Dowsing Ethics, Part 2: What Not to Do!

NOTE: everything I report below could just as easily be applied to comments delivered by a psychic, spiritual healer, etc.

See earlier article, Dowsing Ethics – Above All Do No Harm

A real life example of what not to do!

In my first dowsing class (a week long course in 1990) some people were uncomfortable with a fellow classmate. They asked the teacher about it, and he responded that this individual had killed them in a past life. The students quickly spread this information to other students and even to those outside the class in an organization and local church to which they all belonged until many others both in and outside of the class were shunning this student.

The teacher’s irresponsible comment created an atmosphere of fear and distrust towards this person where before there had only been a vague feeling of unease from something they didn’t understand—unease that could have come from a host of multiple other factors including what was going on personally in her life that had nothing to do with the classmates whether in this life or any other.

The end result was that this individual’s reputation was ruined both in the group and the larger community on something that could neither be proved or disproved, money due her for hosting the event was withheld, and relationships and good will in the greater community were ruptured irreparably and permanently.

This incidence illustrates ethical violations to be avoided when dowsing. These ethical violations were caused by:

  • failure to remove ego, arrogance, spiritual pride, or personal agenda 
  • failure to consider a multitude of other factors potentially involved in the subject of investigation
  • failure to consider the limits of what we can, cannot or should not dowse upon
  • failure to consider that dowsing even among the most skillful is not 100% accurate, and that any particular dowsing results can be wrong
  • failure to consider the consequences of how others will interpret and do with the dowsing results reported
  • dowsing on what cannot be verified and which can have negative consequences.

The problem of dowsing what cannot be verified

On the one hand, dowsing can provide information, guidance, suggestions that are difficult, more time consuming, or impossible to obtain another way. But that does not mean that such information can be considered accurate until later proven with successful results or through testing by other means. Dowsing is an art gained slowly through training and mentorship, experience, and learning through your mistakes. It is not always right.

If acting on such information can have serious consequences, it should not be reported and no action should take place until it can be thoroughly researched and tested. While creative breakthroughs can occur on what starts out as a hunch, unverifiable dowsed information is speculation or theory until you prove it. Especially in the area of the area of personal relationships, reporting such unverifiable information is unethical, slanderous, and opens up the possibility of a lawsuit.

Dowsing past lives is frivolous entertainment. Dowsing issues is not.

I personally believe in past life, and consider that certain of my ‘memories’, talents and relationships stem from there. But I cannot prove it, nor think it important to do so. As a hypnotherapist, I have experienced, been trained in and guided many people through past life regressions. Nonetheless, I do not take past life scenarios seriously as they can only rarely be verified.

Nonetheless, past life regression is helpful in identifying issues even if the events reported are totally fictitious. The material can be metaphorically true and helpful providing it is understood as a metaphor or dream material by a mature, mentally and emotionally balanced client. It can be therapeutic in the hands of a skillful regressionist who uses the storyline to focus on healing the issues uncovered, and applying the positive learning to present life challenges. But in thinking of it as an actual, factually correct lifetime, it can be counterproductive. I found that not all clients are willing or able of doing the healing work, letting go of such stories and previous identities, and moving on. Consequently, I no longer conduct them. 

While dowsing charts can also pin-point past life cast and characters, I only rarely have used them for myself, but not for clients.

The real focus on dowsing should be on healing, improving or practical application for what is going on or needed now.  

If trauma has occurred, find the positive learning, the wisdom, and release all stuck emotions from things real or imagined. Locate and clear any limiting beliefs or judgments whether justified by the facts or not. This allows to work in a ‘can’t hurt’ way. Stick to healing issues, working towards solving practical problems, and being of service.

Keep dowsing focused on helping yourself and others in the life today.

If you are dowsing (or using any psychic art) out of curiosity rather than healing your own issues, solving practical problems, being of service to someone else, you are misusing it.

The problem of interpretation

In my example, the students accepted the teacher’s opinion that they had been killed by a classmate as accurate. After all, how are brand new students going to have the discipline to be neutral when dowsing such highly emotional material, and the experience to know when they are really tapping into universal consciousness and divine truth or not? Then they further assumed that the teacher’s words of having been “killed” to mean that they had been murdered. But were they? What were the circumstances around their untimely death if it happened because circumstances and motive makes all the difference even in a court of law as to guilt or not. 

People can be killed through multiple means—accident, ignorance, superstition, negligence, laziness, self-defense, misunderstanding, poor communication, mistaken identity, perceived wrongdoing, or set-up. Deliberately caused deaths can be authorized, ordered or sanctioned by the larger community as an act or casualty of war, in the service of cultural, political, ideological or religious beliefs, or because the individual himself committed some serious violation of a community rule.

