • angry/unhappy nature spirits
  • aliens
  • entities
  • curses, hexes, psychic attacks, black magic
  • thought forms
  • uncomfortable world/regional energies (energies that saturate a large area, not necessarily world wide)
  • geopathic zones, detrimental earth energies
  • effects from EMF (electro-magnetic frequency), cell phone towers, electrical devices, computers, etc.
  • unpleasant emotional residue left behind in a place (former battlefield, hospital, prison, building)
  • unusually aggressive animals, insects
  • unrelenting problems with a house, equipment, business, or some other area of your life
  • repeating negative patterns that have gone for past generations
  • sudden and unexplainable draining of your mental, emotional, physical energies
  • thoughts, inclinations that are not “you”
  • suspicious inner messages, voices
  • sudden personality change
  • unexplainable depression, hostility, fear, etc.