Healing Meditation

LISTEN HERE: Healing Meditation – 12 minutes

The key to receiving healing energy is to be in a receptive state. This you do by by relaxing, letting go of tension and upsetting emotions such as fear, and to elevate your mind and emotions into a state of gratitude, love, joy, and awe.

Start with taking a few deep breaths. With each exhale intend to let go of any muscular tension, and allow your body to sink into the furniture. 

Next focus on those things for which you are grateful. These can be simple things – food, shelter, a hot shower or a cup of hot tea. Besides feeling grateful for all of those things that you have now, you can also think about those things for which you had in the past providing that the emotion arising from those memories make you feel that you were blessed instead of making you sad. Sadness, guilt and shame drain your energy. And anger, resentment, blame block it. But gratitude, love, joy, humor, and especially awe, increase it.

Image two giant hands cradling your body, supporting you, infusing you with love and life-giving energy. And as these hands lift you up, let all unnecessary stress drain away.

Further information: see our other articles at UnlimitedPotentialHealingCenter.com .

Listen also to Podcast: “Dowsing for Mind-Body Healing”


When You Are Triggered…

With todays highly charged politics and a media that panders to fear and sensationalism, it is easy to get triggered. Already stressed out with the pressures of your own life, and overwhelmed with everything you need to do to keep your life afloat, you may find yourself emotionally worked up over someone else’s life or problem because it resonances with something deep inside of yourself.

Because of your own history and sensitivities, you may automatically sympathize with one person, group, issue or cause you think is a victim of injustice, and get violently angry with another you prejudge as aggressor frequently before you know all the facts and even despite the ‘facts’. That is because your emotions are really about you and something similar that has happened to you, your loved ones, ancestors or tribe in this lifetime or the distant past that was never resolved, healed and put to rest. 

Whether you are particularly sensitive to the slightest hint of racial, religious, gender, tribal, national or ethnic prejudice, the trauma and injustice of the past may be hard wired into your DNA. You may have absorbed and taken upon yourself the injustices done to your ancestors long since dead (even generations or centuries dead) as if it happened to you personally.  

A sure hint that the root cause of your upset lies within yourself is when your emotional reaction is excessive to the current situation, when you can’t let it go, when it doesn’t really effect your personal life, and when it happened long ago, perhaps even before you were born.

Every emotional reaction you experience, every evil and type of  injustice that exists today, has occurred before, many times over, and often, many times worse. But because it is occurring again, you suffer much more than perhaps the current situation warrants. If you can heal the prior occasions, your reaction will be only to what is happening now, not added on top of what happened years, generations or lifetimes ago. 

What to do about it

When you are triggered by events whether personal, local, national or global, try to:

  • Identify the issue or type of event. Name it.

List some possibilities on paper. If you know how to dowse, then ask if you have any stuck energies on that issue, and the percentage or the degree to which you do. If you don’t know how to dowse, then quiet your mind, and in meditation start asking some questions. Suggestions are below.

  • What is underneath this upset?
  • Where did it come from?
  • Did it originate with me or with my family, my ancestors, my tribe?.
  • Show me the root cause.
  • What wisdom can I extract from it?
  • What positive things can be gleaned?
  • How can I use this situation to grow, to be a better person?
  • How can I turn it into a blessing for myself or others?
  • How can I look at this situation so it doesn’t bother me nearly as much?
  • What is the big picture here?  

Hold a willingness to look honestly at yourself. Intend to extract some wisdom or value from both the current event and any experiences of a similar nature. That learning can include an understanding the underlying dynamics, why something may have happened, and perhaps an idea to prevent it from happening again or lessen that possibility. It might mean noting that changes need to be made within yourself even if changes are needed within the larger community.

  • Rather than immediately assigning blame of who is wrong and needs to be punished, consider that what you judge may also reflect a quality inside yourself.

Doreen Virtue taught me to say: “I recognize and forgive in myself what irritates me about you.”

This is related to ‘the shadow self explained at length by psychiatrist, Dr. Carl Gustav Jung and author Debbie Ford. The ego avoids self loathing by denying the existence of faults within the self while projecting those same faults onto someone else. There is a theory that when internal faults that are hidden, ignored, or denied, that this will attract people who share these faults as the soul’s attempt to get you to look at yourself. As you admit your own faults and forgive yourself, you will have greater tolerance of others. Even better, as you heal those faults, you will more likely attract others who have likewise worked on healing their own issues.