My fellow students may have assumed that they did not participate, cause or bring upon themselves what may have happened to themselves. They may have assumed that they were blameless when they may actually have been criminals and sentenced to death by their group as punishment. 

Faulty interpretations

When I dowsed on the teacher’s pronouncement, my interpretation was different. I felt that the “killing” was not a physical death, but rather a psychological dismissal. In other words, this student did not respect or take these certain classmates seriously. She judged them as much too gullible and not exercising common sense — something borne out by their behavior. Perhaps, the students were feeling uncomfortable because they felt judged, but didn’t understand it. Or they may have been picking up bad vibes because this woman was going through both financial and marital trouble with her husband, who was also in the class!

Consider all the ramifications of what you say, how you say it, and to whom.

  • This teacher failed to consider the effect his comment would have on the class and on the accused student both inside and outside of class.
  • He had not considered the maturity and understanding of those to whom he was speaking.
  • He had not considered their awareness that in the context of multiple lifetimes, a soul is thought to swing between being victim and victimizer.
  • He had not considered that that these students, like most people, might think of themselves as the innocent victim in their interactions, and deny their own part in whatever happened to them, and the harm they have done (or wanted to) to others in any point in time.
  • He had not considered that no matter what anyone may have done in the past, each person has the ability to learn and turn their life around.
  • Nor had he considered that his students understood the underlying oneness of all humanity – that like it or not, we are all connected, all brothers on the same planet.

What this teacher should have done – an opportunity missed 

Besides the gross ethical violations, this teacher missed a precious opportunity to teach the entire class how to use dowsing to heal uncomfortable feelings and a relationship in the present moment. Healing always involves starting with healing the self. These students missed out from learning how to turn their stuck emotions into a blessing.

This is something of which I know much, and I will address in another post.

This topic was discussed on the American Society of Dowsers Dowsing Support and Continuing Education Teleconference, Tuesday, May 8, 2018, and recorded and available in the archives for ASD members.

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content. This is rewrite of a 2/21/16 blog article.

Upset as Opportunity

Fuming over what you don’t like and the people you hold responsible for it may let off steam, but it burns up your precious life force energy and it doesn’t change anything! 

I suggest that you as quickly as possible accept that what happened, and is now history. Fuming doesn’t change history. The question is

What do you want to do about it?

How can you use it constructively?

Can you turn it into a blessing?

As I have said in previous posts, deliberately choose to look for a way to turn every experience especially the upsetting ones into a blessing. This will happen if you grow, if you learn something positive, if you take constructive action on things that previously you neglected or let slide, and if you finally turn your attention to dealing with wounds and issues long past but never resolved.

When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, miracles of positive change can occur!

You can train yourself to use upset as a powerful

  • catalyst for healing yourself and
  • as motivation to create something better.

Here’s how.

Write the answers to the questions below. If you have trouble identifying them, brainstorm possible answers on paper and dowse them out. If you don’t know how to dowse, brainstorm anyway. Then close your eyes and ask yourself the question again. Or just write and write until you get to the core issue.

  • What’s happening that I don’t want?
  • What’s not happening that I do want?
  • What’s the key issue here?
  • What are my thoughts about what’s happening?
  • What are my emotions about it?
  • What do I want to happen instead?
  • What’s the essence of what I want?
  • What’s stopping me from getting it?
  • Is there another way to get the essence of what I want?
  • When were other times that something similar happened?
  • When was the earliest time that something similar to this happened?

Work your way through all of these questions, addressing them as you go.

Then ask some further questions:

  • How did I contribute in any way to what happened?
  • What positive steps can I make or what changes need to occur so this doesn’t happen again?
  • How can I improve my ____ (communication, follow-through, systems, etc.) so that my _____ (business, relationships) are actually better as a result of what happened?

Doing all of the above will move you forward.

Heal yourself rather than trying to change someone else!

Recently I spoke with someone who was upset because he had been unable to get someone else to change. He had tried talking to the person, but wasn’t getting anywhere. I suggested that he first identify and then address his own emotions and his thoughts around it before speaking to the person again so that they would not cause the person to tune him out.

In other words, if you are emotionally upset, you will make the other person defensive, and less likely to even consider changing their behavior and do what you want. You need to find a way to speak to the person from a neutral place, or better yet, from a place of common ground.

One way of starting that process is to detach your worth, your self-esteem from what someone else is doing. Each person acts out of who they are, not from who you are. And incidentally, people never change for you. They may moderate their behavior somewhat if the negative consequences are great enough. But they never change for you.

