On Being Thorough in Therapy

Tracing & Addressing the Origin of Problems

I have been working on trying to understand what underlies human behavior and mental and emotional issues since childhood. At 4 years old, I was overheard telling a playmate “you’re master of yourself”. And while self-mastery is possible as we know of saints and gurus that appear to have achieved it, the 24/7 responsibility to monitor and correct your thoughts, beliefs and judgments, and then healing the emotions that stem from those thoughts — is a major, lifelong task that all too often seems like putting one foot forward but moving two feet back.

In elementary school I started giving advice based on Dale Carnegie’s book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” to my friends who didn’t know how to deal with fellow classmates. It’s a good book. Yet, despite reading a library of helpful self-help books and learning a multiple of therapeutic techniques from multiple modalities over decades.

Deep, personal healing goes beyond the lens of known problems and difficult relationships. 

It necessitates tracing the origins of issues and relationships back through previous lifetimes, through family and ancestral lineage, addressing the universal flaws existing within all of humanity such as the 7 deadly sins of pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth. And it involves healing the pain of what was perceived as missing especially in childhood of love, understanding, acceptance and forgiveness.

The known problems are CLUES to the real cause lying beneath negative repeating patterns.


Initially, when I had a problem, I focused on the current incident or the person with whom I had the problem.  But then when more problems with that person occurred, I had to focus on the relationship as a whole. And when that didn’t stop the problem, I had to consider that the problems with that person might stem with the soul of that person that could go back through earlier and perhaps many lifetimes. 

Later when I thought I had resolved the current situation, I noticed that same type of problem happened again, but now with someone else. So, I moved on to clearing the issue around all similar events about which I could remember, and that could involve even more people. Clearing the origin of the issue could involve clearing multiple lifetimes and multiple people and clump together with related issues. Yet, no matter how time consuming to address, once the same sort of problem happens three times, it means a pattern has been established that will only continue to reoccur until it is resolved.

We all know that future generations can be sensitized to specific fears such as that of discrimination or violence by hearing horrid stories of one’s ancestors. But recent research with children of holocaust survivors found that these children were more fearful than Jews from families that had not been in the concentration camps. The study hypothesized that these excessive fears were passed down on the DNA. This correlates with experiments on mice – the specific fears of the parents were transferred down to offspring. Perhaps this is a survival mechanism. But what this means in therapy is that is the need to address the issues experienced by our ancestors as well. Dr. Bradley Nelson has proven in his book, The  Emotion Code, that doing so can have tremendous therapeutic effect.

Further indications of problems passing down the family line is that of a role played in the family such as that of the invalid or the black sheep or the crazy one, or what has been called ‘the family curse’. 

Lately, I am following the theory that the source of the problem does not just originate within the self with its own beliefs and judgements and unresolved traumas from this and other lifetimes, nor that of our personal ancestors, but can originate even further back within what we call the “collective unconscious” – in other words, within the shared consciousness of all of humanity, and perhaps other species as well, throughout all of time.

As Dr. Hew Len who popularized Ho’Oponopono said,

“we cannot know the origin of the problem.” Hence, it is helpful to make space for the healing to go wherever it is needed without you knowing where it began.

Dr. Len’s method was to continually pray to heal his own thoughts or consciousness underlying the problem whether he knew what those thoughts might be: “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.” My own wording for this is:

“I’m sorry for whatever is within me, my relatives or ancestors in this or another lifetime that attracted, allowed, caused, contributed to or resonated in any way with this ____ (problem/situation ___of/with ___).

Please forgive me. Please forgive all of us.

I love you ____ [my name  or Creator’s].

Thank you for bringing to my attention what needs to heal within myself. Thank you for bringing healing into this ____ (problem/situation) for the highest good of all concerned. Thank you for correcting any distortion in my consciousness or in our shared consciousness.”

In the collective unconscious are the origins of every wonderful attribute of humanity seen also in the animal kingdom – love, empathy, kindness, protection of the young, joy, etc.. But here too lay the inclination to do harm as well as the wounds from that harm experienced by our ancestors from covetousness and greed, theft, betrayal, control and domination, manipulation, deceit and cunning, disruption and chaos, lies and broken promises, violence, rage and hate, mental, emotional and physical abuse, lust and rape — all traumas replayed over and over again from perhaps the very beginning of mankind. In dealing with the ancient roots of the problem,

I have come to the conclusion that deep healing ultimately requires appealing to something bigger than ourselves– the Divine, the Source of All That Is, the great I AM — in short, prayer is needed with repeated group prayer being the most effective.

“Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of you.”

To resolve what underlay a particular problem, I had to go back to the beginning (wherever that was). Hypnotic regression and past life regression are helpful, but it requires the assistance of another person – something not always possible, practical or affordable. There had to be another way.

In addition to everything else, I work with a large number of unconscious healing modalities of which there are many techniques – my own Infinite Intelligence Process, my way of using pendulum dowsing with specially designed charts, meditation and self-hypnosis, the Emotional Freedom Technique, Emotion Code, Conceptual Therapy, Tapas Accupressure, Neural Linguistic Programming, several hypnotic visualizations, and hypnotic techniques as by A.L. Ward, E. Art Winkler, Ho’Oponopono, and I continue to add more. Dowser Joachim Wippich’s work also deals with correcting unconscious thoughts and may be worth exploring.

My basic intention is to turn all problems into a blessing –

  • a blessing to me for the wisdom and fortitude to be gained in resolving them,
  • a blessing to others in that I can now help them with what I learned from a problem similar to theirs,
  • and a blessing to prevent others from suffering by learning from my experience.

And so, you can also turn your problems into blessings. Compost them and harvest wisdom and strength.

When I have gotten depressed or upset or frustrated with a problem that was defying resolution, I have remembered the words of Judith Baldwin, wife of Dr. William Baldwin, founder of Spirit Releasement Therapy:

“And It Came to Pass……Away!” 

While problems can be caused by ignorance (as in “what can go wrong?), not paying attention, ignoring the signals or your gut level instincts, inexperience, lack of knowledge or training, not considering the ramifications of each potential choice, over estimating your own abilities as in “fools go where angels fear to tread,” trial and error, or curiosity as in “I wonder what can happen if….”, I believe that problems are meant to be temporary. We can create them out of our recklessness or stupidity. But when they are assigned by the universe as in homework, I believe that are intended as a means to heal long, unaddressed wounds, to grow in mental, emotional and spiritual strength and to test that strength. They are the means by which we gain both in valuable experience and wisdom and heal on a deeper level. I am also reminded of a saying:

“Man meant it for evil, but God meant it for good!” 

Copyright by Roxanne Louise, 2022. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com  are included with the content.

Distant Energy Healing

Healing has both physical and non-physical components.

The physical are obviously things like drugs, diet, supplements, surgery and other medical interventions, physical therapy, acupressure, massage, exercise, etc.

The non-physical include mental, emotional and spiritual healing, healing of relationships, stress management techniques such as self hypnosis, the Emotional Freedom Technique, Tapas Accupressure Technique, prayer, meditation, emotional support and love, energy healing modalities such as Reiki, , and other modalities such as hypnosis and dowsing. All of these can be considered forms of energy healing.

Both the physical and non-physical (or energetic) are important. Sometimes the non-physical makes the critical difference by freeing up stuck energy or blocks to healing, as well as adding more energy and improving the flow.

There are so many stories of miraculous healing — cases where the person was written off by the best medical treatment, and then through an intense prayer chain, recovered. Or you may have heard where forgiveness has also led to healing of disease. I like the story of Anita Moorjani, author of Dying to Be Me, who was declared dead of cancer, but through her near death experience was able to heal a lifelong issue that not only brought her back to life, but caused rapid elimination of her cancer.

Miracle healings should not be dismissed. Where an exception to the rule appears, it points to another rule that we should analyze and find out how to replicate.

Many prominent doctors and scientists say that all illness has a stress component, and without addressing that, healing will be partial, slower and more likely to reoccur. For example, a heart patient without learning how to address his emotions is setting himself up for another heart attack. Mental and emotional stress depresses the immune system. The body’s energy that should go into the healing process can be siphoned off to fight the tigers in our lives. This makes healing slower, harder or even impossible. It can cause a person to give up. And when a person loses their reason and desire to live, the body soon follows.

