Quick Ways to Clear a Space of ‘Bad’ Energy

We may all may have experienced an uneasy ‘vibe’ or energetic residue that lingers in a space after strong unhappy or tragic events. Perhaps it stems from a death or divorce and what led up to it, long-standing illness or financial problems, strong dislikes or disputes in the house or neighborhood, an act of violence, arguments or sadness that seem to linger on in the very walls. While our conscious knowledge or personal memory of what took place there may be causing discomfort, it is sometimes an unconscious awareness of events that we feel. 

When the energy feels uncomfortable and stems from emotional residue, there are simple things you can do to shift it. Even if it is coming from another source and requires professional help beyond these simple fixes, doing these things may help. What you do depends upon the extent of oppressive energy that you feel. Start with something quick and simple, and work your way up until you get the results that you want depending upon the intensity of the emotional debris.

Space Clearing

Usually, you do this automatically when moving into a new space. Space clearing is always indicated then and at any subsequent time that either your own negative emotions or that of others have polluted the home or property. Historically, some of this was also done as part of spring and fall cleaning, and before major religious holidays. While everyone seems so busy today, it might be a good idea to bring this tradition back.

  • If the problem is inside the house, open the doors and windows, pull away any curtains or blinds, and let in the sun and fresh air. 
  • Clean — this can include inside closets, cabinets, and under the bed. Wash the windows and glass surfaces. Energy clings to things and dusting, polishing, washing and moving them around helps to clear stuck energies away. Clean with the intention of clearing away any anger, upset, grief, sadness in that space.
  • Clean up also applies to affected outside areas.
  • Smudge with sage, cedar or sweet grass
  • Do a light clearing exercise — imagine holy white or white golden light filling every corner of the space. If it is a house, imagine this light extending down into the basement, into the walls, up to the attic.
  • Use aromatherapy with pure sage, cedar, or rose oils
  • Place fresh flowers or eucalyptus in the area. Or if it is outside, plant colorful, blooming plants.
  • Make noise with drums, bells, gongs, bang pot lids together throughout the entire space. Open closet and cabinet doors, and bang noise into every corner of the house.
  • If it is outside, hang some wind chimes and ring them yourself if there is no wind.
  • Diffuse flower essences
  • Sprinkle holy water around and say some prayers
  • Burn epsom salts with a cap of 100% wood grain alcohol in a pie pan. Carry this burning pan around the room. I prefer this over smudging which stinks up the room with smoke which then must be cleared away before working inside. 
  • Burn purifying incense such as gum mastic, frankincense or myrrh, or protection incense
  • Burn a protection candle made with intention and the addition of special herbs
  • Perform or play holy chants. Prayers should focus on divine love, gratitude, connection to the divine.
  • Play or sing holy or inspirational music – perhaps set up a tape player to repeat continuously and saturate the walls of the house with a more harmonious frequency
  • Sing, dance and play happy music
  • Host a party or get together with happy, positive people to deliberately change the atmosphere and the mental/emotional associations with the space. Wholesome laughter is extremely helpful.
  • Draw Reiki symbols in the air and projecting throughout all walls and corners of each room. I use Cho Ku Ray and Harth.
  • Use specific energy clearing pendulums. These include Spellbreaker, Mace, Releaser, Golden Hue, Isis. Contact me for more information.
  • Get rid of clutter – clutter creates stuck energy
  • Get rid of objects that strongly remind you of painful events
  • Rearrange or change the furniture or ornaments so it looks different and you relate differently to the space
  • Paint the walls of the effected area a different color

Let me know additional ways that you use for space clearing inside or out, and your experiences.

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com  are included with the content.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: see our main website: www.roxannelouise.com or call 434-263-4337

How to Deal with Overload

Start by reading Dealing with Overload if you haven’t done so first.

Where do you start?

The short answer is —ANYWHERE YOU CAN!

I like to start with deep breathing because it is instant stress relief. Taking deep breaths will start to release fear, paralysis, and clear the mind. To think straight on how to solve a problem, you have first to get oxygen to the brain. Even a few, slow, deep breaths will help. Any physical exercise, singing, dancing, heavy duty housework, chopping wood, laughing– all make you breathe.

Add music as it will instantly change your mood. If you need to accomplish physical work, combine it with energizing/happy music. Whereas, if you need to accomplish mental work, then combine it with soothing, relaxing music.

