Making Your Dreams Come True

Mitch Horowitz on Goals and Manifestation 

mitch-horowitzRecently I have been listening to a lot of Mitch Horowitz, speaker, author of The Miracle Club and many other books on New Thought, positive thinking, and the occult. He references many of the authors I have read over decades, reiterating what I have been practicing and teaching on goal setting and achievement including creating miracles in your life. But he says it so well, that I am going to summarize his bullet points here with my own commentary.

Basically, in order to manifest your goals and create miracles in your life:

  • You must have a very NARROWLY DEFINED CHIEF AIM.

This chief aim may be expressed multiple ways with smaller goals as part of the overall direction.

For example, my chief aim is to use my voice to uplift, inspire and facilitate mental and emotional healing. I do this through organizing and running teleconferences, teaching, speaking, writing, and making products. I also belong to professional organizations where I can share, develop and express my chief aim. Years ago, I followed this same chief aim through being a professional classical singer.

  • Your goal needs to be PASSIONATE. You need to want it MORE than other distractions. 

It is this passion that will mobilize your energies to do the work and overcome challenges.

  • In addition to being very SPECIFIC, this goal needs to be held with SINGLE MINDED FOCUS. This will give you greater energy and stamina to push through to do what is needed. 

One way to keep your focus is through visualization. Imagine any scene that would imply achievement of your goal.

  • You need to make a DECISION to pursue this goal now. It is not a ‘someday’.
  • For a goal to be authentic, it must be ACTIONABLE. You have to be able to take concrete steps in the direction of it’s achievement. It is cannot be a daydream for which you can do nothing to promote.
  • Your goal must be ETHICAL and in keeping with your CORE VALUES. Furthermore, if you have any partners and collaborators, everyone needs to be in alignment both with your goal and values.

If your goal is in conflict with your values and ethics, you will experience problems in achieving them or will achieve them at a price such as in health or relationships.


See my earlier blog “Under, Over, Around and Through” as an example of bulldog perserverence and yet also knowing when to shift direction.

  • PRAY for what you want. This can be a request, but it can also be a demand or even be waving your fist.

Jean Slatter calls this Hiring the Heavens and describes it in her book by same title. I write about this in my own book Accessing More – Tapping Into the Eternal Unlimited Self with the Infinite Intelligence Process. The act of prayer summons both internal resources and the something to which we are all linked – that greater sea of consciousness and the Great Intelligence behind all that is.

  • Manifestation has a gestation period. This is the Sabbath, and a time of exercising PATIENCE and REST.

Do what work you can, and then do something to lift and renew your spirit in some way. This will give you fresh energy to bring to your goal later.

  • While you are waiting, STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE.

This continual application and learning prepares you for whatever opportunities do come your way. It also keeps your goal in focus, adding more and more energy to attract what you want.

LIMITS to Mental Causality:

Mitch acknowledges that we live under many laws and forces that effect mental causality. Results are not guaranteed by just following the Law of Attraction. By thinking it so, by visualizing and feeling you can direct miracles into your life. But you cannot always make what you want happen the way you want, when or how. Nonetheless, these are things you can do to increase the odds in your favor.

Copyright 1/2019 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and links to and are included with the content.

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