Neutralizing the Detrimental Effect of Mass Consciousness

You can listen to the audio of this here.

What is Mass Consciousness?

Any widely held thoughts, beliefs or emotions that are pervasive in a group can be called “Mass Consciousness”. In a country beset by war, starvation, severe economic depression there is going to be a mass consciousness of fear, perhaps also grief and anger, hopelessness and despair.

Mass consciousness is not always negative. It can be happy and joyous as well as during the victory of a national sports team, or election of a leader that is expected to bring hope, or winning the war, or the wedding of Prince Charles and Diana.

But when it is negative, it impacts upon our health, sleep, our ability to digest our food, to think clearly, make good decisions, and drains us of the energy to take wise, effective action. Hence, the need to clear it away when we can feel it getting to us.
While I have written this for dowsers, it can also be utilized by anyone having the ability to focus their mind, and intend with strength and energy that what is being said IS being done. To that end, it is important in any healing work to build your energy field first.

1. Affirm and step into your personal power

Stand up and raise your arms in front of you as you breathe in and think or say “I AM”. Then lower your arms out to the sides as you think or say “That I AM”. Repeat several times adding a visualization of a golden ball of light inside your heart area expanding throughout your entire body, and pushing a bubble of light out from your body as you exhale.

2. Gather your strength

Imagine those both in physical form and those in the spiritual realms that love and believe in you supporting and protecting you on your life’s journey. 

3. Ground your energy

Imagine growing roots and pull that energy up through your feet, up your spine and out your head, and then loop it back down to the earth picking up any stress or toxins on the downward cycle and removing it out your feet.Make several cycles until you feel your legs tingling with energy.

4. Center 

As you pull energy up the spine, allow your mind to come into a narrow line, letting go of extraneous thoughts so that you can focus on your intention.

5. Connect to Source

Imagine a brilliant golden sun above your head that represents to you the source of divine healing energy and power joined with divine wisdom and love. Pull beneficial energy from this golden sun down through your head and your entire body. Invite the frequency of the higher harmonic of gold such as the halo seen around holy figures. This higher harmonic of gold thought to be connected not just with prosperity and manifestation, but most of all with wisdom. And that is what is needed in solving big problems – to manifest healing through the highest frequency with divine wisdom. Cycle it through you several times. Fill your body with this golden light and the energy of love.

6. Increase your aura and set up a strong, force field

Expand your aura a minimum of 3 feet in all directions, and then perhaps in increments out as far out as you can go, maybe 10-20 feet or more. Dowse this distance for yourself. At the perimeter, install a protective shell, shield or force field that prevents detrimental energy from entering.

For dowsers, assess: On a scale of 0-100% calibrate your overall strength of your energy field.

Monitor Your State & Make Corrections on an as needed basis

Assess: dowse out on a scale of 0-100% the overall detrimental effect upon you of the mass consciousness of ____.

hopelessness, etc.

Neutralizing Detrimental Mass Consciousness 

If you are dowsing, start spinning the pendulum counterclockwise:

“Neutralize all blocks to clearing the detrimental effect upon me & others of the mass consciousness of ___ that has come from any source – internet, news media, social media, conversations, or psychic airways.

Neutralize the detrimental effect upon me of the mass consciousness of _____ [emotion].

Neutralize the negative effect of mass consciousness upon me from any & all sources regarding anything.

Neutralize the detrimental effect of mass hysteria about the ____ (Corona Virus, lockdowns, etc).

Delete all excessive, unwarranted fear & panic from my consciousness.

Delete all falsehoods or lies in my consciousness that are causing or contributing to any unjustified fear or panic.

Delete all victim mentality. Delete all feelings of doom.

Delete all feelings of helplessness to protect myself or my loved ones, & whatever I hold dear.

Delete any beliefs or expectations of getting this virus or any other disease. Delete any illness programs.

For both myself and all others that desire it on a soul level neutralize the mass consciousness of unwarranted fear & panic present within ___ miles of each person’s physical location.

For both myself & others that desire it neutralize the mass consciousness of doom, hopelessness, & victim mentality present within __ miles of each person’s location. (5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 miles & beyond).

Neutralize the mass consciousness of anything draining the energy or lowering the immune system of myself & others in accordance with their highest good & soul’s desire. That is lowering the ability to think clearly and rationally. To make wise decisions. To discern what is true or false. Do this over ___ (5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 miles & beyond).”

When the pendulum stops spinning, start inputting positive opposites of the above while spinning clockwise.

“Fill those cleared areas now with ____ (enhanced discernment and the ability to perceive truth from falsehood, clear awareness of the true situation, perspective of the true picture, increased connection to my true spiritual guidance, awareness of and gratitude for all the blessings in my life, love, joy, etc.”

