Dowsing for Positive Change

Upcoming Dowsing/Meditation Group Forming

I feel very strongly that

Dowsers can be part of the solution to not just personal issues, but local, regional & global problems as well!

In an earlier blog article entitled “Dowsing on Global Issues”, I talked about the ways in which dowsers have historically made a positive difference in the world, and how we can expand the application of dowsing to solving, resolving, healing, transmuting an infinite array of not just our personal problems and concerns, but those on a local, regional, national and even global level. 

In another blog, “What is mine to do?”, I asked: “What is my role to play on _____ (making this world a better place, helping to insure the health, liberty and general well being for my children and future generations to come)? This built on an even more of my blog articles including:

From Fear to Action

All Hands on Deck!, 

Dowsers Can Make a Difference!

The Power of Thoughts, Emotions & Politics

Some dowsers are already gathering to do this, but until we see the problems that concern us resolved, there will continue to be a real need for more. As Lynn McTaggert, author of the The Power of Eight: Harnessing the Miraculous Energies of a Small Group to Heal Others, Your Life, and the World, has found there is something extraordinary that happens when people join together to focus on a common intention. With each additional person and group focusing their healing work together, a multiplication of effectiveness occurs. This will help us birth a more wholesome world for generations to come. Consider starting your own group, or join with me as I am trying to get people to agree on day and time. If interested, contact me at or call 434-263-4337.

What to focus on? Here are some possible topics:

  • lessen the detrimental effect of mass consciousness – especially that of fear, 
  • heal our own issues where they are reflected in the world, 
  • reduce our resonance with what we don’t want, 
  • raise our vibration and align with what we want to experience,
  • help manifest a more wholesome world of happy, healthy people living together harmoniously and cooperating to resolve problems and reach common goals,
  • increase our discernment, our gut level instincts, our awareness of what is true, and what is in our highest good,
  • and to know what is ours to do on an individual as well as collective basis.

Stephen A. Schwartz, a consciousness researcher, who I have quoted many times before, said: 

“we are in this matrix of consciousness where all life and all consciousness is interconnected, we cannot really design the solutions” to world problems unless we recognize that “working with consciousness is one of the ways we can achieve not only personal well being but social well-being” as well.

“As far as I can see, there is no greater power than the collective intention of a large group of people. It can change politics. It can change physical reality. It can affect healing….Consciousness is the fundamental we are dealing with…” 

“You have the power through your intention to literally alter the circumstances of your physical surroundings…and the structure of reality.”  

If you are interested in being a part of this project to be hosted on Zoom, send an email to me at . I will send you the link and a brief questionnaire.