If some mental, emotional or spiritual issue is the root cause of a health condition and so weakened the body’s system that it was set it up for disease, then such issue or issues must be addressed or it will only reoccur.

Energy healing can be applied both by the person for himself, but also sent at a distance by someone else to him (distant healing).

Here’s how you can send distant healing to yourself or someone else:

  1. WRITE CLEAR INTENTION: down identifying information about the person, issue, and the positive intention. This should include the person’s name, maybe their address, or possibly their photo. You can also draw some visual representation of it. [NOTE: the positive intention is the OPPOSITE of the problem. If the complete opposite is outside of your belief system, then make the positive intention a MOVING TOWARDS the opposite, which is the ideal outcome. In other words, choose END RESULT or PROCESS.]
  2. SAFETY CLAUSE: Add some phrase to further signify a good outcome that does not go against the will of the recipient. Such phrase could be “in accordance with ____’s [name of person] highest good”, or “in a way in which ____ [name] is really pleased.” In Reiki, we say when sending energy, “you are free to accept or reject or use as you see fit.”
  3. PREPARE to send energy by GROUNDING (anchoring) your energy in the earth, then CENTERING (letting go of extraneous thoughts and focusing on your intention), CONNECTING to the Source of healing energy.
  4. BUILD ENERGY perhaps by deep breathing, clearing & expanding your energy field.
  5. FOCUS YOUR INTENT & SEND by directing image out your 3rd eye, love out your heart chakra, and healing energy out your hands towards their name or photo.
  6. DISCONNECT from the recipient’s energy field. Connect healing energy to yourself & imagine yourself healthy and well in every respect.

Instructions to Dowsers

If you are dowsing, you should check if each step is done before proceeding to the next step.

Copyright 1/2022 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and links included with the content to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com

Neutralizing the Detrimental Effect of Mass Consciousness

You can listen to the audio of this here.

What is Mass Consciousness?

Any widely held thoughts, beliefs or emotions that are pervasive in a group can be called “Mass Consciousness”. In a country beset by war, starvation, severe economic depression there is going to be a mass consciousness of fear, perhaps also grief and anger, hopelessness and despair.

Mass consciousness is not always negative. It can be happy and joyous as well as during the victory of a national sports team, or election of a leader that is expected to bring hope, or winning the war, or the wedding of Prince Charles and Diana.

But when it is negative, it impacts upon our health, sleep, our ability to digest our food, to think clearly, make good decisions, and drains us of the energy to take wise, effective action. Hence, the need to clear it away when we can feel it getting to us.
While I have written this for dowsers, it can also be utilized by anyone having the ability to focus their mind, and intend with strength and energy that what is being said IS being done. To that end, it is important in any healing work to build your energy field first.

1. Affirm and step into your personal power

Stand up and raise your arms in front of you as you breathe in and think or say “I AM”. Then lower your arms out to the sides as you think or say “That I AM”. Repeat several times adding a visualization of a golden ball of light inside your heart area expanding throughout your entire body, and pushing a bubble of light out from your body as you exhale.

2. Gather your strength

Imagine those both in physical form and those in the spiritual realms that love and believe in you supporting and protecting you on your life’s journey. 

3. Ground your energy

Imagine growing roots and pull that energy up through your feet, up your spine and out your head, and then loop it back down to the earth picking up any stress or toxins on the downward cycle and removing it out your feet.Make several cycles until you feel your legs tingling with energy.

4. Center 

As you pull energy up the spine, allow your mind to come into a narrow line, letting go of extraneous thoughts so that you can focus on your intention.

5. Connect to Source

Imagine a brilliant golden sun above your head that represents to you the source of divine healing energy and power joined with divine wisdom and love. Pull beneficial energy from this golden sun down through your head and your entire body. Invite the frequency of the higher harmonic of gold such as the halo seen around holy figures. This higher harmonic of gold thought to be connected not just with prosperity and manifestation, but most of all with wisdom. And that is what is needed in solving big problems – to manifest healing through the highest frequency with divine wisdom. Cycle it through you several times. Fill your body with this golden light and the energy of love.