My top picks are to 

  • meditate for a few minutes to clear my mind and affirm that I have access to internal resources to do what is needed
  • do some needed task, no matter how small

Sometimes I need to get totally away from things, and just do something relaxing or fun. This is the point of vacations — rest and renewal. This clears out the paralysis and gives me energy that I can then harness to address important issues. Make sure that any ‘fun’ item is not just mindless, time wasting like t.v./internet, but something like being with people you love and care about, or singing, dancing, laughing, sports, etc. that makes you breathe, releases stuck energy out of the body, and shifts your mood. Give yourself a time limit.

Then move to the current problem. Write down various things that have to be done to resolve whatever is overwhelming you, and do whatever you can that you can tackle it immediately. This might as simple as making some phone calls, setting an appointment, scheduling for some help. You do not have to know everything you need to do, just the next step. Do that!

If you don’t know what to do to resolve the issue that is overwhelming you, do other tasks that will be then out of the way for when you do know what to do with the area of concern. This could be your everyday needed tasks like washing the dishes, doing the laundry, food shopping, cooking, etc. I have found that getting your energy moving in any direction, relieves the paralysis in other areas. 

Get help

Find someone who likes solving your type of problem and is good at it. For example, if your house is a mess and that is draining your energy just to look at it, find someone to come in and help you. If you can afford it, hire someone and delegate it. If not, barter, trade with a friend. In other words, I’ll trade you two hours with you coming to my house and helping me do ____ on Saturday, and I’ll come to help you do whatever you want help with for two hours the following week.

Just as two heads are better than one in solving a problem, four hands make the work go faster. When I hire someone to clean, I normally work with them doing those things that are best left to me. This might mean cleaning out a drawer or closet. If you work along with someone else, not only are you doubling the progress, but the other person will keep you on track, and the socialization while you work can even be fun. 

Again, if money is an issue, find some other way to make it work. For example, I had some extra bedrooms in my house and at one time used the rent to pay for needed help. At other times, I traded a room for their labor in my house or farm. I bartered hypnosis for massage. I registered with a local Time Bank to use my skills to get help I needed. Many years ago, I traded babysitting with a couple of other mothers. Ask yourself, how can I get the help I need with ____? What do I have to sell/barter/share? Who can help me with ___? 

Goal Setting 

Lessening overload will always entail goal setting and ordinary problem solving. As mentioned, get the energy moving any way you can by doing something. Then do the next easiest task, and the next. For example, when I have to clean house, I start with the smallest, easiest room. This is usually the bathroom. Then I move on to the next easiest room, and so on. By the time, I get to the hardest room, I am already feeling better by seeing so much of the house looking good that I am in a more hopeful, better mood to take on the bigger job whether that day or the next.

However, some people like to tackle the hardest thing that they are avoiding first. What works for me in tacking whatever I find overwhelming is to get someone to work with me. It bypasses procrastination and generates tremendous energy that persists even after they leave. Having someone work with you is tremendously helpful because they are not emotionally invested in your problem. They may also have the skills you need and enjoy using them. They see solution where you just see problem. They are energized by your challenge, and you are drained. Their approach and possibility thinking can be positively contagious.

Be accountable to someone for taking action.

A client wanted help in getting rid of procrastination so that she could complete a writing project. So besides doing hypnosis, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) on procrastination and non-beneficial beliefs, I made a contract with her. She made a commitment to do  x_ pages and/or _x_  time writing, and I would rewrite/edit one chapter of a book I was working on. At the end of each day we were to email each other on what we had done. She submitted her short stories for a competition, and I completed a rewrite of my self-hypnosis book. It helped us both. You can make a similar contract with a friend.

Develop a do-able strategy or plan of attack.

Make lists and prioritize. Put it on the calendar. Then start checking off as you accomplish each thing. Make a note each night on what you have accomplished. Seeing progress as things are crossed off will make you feel better. If you don’t know how to set up a strategy, ask someone else. There are many forums, meet-ups, business organizations that offer help.

Can you make it fun?

Perhaps you can listen to something interesting as you work. For example, I used to put the Saturday Matinee broadcast of the Metropolitan Opera on while I was working in the kitchen. During that broadcast, not only did the kitchen get cleaned, but I did my major food preparation/ cooking for the week. That cooking made sure that I was going to eat right –important if you are to maintain a high level of energy. Because I was so mesmerized by the heavenly music, I was not caught up in “woe is me,” or “I hate doing this”, etc. I follow the same strategy with other mundane tasks.

If you have to go out and do something you have been avoiding, can you go with a friend or meet up afterwards? For example, I have friends who take a friend to their doctor visits. I know others who join a gym together, or go for a regularly scheduled walk. They get their exercise done and socialize at the same time. Make a commitment, and you will get it done. 

