Neutralizing the Detrimental Effect of Mass Consciousness

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What is Mass Consciousness?

Any widely held thoughts, beliefs or emotions that are pervasive in a group can be called “Mass Consciousness”. In a country beset by war, starvation, severe economic depression there is going to be a mass consciousness of fear, perhaps also grief and anger, hopelessness and despair.

Mass consciousness is not always negative. It can be happy and joyous as well as during the victory of a national sports team, or election of a leader that is expected to bring hope, or winning the war, or the wedding of Prince Charles and Diana.

But when it is negative, it impacts upon our health, sleep, our ability to digest our food, to think clearly, make good decisions, and drains us of the energy to take wise, effective action. Hence, the need to clear it away when we can feel it getting to us.
While I have written this for dowsers, it can also be utilized by anyone having the ability to focus their mind, and intend with strength and energy that what is being said IS being done. To that end, it is important in any healing work to build your energy field first.

1. Affirm and step into your personal power

Stand up and raise your arms in front of you as you breathe in and think or say “I AM”. Then lower your arms out to the sides as you think or say “That I AM”. Repeat several times adding a visualization of a golden ball of light inside your heart area expanding throughout your entire body, and pushing a bubble of light out from your body as you exhale.

2. Gather your strength

Imagine those both in physical form and those in the spiritual realms that love and believe in you supporting and protecting you on your life’s journey. 

3. Ground your energy

Imagine growing roots and pull that energy up through your feet, up your spine and out your head, and then loop it back down to the earth picking up any stress or toxins on the downward cycle and removing it out your feet.Make several cycles until you feel your legs tingling with energy.

4. Center 

As you pull energy up the spine, allow your mind to come into a narrow line, letting go of extraneous thoughts so that you can focus on your intention.

5. Connect to Source

Imagine a brilliant golden sun above your head that represents to you the source of divine healing energy and power joined with divine wisdom and love. Pull beneficial energy from this golden sun down through your head and your entire body. Invite the frequency of the higher harmonic of gold such as the halo seen around holy figures. This higher harmonic of gold thought to be connected not just with prosperity and manifestation, but most of all with wisdom. And that is what is needed in solving big problems – to manifest healing through the highest frequency with divine wisdom. Cycle it through you several times. Fill your body with this golden light and the energy of love.

6. Increase your aura and set up a strong, force field

Expand your aura a minimum of 3 feet in all directions, and then perhaps in increments out as far out as you can go, maybe 10-20 feet or more. Dowse this distance for yourself. At the perimeter, install a protective shell, shield or force field that prevents detrimental energy from entering.

For dowsers, assess: On a scale of 0-100% calibrate your overall strength of your energy field.

Monitor Your State & Make Corrections on an as needed basis

Assess: dowse out on a scale of 0-100% the overall detrimental effect upon you of the mass consciousness of ____.

hopelessness, etc.

Neutralizing Detrimental Mass Consciousness 

If you are dowsing, start spinning the pendulum counterclockwise:

“Neutralize all blocks to clearing the detrimental effect upon me & others of the mass consciousness of ___ that has come from any source – internet, news media, social media, conversations, or psychic airways.

Neutralize the detrimental effect upon me of the mass consciousness of _____ [emotion].

Neutralize the negative effect of mass consciousness upon me from any & all sources regarding anything.

Neutralize the detrimental effect of mass hysteria about the ____ (Corona Virus, lockdowns, etc).

Delete all excessive, unwarranted fear & panic from my consciousness.

Delete all falsehoods or lies in my consciousness that are causing or contributing to any unjustified fear or panic.

Delete all victim mentality. Delete all feelings of doom.

Delete all feelings of helplessness to protect myself or my loved ones, & whatever I hold dear.

Delete any beliefs or expectations of getting this virus or any other disease. Delete any illness programs.

For both myself and all others that desire it on a soul level neutralize the mass consciousness of unwarranted fear & panic present within ___ miles of each person’s physical location.

For both myself & others that desire it neutralize the mass consciousness of doom, hopelessness, & victim mentality present within __ miles of each person’s location. (5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 miles & beyond).

Neutralize the mass consciousness of anything draining the energy or lowering the immune system of myself & others in accordance with their highest good & soul’s desire. That is lowering the ability to think clearly and rationally. To make wise decisions. To discern what is true or false. Do this over ___ (5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 miles & beyond).”

When the pendulum stops spinning, start inputting positive opposites of the above while spinning clockwise.

“Fill those cleared areas now with ____ (enhanced discernment and the ability to perceive truth from falsehood, clear awareness of the true situation, perspective of the true picture, increased connection to my true spiritual guidance, awareness of and gratitude for all the blessings in my life, love, joy, etc.”

Wait for the spinning to stop. Ask “Is that done?”

Go back and assess the percentage of detrimental energy still in your energy field now.

On Grief and Suffering

32348Years ago I saw the movie Shadowlands – the story of Oxford professor, C. S. Lewis (most known for his children’s book, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe), and his American Jewish wife, Helen Joy Davidman.