6. Increase your aura and set up a strong, force field

Expand your aura a minimum of 3 feet in all directions, and then perhaps in increments out as far out as you can go, maybe 10-20 feet or more. Dowse this distance for yourself. At the perimeter, install a protective shell, shield or force field that prevents detrimental energy from entering.

For dowsers, assess: On a scale of 0-100% calibrate your overall strength of your energy field.

Monitor Your State & Make Corrections on an as needed basis

Assess: dowse out on a scale of 0-100% the overall detrimental effect upon you of the mass consciousness of ____.

hopelessness, etc.

Neutralizing Detrimental Mass Consciousness 

If you are dowsing, start spinning the pendulum counterclockwise:

“Neutralize all blocks to clearing the detrimental effect upon me & others of the mass consciousness of ___ that has come from any source – internet, news media, social media, conversations, or psychic airways.

Neutralize the detrimental effect upon me of the mass consciousness of _____ [emotion].

Neutralize the negative effect of mass consciousness upon me from any & all sources regarding anything.

Neutralize the detrimental effect of mass hysteria about the ____ (Corona Virus, lockdowns, etc).

Delete all excessive, unwarranted fear & panic from my consciousness.

Delete all falsehoods or lies in my consciousness that are causing or contributing to any unjustified fear or panic.

Delete all victim mentality. Delete all feelings of doom.

Delete all feelings of helplessness to protect myself or my loved ones, & whatever I hold dear.

Delete any beliefs or expectations of getting this virus or any other disease. Delete any illness programs.

For both myself and all others that desire it on a soul level neutralize the mass consciousness of unwarranted fear & panic present within ___ miles of each person’s physical location.

For both myself & others that desire it neutralize the mass consciousness of doom, hopelessness, & victim mentality present within __ miles of each person’s location. (5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 miles & beyond).

Neutralize the mass consciousness of anything draining the energy or lowering the immune system of myself & others in accordance with their highest good & soul’s desire. That is lowering the ability to think clearly and rationally. To make wise decisions. To discern what is true or false. Do this over ___ (5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 miles & beyond).”

When the pendulum stops spinning, start inputting positive opposites of the above while spinning clockwise.

“Fill those cleared areas now with ____ (enhanced discernment and the ability to perceive truth from falsehood, clear awareness of the true situation, perspective of the true picture, increased connection to my true spiritual guidance, awareness of and gratitude for all the blessings in my life, love, joy, etc.”

Wait for the spinning to stop. Ask “Is that done?”

Go back and assess the percentage of detrimental energy still in your energy field now.

Simple Tool for Incredible Positive Change!

Dr. Joe Dispenza in this very short clip, “The Feeling Creates The Healing”, from a Heal Documentary explains why changing your thoughts and emotions is  critical to experiencing beneficial change in real life. 

Whether you want to improve your luck, health, finances, success, relationships, appearance, emotional stability, or experience rapid positive change in any way, one of the most powerful ways to do this is through making a Positive Self-Talk Recording.

This technique is one that I taught to all my Self Hypnosis and Professional Hypnotherapy Training students. Write a positive self-talk script – all in present tense, using positive, specific and believable words – and record it with a buddy to be played every day. Directions follow at the end.

I am going to revisit this practice myself as in the wise oft-repeated mantra “Physician, heal thyself” because thoughts and emotions require continuous monitoring. Otherwise you can be led down a merry road of ego distortions and massive disruptions of your peace of mind. I like Joe Dispenza’s practice of sitting down to meditate each morning, and not getting up until he feels that he is the best person he can be that day. It is a practice worth emulating.

Becoming Master of Yourself main-lucy

As a child I was counselor to my playmates – aka Lucy from the Peanuts cartoon. My mother overheard me say to my friends when I was just 4 years old “you’re master of yourself.” Many of us as children have shown wisdom beyond our years. But the real task is not in just knowing a truth, but in retaining and living it on a daily basis throughout our lives. Becoming, personifying, living from our higher wisdom, our higher self is the goal. That is why I so respect Dr. Joe Dispenza’s work.

Instructions for Your Recording: 

Accentuating the Positive and Eliminating the Negative

1. The first part of writing the script for your recording is to identify any detrimental emotions and the beliefs behind them. Start with the obvious and stay with the most important. You can address more later on.