Wait for the spinning to stop. Ask “Is that done?”

Go back and assess the percentage of detrimental energy still in your energy field now.

Master Dowsing Program

20190411_dowsing cover
In my comprehensive Therapeutic Dowsing & Telepathic Healing manual (248 pages  – 8 1/2 X 11″), I included a long master dowsing program. Today, I just revised it extensively and am offering it for you to be able to clear a host of non-beneficial energies quickly either by installing the 5 page program and issuing a command, or by dowsing over the pages to identify the specific section, word or phrase that needs to be addressed at that time.

Full instructions for installing it are included.

AibKKMxrT.htm Click here for the pdf

then copy and paste into any word processing programming so you can print out.


Dowsing to Connect to Source and Clear Discordant Energies

See general instructions first given in Basic Dowsing Guidelines.

gold pendulumWhy this post?

Especially since the end of last year I have been targeted by vicious, dark energies. But as I believe in turning every experience into a blessing, I started developing a better clearing protocol than I had already outlined in my dowsing book. This protocol you see below is the result. It helps me. Try out yourself or use it as a guide to write one best suited for you.

Pause between each segment. Wait until the pendulum stops before proceeding. And forcibly repeat any sections that are relevant. 

Dowsing Protocol to Connect to Source and Clear Discordant Energies

“I AM that I AM a powerful, spiritual being endowed with dignity, direction and purpose. I have something of value to offer, and I have a right to call upon the powerful, beneficial forces of the universe to guide, support and protect me on my life’s journey. I do hereby invoke their guidance, support and protection now and always.

It is commanded to remove all blocks known and unknown that interfere with me connecting to my true spiritual guidance, and knowing myself from my divine nature and place in the cosmos. Align my identity with the Source of All That Is. “The Divine Father and I are One.”

Saturate my form and energy field with a surrounding halo of the higher harmonic of gold, and envelop me in a bubble of the highest frequency of divine light. Combust all contaminants in my energy field and purify it so completely that the divine light readily shines in and through me.

Release all blocks known and unknown to my soul’s healing now. Heal all distortions of my ego, and transmute all imperfections of my being. Resolve and release all stuck energies of unhealed emotions.

Extract the positive learning to be gained from each experience and keep it as part of my wisdom. Share this wisdom throughout all my existences. Access, download and activate divine wisdom within me and integrate it fully with the right and effective use of my power so that I make wise choices and use of my time and energy today.

By the authority given to me as a sovereign spiritual being, I declare that all energies within me, my energy field and everything associated with me be harmonized with the highest vibrations of Divine Love.

By the authority granted to me as a sovereign spiritual being, it is commanded that all detrimental energies (including what is invisible or hidden) that cannot be transmuted, healed and harmonized with Divine Love are to be now made harmless and formless, purified in the divine fire, and returned to the void.

It is commanded that all beings meaning me harm in any way be permanently and completely blocked, neutralized, and forever removed from my experience. It is commanded that any connecting psychic links or pathways by which their evil intentions have traveled be permanently cut, severed and dissolved, unable to ever reform. If there are any blocks to such removal, such blocks are now themselves fully nullified so that the command to block, neutralize and remove such beings, and the links dissolved, proceeds effectively.

It is commanded that all detrimental entities and sinister forces be taken to the appropriate place where they can evolve yet do no harm to any life form, and that any of the connecting links, cords or pathways between us be completely severed with Archangel Michael’s sword, and permanently dissolved, never to reform. Nothing can interfere with such swift and total removal.

It is commanded to neutralize and remove all mind control, subliminal messages, detrimental radionics, detrimental thoughts, emotions or inclinations, detrimental influences, psychic attack, curses, black magic, and any detrimental programs, blocks or restrictions sent or imposed upon me or anything associated with me. Neutralize and reverse any and all evil intentions.

Bless me powerfully instead with much greater mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health, happiness, prosperity, joy, success, and support than ever before. And restore optimal functioning in all areas of my being and life.

Duplicate all of the above healing and blessings for all people everywhere throughout all time and space for whom it is appropriate and in accordance with their highest good. Duplicate this also for communities, states and nations alike so that all of humanity and all of it’s organizational structures are healed and blessed.


When you are done, ask if you need to strengthen/repeat any particular segment. In which case, hold the pendulum over the side of the paper, and ask “please indicate” and allow the pendulum to pull you to what you need to repeat. Repeat until you get ‘yes’ to the question, “am I done for now?”

Copyright May, 2020 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.

Man Meant It for Evil but God Meant It for Good.

“But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” Joseph addressing his brothers in Genesis 50:20

Bad things in life can sometimes result in unexpected, good outcomes.

In this biblical story, Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. Although his brothers meant to harm him, Joseph ended up in Egypt where he became second in command under the Pharaoh because he was able to interpret the Pharaoh’s disturbing dreams and advise him on what to do. The dreams foretold of a coming famine that led Joseph to be put in charge of a mass grain storage that enabled the Egyptians and and it’s neighbors to survive a prolonged food collapse. Joseph’s brothers were among those that traveled to Egypt to buy food unknowingly from Joseph himself. Amazingly, Joseph was able to forgive his brothers’ treachery as he saw their action as God’s plan to save many people. 


You may have heard me speak about Nelson, who was fired on a Friday along with his entire department of 40 people. On Tuesday, those not fired were killed as a plane flew into their very floor of the World Trade Center on 9/11. Or about Carolyn, fired from her job in NYC Opera Chorus, who used it to ramp up her vocal training, and got hired in the Metropolitan Opera Chorus at twice the salary, security and prestige a few months later. Or Irene whose house and contents were severely damaged by fire, but who totally rebuilt her home, greatly improving it in a way that only the insurance money made possible.

What we see as a bad, awful, or even tragic event, can have within it the seed of an equal or greater benefit for us or others depending upon how we handle the situation and the choices we make in response to our problems.

Ty & Charlene Bollinger, who founded The Truth About Cancer that has helped so many people get well, did so because of losing a number of family members to the disease. Candace Lightner and Cindi Lamb, whose children were victims of drunk drivers, started MADD – Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. America itself was founded largely by people oppressed because of their religion, ethnicity, or political views. The New School for Social Research in New York City was founded by  refugees escaping Nazi Germany. 

Our response matters!

I am convinced that the proper attitude and an open and alert mind to deliberately look for the benefit or to find way to create one is essential to: 

Turn It Into a Blessing!

For many years I have adopted this attitude as my immediate response to adversity. While I may mouth the phrase, the emotional shift doesn’t always happen right away, but it helps. Like anyone, I get angry or depressed or wonder what I can do. But this attitude, this single-minded determination to use every experience to grow or get better in some way even though I may not have a clue as to how something good could possibly come out of the current situation or what I can do, leads me out of an emotional cesspit into appropriate action and positive change.

Finding the blessing is necessarily coupled with the questions:

What Can I Learn from This?

How can I, you, or how can we use our difficult or upsetting situation to be better in some way?

How can it make my, yours, or our ___ (business, relationship, life, health or community) better?

And right now with the crises from Covid 19, all of us can ask:

How can we use our experience with this global pandemic and shutdown to make

  • our countries stronger and better?
  • our business and economies more resilient?
  • our immune system and overall health better?
  • our supply chains more crises proof?
  • the information upon which we base serious decisions more accurate?
  • our food supply less dependent upon non-local sources?
  • our supply of critical items no longer totally dependent upon foreign nations?
  • our source of  personal income less dependent upon only one source?
  • our neighborhoods more supportive?
  • our governments – local, state and national – more responsive to the wishes of it’s ordinary citizens not just the big monied interests?
And how can we make sure others do not take unfair advantage of this or any crises to take away our our health, livelihoods, or our freedoms to enrich themselves and advance their private agendas at our expense?
Copyright 5/4/2020 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and links are included to and .

Psychic Self Defense

This past year I had to re-up everything I thought I knew about clearing detrimental energies. I had been working very long hours,  dealing with emotionally draining people, and a health issue so my energy field was already weakened. With the hype and hysteria about the Corona virus and the resulting mass global consciousness of fear, problems worsened.

I also was not prepared for the sophisticated energies that targeted me – things that were beyond my training from multiple people on spirit releasement (Edith Fiore, Bill Baldwin, Robert Dexler, Father Marty Patton, Irene Hickman, Don Taylor, and more). 

Nonetheless, within every problem is a potential blessing. One of them was gathering more information on how to further strengthen the energy field, which boosts vitality and the immune system as well as balancing the mind and emotions. 

Among what I found valuable is this simple meditation that you can do with or without dowsing. I have written down all the instructions below from this audio file. Click here for the meditation by Dr. Palmer. 

