How Not to Let Non-Beneficial Energies Stick

Energetic Self Defense:

A Common Sense Approach

Non-beneficial, uncomfortable energies are around us in the sea of consciousness just like beneficial, comfortable ones all the time. The point is not to let them stick to you. Non-beneficial energies cannot stick if your energy field is strong and healthy and if you have no receptor sites. Your energy field is affected by your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state.

  •  Non-beneficial energies cannot stick if you are in a good physical state.

Therefore, take care of your health, and get adequate nutrition, sleep, etc. Also, do something that forces you to breathe deeply and preferably combine it with connecting with others. Exercise strengthens your energy field, dumps a great deal of stress, and oxygenates your brain so that you can think better. But rather than work out in isolation on machines, sign up for a dance class, chorus, drumming circle, hiking group where you will socialize at the same time and get additional benefits.  Even hard, physical work that gives you a sense of accomplishment is helpful, but is even better if you do it with a friend.

  •  Non-beneficial energies cannot stick if you are in good mental and emotional state.

This means that in order to keep your energy clear, it is important to

  1. Deal adequately with everyday stress.
  2. Deal also with your old hurts, anger, resentment, trauma, drama, etc. 
  3. Stay connected to others.
  4. Have fun.

All of us need to learn basic stress management techniques to dump stuck energies. In today’s highly stressed world, it is easy to become overwhelmed. There are a great many techniques, but the Emotional Freedom Technique is a good place to start because it is simple to learn, highly adaptable to anything, and powerful. There are many videos online making it easy to learn this process. I teach this to everyone. Another good technique and another that I teach all my clients is the Infinite Intelligence Process that I wrote about in my book Accessing More.

Your mental and emotional issues, your unhealed wounds, fears, prejudices, limiting beliefs and addictions act as velcro that attracts similar, compatible energies. This makes your own situation worse. Like attracts like. But each time you heal some of your own issues, you remove the receptor site and prevent these non-beneficial energies and the entities that like them from sticking to you.

  •  Non-beneficial energies cannot stick if you are happy, surrounded by people you love, and having fun.

One major contributor to severe depression and even suicide is isolation. Wholesome laughter, get togethers with people you love and care about and who care about you is vital to keep your health and energy field strong.

For example, I notice a real difference in how I feel when I am around my son and grandchildren. Giving piggy back rides and engaging in vigorous games just doesn’t hurt my body the same way as it would it I were doing hard, physical work or lifting heavy things at home. And I am much more resilient to intrusive energies.

  • Laugh.

When I was going through a divorce, I would deliberately stop in the offices of other people in my building and ask them to tell me a joke. I was not denying what was going on in my life or my upset about it. Rather, I realized that sometimes things are so bad that all you can do is laugh. I knew that the laughter would help to break up all the congested feelings of sadness, anger, grief, overwhelm, depression, etc. Then as  I retold the joke quickly to several other people, I laughed again. I developed a significant repertoire. Despite the severe stress from my personal situation, and despite the frustrations of my work associates, the jokes helped to restore balance for us all. It made a positive shift in the energy, both in me and the workplace.

  •  Non-beneficial energies cannot stick if you are in a high vibrational or good spiritual state.

By spiritual, I mean that you feel deeply connected to something beyond yourself. Perhaps you feel a real sense of belonging and service to your family, the larger community, to humanity as a whole. You may feel deeply rooted to the earth, to nature, to some over arching intelligence behind the cosmos. This has nothing to do with specific religious beliefs, but with having a strong connection to or relationship with something More. This sense of belonging to something beyond yourself provides you some immunity against intrusive, uncomfortable energies.

If you consider that as consciousness you are connected to the Source of consciousness, that connection provides a link to greater resources of knowledge, wisdom and power you can harness to meet any challenge. I consider that each person is a powerful, spiritual being somehow intrinsically connected to the greater whole. Instead of being a powerless victim without influence, I consider that what makes you — you –that special spark that is your vibratory signature–was created by design, by intention, on purpose.

When you feel connected to something More, and also when you are aligned with a sense of purpose and feel you are making a meaningful contribution, this contributes to spiritual strength as well.

You are psychically linked to others that love you, believe in you, and are there to help you. Whether you are physically with your friends or family members or alone when you are feeling low, just by thinking of your loved ones, by thinking of your love for them and their love for you, you instantly are enveloped in a protected bubble.

You do not have to be religious to gain spiritual strength.

You can put out a mental call to and connect with that something More in the universe for help. You can also deliberately imagine your loved ones, guardian angels, ancestors watching your back. Imagine taking them with you when you are going into a tough situation, like having your own personal army standing alongside and behind you when faced with the school yard bully.