At the point where Lewis has to face that Helen is dying, he realizes how much he loves her. But her illness makes him question his devout Christian faith. How can God allow such suffering? How could God bring him love so late in life only to snatch it away?

If you shut your heart to pain, you shut it to love as well.

Helen responds that you cannot shut down your heart to avoid feeling pain or you will shut down your heart to feeling love as well. She says that the pain that you know will be experienced later IS part of the happiness now. It makes each moment more poignant. You have to be willing to experience it all. You have to keep your heart open.

Helen’s attitude is a recognition that everything is transitory – both our lives and our time together with loved ones. It is a way it is seizing the moment to appreciate everything now especially because we know such moments are finite. And when such time is over if they die before us, we can be comforted in that we had those moments together, that we experienced their love and our friendship and happiness together.

“Carpe diem”: Seize the day

Perhaps in the case of an on-going or painful, terminal illness, knowing that their suffering was ended can also be a comfort.

And then there is the grief of witnessing the suffering of others that we do not know. How could a loving God allow such evil? Why do bad things happen to good people?

Why does suffering exist?

I don’t believe there is an answer to this age-old question although there are theories. In a specific individual case we may have a hunch as to why. Certainly the consciousness of the individual has a lot to do with the personal internalization or how they experience the suffering whether or not it changes the outward situation.

Some think that there is karma – that bad things happen to pay someone back for the bad things they have done in the past. Then guilt plays a part. Guilt always looks for punishment.

But some of my hypnosis colleagues have found that suffering can be part of a soul contract. In other words, that a soul has voluntarily taken on a specific challenge in order to learn something – maybe humility, patience, or compassion for others with similar challenges. There are many people who have credited their childhood poverty, abuse, or trauma as the motivating force to work hard to change things and do something with their life. Some were even be the ones responsible for pulling the family group as a whole out of their dire situation. If learning is the reason for the suffering, speed up the learning process and then ask the universe to be released from the condition.

Maybe the soul has chosen it’s challenges as a way to grow personally. Or maybe the soul has willingly taken on a challenge to help others to grow, to teach them something, or at least, to give them the opportunity to do so. Maybe their suffering is to inspire others to take action and remove or heal the cause of the problem so that others benefit, or to come up with a solution, an invention, a therapy, or legislation to address that problem that brings much needed change or improvement. Maybe it is to teach compassion and give others an opportunity to minister to their needs.

I remember years ago listening to one of the most arrogant, elitist, wealthy man talking about the problems of being a parent to a severely disabled young child. And when I heard it, I thought that his son might be a heaven sent gift to soften and open this father’s heart to love, and teach him compassion for others. Right or not, that was a blessing  that could potentially arise from the situation.

What can you do when you are grieving or suffering in some way?

Deliberately find a way to notice what is still good. Savor the love and friendship that is available. Open your heart to those who come or call. Reconnect. Pull your loved ones and pets close to you. If you don’t have a pet but love animals, get one or volunteer at an animal shelter. As you open your heart to give love in any area possible, you will receive it back abundantly.

Connect with nature and appreciate the natural rhythms and cycles of life. Death is part of that cycle. After every winter comes spring, then summer, fall and winter again. But then spring returns yet another time. Think of the the spring flowers, the young ones, the baby birds and animals just being born. Take time to be with them, to notice and appreciate whatever is around you. Go feed the ducks, hatch some chicks, hug a tree. And I don’t mean to be trite in the face of real suffering, but just focus on being, really being present with any evidence of LIFE in any of its forms, including what may seem to be inanimate like rocks and streams– all of these bring healing.

Look for beauty. Look for any evidence of goodness and joy. Look for evidence of things that have been around much longer than a human’s lifespan, and for evidence of things that die and are reborn.

When my son was born, my neighbor’s daughter just died. So as soon as I was out of the hospital, I went over to her and let her hold my baby. I wanted her to still know that life goes on, and that this new life can be a great comfort. Holding the soft bundle of a newborn melts the heart, and in the melting comes the healing.

Any person for whom you grieve lives on through you not just in your memory, but also in how they touched or changed your life. The love you had for them lives on, and I believe that their love for you does as well. I have personally experienced my whole being filled with love multiple times as my deceased father’s made his presence known. Same thing happened for months with a very special cat. I have had visits from deceased clients, students, colleagues. So I am convinced that the soul lives on independently of my memory of them.

And something of you will live on through friends and family – your legacy to the world of how you made a difference perhaps just in being in the right place at the right time to give encouragement, a helpful perspective, a simple act of kindness. Cherish the good memories. Put up any photos that bring a smile to your face and make you laugh. And if you have them, hug their pillow, their clothes with their smell still on them.

Then connect to the spiritual dimension, the greater cosmos beyond the solar system, the galaxy to an even bigger beyond in all it’s majesty. Go out and watch the sun rise and set. Look up at the stars and visit any awe inspiring vistas where you can gain a higher perspective beyond your day to day life.

And go every day to that place within your soul that is still okay and loves you very much. Remember, know and allow yourself to feel that

you are loved.


Copyright 2019 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.