Pay attention to basic self-care

Sleep, good nutrition, contact with others that care about you, fun and humor all provide the energy you need to solve problems and get out from under. Positive energy has to be coming in both to the physical body and to the spirit so that burnout does not occur. Find a way to get more coming in than is going out. 

Pay attention to your self-talk

Your thoughts will help or hinder you. They will make it easier or harder. Become aware and shift from the negative ones quickly. Here are some: “Sooner or later, I figure it out.” “I find a way that works for me.” “I get the help I need to do this.” “I take it one step at a time.”

More Ways of How to Deal With Overload 

There are a thousand ways to get rid of being overwhelmed. My favorite way is my own Infinite Intelligence Process. See Accessing More–Tapping into the Eternal, Unlimited Self with the Infinite Intelligence Process . Another book, Your Unlimited Potential will teach you self-hypnosis, stress management, Walking Mantras, and goal setting. The Emotional Freedom Technique is also very helpful, and I teach it to ALL my students and clients. 


Call me: Roxanne Louise at 434-263-4337 or email me at RoxanneLouise2@gmail.com. 

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com  are included with the content.

Dealing with Overload

How Overload Occurs

Overload occurs because stressors are piled on top of stressors before there is an inclination or understanding of the importance of clearing it, or the time, skill and resources to do so. Other matters may take priority especially if there is a crises.

Furthermore, it is difficult, not impossible, to heal what you don’t know about. Therefore, you should be grateful (“thank you for sharing”) when a upsetting memory arises, even one of minor importance, because it indicates that it requires resolution regardless of what action you took previously. What is unfinished and unhealed acts as a powerful magnet for more of the same. It consumes your vital life force, robbing you of the energy needed for health, happiness, goal achievement, and solving problems.


Such memories can arise when there is a recent, similar event, or by anything present or associated (triggers) with the original event. Being in the same place at the same time, with the same people, doing the same thing are all triggers. Anniversaries trigger memories–pleasant and unpleasant. Focusing on a problem also attracts–one of the liabilities of anyone writing or speaking on an issue.

For example, when I speak, teach or write about how to work with smokers, I have a huge intake of people wanting to stop smoking. When I was teaching another class on secondary gain and the shadow, it was no surprise that I soon after attracted someone with these very issues. It was a reminder to practice what I preach, and just to witness rather than take an attack personally.

Memories are Linked

Imagine that you see a friend on the street, and that greeting is initially happy. However, if the last time that you saw that friend was at the funeral of a loved one, the current meeting will be tinged with the sadness of the previous event. The memory of that loss may trigger memories of all the other people you have known that have died.

Also, a thought, belief or judgment made at the first event will be triggered, whether conscious or not, and affect mood. The earlier judgement that “people are there to support me emotionally in time of need”, or “I am loved”, “I was so blessed to know this person (now deceased)”, will in the present create a very different mood than if the judgment was “life is cruel and unfair”.

Witnessing Instead of Judging

Why don’t you just notice a person’s character or behavior without emotional reaction? Just be a witness. If you go the zoo, do you get upset with the animals? Do you become fearful hearing a lion roar? If you are out in the wild, that roar might indicate that you are vulnerable and in danger. But, from the safety of the opposite side of the zoo bars, you can notice, and even enjoy it without feeling threatened. The lion is being itself perfectly. Same is true of the rats, snakes and skunks. No need to be upset because they are who they are. Their nature has nothing to do with who you are. Learn to respond with detachment, interest, or curiosity as to what made them that way.

Questions to Ask Yourself:

  • Am I threatened by this person’ s behavior?
  • Is it threatening my own sense of self, my confidence, my ability to earn a living or to obtain anything else that I want or need?
  • What is the truth of who I am and my ability?
  • Does what this person think of me invalidate my essential worth?
  • Does my happiness and the meaning of my life depend upon pleasing this person and receiving his approval, his permission in that I am on this planet, being and doing as I am?
  • Is this behavior/experience reminding me of other unpleasant experiences? If so, then know that they have surfaced in order to be healed. Jot them all down, and work on them as quickly as you can before they fade once again into the abyss of the unconscious.
  • What are the thoughts, beliefs and judgements behind my emotional reaction? Are they serving or limiting me? Do I need to change them? What beliefs or judgments do I now choose to hold?
  • What can I learn from this?
  • Were there any signs, any intuitive prompting that I was not acknowledging that would have safely negotiated around this problem or avoided it completely?”

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com  are included with the content.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: see our main website: www.roxannelouise.com or call 434-263-4337