When someone says there is ‘no cure’

The Medical Paradigm

Anyone graduating from the very long and arduous training in medical school has been deeply indoctrinated into a very distinctive belief system, attitudes and approach to ill health, and then from that model on how to diagnose and treat illness in very prescribed ways. Historically, allopathic medicine seems to focus more on physical symptoms and on what can be seen under a microscope or on an X-ray, for example, a pathogen or broken bone, rather than on the multitude of non-physical factors that are also involved or even the precipitating or main cause. 

As in the children’s Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme, physicians are under pressure to put their patients back together again after a problem has occurred rather than increasing their vitality and reducing their vulnerability from getting sick in the first place. In that focus on disease instead of wellness, it is possible that the medical model is missing many more possible cures as well as a fuller understanding of the underlying dynamics.

Allopathic treatment may include suppression of physical symptoms without actually finding and correcting underlying issues. And while alleviation of symptoms can make a huge difference in someone’s quality of life, removal or healing of the root cause (or group of causative agents as there can be multiple things involved) means examining and addressing all imbalances in a person’s life (body, mind and spirit).

Finding and resolving the underlying problem/s means considering that the many other factors that cause ill health – stress and emotional things like loneliness, grief, anger, loss of support or connection, worry, lack of meaning and purpose – are likewise vitally important. Then there are habits, lifestyle, relationships, nutrition, exercise, toxicity, biological conflicts, lack of spiritual connection, and manmade or naturally occurring pathological energies such as EMF, radiation, and even underground crossing water veins, to be considered. Even if pathogens are involved, such pathogens may have been dormant until these other factors made it possible for them to take hold in a person’s body. Such factors may unless dealt with, prevent a patient from healing now despite otherwise good medical care.

Allopathic medicine does not take into consideration other health care approaches that have been successfully practiced in the world for centuries such as herbal medicine, shamanism, Ayurveda, or Chinese Medicine, to mention a few. The problem is not that physicians have a very structured and specific approach to treating disease, but that they vigorously claim through various legal channels to be the only profession with the right and the expertise to do so.

All of these other highly relevant factors mentioned are outside the realm of medical knowledge and treatment.  Therefore, for anyone to be correct in stating that there is ‘no cure’, they would have to be an expert or at least highly knowledgable in all these other factors and healing modalities – an impossible task. The only true and accurate statement can be “allopathic medicine does not have a cure for this condition at this time.” 

For every illness, for every health condition that was said to be impossible to cure,  correct or heal, even from death itself, there is someone has proven such claim wrong. Whether you listen to Dr. Eben Alexander, Anita Moorjani, both of whom were clinically dead and came back to life and healed, or Dr. Joe Dispenza who had an ‘impossible to heal’ spinal fracture from being run over and yet went back to his chiropractic practice in just two weeks, these true stories make you realize there is always hope. If there is someone who healed when told it was impossible, why not you? What did they do, or not do, that made their healing possible? Find out and duplicate this for yourself.

Why it is vital to not destroy someone’s hope

Forgive me if I rant a moment. As a hypnotherapist, I am trained in the power of suggestion, and the power of words to help or hurt, even kill. By eliminating hope, a person may give up and not do anything to help themselves even with basic self-care. Worse yet, if they believe that they will never ____, they may put themselves out of their own misery through suicide or self-destructive behaviors such as heavy drinking or drugs that are the slower versions of the same thing.

If a patient believes the doctor is the authority on his health condition, he is preconditioned to internalize into his unconscious mind whatever that doctor says about him and how he says it. Such patient will also be alert to picking unverbalized cues (body signals, tone of voice) of what that doctor believes about his chances.

This is very important as the unconscious mind also controls all body functions including growth and repair, digestion, detoxification, hormonal balance, and the immune response. The raw emotions of receiving a negative diagnosis and prognosis will have a very real impact upon the patient making his situation better or worse depending upon how they are delivered.  

Further, when this trusted doctor then tells his patient that there is ‘no cure’, or that there is ‘nothing that can be done‘, such patient will not seek answers elsewhere even if answers and help already exist through other treatment modalities. He will be disempowered from possibly discovering the answers for himself  or the winning combination of things that might possibly have made his healing possible.

One of my friends and mentors was the late Michael Ellner. Michael was a hypnotherapist, and for many years, the Director of Heal Education AIDS Liaison in New York City. Michael gave his clientele hope. Michael through therapeutic intervention would take away the power that negative authority figures (such as their physicians) had in the client’s mind. Instead, Michael gave the client logical reasons why he should believe instead that he could do something to help himself. Only by giving hope did his clients gain the determination to then work with nutrition, get off recreational drugs, stop risky sexual behaviors, get honest about their sexual orientation with their families, work on their emotional issues, start to meditate or develop a spiritual practice, etc. As a result, Michael witnessed many men who reversed their AIDS, and became healthier than at any time in their life, and living decades longer. When they healed their life, their bodies tended to follow. Louise Hay has said the same thing.

