Thinking about Health Issues

Joey, 1 yearIronically right after speaking on Dowsing for Health at a national convention in 2015, I was suddenly knocked down from behind by my 150 pound ram, Joey, as I was trying to untangle his lead and get him into his stall for the night. Suddenly I found myself with my face, hands and knees on the ground. It was such a shock that I honestly don’t remember the initial blow. 

But guessing that Joey would attack again, I scrambled to pick up my glasses, jump up and find a stick to protect myself. He charged at me four more times, and I defended myself as best I could. With each attack, the stick got smaller and smaller, until it was too short to protect me. Even though I was injured, I had to move quick out of range, and hobble up to the house as best I could to get help.  

I hadn’t foreseen this betrayal even though as he became full grown, he started becoming aggressive towards the guard dogs and male workmen. But I had raised Joey with a bottle from the time he was 2 weeks old, and fussed over him with tons of affection. He used to follow me around like a puppy. So despite a change in his temperament with others, I always felt that I could handle him. However, this attack proved me wrong. Joey had to go, and a friend took him until he could be sold. 

Now unable to walk added to previous farm animal injuries, I had lots of additional time to think about and dowse on the topic of health and where I had gone wrong myself.

So why did I get hurt?

As it was getting dark, time was of the essence to Joey into the safety of the barn and paddock (I was in a hurry). Sheep are prey animals, and there are coyotes and other predators around. But Joey was stuck. His lead was tangled. To see how to undo it, I made the bad decision to turn my back on him for an instant (I lost my focus on him and not paying attention). I should have known better because he was becoming unpredictable and have gotten help instead before trying to do it on my own (not paying attention to the signs). But I also did not know that bottle fed male lambs, lose their fear of humans and will then be even more aggressive in reaching adulthood even to those that raised them. They are called rams for a reason. What I didn’t know hurt me.


Health issues cause more health issues

A colleague says that you can always predict who is going to get sick by who is already sick. While stress causes illness, illness causes more stress and drains the body’s resources making it more difficult to heal.  

Illness comes out of patterns, habits and lifestyle.

Detrimental patterns or habits of any kind — diet,  exercise, lifestyle, and toxic situations set up illness.  Healing will then require changing those patterns and habits in order to free up vital energy for the body to repair itself.

Illness or accidents may have a positive intention.

Sometimes it is a message to slow down, get out of a toxic situation, get your life back on track. But whether one’s health challenge was caused through karma, ignorance, bad habits, not paying attention, stress, loss of focus, soul journey, an opportunity to change direction in life, there is always something to learn. Brainstorm possible answers to the questions below, and then dowse out. Ask yourself,

  • What can I learn from this to make my life better?
  • What can I do to ensure that this doesn’t happen again?
  • How can I make something good come out of this?
  • How can this help me to grow?
  • What is my body trying to tell me?

No matter how crazy it seems, have the intention to turn the situation into a blessing.

This will help your attitude and point you in a constructive direction. It will also reduce mental and emotional stress.

Dowsing is helpful

Dowsing is phenomenally helpful in problem solving of any kind.

  • It can identify the root cause of a problem, as well as other causative factors.
  • It can pin point helpful actions to take, and the best people to employ as part of your healing team.
  • It can assist you in setting up a can’t hurt healing strategy that may include changes in lifestyle, habits, diet, supplements, prayer, exercise.
  • And dowsing can help deal with self-sabotaging behaviors that damage health directly or undermine the finest medical care.
Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and are included with the content.
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