Your Unlimited Potential, a self-hypnosis manual I list below, can be a great help to trigger your awareness of both positives and negatives, and how to write them. My dowsing book, Therapeutic Dowsing and Telepathic Healing, can also be used to ferret out hidden beliefs that are causing an issue later on when you are ready to dig deeper. 

2. Write a releasing statement with the new belief you want to install instead. Look for evidence for why the new positive belief is actually true. Make a case for it. Blow the negative out of the water with at least 3-5 good reasons why you should accept the positive belief instead of the negative. You will know when you have written sufficient positive evidence when something shifts within yourself.

For example, if you feel unloved, you might say:

“I release any belief, perception or judgement that no one loves me. I release any need to believe that. I know that is untrue. I know I am loved by ____. Many people have shown that they like and care for me. John has shown that he cares about me by ____. Mary thinks I am funny and loves being around me . Even my dog loves me. He races to the door when I come home and covers me with kisses. My friends Susie, John and Tom all want to get together with me, and they wouldn’t do that if they didn’t really like my company.” 

If you have already eliminated the negatives and don’t need to include it in your script, write one or more statements to remind yourself of the positive. This short phase you can repeat throughout the day anytime you need it. For example, “I am loved.”  

3. Write everything good about yourself – your character, personality, smile, talent, skills, accomplishments. Include how you have made a difference in the lives of others and all the things for which you are proud. Write down all the nice things people have said about you. Ask your friends what they see in you. Ask them how they would describe you. 

And as an aside, I recommend writing down and keeping some of these compliments highly visible – perhaps at your work station – where you see them often.

4. If you are aware of shortcomings, write

  • I am learning how to ____ (plan more carefully, allow more time than I think that I need to get to my appointments).”
  • “I’m becoming more ___ (patient, tolerant of others).
  • “I’m getting better at ___ (thinking before I speak, sleeping on it before I reply, taking 3 deep breaths whenever I feel my emotions starting to arise).”

5. When you are done with your script, record it, speaking slowly into a recording. Pause between sentences to let the words sink in. Speak with authority and confidence in your voice.

I strongly suggest that you get a buddy to record with you, repeating each of your phrases you wrote with the pronoun “I” either with your name or the pronoun ‘you’. Your buddy should read your script with enthusiasm and emotion and the belief that everything you have written is true. They may also want to add their own positive comments. Hearing good things about yourself from someone else is immensely powerful. And my students all said that this was one of the best things we did in class.

6. Finally, play your recording especially when doing things boring or routine as that is when you are already in a light altered state. Play it in the car. Play it as you are starting your day. Play it again as you are getting ready for bed. And especially play it when you are going to sleep on a loop tape because you will drift into a natural hypnotic state at that time.

The length of the recording is irrelevant. Change it, add to it, make new ones as appropriate. Write down a key reminder and paste it on your computer or dash of your car. Do it for 30 days and you will amaze yourself with the difference it makes!



For more information, see my comprehensive self hypnosis manual, Your Unlimited Potential. This hefty 230 page volume is a complete self-hypnosis course including visualizations, positive suggestions for everything, instructions on making your own hypnosis recordings, stress management techniques, goal setting, laws of mind, and much more!b7470c2f796ebfe367a27ba95f2438a3



Copyright 2020 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources  if this copyright notice and link to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com  are included with the content.                                            

Therapeutic Dowsing & Telepathic Healing

All sorts of unresolved trauma, drama and emotional residue siphon off vital energy needed to be healthy, happy, successful, productive, and vibrantly alive. Lacking the awareness, skills, time and/or energy to process, these things get shoved in the background where they get added to current stressors making life more difficult. What you think you got over may only have been buried yet still festering beneath the surface, draining energy, and causing trouble. 

20190411_dowsing cover

Whether for yourself or your clients, this manual will teach you how to 

  • quickly determine what needs to be addressed
  • locate stuck energies of any kind & set up priorities in addressing them
  • identify the root cause & all relevant factors involved with any issue
  • learn multiple ways dowsing can heal issues without trauma, drama or reliving painful events! 
  • establish priorities and develop a plan for moving forward
  • become a master problem solver for anything!