PSYCHIC SELF DEFENSE by Dr. Terrence Palmer Waterstones

  1. Place your feet flat on the floor and close your eyes.
  2. Visualize a gold light that goes down to the center of the earth and comes up into your feet.
  3. Open your heart chakra, and visualize a golden light from your heart chakra going down to the solar plexis and sacral chakras, and streaming outwards from those chakras front and back.
  4. From your heart chakra see the light running down the arms and out the fingers.
  5. Move this light up through the throat, 3rd eye, and outwards from the chakras front and back.
  6. Connect the light from the heart to the light coming down into the crown from the universal consciousness or the life giving sun. Feel the warmth. Connect with the universal consciousness of creation which exists everywhere.
  7. Be with the experience of oneness with Creation and the warmth and peacefulness of tranquility.
  8. Repeat if necessary until you feel the oneness with Creation.
  9. Check if clean from other entities. Ask 3 times “Am I sovereign?” and be sure to receive a positive response each time. 
  10. If you do not get 3 yeses, imagine taking a golden sword and cutting all around over your body and head and under feet to cut any negative cords from any time and any source.
  11. Visualize your etheric body burning brightly with golden white fire with  a declared intention that the fire will burn away any negativity that may be hidden in your etheric field.
  12. Repeat 3 times, “Am I sovereign?” Continue until you get 3 yesses. If you do not get that, then seek outside help. When clear of all negative energies, go onto next step.
  13. Visualize a bubble of golden white light emerging from your heart chakra and spreading outwards through every cell of your body to the skin and beyond. 
  14. Visualize yourself inside of this bubble of golden white light. This is your protected space where nothing can enter or cause you harm, a shell or armor. You do not step outside of this sacred and safe field of positive energy.
  15. You are now grounded to the earth and connected to your own higher self and the Source of universal creative energy. The bubble or shell of your strength and aura is your protection from negative energy. This aura needs constant reinforcement and maintenance to make sure that it is strong and provides adequate protection at all times. In precisely the same way as your body has an immune system, so too does your etheric body. If your etheric auric armor  becomes weakened or has holes in it then negative energy may infect it and cause all sorts of emotional, mental and physical sickness. Use this method daily.

Dr. Palmer’s website is

He has put many videos online of various remote clearing sessions on youtube. Click here, 

Therapeutic Dowsing & Telepathic Healing

All sorts of unresolved trauma, drama and emotional residue siphon off vital energy needed to be healthy, happy, successful, productive, and vibrantly alive. Lacking the awareness, skills, time and/or energy to process, these things get shoved in the background where they get added to current stressors making life more difficult. What you think you got over may only have been buried yet still festering beneath the surface, draining energy, and causing trouble. 

20190411_dowsing cover

Whether for yourself or your clients, this manual will teach you how to 

  • quickly determine what needs to be addressed
  • locate stuck energies of any kind & set up priorities in addressing them
  • identify the root cause & all relevant factors involved with any issue
  • learn multiple ways dowsing can heal issues without trauma, drama or reliving painful events! 
  • establish priorities and develop a plan for moving forward
  • become a master problem solver for anything!


Locate & clear stuck energies on people, ages, events, activities, as well as detrimental beliefs, judgments, addictive thinking, fears, self-sabotage, secondary gain, and even other people’s issues you picked up. All of these things can hold you back from making your dreams come true.  


Regardless of whether you are new to dowsing or have been dowsing for years,

this manual is the absolute gold standard dowsing class on mental/emotional issues.

Especially if you work with clients, this class will enable you to hone in on your client’s issues before they walk in the door! This is a huge time saver and allows you to get straight to the root cause of their problems (or your own)!

Not only will this manual give you a much deeper understanding of yourself, but it has the potential of stopping negative repeating patterns and creating positive flow in every area of your life! 

This manual also includes dozens of extensive charts and checklists including reasons for smoking and excess weight, body charts, healing modalities, life plan, themes in past/current life, archetypes, needs of the body, helpful actives, and more.


Clearing Non-Beneficial Energy Patterns in Your Timeline

Clearing an event of upset by itself does not heal an issue, stop a negative repeating pattern, or solve a problem. Nor does it really eliminate the type of upset you are experiencing. While you may feel better about a current situation, you can still hold the same underlying beliefs and feelings such as that of abandonment, betrayal, not being good enough, etc. Consequently, these unhealed feelings, and the beliefs or judgments underlying them will set up future problems. To really heal, your consciousness across all points in time has to heal.
In non-local reality the past, present and future exist simultaneously. Energetic patterns affecting us in this life can have their origin in any one of these realities. Recent scientific studies with both humans and rodents have shown that issues such as specific fears can be carried on the DNA. But we also know that issues of our family members can be picked up in the womb or assimilated after birth from both family and society. The origins of societal beliefs even without considering the possibility that we may have had past lives can go back to the earliest days of mankind.
In the hypnosis world, we call the origin of a problem the root cause. Dowsing colleague, Marty Lucas, calls it the inception point, the point of disruption from wholeness. I like this term as it takes in the broader spiritual dimension spanning centuries.
To be complete in any healing work you must change the consciousness responsible for the problem you wish to heal, going back and forward throughout all of time to change the underlying beliefs or judgments whether they started with you or your ancestors. Then the consciousness responsible for all similar subsequent events up to the present moment have to be corrected. Because your consciousness is and has been in setting up future problems of a similar nature, those non-beneficial patterns have to be also healed in your future. And because you bear karmic responsibility for your progeny, clear them as well in all of your lifetimes past, current and future.

