Understanding Illness from the Stress Connection

The Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Components of Disease

When people think of stress, they are normally only considering those things that they find aggravating or upsetting. They are not considering the cumulative impact of a host of other factors–even little things that over time add up and overwhelm the body’s ability to process, detoxify, rectify or cope.

A more accurate view of stress may be ANYTHING (physical, chemical, electrical/magnetic, spiritual as well as mental and emotional) that consumes more energy than it brings in. Consequently, even some foods and happy events are stress inducing.

When more energy goes out than comes in to more than compensate, illness occurs.


Things that stress or disrupt the body system includes pathogens, allergens, toxins in the food, air or water, and EMF (electrical magnetic frequency pollution). They include pharmaceuticals including antibiotics, vaccines, and even approved medical and dental procedures or treatments. Dry-cleaning or household chemicals, personal care products, microwaved foods, processed or GMO (genetically modified) foods, food additives, heavy metals, city water, chemicals such as chorine or fluoride all stress the body as does heavy physical exertion or workouts. Cell phones, cell phone towers,  and EMF (electrical magnetic frequency) pollution are a problem. Then there are the pesticides we might use ourselves or which have been sprayed on the foods we eat or the foods that the animals we eat have ingested. Amalgam dental fillings and root canals, x-rays, chemotherapy and radiation air pollution, chemtrails–all take a toll on the body. Eventually, it is too much to handle and the body breaks down.


Here are the key points:

Stress causes every illness, and every illness creates more stress.

It is both the chicken and the egg. It is a self-perpetuating loop.

Illness results from more stress coming in than the body can handle.

Think of it as a bounced energy check–more energy is being demanded from you and going out than you have the reserves to cover.

It takes more energy to heal than it does to stay healthy in the first place.

It is not as easy as putting back the amount that caused you to bounce. Just as with an overdrawn checking account, there are fines to pay, and time to clean up the mess.

Stress is neutral–it can be from something “good”

For example, getting married, having a baby, moving into your dream home or job, getting ready to go on vacation are all very demanding, hectic and therefore, ‘stressful’. Stress is not just from something “bad”, such as the loss of a job or relationship, or routine annoying as with the daily commute.

A ‘stressor’ is anything that demands energy to handle/process.

Like a checking account, there needs to be sufficient reserves. When the energy reserves go into the “red”, illness results.

The final stressor that pushes the body into illness can be just one more thing too many.

It can even something very minor that you used to handle with ease before–the “straw that broke the camel’s back.”

Stress can come from:

• poisons in the air: inside or outside pollution, “sick building” syndrome, smoke, dry cleaning chemicals, household cleaning chemicals, perfumes, synthetic pillows or mattress 
• poisons from what touches your skin–chemicals or dyes in hair, nail, skin products, cosmetics, clothing
• allergens
• foods that are difficult to digest or food combinations that make digestion more difficult
• poisons in the water--chloride, flouride, bacteria, chemicals, heavy metals
• poisons in food–sugar, additives, coloring, preservatives, pesticides, as well as medicines or genetically modified foods fed to the animals we eat
• medicines and medical/dental treatments or procedures
• time stress and multi-tasking
• frustration
• unhealed emotional issues
• worry, fear, anger, grief, and other upset
• negative beliefs and judgments, such as this shouldn’ t be happening, people should/shouldn’ t ___, or this is bad/wrong/awful.
• too much or too little of anything: sleep, food, water, silence, sunshine, time alone, recognition, money, responsibility, activity, play
• too little meaningful interaction with people or with use of your abilities
• lack of meaning or purpose in life
 • lack of connection to others and larger spiritual dimension                 • lack of balance between work, rest and play, being alone versus being with people, sound versus silence, mental versus physical, material versus spiritual, inside versus outside  

√ The body knows how to heal itself. When given what it needs, it always moves the body towards health.

The body needs energy to stay healthy and to heal if it is sick. 

Whatever you do to relieve stress frees up energy for the body to stay healthy or to heal.

Whatever adds to your stress makes it more likely that you will get sick and it will be harder to heal.

The body breaks down at it’s weakest link.

The weak link may be genetic, or from a prior illness, injury. It may stem from overuse or abuse of certain organs or muscles. But it may also be from emotional/ mental issues or personality/family patterns.

Hard work doesn’t kill you. Frustration does.

 Work that provides meaning, purpose, and an outlet for one’s gifts, talents and creativity energizes the body. Work that is just a paycheck without providing recognition, usage of one’s abilities or creativity, or a way of learning or developing further, drains energy.

Stress on one system helps to relax another.

If you are consistently working your muscles, do something mental as a hobby. For example, do crossword puzzles or quiz games, take a class, read a book. If your work is primarily mental, do something physical to relax–hike, garden, build cabinets, ride horses, ski, golf, etc.

√ You are not upset by what happens to you, but by what you think about what happens to you. It is the JUDGEMENT that is the problem.

There is the ACTIVATING EVENT– that which you think is stressful.
Then there are the BELIEFS ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED, which are the real cause for



Emotions follow thought!

Change a belief, and you change the emotion.

Change how you look at things and be free!


The Three Stages of Stress 

Hans Selye, considered the ‘Father’ of Stress Management, said that there are three stages of stress leading to breakdown. He called it the General Adaptation Syndrome.

1. The Alarm Reaction:

At this stage, symptoms first appear–sweaty palms, perspiration, butterflies in the stomach, anxiety, rapid heart, etc. Next, a person enters 

2. The Stage of Resistance:

Here the stress symptoms may disappear and resistance rises above normal. The person appears to have control of the situation. He is “handling” things. The person is coping. Finally, the person enters

3. The Stage of Exhaustion:

Now, the original symptoms of the alarm reaction return irreversibly and exhaustion of the body and death may result. The person cannot get rid of the symptoms, but must wait to heal, and replenish himself as much as possible in the meantime. The breakdown may be caused by just one more thing, no matter how insignificant that one thing may be, it is too much to bear–”the straw that broke the camel’s back.” The person is unable to cope, and can only rest and wait to build up his reserves of energy again.

Basic Requirements for Healing

1. Find a way to bring more energy into the body.

This will include more and better sleep, good nutition, clean air, being in beautiful surroundings or nature, being with people you love and care about, doing what you love, happy music, fun, laughter, sunshine, exercise, Reiki or other energy work, prayer and a deep spiritual life.

2. Find a way to stop energy from leaking out

Eliminate as many of the multiple stressors as you can, heal your pain pile, and get rid or reduce the energy draining activiites or people in your life.



Roxanne Louise is available for private consultation in person or by phone, or for traveling for sufficient students/clients anywhere. Call (434)263-4337 for information.


Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com  are included with the content.

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