Locate & clear stuck energies on people, ages, events, activities, as well as detrimental beliefs, judgments, addictive thinking, fears, self-sabotage, secondary gain, and even other people’s issues you picked up. All of these things can hold you back from making your dreams come true.  


Regardless of whether you are new to dowsing or have been dowsing for years,

this manual is the absolute gold standard dowsing class on mental/emotional issues.

Especially if you work with clients, this class will enable you to hone in on your client’s issues before they walk in the door! This is a huge time saver and allows you to get straight to the root cause of their problems (or your own)!

Not only will this manual give you a much deeper understanding of yourself, but it has the potential of stopping negative repeating patterns and creating positive flow in every area of your life! 

This manual also includes dozens of extensive charts and checklists including reasons for smoking and excess weight, body charts, healing modalities, life plan, themes in past/current life, archetypes, needs of the body, helpful actives, and more.


Thinking about Prosperity

More than Money

“Prosperity is more than just money and things. It is first of all a feeling of wealth insidean awareness of the vast abundance that is everywhere in nature, in your life and within yourself that you can draw upon. And this recognition provides some measure of confidence in being able to meet whatever challenges that come your way.

Prosperity includes love, friendships, networks and personal connections, as well as your own personal qualities that engender trust, respect, cooperation and help from others. While it includes your talents, skills, work experience , it also includes your unpaid life experience, the way you think and approach a challenge. It includes your creativity, your belief in yourself and your ability to learn new things and solve problems. And finally, it includes your health, sense of humor, joy, fun, appreciation and gratitude. All these things together generate a sense of fullness, satisfaction, security within yourself, and, therefore, a measure of peace of mind. 

The recognition  that you do have something to work with relieves stress, which is vital to being able to connecting to your inner guidance from which to generate ideas of what to do and where to start. Then the attitude of gratitude provides the energy conducive to good fortune as does love and enthusiasm for your work.

Creating prosperity is MORE than what specific actions you take or don’t take – vital as that piece is.

It requires a consciousness that is open to wealth in all its forms.

This means becoming aware of and then healing any discomfort, negative beliefs, judgments or fears about money, wealth or yourself so that there is a willingness to receive, hold, invest and expand upon what you have. It requires feeling worthy. It requires a compelling vision of a better future that motivates you into needed and sustainable action, and a belief that you can learn whatever is necessary and overcome any problems to bring it forth. And it includes a willingness to share or give something in return so that there is a flow instead of a blockage of energy. 

Some people are good at part but not all parts of the equation.

They may generate money, but then squander it and lose it as quickly perhaps out of fear, guilt or unworthiness. Others are very frugal and careful in spending, but seem almost allergic to receiving, asking for a fair return for their services or seeking out better income-making opportunities. Perhaps there was trauma around money, or past life vows of poverty, or a belief that wealthy people are evil, or a belief that it is dangerous to have money, that someone will try to take it away from you, or that having more than your friends and loved ones would cost you their love and acceptance.

Some people are so fixated on their problems that they don’t see possibilities, they don’t see that it just might be a growth opportunity. The energy they need to solve their current problems is drained from any number of emotions, some of which have been held for things that happened (or didn’t) many years prior— grief, blame, shame, anger, guilt remorse, hopelessness, or feeling like a victim. Not seeing hope, they are not proactive in seeking whatever help they need or in taking effective action.

Dowsing can assist to find and resolve the root cause of prosperity issues.

This may be in the areas of generating, retaining, investing or increasing money, giving and sharing wisely. It can be in healing trauma, negative beliefs, judgments, fears and other energetic blocks. Dowsing can also assist to set up a strategy for action and overcoming challenges.

Free American Society of Dowsers Teleconference “Dowsing Support & Continuing Education”, Tuesday, June 11 at 8 PM Eastern

Dial (646) 876-9923, enter Participant Code# 443-333-280, & press # at next prompt.

On the American Society of Dowsers Dowsing Support Teleconference scheduled for Tuesday, June 11, Dick Tippett and Gale West are going to address various aspects of creating prosperity and how dowsing can assist us to both generate prosperity and use our resources wisely.

In particular, Gale will talk about her connection with money as a consciousness and share how we hold money affects not only ourselves, but the energy field around us. She believes that healing our relationship with money is one of the most powerful things we can do to affect change in the world. She will give practical tools to identify energetic alignment and misalignment with money. 