The ancient Hawaiians had a practice of forgiveness and reconciliation called Ho’oponopono.  This practice was later simplified by Dr. Hew Lin and popularized by Joe Vitale. In the original practice, a shaman and members of the family or community would gather around a person and take responsibility for what had happened to or by that individual, and ask for his forgiveness. While he was a  prison psychiatrist, Dr. Lin would sit with the file folders of various inmates and repeat “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.” This was done over a period of time without actual inmate contact. Yet this simple practice resulted in such improvement in these prisoners that they were later released.

If practicing Ho’oponopono without relaying that information to an individual still has a positive effect upon that person, it may because of quantum entanglement. While the idea taken from physics of quantum entanglement refers to the interaction of particles at a distance, some think that this interaction extends to humans as well – that everyone and everything is somehow intertwined. Is it too far a stretch to think that what happens to you effects me and vice versa, and maybe even what I think and feel effects you and vice versa? If so, then if you want to change the world, start with changing yourself.

However, if you also believe that changes have to be made within the community and it’s systems or the larger systems outside your locale, take some constructive action because it will go a long way to healing your upset.

  • Focus on what you can do of a positive, practical nature locally to start the process. 
  • And, again remember that the changes you would like to see in the world involve making changes within yourself.
  • Meditate or dowse to transmute any trauma or upset you personally suffered recently.
  • Clear any other experiences you remember from your past.
  • 20170516_acc-morecover.jpgHold the intention to clear any other experiences you do not remember whether in this lifetime or another.

You can do this through hypnosis, meditation, the Emotion Code, or the Infinite Intelligence Process that I developed. See my book, Accessing More for instructions on how to do this.   

  • Clear those upsets/issues of a similar nature of your ancestors in this lifetime or another, and that experienced by your tribe.

Again, you can do this through the Infinite Intelligence Process, the Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson, or through dowsing (see my pendulum dowsing manual, Therapeutic Dowsing and Telepathic Healing).

  • dowsing cover front
    efocus on the positive opposite that you would like instead.
  • Finally, take action no matter how small to move towards what you would like to see in the real world.  

Recent Example

Let’s take the high emotional charge attached to the Kavanaugh proceedings. I bring it up only because it was recent and because I found myself being triggered. I will not discuss the politics or merits of either side, but rather illustrate how to take any triggering event to recognize and clear non-beneficial or stuck energies within yourself. This is important because if you are being triggered, you cannot be objective or think clearly,  sleep easily, enjoy peace of mind or anything else until you do heal, transmute, rebalance, or clear it.
There were multiple possible issues here. If you were triggered, you might ask yourself, if you are carrying any unresolved, stuck energies of your own from this or any other lifetime, or if you are carrying those of an ancestor, loved one, or tribe.
Ask the following questions one at a time starting with “have I ever …..?” After you are finished, repeat the same questions with ” have any of my loved ones..?” Next, ask “am I carrying any trauma from my ancestors regarding….?”
  • Have ____ (I, my loved ones, ancestors) ever been assaulted or lived in fear of same?
  • Have  ____ (I, my loved ones, ancestors) suffered sexual abuse, rape, or fear of same?
  • Have ____ (I, my loved ones, ancestors) been a victim of violent crime?
  • Have ____ (I, my loved ones, ancestors) suffered greatly because of not being believed, but rather ridiculed or punished for speaking up about some wrongdoing?
  • Have ____ (I, my loved ones, ancestors) suffered greatly because of not being heard or fear of not being heard because ____ (I ___ am/was), they ____ (are/were) ___ a (man/woman, member of lower standing caste/group/tribe)?
  • Have ____ (I, my loved ones, ancestors) ever suffered after being falsely accused of some misdoing, crime or serious violation?
  • Has ____ (my, my loved one’s, ancestor’s) reputation, business, standing in the community been destroyed because of false accusations perhaps through politics or someone else’s dislike or personal agenda? 
  • Have ____ (I, my loved ones, ancestors) received threats or  ___ (suffered, been captured, imprisoned, tortured, or killed) because of false accusations?
If so, then in  meditative state, hold the clear intention as follows. If you know how to dowse,  then work with a pendulum to indicate your progress. 
  •  “There is a part of my being that knows what positive learning I can extract from any this experience of ____ that ___ (I/they) have suffered (or was afraid of suffering). Take action now, and let me know when that is done.
  • “There is a part of my Being that knows if I or anyone close to me in this or another incarnation have ever suffered _____ or lived in fear of suffering ____. And that part is extracting the positive learning from each and every one of those experiences so that it is unnecessary to ever experience it again. Take action now, and let me know when that is done.” dowsing cover front
  • There is a part of my Being that can transmute, heal, and clear all trauma attached to each of these experiences that I and my ancestors have had, so that there is no longer any need to attract more of these experiences. Take action now, and let me know when that is done.”
  • Envision the positive opposite in the future as if it already exists. Follow this with powerful affirmations statements while meditating or dowsing.