If you have trouble going to sleep, put your angels or ancestors at the head and foot of the bed to watch over you throughout the night and only awaken you if it is important to do so.

 Gratitude helps to strengthen your energy field.

When you think of all the things for which you are grateful, you realize that you do have resources to bring to any challenge. The old rituals of praying before bed and before meals with thanksgiving are energetically protective.

 Forgiveness helps too.

When you hold onto negative emotions, you bind those you hold responsible to you. Why drag them around? This prolongs your suffering and weakens your energy field making you more susceptible to other non-beneficial energies. Your anger, hurt, resentment or disapproval does not change what happened, and cannot resolve it. Constructive action is the only thing that can rectify anything.

The reason to forgive is simply because you do not want to hurt anymore, and you realize that you need to free your vital energy to be able to create a better future for yourself.

  • Turn those that offended you over to their destiny under God.
  • Ask for forgiveness from those you have harmed whether knowingly or unknowingly–even if that harm was only in the perception of those other people.
  • Pray to heal any karma between you.
  • Practice Ho ‘oponopono. This exercise as popularized by Dr. Hew Len and Joe Vitale in their book, Zero Limits, is very helpful.

Forgive yourself.

If you don’t find a way to forgive yourself, your unconscious mind will find a way to sabotage or punish yourself, which you don’t want to happen. Learn what you can from your experiences. Learn what you need to say or do, or not say or do next time. Mentally rehearse handling the situation in a better way at least 5 times. Perhaps think of how someone else might have handled it better, and learn from them.

Perhaps make a symbolic act of contrition as a way of saying you are sorry. For example, you can light a candle in church, do some act of charity or kindness for someone else.

Do not take on or identify with the emotional issues or problems of others.

This is especially important if you are sensitive, empathetic and feel other people’s emotions. Assist others as appropriate, but do not assume their burdens and pain. Keep one foot always planted in a world without such problems so that you know that things can be different. Vividly imagine a better world, and then ask yourself if there is something you can do to move in that direction. If you identify with problems, whether your own or that of others, it will drain your energy and ability to be effective in changing it.

Are these distressing emotions and thoughts really yours?

They may not be. You may be just telepathically picking up those belonging to someone else, or those left over in the environment by others. Are these thoughts true? Is your mother, your kid brother, that old school teacher still in your head and telling you it’ll never work, that you’re no good at, etc.? Can you regain your composure by challenging discordant thoughts? Do they reflect something you saw in the media, a movie, or read in a novel? Is the nightly news getting you down because you do not have enough good news to balance it?

Are you picking unsettling emotions up on the psychic airways? If they are not yours, say a prayer for the owner of those feelings even if you are not sure where they came from. Think of each person as really a powerful, spiritual being, guided and protected as well as you are. Imagine the person/s involved as  healthy, happy, confident.

But if the feelings are yours, or you resonate with them, then do something to resolve or heal them. Again, the Emotional Freedom Technique or the Infinite Intelligence Process that I teach can help.

Do not accept emotional abuse.

Let someone’s verbal bombardment pass right on by like the wind. You would not be upset if a lion in the zoo roared at you. The lion is just being itself. So is your boss, your ex, your ____.

While it is good to be aware of what is going on in the world and how people feel about it or about you, their feelings, their judgments are their perceptions, their opinions, their reality.  However, information is useful. It is feedback. Information informs you of action that might be appropriate, needed and timely. It may inform you on how you might be helpful or better. It may make you aware that you need to communicate more clearly, set boundaries, adjust your own behavior. It may make you aware of what issues are resonating within yourself that might need to be healed.

Ask yourself

  • How can this be turned into a blessing?
  • Is it necessary or appropriate for me to take any action? What?
  • What can I learn from this?

Non-beneficial energies that do seem to stick whether from people or annoying entities that are around always have something to teach you. If you pay attention and take action, they can actually bless you.  There is a saying

“Man made it for evil, but God meant it for good.”

Remember to have an attitude that any energies that bother you are a temporary annoyance. My belief is that you are a powerful, spiritual being–a chip off the Old Block, which is the ultimate Source of all that is that people call God. Therefore, you have a right to dominion within your own energy field, your own home and environment, and a right to command the benevolent forces of the heavens to come to your aid and assist you.


Remember to keep a healthy energy field starts with good basic care of yourself with adequate sleep, and nutrition. Then it means dealing with stress and old issues, by being around loving, supportive people, having fun, laughing, singing and dancing, doing anything that brings a smile to your face, and gives you a sense of meaning and purpose in life. Breathing deeply will instantly release fear, raise your vibration and strengthen your energy field. And happy or sacred music will assist you to stay in a good place and permeate the walls of wherever you play it.

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.