Eliminate the ‘shoulds and shouldn’ts’

Another initial step to reduce your upset is to eliminate the idea that people should or shouldn’t be any certain way or do anything according to your standards. Those self-righteous judgment calls are responsible for a great deal of stress. However, once you clarify the behavior you don’t want and the behavior you do want, you will be able to clearly communicate it to the other person.

As he labeled the other person as controlling, I suggested that he could turn this situation into a blessing if he could identify and then heal all similar experiences starting with the first time he was upset because of controlling behavior. In other words, this annoying current event might be viewed as positive by alerting him to a host of unresolved similar events festering in his unconscious not only causing him stress but setting up a negative repeating pattern.

My own experience

Years ago I was being constantly hit with the energy of jealousy. I could always tell when the conference brochures hit the mailboxes, because I could feel the red hot feverish flames blasting in my face, and it made me jittery and hard to focus. Once in giving a presentation of how and why to integrate Reiki with hypnosis, I could feel the arrows coming from 3 distinct locations in the room. So I asked the Reiki Masters present to stand, and guess what? They were sitting in the very same locations. These weren’t bad people, they just must have thought that they could or should have been the ones speaking on the topic I had chosen.

While I had previously worked diligently to heal my distress because of other people’s jealousy of me, it had not stopped the negative pattern until I dealt with the root cause.  As I thought about the first time this issue had occurred , I turned my attention to the lifelong problematic relationship with my sister that started in early childhood. Only after I healed that, did the negative pattern stop. I have not been affected since.

Whether any one is or has been jealous of me since, I don’t feel it anymore. I am not impacted. My energy is no longer drained.

Moral of the story:

Heal the root cause to stop the pattern.

Make positive changes going forward.

And if you do that, it will have been a blessing.

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.


Problem Solving with Dowsing

Someone just asked me how to use dowsing to deal with autism. The basic principles of dowsing on health follows the same rules of dowsing for solution for anything with the understanding that the stakes are higher, there are laws regulating this,  you need to work on a can’t hurt basis, or for educational or research purposes only.

First, take a piece of paper and write down the objective. In this case, the objective could be healing or reversing the condition, lessening a particular symptom, or improving a particular functionality. Then do an internet search. Has anyone healed from this, reversed it, improved and if so, how? List things everything you already know about it including what your doctor has said.

You can also list and then dowse out categories of health professionals as to who to consult. Besides talking to different categories of professionals of different types, do your own research. Brainstorm initially without censoring any additional thing to search that might be relevant to your objective, and add them to your list. Include the word ‘other’. 

Dowse out any of your appropriate questions, such as:

  • What is the most important thing I can do to ____ (reverse this condition of ___/ lessen this symptom of___/ improve my ability to ____, etc.)? Please indicate.
  • On a scale of 0-100%, what is the degree that this will help ____?
  • What is the next most important thing I can do to ____ (reverse this condition of ___/ lessen this symptom of___/ improve my ability to ____, etc.)? Please indicate.
  • On a scale of 0-100%, what is the degree that this will help ____?

Keep going until you know some basic things that you can do yourself to improve matters. If the pendulum points to the word ‘other’, then brainstorm some more, and see if you have a complete idea upon which to design your own COMMON SENSE, HEALTHY SELF CARE ON A CAN’T HURT BASIS.

Also write a list of things that cause or are related to your illness or condition. Your objective can be to identify your own vulnerabilities or behaviors that were at cause. Once identified, you can then take greater care to avoid or stop doing what you can from worsening the situation.

Your possible dowsing checklist/chart can be

  • What are the causes of _____?
  • What things worsen the condition of ___?
  • What things make the symptom of ____ worse?

Dowsing on health challenges is not to claim to ‘treat’ disease or any medically or psychologically diagnosed condition for someone else. But as all health conditions are caused or worsened by beliefs, judgments, emotions and trauma, other stress, diet, environmental conditions, and habits, these issues, which are not part of the legislatively protected area of practicing medicine or psychotherapy, are within the scope of what you can safely do. You can suggest that others might want to investigate ____, discuss with their doctor about the possible benefit of ____. You can provide information of certain books or websites or modalities that claim to be helpful. But when it comes to your own body, it is your right to do whatever you want.

Furthermore, by listing various allopathic or alternative treatments, a high dowsing rating of potential benefit could be the starting point for a conversation with your health professional.