  • There is a part of my Being that knows what is mine to do to create a world where _____(there is trust and mutual respect) and is guiding and motivating me to take appropriate steps now.
  • or “There is a part of my Being that chooses to create a world where _____. And that part is working on it. Take action now, and let me know when that is firmly in process.”
  • “There is a part of my Being that knows who else might benefit from any of the healing we have done today and is reaching out to their High Self to duplicate whatever is useful in the way it is helpful and only helpful. Take action now, and let me know when that is done.”

Copyright 11/2018 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com are included with the content.


You can dowse!


Dowsing is the art of quieting the mind and turning inward to deliberately seek very specific information, which while not known consciously is nonetheless available in the vast sea of consciousness in which all information is already known and everyone is connected. 

Sometimes called water witching, rhabdomancy or radiesthesia, it is an natural form of divination to which everyone can learn to develop. The body reacts to the answers of questions asked with subtle body sensations or movements, which are clearer when using tools such as L or Y rods, bobber or pendulum.

Your body already senses and knows things unconsciously 

Perhaps you remember a time when you had strong gut feelings that correctly warned you of potential danger, or encouraged you to take action and proceed. Perhaps you have been somewhere that had strong good or bad vibes without knowing the history or the people of that place. Maybe you walked into a room and felt immediately uncomfortable although you were completely unaware that an argument had just taken place or that the occupants hated one another. 

I remember visiting the home of Jiddu Krishnamurti, an Indian philosopher and writer, in Ojai, California. Now while I was aware that he practiced meditation and wrote books, I knew very little about him. And while I am by nature a serious person, I could not help smiling broadly throughout the site. The house and grounds exuded enormous joy. 

My point is that your body has been sensing things right along, and that inborn ability with training and practice can give you good information upon demand with or without a tool such as an L or Y rod, bobber, pendulum or forked stick. 

Body Dowsing – the Sway Test

The body itself can be used as a dowsing tool. Here’s how.

First drink some water as dowsing works best when you are hydrated. Stand up and separate your feet comfortably apart. Hold an intention of your body moving in a particular direction when the answer to a question that you ask is ‘yes’. Close your eyes. Without being rigid and stiff, but without deliberately moving either, allow your body to show you it’s ‘yes’ response. Internally say “show me ‘yes’ “. Keep repeating until your body moves and note the direction. Then ask your body to indicate the direction for ‘no’. “Show me ‘no’ “ Unless their polarity is reversed, ‘yes’ for most people is indicated by leaning forward, and ‘no’ by leaning backwards. It may be subtle. Practice until it is a clear response.

When you have a distinct direction for each response, then ask simple questions to which you know the ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. For example, “my name is ___ .” “I live at ____.” From there you can go on to simple other things for which you can verify after dowsing. For example, “how many quarters are in my wallet?” Then ask “how many nickels? “How many dimes?

Uses of Dowsing

While dowsing is an ancient practice to find water, oil, ore or minerals such as gold, it can also be applied to health, agriculture, business, relationships, forensics, military, and problem solving of all kinds. It can be used to find missing persons, pets, objects, unexploded bombs, unmarked graves, the best location for a home or office, an effective marketing or business strategy, and the best use of your time, energy and resources. It can be used to develop a comprehensive self-care program. It can locate the root cause of issues or problems and determine the best way to address them. However, like everything else, it requires training and practice to do skillfully. But the benefits are well worth the investment.

My passion is in using pendulum dowsing for mental and emotional healing both for myself and my clients.  I have adapted it to the hypnotherapy practice and will be teaching hypnotherapists as well as other mental health professionals how to apply it for that purpose an all-day workshop,  “Therapeutic Dowsing and Telepathic Healing” on Monday, April 29 at the upcoming Heartland Hypnosis Conference, in St. Louis, Missouri. 


dowsing cover frontOTHER RESOURCES: