Locating & Clearing the Mental & Emotional Drivers of Disease

Chicken or Egg – Which came first?

Both physicians and alternative healing practitioners acknowledge the major role that stress has in breaking down the body’s ability to defend itself against disease. Some such as Dr. Deepak Chopra are particularly insistent that mental and emotional stress plays a part of every health challenge.

While illness causes stress whether through worry, financial expenditures, loss of income while ill, inability to do the things you used to do, time expenditures to figure out and address the problem, etc.,  stress causes or contributes to illness by robbing the body of precious resources such as energy and nutrients to deal with issues that it otherwise would have had for digestion, detoxification, growth, defense and repair.

Sudden emotional shock

Some stress such as the death of a loved one, the loss of one’s home, homeland, livelihood is so devastating that there is a clear connection to physical breakdown.

German oncologist, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, after exhaustive study of 20,000 cancer patients with different kinds of cancer, as well as studying patients with other diseases, found that people with the same diagnosis experienced a similar emotional shock. The results of his work became German New Medicine. His work is extremely interesting and can assist in the resolution of health conditions not addressed any other way. A listing of the emotional shock related to specific diseases is found here. An interesting article an chart of how an emotional shock can lead to cancer is found here.

Slow wearing away of body resources

But while a sudden emotional shock can cause illness, frequently the stress is a slow, steady, cumulative effect of unresolved issues that wear away the body’s resources so that it can no longer muster the strength to protect itself. It may involve beliefs, attitudes, issues, or coping strategies for stress that cause a person to not do what he or she knows to be wise, or to do what he knows to be destructive or risky to health such as smoking.

Genetic factors

While some health issues or vulnerabilities are thought to be genetic, Bruce Lipton, PhD, biologist and author of The Biology of Belief, says that each gene has a dozen or so possible expressions, of which disease may only be one. Rather, Lipton says that it is the environment that determines how a gene will be expressed. And by environment he means how the cell or the individual interprets his environment. For example, is the environment considered dangerous or upsetting? Is it threatening in any way? 

Where do fears come from?

  • Some fears come from direct experience, or more precisely from the interpretation or judgment made about that experience. 
  • Some are promoted by the media
  • Some are adopted from or taught by your culture, family or group with which you closely identify.
  • Some are absorbed in the womb.

For example, if your mother was pregnant with you when your father was away at war, if your parents were young and worried about financially being able to support you, if they were fighting a lot, if your mother was raped or abandoned and going to have to raise you without the love and support of others, these emotions could have been absorbed in the womb. Hypnotic regression has shown this over and over again.

  • Some fears are inherited.

Scientists are now finding that emotions such as fears can be inherited. For example, Scientists at Emory University were able to demonstrate that fear could be deliberately created in a group of mice and then passed down to future generations of offspring. In this study, researchers repeatedly exposed a group of mice to the smell of acetophenone and then subjected them to an electric shock. They then tested two future generations of their offspring and found that they ‘inherited’ a fear response to the smell alone. 

This has implications for humans. As Emory Psychiatry Department Dr Brian Dias has said: “We have begun to explore an underappreciated influence on adult behaviour – ancestral experience before conception.

“From a translational perspective, our results allow us to appreciate how the experiences of a parent, before even conceiving offspring, markedly influence both structure and function in the nervous system of subsequent generations.

“Such a phenomenon may contribute to the etiology and potential intergenerational transmission of risk for neuropsychiatric disorders such as phobias, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.”

A new field called epigenetics involves studying the biological marking of the DNA as a result of personal experiences. This marking can be passed down through future generations.

In a recent article published by The Telegraph, Marcus Pembrey, professor and paediatric geneticist at University College London, said that the Emory study provided ‘compelling evidence’ for the biological transmission of memory. “It addresses constitutional fearfulness that is highly relevant to phobias, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorders, plus the controversial subject of transmission of the ‘memory’ of ancestral experience down the generations.”

study published in the Journal of Neuroscience used MRI to show that brain patterns inherited from both parents have an impact on anxiety, autism, addiction, dyslexia and other conditions, and that babies born to moms who are depressed during pregnancy are more likely to become depressed as adolescents. New York’s Mount Sinai Hospital discovered that genetic changes stemming from trauma suffered by Holocaust survivors can be passed on to their children.

Before emotion comes experience. And it is the interpretation or judgment about that experience that determines which emotion is felt. For example, the same ski slope can evoke fear in some or exhilaration in others.  It is the interpretations or judgments about the world (safe or scary), about the group (nurtured and protected or not), about the self (worthy or not, loved and wanted or not), that have everything to do with supporting health or disease.  This has been revealed in multiple past life hypnotic regressions.

Hypnotic regression has also found that physical conditions and weaknesses can be carried over from past lives. However, once the relevant traumatic event or events were processed and resolved hypnotically, long-time physical pain or ailments sometimes have melted away.

In Summary

Mental and emotional issues of both the patient and possibly his ancestors, of this lifetime and possibly others, need to be addressed in healing. While a person may know or suspect what stressors are implicated in his illness, a great deal of what caused or contributed to the problem, or is interfering with healing now, may well be unknown or unconscious.

Both hypnosis and dowsing excel in locating and clearing the stuck energies, the related negative beliefs or judgments, and the unhealed trauma (both yours and that of your ancestors). Chiropractor Dr. Bradley Nelson has also developed an excellent method of locating and clearing stuck negative emotions. He calls his system the Emotion Code, and has written a book by that title explaining the process.

3 Summer Workshops Addressing This Subject

At the American Society of Dowsers Conference taking place at the State University of New York (SUNY) in New Paltz, New York, I will be giving a full day Workshop “Locating & Clearing the Mental/Emotional Drivers of Disease” on Wednesday, 6/13. See www.dowsers.org.

Here, we will look at the shocks and internal conflicts that trigger many specific health conditions, the metaphysical meanings of disease, secondary gain, and multiple other ways to dowse out and resolve the major stressors that once complete can free up energy for the body to move back towards health. 

 At the West Coast Dowsers Conference, University of California, Santa Cruz, I will be giving a full day Workshop “Therapeutic Dowsing & Telepathic Healing – Dowsing for Mental & Emotional Issues” on Tuesday, 7/3.  See http://www.dowserswestcoast.org

In this workshop, we will work with a large number of charts and checklists to identify and release stuck energies, extract the positive learning from experiences, and enhance positive energy. This frees up energy that can be applied to physical healing, personal goal achievement, and living your life with greater enthusiasm, joy and vitality.

We will investigate the various ages of your life including the future, key relationships, typical life events, beliefs, judgments, prejudices, addictive thinking, fears and other emotions, repeating negative patterns and habits. While covering all this may seem a formidable task, I will show you a shortcut to cut to the chase of the matter. Not only will you learn how to do all of the above for yourself, but to do so telepathically with others who have requested your assistance.

Lastly, at the National Guild of Hypnotists Convention in Marlborough, Massachusetts, August 10-12, I will be giving a shorter Workshop: “Hypnosis For Mind-Body Healing—Finding And Eliminating The Mental And Emotional Drivers Of Disease”, and a Seminar “Pendulum Dowsing For Hypnotists—Powerful Investigative, Healing, and Business Tool!” ​See https://ngh.net

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com  are included with the content.

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