That is not to imply that dowsing can’t do more. It can do a lot more. But the above is where I suggest that you start. As dowser/radionics professional Marty Lucas says, everything is energy and information. Dowsers fall into the category of energy healers. As such, we can add energy and provide information to the system. As such, you can dowse out exactly what information should be supplied and through strongly held intention project that. But that is a topic for much later discussion.

Follow the creed: Above all, do no harm.

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.

Creating Dowsing Charts & Checklists

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Reprinted from Therapeutic Dowsing & Telepathic Healing © by Roxanne Louise and available for sale at

 Chart Work

Learn to use a pendulum in conjunction with charts or lists of paper upon which options or possibilities are written. You can make up your own as pertinent for your use, use prepared charts, or both. I feel that working with charts rather than asking “yes” or “no” questions is a better use of the pendulum. You will be less likely to “lead” the answers. Furthermore, you will be led to information that consciously you might not even think to ask.

The pendulum can only work with the words or information found on the charts. The words given may be close but not exactly the right ones. Use your instincts to investigate and clarify the information by asking further questions with the pendulum. Keep your mind in neutral (objective) mode and connected to your gut level feelings. Listen to whether you get a hum or feeling of confirmation (a ‘yes’ response), or a tightening or tension in your gut (a ‘no’ response). The quality of the information you receive may depend on the quality of your chart or checklist. Always add to further refine what you have, or make new ones.

If you are helping another person, inquire how they are feeling rather than tell them the dowsing results literally . Ask them questions related to the words indicated to find the truth. Be gentle. Telling someone that they are ____ or have a block in ____ is arrogant and possibly untrue. Use the information as just a beginning point of discussion. Giving a literal reading, therefore, besides being inaccurate, can be damaging. Look beneath the surface. Remember the words located are a guide only. They then need to be interpreted with wisdom and a lot of common sense.

If I find anything that might be upsetting to a client, I keep silent about it and ask if I can relay this information. I dowse additional silent questions to clarify things before I say anything out loud. If the client can not be helped by relaying the information, don’t relay it.

My usual procedure with a client is to clear myself and them before they walk into the office or while they are doing the paperwork (intake sheet or return visit sheet). I check with a master chart that has the numbers of all other charts written on it, and ask

Is there is anything here that can help _____ (name of person) with ____(problem). Please indicate.

Is there anything else that can help _____.”

In this way I know what I can expect and have a head start on the therapy.

I might even ask Spirit if I can show the charts to the client. Some people are more open to this than others. If they are not, I do the work privately. If they are open, I hand them a pad to take notes as I work with the pendulum myself (I find this faster than teaching them to use the pendulum, although I do have classes.) I then use the information gained through dowsing in hypnosis or Reiki to make sure I cover all bases. We discuss information as it comes up to clarify the issues.

Whether I use charts or checklists, I do use a pendulum in my sessions with clients [whether visible to them or not]. I may introduce it to the client as my “hunch ball”. With hypnosis clients, I tell them that I am going to ask a few questions as to which techniques to use. Once their eyes are closed, I continue to dowse with questions of

Should I pursue that line of questioning?

Are we through?

Should I do ___?

I also combine the spiritual healing and telepathic healing with every client throughout the session. With Reiki clients, I use the pendulum over the body to determine a treatment strategy, and to balance chakras. I don’t explain it, I just quickly do it.

Since working with the pendulum and charts, I have found out important information about a client’s problems and needs that I could not have found out any other way. For example, my effectiveness has gone way up on smoking cessation, even though it was good before. As a result, therapy has become much faster and effective. I am able to locate blocks regardless of how deeply buried. And so can you.

Start by working on yourself by being willing to find out about yourself, release any negatives and do whatever else you have to do to grow and develop. Be charitable. Regardless of what negative things you find, the truth is that you are special and a child of the Creator. To me, that makes you basically good. Simply be willing to learn and to grow.

When you first start with charts, you may find a lot of blocks and other problems. As you clear them, less shows up, and Spirit focuses on the main issues. Your subconscious brings up the relevant information. Your subconscious mind is very smart in only bringing to your attention what you can deal with at any one time. As you clear issues, you may get a whole new batch of things tomorrow. Like an onion, it is cleared away layer by layer. Your job is to remove the known garbage effectively so that it won’t accumulate and you won’t have to deal with the same stuff over and over again. To make this process easier, always ask Spirit to clear any issue revealed “on every level and dimension” of your being.


Ideas for your own charts

1. Write a list of all the things that you have to do or are considering doing.

What is the best use of my time and energy right now?

What is the best use of my time and energy today/this week/this month/ year? 

Would any of these be helpful for me now?

Which of these activities would help me the most?

2. Draw a simple sketch of the body.

Are any chakras blocked? Please indicate where.

