Dowsing for Discernment

In view of the difficulty to really know who or what to believe, you might experiment with the below dowsing program. Let me know if you think it helps.

Basic Guidelines

  1. Dowsing accuracy requires you to be neutral and unattached to the answer you might receive. In other words, before you can dowse for discernment, it is necessary to let go of your preconceived notions as to what is true or false. Let go of all attachment to what you already believe or want to be true or fear may be true. If you can’t do that, don’t bother dowsing at all because you will only justify your pre-conceived ideas, or hopes or fears. Be alert to any unconscious attempt to direct the swing.
  2. Dowsing accuracy also requires you to neutralize and clear away mass consciousness and any external influence. In other words, the thoughts and emotions of people around you, and those picked up from the media and internet are contagious and interfere with you being able to think for yourself. 

I have heard that you are affected by mass consciousness for up to a 10 mile radius. But if you can neutralize beyond that point, so do it. Especially ask to neutralize and clear specific emotions that you are aware of that are riding high at the moment such as fear, doom, grief, panic, anger, hatred, etc. Ask to neutralize the mass consciousness up to the farthest radius possible. 

Because of the internet, radio and television, we are affected by mass consciousness globally through technology as well. Note that advertising includes subliminal messages. And some thoughts and emotions can also be broadcast via radio waves, internet, cell phone towers, satellites—sadly, all part of the dark use of technology. The military has had the ability to do this for at least since the Iraq war. It is called ‘The Voice of God’ technology. So be sure to neutralize all possible detrimental external influences as you can.

  1. Run all dowsing responses through your ‘gut meter’– your internal sense of what is true or false. 

Think of a time you just knew in your being that something was true or right ahead of time and it proved to be correct. What were those body signals and where? Then think of when something didn’t feel right. It was ‘off’ in some way, and you were also later proved to be correct. What were those body signals and where were they located? If you get a feeling of anything other than ‘spot on’ with a dowsing response, then you need to figure out what needs to be done before you can accept the answer.

Your gut will alert you to when you are not clear of discordant energies, or your question is not worded correctly, or you should not be asking it, or you are not getting to the heart of the matter, etc. Always pay attention to those body signals.

I personally use a simple laminated chart that I have made called “Prepare to Dowse”. It includes 20 items of dowsing preparation, and also 5 degrees of strong yes – strong no on it, and ‘may I, can I, should I’. The flip side is the “Master Dowsing Chart” with percentages, and dates and timing. It is available for sale on my website. Click here: 

Dowsing Intentions/Commands for Discernment

  • “It is commanded to access, download and activate within me the ability to clearly discern truth from fiction, mind control, propaganda or lies, and accuracy from inaccuracy. Do this now in all areas of concern including education, science, medicine, health, philosophy, history, politics, media, personal interactions, and spiritual beliefs.
  • Download within me the ability to clearly discern when information is being innocently omitted or sincerely believed yet false, from when information is deliberately being hidden, disguised, or falsified. 
  • Access, download and activate my ability to be able to discern the true agendas of others and strengthen this ability with every passing day. 
  • Install a subtle but clear physical sensation and awareness that indicates when someone is telling the truth. Do that now.
  • Install a subtle but clear physical sensation and awareness that indicates when someone is lying. Do that now.
  • Install a subtle but clear physical sensation and awareness that indicates when someone is sincere but the facts are inaccurate. Do that now.
  • I call upon the beneficial forces of the Heavens that love humanity to free all minds from the stranglehold of lies and deceit. Make the truth so obvious to the masses that they can no longer be controlled through ignorance or deception. Do this now in accordance with Divine Law.
  • Neutralize the mentality that knowingly creates and disseminates false information and lies through indoctrination, mind control, brainwashing, propaganda and lies.
  • Neutralize the consciousness that has sought and continues to seek control over others through deceit, manipulation, censorship, dependency, and all forms and means of suppression of knowledge and accurate information. 
  • Neutralize the consciousness that uses the weapons of ridicule, censorship, threats, bullying, punishment, torture and death to silence those who question, and those who know, speak and spread the truth. Heal the trauma of those who have suffered as a result, and heal the fear and trauma of those who have witnessed their suffering. 
  • Neutralize any possible spirit of greed, of desire to control, manipulate, or push the populace into any agenda that is against their highest good through fear, through control of the media, through manipulation or forceful suppression of the truth and those who tell it in any way.
  • Imbue courage and honesty in those who know the truth and want to speak up to do so. Download in both them and us the wisdom about the most effective way to do so. And surround all of us with the support and protection we need to do so safely. 
  • Assist and protect all those desiring and working to create a world where the search for truth is honored and protected, where voicing differences of opinions is not only allowed but protected, and where people can live together in harmony and collaboration without fighting over differences of opinions or beliefs.
  • Fully expose those in power who mean us harm. Expose the means by which they have and are working against the well-being of the people.
  • Remove all those who would profit from deceit and evil agendas from positions and places of power and influence whether political or corporate.
  • Download, access and activate within me and all people both the awareness of what we each can do, and the will to take action to make this world that nurtures and protects the highest good of all it’s citizens and the planet.
  • Duplicate all of the above intentions now for all humans across all timelines as appropriate and in accordance with their highest good and Divine Law.”

fullsizeoutput_356Dowsing on News Sources

  1. Make a list of possible news sources including the word ‘other’ at the end. Don’t just include your usual or mainstream sources of information, but others in the alternate media even those you have never used. Note that almost all mainstream tv/radio/newspapers are owned by just 6 corporations. Hence, there is little difference among them, and in fact, multiple channels have been caught multiple times reading the exact same news script from a teleprompter. For a more balanced picture, it is good to have more than one source that is not related to another. You can google alternative media sites and dowse right off the internet lists you locate. 
  2. When you are reading/listening to a specific article, news report, video, interview, etc., ask what is the percentage of accuracy in this specific ____(article/video/tv/radio) report? 
  3. EXERCISE: Google ‘Alternative Media Sites’ and pick any listing to dowse. 

Here is one article that I link as useful for this exercise because it lists a total 28 different news sites. Click here.  Only look at the names of the media sites and look up their website listed after you do the exercise.

Take a sheet of paper and number from 1-28. Once you have gotten your dowsing answers then you click on the individual websites to check them out. See if blind dowsing on the number of the site compares with your reaction once you check on the individual website. You can repeat this process with any other list you find.

Here are some possible questions to ask that you can do even without looking at the name of the site.

    • Is there any news site on this list that would be a good, general source of accurate, unbiased iinformation? Is there more than one? How many? Please indicate the number of the site on my list with the highest overall rating. Give me the percentage of overall truthfulness and accuracy for each of the recommended sites.
    • Are there any sites in this list that I should skip as an inactive site? 
    • Are there any sites on this list that are highly biased site? Which number/s?
    • Are there any on this list that are full of inaccurate, unverified information? Which number/numbers?
    • Are there any on this list that are just inappropriate or not useful for me? Which number/s?
    • Is there one or more much better sites for me not on this list? Do I already use them? [if ‘yes’, you can jot down some sources you regularly go to, and then ask] Is it on this second list? Please indicate.
    • Can I trust the reporting on ___ [name of news channel/newspaper/internet source] on the topic of ____[name of topic]?
    • What is the best source of accurate, unbiased reporting on the topic of ____?
    • In general, what is a good source of accurate, unbiased reporting on issues concerning me?

Copywrite by Roxanne Louise, 5/2020. All rights reserved. Article may be shared on any free site, but chart is available for personal use only not to be sold.


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