Copyright 2019, updated 4/2020 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.                                                                                                                     


Thinking about Prosperity

More than Money

“Prosperity is more than just money and things. It is first of all a feeling of wealth insidean awareness of the vast abundance that is everywhere in nature, in your life and within yourself that you can draw upon. And this recognition provides some measure of confidence in being able to meet whatever challenges that come your way.

Prosperity includes love, friendships, networks and personal connections, as well as your own personal qualities that engender trust, respect, cooperation and help from others. While it includes your talents, skills, work experience , it also includes your unpaid life experience, the way you think and approach a challenge. It includes your creativity, your belief in yourself and your ability to learn new things and solve problems. And finally, it includes your health, sense of humor, joy, fun, appreciation and gratitude. All these things together generate a sense of fullness, satisfaction, security within yourself, and, therefore, a measure of peace of mind. 

The recognition  that you do have something to work with relieves stress, which is vital to being able to connecting to your inner guidance from which to generate ideas of what to do and where to start. Then the attitude of gratitude provides the energy conducive to good fortune as does love and enthusiasm for your work.

Creating prosperity is MORE than what specific actions you take or don’t take – vital as that piece is.

It requires a consciousness that is open to wealth in all its forms.

This means becoming aware of and then healing any discomfort, negative beliefs, judgments or fears about money, wealth or yourself so that there is a willingness to receive, hold, invest and expand upon what you have. It requires feeling worthy. It requires a compelling vision of a better future that motivates you into needed and sustainable action, and a belief that you can learn whatever is necessary and overcome any problems to bring it forth. And it includes a willingness to share or give something in return so that there is a flow instead of a blockage of energy. 

Some people are good at part but not all parts of the equation.

They may generate money, but then squander it and lose it as quickly perhaps out of fear, guilt or unworthiness. Others are very frugal and careful in spending, but seem almost allergic to receiving, asking for a fair return for their services or seeking out better income-making opportunities. Perhaps there was trauma around money, or past life vows of poverty, or a belief that wealthy people are evil, or a belief that it is dangerous to have money, that someone will try to take it away from you, or that having more than your friends and loved ones would cost you their love and acceptance.

Some people are so fixated on their problems that they don’t see possibilities, they don’t see that it just might be a growth opportunity. The energy they need to solve their current problems is drained from any number of emotions, some of which have been held for things that happened (or didn’t) many years prior— grief, blame, shame, anger, guilt remorse, hopelessness, or feeling like a victim. Not seeing hope, they are not proactive in seeking whatever help they need or in taking effective action.

Dowsing can assist to find and resolve the root cause of prosperity issues.

This may be in the areas of generating, retaining, investing or increasing money, giving and sharing wisely. It can be in healing trauma, negative beliefs, judgments, fears and other energetic blocks. Dowsing can also assist to set up a strategy for action and overcoming challenges.

Free American Society of Dowsers Teleconference “Dowsing Support & Continuing Education”, Tuesday, June 11 at 8 PM Eastern

Dial (646) 876-9923, enter Participant Code# 443-333-280, & press # at next prompt.

On the American Society of Dowsers Dowsing Support Teleconference scheduled for Tuesday, June 11, Dick Tippett and Gale West are going to address various aspects of creating prosperity and how dowsing can assist us to both generate prosperity and use our resources wisely.

In particular, Gale will talk about her connection with money as a consciousness and share how we hold money affects not only ourselves, but the energy field around us. She believes that healing our relationship with money is one of the most powerful things we can do to affect change in the world. She will give practical tools to identify energetic alignment and misalignment with money. 

Dick Tippett will (as time allows) talk about clearing non-beneficial energies, emotions, thought forms, story lines, attitudes, beliefs, judgments and other prosperity blockers that include money allergy, cords, promises and vows, past lives, generation frequencies or genetic memory, and beliefs absorbed from others.

The live call is moderated by Roxanne Louise and is open to everyone to listen. There is time for Q & A at the end. It is recorded and available on the Members Only page at usually on the following day. 

galewest pict (1)GALE WEST is an internationally known artist, entrepreneurial coach, and intuitive who brings more than 35 years of experience in human potential and as a transformational change agent.  A midwife to magnificent businesses, careers and lives, she is passionate about empowering clarity of vision, right action and actively co-creating with the Divine. 