So what does it really mean when the doctor says that there is ‘no cure’ ?

The truth is that whenever a doctor says that there is no cure it should be translated more accurately for the layman as:

  • “as far as I know” . (Therefore, you have to seek out other sources. He is not the person to help you.)
  • “in my opinion” (Hence, we say to seek a second or third medical ‘opinion’.)
  • “according to the allopathic model and only using the allopathic methods” (Allopathic methods by themselves are not successful with this condition. Therefore, you must  seek other treatments or put together your own healing prescription.)
  • “surgery and prescription drugs alone cannot cure it”. (But maybe nutrition or herbs or homeopathy or ____ can do so, or do so in combination with allopathic methods.)
  • “yet!” (Discoveries are being made all the time. In fact, many discoveries such as those for various forms of cancer have been discovered, but have been suppressed in this country although they may be used successfully elsewhere.)
  • “I don’t want to admit that I can’t fix it, so I am just going to say it can’t be fixed”

Physicians are not immune from their egos or their professional bias. Such bias is influenced by the pharmaceutical industry that largely funds medical schools, medical research, and provides direct financial kickbacks for chemotherapy and an aggressive vaccination schedule. It also provides indirect funding through perks such as free trips to conferences in plush resort settings. The pharmaceutical reps form a relationship with the physicians (and may visit them more often than their own grandchildren). The pharmaceutical industry is also the largest advertiser for media. And no one wants to kill the golden goose.

Professional arrogance can be just another form of modern tribal thinking – my tribe is better than your tribe (maybe because I sweated longer, harder and paid more to be admitted into the inner sanctum). My medical god is better and more powerful than your herbal or nutritional god. Personal beliefs, ego, or just a heavy workload can prevent a physician taking a serious look into the alternate opinions, viewpoints and approaches even within the medical profession. 

The power of belief and emotion to heal or to kill

Witch doctors have historically harnessed the power of belief and emotion to heal (the placebo response) and to kill (the nocebo response). The power to heal through suggestion is something that should be harnessed, not ridiculed. And the power to hurt or kill should be fully understood and avoided at all costs. Dr. Deepak Chopra has said “more people die of diagnosis than the disease.” To destroy a person’s hope and even worse to discourage a patient from investigating other modalities in an attempt to heal, is, in my opinion, unconsciousible.

[For more information on the placebo or nocebo response, see “Understanding Placebo’s Opposite – The Nocebo Effect”.]

How ‘Scope of Practice’ enters into the equation

Allopathic physicians through their distinctive attitudes, skills, and knowledge address physical illness within a very defined range that collectively is called their “scope of practice”. Each profession possessing a license to practice that profession has vigorously protected their ‘turf’ against the encroachment of other professions that could potentially compete with them. While no doubt, the medical establishment may have passionate opinions of protecting the lives of patients from snake oil salesmen, some of this is simply guarding their monopoly from intrusion in the marketplace. 

In the United States,  a group called The Scope of Practice Partnership (SOPP) exists as “a collaborative effort of the American Medical Association, American Osteopathic Association (AOA), national medical societies, state medical associations and state osteopathic medical associations that focuses the resources of organized medicine to oppose scope of practice expansions by non-physician providers that threaten the health and safety of patients….This goal is accomplished through a combination of legislative activities; regulatory activities; judicial advocacy; and programs of information, research and education. The AMA provides staff to manage the operation of the SOPP.”

For years, physicians were able to successfully prevent chiropractors, naturopaths, psychologists, and hypnotherapists from practicing. Each separate profession had had to fight for their right to exist. As I was very active in fighting the New Jersey Psychological Board of Examiners from trying to put hypnotherapists out of business in the 1990’s, I know a lot of  how this works. As said, this is strictly a turf war – professional arrogance linked to threat of losing a lucrative revenue stream.

Upcoming Workshops

At the American Society of Dowsers Conference taking place at the State University of New York (SUNY) in New Paltz, New York, I will be giving a full day Workshop “Locating & Clearing the Mental/Emotional Drivers of Disease” on Wednesday, 6/13. See www.dowsers.org.

At the West Coast Dowsers Conference, University of California, Santa Cruz, I will be giving a full day Workshop “Therapeutic Dowsing & Telepathic Healing – Dowsing for Mental & Emotional Issues” on Tuesday, 7/3.  See http://www.dowserswestcoast.org

Lastly, at the National Guild of Hypnotists Convention in Marlborough, Massachusetts, August 10-12, I will be giving a shorter Workshop: “Hypnosis For Mind-Body Healing—Finding And Eliminating The Mental And Emotional Drivers Of Disease”, and a Seminar “Pendulum Dowsing For Hypnotists—Powerful Investigative, Healing, and Business Tool!” ​See https://ngh.net

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com  are included with the content.