Please clear ___ chakra on every level.

Are there any other chakras that are blocked? Please indicate.

Or if you are a body worker, ask

Where do I need to focus my efforts to help this person today?

Where does this person need the most (or additional) amount of time? 

Where else?

3. Get a map of your area. Ask:

Where is the best location for my new office?

Where is the largest source of my business?

Where are the people who want my services and are willing to pay for them?

4. Write a list of all possible occupations. Skip every other line. Include the word “other.”

What field would be the best use of my skills and talents right now?

What field should I investigate for my life’ s main work?

What are the skills and trades I have developed in my past lifetimes?

5. Write down all possible reasons why you do a particular self-destructive habit, ie. overeating, smoking, etc. List the word “other.”

Is the main reason why I ________ on this paper? 

Please indicate the main reason. 

Please indicate the next main reason.

6. If you are feeling anxious or upset and don’t know why, write down all possibilities, ie. PMS, sugar imbalance, candida, stress, sick, feeling ___, worried about ____. Include the word “other.”

Is the main reason why I am feeling ______on this paper?

Please indicate the main reason.

Please indicate the next main reason.

7. Use a percentage chart to ask:

On a scale of 0-100, what are my positive feelings about _____?

What are my negative feelings about ____?

As things stand now, what is the likelihood of _____ happening?

8. If you are trouble shooting or brain storming, list possible areas to investigate.

What area should I investigate first? second?

9. If you are having a problem, list the possible causes. Include the word “other.” 

What is really going on in this situation?

Please indicate the main reason.

Please indicate the strength of that reason (go to % chart).

What is the next major reason? 

Indicate strength.

10. Write a list of potential goals/ New Year’s Resolutions you are considering for the next year.

To what extent do I really want to do this?

Do I have any blocks? doubts? fears about doing ___?

11. Write a list of possible approaches you are considering with a current project and include the word “other”.

Which approach would be most productive to take now?

To what degree would it be helpful?

Would anything else be helpful? To what degree?

12. Draw a half circle. On the left write 2500 B.C. and on the right write 2500 A.D. In the middle write 0, and then mark out every 500 years, and further subdivide for 100. Use for past and future lives.

13. Write or refer to a list of possible negative emotions. 

What is this feeling of discomfort? Please indicate.

Is anything else going on here now? Please indicate.

14. Write or refer to a list of all possible positive emotions. On the bottom write “add”, then “increase”, and on the other write “remove block.” 

15. Write a list of possible therapies or methods of healing. 

Are there any modalities that would be helpful to me right now? 

Please indicate.

On a scale of 1-100% to what degree would this modality be helpful?

Then write a list of potential therapists. Dowse who would be most suited for you, and the degree to which they would be helpful. Perhaps also dowse out who not to go to.

16. Write a list of animals or plants. Ask if you should consider raising one, and which ones.

17. If you are feeling uncomfortable about someone or something, list all the possibilities, and include the word “other”. 

What is the main reason why I am feeling uncomfortable ____ (with/about) ____ ?

18. List all the qualities or characteristics you are looking for in a product, home, car, office, job, or mate. For example, with a product you might want something easy to use, reliable, low maintenance, good value for the money. Then ask questions about the particular brand, model, location, opportunity, mate you are considering.

What can you tell me about ____?

19. List your options (ie. product/ job/ model/ etc.). Use a percentage chart and a list of characteristics you are looking for.

On a scale of 1-100%, to what degree does this option have this characteristic? 

To what degree does it have that characteristic?

Which option offers the greatest amount of this characteristic?

Which option offers the greatest over-all satisfaction of what I am looking for?

20. Write all the possibilities of why something went wrong.

Is the main reason why ____ happened on the paper? Please indicate.

On a scale of 0-100, to what degree was____ responsible for what happened? What is the next main reason?”

21. Draw a sketch of your property or garden. Then dowse where to plant which species.

22. Take a calendar. Dowse out when is most advantageous time to plant, harvest, weed. Or list and dowse out when to call someone, offer a class, take a vacation, etc.

23. Make a drawing of your house. Dowse where to put your office desk, bed, sofa, etc. Dowse out areas to avoid spending time in or to energetically correct.

24. Dowse over a list of homeopathic remedies, supplements, etc. Dowse out what if any are needed, useful, etc. Please sure to read literature to find if any are contraindicated for you before taking. Also, check with professional on such matter if any have any possible risk.

25. Take a percentage chart, and dowse out percentage of value for you right now to purchase this book/product, take a particular class, use your time to attend ___ function, invest your money in ___, etc.

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.