She specializes in transforming personal and collective relationships to money and success through workshops, retreats, classes and breakthrough coaching. Additionally, she is certified as a consultant and teacher in the Akashic Records. 

She has taught business, entrepreneurship and leadership both in China and the U.S.  Her soon to be published book, “Money Come Dance with Me,” was in inspired by her communication in the Akashic records of money. It invites a new paradigm of money as the expression of Divine love in the marketplace, a guide and loving friend, and an agent for a generous and collaborative world. She has been dowsing since the early 80’s.

For a free video on money mastery and meditation on prosperity, see her website at

Gale can be reached at, 773-494-4300 USA.

Dick TippettRICHARD “DICK” TIPPETT has been a business manager and a consultant for most of his professional life. An Honors Program graduate of Kings Point, he holds degrees in engineering and management. He first learned to dowse from Master Dowsers Harold McCoy and Raymon Grace. Dick brought his dowsing skills into the business world, where he quickly learned that they make him more efficient, his business more profitable and his clients happier and better served. 

For many years, Dick has been an active part of the West Coast Dowsing Conference. In 2018 he served as the Speaker and Special Event Coordinator for the conference and, in partnership with Gladys McCoy, again led the very successful all-day Beginning Dowsers’ School. 

Dick is also the Chair of the Golden Gate Dowsers. Dick has spoken on various topics at the West Coast Dowsing Conference, at several ASD chapters, at The Ozark Research Institute and at the New Jersey Healers’ Retreat. He teaches beginning and advanced water and energy dowsing, a prosperity workshop, works to clear non-beneficial energies and heal disincarnate beings. He and his late wife, Karen Ashley, have a fine workbook that goes along with the prosperity workshop they led together.


Harness your anger to get better!

  • Have you ever thought of anger as an OPPORTUNITY to learn and grow?
  • Have you thought that it can prod to do something different and potentially find a better way?
  • That it can push you to go after a better relationship, job, location, home or car?
  • That in getting fed up you make a decision – a decision to change, to do something about your drinking or smoking or other habits, your health, your weight, your lifestyle, or to do a thousand other things you already know you need to do?
  • That it can impress upon you that you need to set better boundaries, to learn to communicate more clearly, to think before you speak or act, to not settle for less, to stand up for yourself, to ask questions instead of making assumptions?
  • That it can alert you to what needs to heal within yourself, old buried wounds, things from childhood, things you thought you got over long ago but didn’t, and motivate you to do something about it now?
  • And that it can cause you to take a good look at yourself and see what other people see in how you effect people, how you ignore, or upset them, how you take them for granted or give them the impression that they can take you for granted?
  • Have you considered that anger can be your TEACHER, your COACH?  
  • That it can nudge you off the couch and motivate you into taking much needed and long overdue action to create a life that is meaningful and satisfying? 

And have you considered that by using anger in this way, your life will get better?

Learn to harness your anger to help you to become a better person and improve your life.

Over a lifetime, both personally and professionally, I have had the ‘opportunity’ that pushed me to learn about the unconscious forces driving emotional reactions, choices, behavior, issues, and interpersonal problems. And because I like to sleep at night and did not like experiencing negative repeating patterns myself, I was motivated to learn, change and grow.

“Necessity is the Mother of invention.” 

What I did learn in order to help myself, helped others as well, and some profoundly so. I compiled much of it in a 154 page content rich manual, Releasing Anger Without Killing Anyone, to assist in facilitating clear communication, resolving internal and external conflicts, enhancing personal growth, and improving relationships of all kinds. Using this material, I have gained greater perspective and maturity. I am seldom triggered, and if I am, I immediately work to heal the causative factors. My sleep is greatly improved, and I have developed inner resources, resiliency and peace of mind. My clients and students also report positive results.


You can learn and teach much of this information right out of the books.

This is some of what the book covers.

