Why People Get Sick

Anita Moorjani

I was listening to Anita Moorjani, author of Dying to Be Me, outlining the five reasons of why she thinks people get sick. Note that she does not list germs or genetics. Rather it appears that she considers that problems in any of these five areas allow a disease to take hold. By correcting them, it enables the body to heal.

  1. Mental/emotional/spiritual reasons. Moorjani lists them as one group because she considers all three of the to be intimately connected. Spiritual includes lack of meaning & purpose in your life.
  2. Poisons or toxicity
  3. Physical injury or trauma
  4. Malnutrition
  5. Lack of physical exercise

(Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeQ3gLOlLGY&t=2123s)

While I agree with Moorjani, I would add the following other factors:

6. Detrimental energies arising from natural sources & manmade technology : such as geopathic stress, radon, EMF, 5G, dirty electricity

7. Detrimental mental/emotional energies directed at you personally or just saturating the environment: such as the mass contagion of fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, depression or ill will; psychic attack, black magic, curses.

I add #7 as a separate category as the disturbing thoughts or emotions that weaken your energy field, disturb your peace of mind and, thereby, contribute to disease may not originate with you, but rather be part of the overall psychic atmosphere affecting the general population. Empaths are particularly vulnerable. This detrimental psychic pollution is so pervasive right now because of Covid 19 & the upcoming US elections. The stress is palpable and can be felt ‘in the air’. In short, the detrimental thoughts and emotions of others may be as risky to your health as are poisons in the food you eat, the air you breathe, or water you drink. I call this ‘Thought Contagion”, and it needs to be addressed.

What influences health outcomes?

We all know that good healthy self care is highly protective of our health, and so too are love, social support, fun, compassion, gratitude, stress management, and forgiveness. We also know that if you give the body what it needs, and if you remove the blocks to healing, the body will endeavor to move back towards health.

Moorjani brings up yet something else relevant to the healing process: empowering or disempowering thoughts. Not only is it important for the patient to believe he can heal, but the beliefs and attitudes of the healing practitioner as well as that underlying the medical paradigm you accept and that is practiced by your healing professional are all important.

Growing up, Moorjani was raised simultaneously in three very different cultures each of which had their own different medical model: Indian Ayurvedic medicine, Chinese medicine, and Western allopathic medicine. Of these three, she said that the Western medical model was disempowering because it puts the doctor exclusively in charge of the healing results. Unlike the Ayurvedic or Chinese model, Western medicine does not educate, actively involve or support the patient in taking corrective action in any of the relevant five areas responsible for his health condition. Rather, it tends to give a picture of the patient being a victim of overwhelming, powerful germs or genetics for which he is neither responsible nor capable of correcting himself.

A further problem of Western medicine is in how a diagnosis and prognosis and are delivered to the patient. While medicine understands the ‘Placebo Effect’ – the positive healing that results because a patient believes a substance or procedure will help him – there is also the opposite power of a detrimental suggestion to cause harm. In hypnosis, we call this the ‘Nocebo Effect’. Unfortunately, it is all too common with medical professionals in predicting dire prognosis.

What a medical prognosis really means.

  1. A medical prognosis relays what the patient can expect if he employs or doesn’t employ the recommended treatment protocol that the doctor suggests, usually surgery, drugs, or special medical procedures such as radiation or chemotherapy.
  2. A medical prognosis means that ___% of people experience ___ outcome when doing nothing to correct the issue, and ___% of people experience ___ outcome when employing only the doctor’s recommendations. It doesn’t reveal what medical outcomes the patient can expect from other modalities alone, or along with receiving allopathic medicine.
  3. As soon as the patient adds something else to his healing protocol, the prognosis improves. So it makes sense for the patient to incorporate a multi-prong wholistic approach to correct all the areas that might have made the body susceptible to disease in the first place. And he should do this even if allopathic medicine is going to be the primary treatment. This multi-prong approach can include nutrition, sleep, detoxification, herbs & supplements, prayer, meditation, stress management, loving connection, life balance, fun, meaning & purpose, exercise, time in nature, and multiple other healing modalities. It can address relationships, mental & emotional issues. As these other areas are outside of the medical training & expertise of most physicians, it is the responsibility of the patient to seek additional help.

The prefix ‘dis’ in the word ‘dis-ease’ means ‘opposite’, ‘be in absence of’, ‘deprive’, ‘expel’. Whereas ‘healing’ means to ‘make whole’, ‘correct, restore’. As a person restores the various areas of his life, so that he is once again ‘at ease’, his health improves.

For additional information, see our earlier blog posts:

Locating & Clearing the Mental/Emotional Drivers of Disease


German New Medicine – The Mind-Body Connection


Dowsing for Mind-Body Healing


Prayer and Healing


What if illness was sometimes a choice?


Understanding Illness from the Stress Connection


Understanding Pacebos Opposite – the Nocebo Effect


Copyright 2020 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com  are included with the content.

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