Teleconference: Dealing with Detrimental Mass Consciousness

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One listener said:” This recording offers excellent self-care & holistic relief ideas for these emotional, challenging times. Thanks for sharing!”


“THOUGHT & EMOTIONAL CONTAGION” with Roxanne Louise & Cynthia Brush-Pires.

Emotions follow thought. Both are transmitted on the psychic airways to which all of us are more or less sensitive. Thoughts and emotions that are shared by a large group of people we call ‘Mass Consciousness’. An example of Mass Consciousness are the happy feelings and general goodwill felt around Christmas morning. Whereas the consciousness experienced on 9/11 was one of shock and grief.

Right now with the upcoming US Elections, the Covid lockdown, and destruction to our freedoms and livelihoods globally the Mass Consciousness is a mixture of fear, anger, hatred, sadness, and worry about the future. The news and social media have been largely responsible for the fever pitch escalation of upsetting emotions.

Sensing energy is part of our survival mechanism – one we share with all creatures in nature. Sensing energy is important for us to understand, help, negotiate and communicate with others. But being aware does not mean taking on the burden or debilitating effects of the highly charged feelings of fear, hopelessness, depression, anger, etc. There must be a way for us to be aware, yet sufficiently detached so that our common sense is not erased by mob hysteria.

We must maintain our personal sovereignty by staying grounded, centered, and connected to our inner wisdom and true spiritual guidance so that we can think clearly and make wise decisions. Stand in your power and increase your energy field. Music especially Hemi Sync, Tibetan or crystal bowls are helpful.

It is very important to become conscious of the thoughts that underlie our anxiety and other emotions. Trace those back to their origin. It is possible to utilize various tools to transmute and heal them even without knowing the details, even if they are not yours, even if they come from another time or place long forgotten, even if you absorbed those belonging to your ancestors, your tribe or group, even if they are deeply imprinted in human history.

There are many ways to deal with this constructively through intention, meditation, prayer, dowsing, hypnosis, energy healing modalities, gratitude, looking for the good, and loving relationships. During this teleconference we will discuss and practice as many as time will allow. Join us for discussion, meditation & dowsing exercise for ‘how’.

About Cynthia Brush-Pires: Cynthia offers multidimensional work and health coaching for self-empowerment, healing and real positive change. She is an intuitive dowser, certified educator, IIN Health Coach and Reiki Master facilitates the spiritual alignment of an individual by identifying & clearing detrimental information & programming which can prevent healing on any level. Her dowsing manual for energy practitioners titled, “The Intentional Effect: A Guide to Clearing and Healing with the Power of Intent” is excellent. She lives in Thetford, Vermont.

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