  • ReleasingAngerCoverpngBecome aware of underlying beliefs, judgments, faulty assumptions or perceptions that cause anger!
  • Learn more effective communication skills to both avoid unnecessary problems and to address the ones you have!
  • Learn to maintain and regain balance and perspective quickly!
  • Set better boundaries!
  • Learn to fight clean and stop conversations from spiraling downwards!
  • Learn more effective coping skills!
  • Take effective action without the baggage of the past!
  • Use anger to grow in maturity and cast off leftovers of childhood!
  • Allow anger to locate and address your own unhealed wounds!
  • Understand the underlying dynamics of anger!
  • Learn to deal with what is instead of wasting precious energy in resistance!
  • Notice negative patterns and screw them up!
  • Understand and dissolve triggers!
  • Nip anger in the bud by noticing and taking action at the first warning signs!
  • Understand physical reasons for anger so you can address them!
  • Use anger as motivation for much needed healing and change!
  • Make your adversaries help you!
  • Learn the benefits of anger

When You Are Triggered…

With todays highly charged politics and a media that panders to fear and sensationalism, it is easy to get triggered. Already stressed out with the pressures of your own life, and overwhelmed with everything you need to do to keep your life afloat, you may find yourself emotionally worked up over someone else’s life or problem because it resonances with something deep inside of yourself.

Because of your own history and sensitivities, you may automatically sympathize with one person, group, issue or cause you think is a victim of injustice, and get violently angry with another you prejudge as aggressor frequently before you know all the facts and even despite the ‘facts’. That is because your emotions are really about you and something similar that has happened to you, your loved ones, ancestors or tribe in this lifetime or the distant past that was never resolved, healed and put to rest. 

Whether you are particularly sensitive to the slightest hint of racial, religious, gender, tribal, national or ethnic prejudice, the trauma and injustice of the past may be hard wired into your DNA. You may have absorbed and taken upon yourself the injustices done to your ancestors long since dead (even generations or centuries dead) as if it happened to you personally.  

A sure hint that the root cause of your upset lies within yourself is when your emotional reaction is excessive to the current situation, when you can’t let it go, when it doesn’t really effect your personal life, and when it happened long ago, perhaps even before you were born.

Every emotional reaction you experience, every evil and type of  injustice that exists today, has occurred before, many times over, and often, many times worse. But because it is occurring again, you suffer much more than perhaps the current situation warrants. If you can heal the prior occasions, your reaction will be only to what is happening now, not added on top of what happened years, generations or lifetimes ago. 

What to do about it

When you are triggered by events whether personal, local, national or global, try to:

  • Identify the issue or type of event. Name it.

List some possibilities on paper. If you know how to dowse, then ask if you have any stuck energies on that issue, and the percentage or the degree to which you do. If you don’t know how to dowse, then quiet your mind, and in meditation start asking some questions. Suggestions are below.

  • What is underneath this upset?
  • Where did it come from?
  • Did it originate with me or with my family, my ancestors, my tribe?.
  • Show me the root cause.
  • What wisdom can I extract from it?
  • What positive things can be gleaned?
  • How can I use this situation to grow, to be a better person?
  • How can I turn it into a blessing for myself or others?
  • How can I look at this situation so it doesn’t bother me nearly as much?
  • What is the big picture here?  

Hold a willingness to look honestly at yourself. Intend to extract some wisdom or value from both the current event and any experiences of a similar nature. That learning can include an understanding the underlying dynamics, why something may have happened, and perhaps an idea to prevent it from happening again or lessen that possibility. It might mean noting that changes need to be made within yourself even if changes are needed within the larger community.

  • Rather than immediately assigning blame of who is wrong and needs to be punished, consider that what you judge may also reflect a quality inside yourself.

Doreen Virtue taught me to say: “I recognize and forgive in myself what irritates me about you.”

This is related to ‘the shadow self explained at length by psychiatrist, Dr. Carl Gustav Jung and author Debbie Ford. The ego avoids self loathing by denying the existence of faults within the self while projecting those same faults onto someone else. There is a theory that when internal faults that are hidden, ignored, or denied, that this will attract people who share these faults as the soul’s attempt to get you to look at yourself. As you admit your own faults and forgive yourself, you will have greater tolerance of others. Even better, as you heal those faults, you will more likely attract others who have likewise worked on healing their own issues.

The ancient Hawaiians had a practice of forgiveness and reconciliation called Ho’oponopono.  This practice was later simplified by Dr. Hew Lin and popularized by Joe Vitale. In the original practice, a shaman and members of the family or community would gather around a person and take responsibility for what had happened to or by that individual, and ask for his forgiveness. While he was a  prison psychiatrist, Dr. Lin would sit with the file folders of various inmates and repeat “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.” This was done over a period of time without actual inmate contact. Yet this simple practice resulted in such improvement in these prisoners that they were later released.

If practicing Ho’oponopono without relaying that information to an individual still has a positive effect upon that person, it may because of quantum entanglement. While the idea taken from physics of quantum entanglement refers to the interaction of particles at a distance, some think that this interaction extends to humans as well – that everyone and everything is somehow intertwined. Is it too far a stretch to think that what happens to you effects me and vice versa, and maybe even what I think and feel effects you and vice versa? If so, then if you want to change the world, start with changing yourself.

However, if you also believe that changes have to be made within the community and it’s systems or the larger systems outside your locale, take some constructive action because it will go a long way to healing your upset.

  • Focus on what you can do of a positive, practical nature locally to start the process. 
  • And, again remember that the changes you would like to see in the world involve making changes within yourself.
  • Meditate or dowse to transmute any trauma or upset you personally suffered recently.
  • Clear any other experiences you remember from your past.
  • 20170516_acc-morecover.jpgHold the intention to clear any other experiences you do not remember whether in this lifetime or another.

You can do this through hypnosis, meditation, the Emotion Code, or the Infinite Intelligence Process that I developed. See my book, Accessing More for instructions on how to do this.   

  • Clear those upsets/issues of a similar nature of your ancestors in this lifetime or another, and that experienced by your tribe.

Again, you can do this through the Infinite Intelligence Process, the Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson, or through dowsing (see my pendulum dowsing manual, Therapeutic Dowsing and Telepathic Healing).

  • dowsing cover front
    efocus on the positive opposite that you would like instead.
  • Finally, take action no matter how small to move towards what you would like to see in the real world.  

Recent Example

Let’s take the high emotional charge attached to the Kavanaugh proceedings. I bring it up only because it was recent and because I found myself being triggered. I will not discuss the politics or merits of either side, but rather illustrate how to take any triggering event to recognize and clear non-beneficial or stuck energies within yourself. This is important because if you are being triggered, you cannot be objective or think clearly,  sleep easily, enjoy peace of mind or anything else until you do heal, transmute, rebalance, or clear it.
There were multiple possible issues here. If you were triggered, you might ask yourself, if you are carrying any unresolved, stuck energies of your own from this or any other lifetime, or if you are carrying those of an ancestor, loved one, or tribe.
Ask the following questions one at a time starting with “have I ever …..?” After you are finished, repeat the same questions with ” have any of my loved ones..?” Next, ask “am I carrying any trauma from my ancestors regarding….?”
  • Have ____ (I, my loved ones, ancestors) ever been assaulted or lived in fear of same?
  • Have  ____ (I, my loved ones, ancestors) suffered sexual abuse, rape, or fear of same?
  • Have ____ (I, my loved ones, ancestors) been a victim of violent crime?
  • Have ____ (I, my loved ones, ancestors) suffered greatly because of not being believed, but rather ridiculed or punished for speaking up about some wrongdoing?
  • Have ____ (I, my loved ones, ancestors) suffered greatly because of not being heard or fear of not being heard because ____ (I ___ am/was), they ____ (are/were) ___ a (man/woman, member of lower standing caste/group/tribe)?
  • Have ____ (I, my loved ones, ancestors) ever suffered after being falsely accused of some misdoing, crime or serious violation?
  • Has ____ (my, my loved one’s, ancestor’s) reputation, business, standing in the community been destroyed because of false accusations perhaps through politics or someone else’s dislike or personal agenda? 
  • Have ____ (I, my loved ones, ancestors) received threats or  ___ (suffered, been captured, imprisoned, tortured, or killed) because of false accusations?
If so, then in  meditative state, hold the clear intention as follows. If you know how to dowse,  then work with a pendulum to indicate your progress. 
  •  “There is a part of my being that knows what positive learning I can extract from any this experience of ____ that ___ (I/they) have suffered (or was afraid of suffering). Take action now, and let me know when that is done.
  • “There is a part of my Being that knows if I or anyone close to me in this or another incarnation have ever suffered _____ or lived in fear of suffering ____. And that part is extracting the positive learning from each and every one of those experiences so that it is unnecessary to ever experience it again. Take action now, and let me know when that is done.” dowsing cover front
  • There is a part of my Being that can transmute, heal, and clear all trauma attached to each of these experiences that I and my ancestors have had, so that there is no longer any need to attract more of these experiences. Take action now, and let me know when that is done.”
  • Envision the positive opposite in the future as if it already exists. Follow this with powerful affirmations statements while meditating or dowsing.


  • There is a part of my Being that knows what is mine to do to create a world where _____(there is trust and mutual respect) and is guiding and motivating me to take appropriate steps now.
  • or “There is a part of my Being that chooses to create a world where _____. And that part is working on it. Take action now, and let me know when that is firmly in process.”
  • “There is a part of my Being that knows who else might benefit from any of the healing we have done today and is reaching out to their High Self to duplicate whatever is useful in the way it is helpful and only helpful. Take action now, and let me know when that is done.”

Copyright 11/2018 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and are included with the content.


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