Dick Tippett will (as time allows) talk about clearing non-beneficial energies, emotions, thought forms, story lines, attitudes, beliefs, judgments and other prosperity blockers that include money allergy, cords, promises and vows, past lives, generation frequencies or genetic memory, and beliefs absorbed from others.

The live call is moderated by Roxanne Louise and is open to everyone to listen. There is time for Q & A at the end. It is recorded and available on the Members Only page at dowsers.org usually on the following day. 

galewest pict (1)GALE WEST is an internationally known artist, entrepreneurial coach, and intuitive who brings more than 35 years of experience in human potential and as a transformational change agent.  A midwife to magnificent businesses, careers and lives, she is passionate about empowering clarity of vision, right action and actively co-creating with the Divine. 

She specializes in transforming personal and collective relationships to money and success through workshops, retreats, classes and breakthrough coaching. Additionally, she is certified as a consultant and teacher in the Akashic Records. 

She has taught business, entrepreneurship and leadership both in China and the U.S.  Her soon to be published book, “Money Come Dance with Me,” was in inspired by her communication in the Akashic records of money. It invites a new paradigm of money as the expression of Divine love in the marketplace, a guide and loving friend, and an agent for a generous and collaborative world. She has been dowsing since the early 80’s.

For a free video on money mastery and meditation on prosperity, see her website at www.sacredmoneymastery.com

Gale can be reached at gale@sacredmoneymastery.com, 773-494-4300 USA.

Dick TippettRICHARD “DICK” TIPPETT has been a business manager and a consultant for most of his professional life. An Honors Program graduate of Kings Point, he holds degrees in engineering and management. He first learned to dowse from Master Dowsers Harold McCoy and Raymon Grace. Dick brought his dowsing skills into the business world, where he quickly learned that they make him more efficient, his business more profitable and his clients happier and better served. 

For many years, Dick has been an active part of the West Coast Dowsing Conference. In 2018 he served as the Speaker and Special Event Coordinator for the conference and, in partnership with Gladys McCoy, again led the very successful all-day Beginning Dowsers’ School. 

Dick is also the Chair of the Golden Gate Dowsers. Dick has spoken on various topics at the West Coast Dowsing Conference, at several ASD chapters, at The Ozark Research Institute and at the New Jersey Healers’ Retreat. He teaches beginning and advanced water and energy dowsing, a prosperity workshop, works to clear non-beneficial energies and heal disincarnate beings. He and his late wife, Karen Ashley, have a fine workbook that goes along with the prosperity workshop they led together.


Heal Yourself to Heal Your World

“Before you can help make the world right,

you must be made right within.”        John Miller

earth-global-globe-87651It is very easy to compile a lengthly list of what is wrong in the world. Society has traditionally tried to address those wrongs through a top down approach of rules and regulations, and the legal and judicial system. While a deterrent, such measures cannot stop bad behavior. People will find a way around them. Furthermore, a top down approach makes you dependent upon others to write and execute the laws and enforce them. If those people are themselves corrupt, new laws, new systems, will not change underlying evil and abuses. This can make you feel hopeless and powerless.

“Whatever is right or wrong in our world is exactly what is right or wrong in the individual human heart.” —Margaret Leckie

What if you considered that the world, filled as it is with people just like us, was simply a reflection of our own issues and what was unhealed within ourselves? Is it not then conceivable that in taking the responsibility to heal ourselves of any resonating trait or emotion that such healing would become a ripple in the pond influencing those around us, motivating and enabling them to evolve as well?

This is something that each of us can do—overcome our own issues, inspire, mentor, and teach others how to do it, until it becomes the ‘100th Monkey Effect’. Or to paraphrase Gandhi, we can individually

Be the change, we want to see in the world.

Physicist, Tom Campbell, agrees. He says that simply replacing the leaders or the system, will not result in real, long-term improvement unless the consciousness of the populace changes. One dictator or set of crooks will be replaced by others until the population no longer supports them. Campbell says that

Unless WE change, real, permanent change will not happen. But as we grow and evolve in consciousness, our leaders and systems will reflect that.

Yet, history has also demonstrated that a single individual is not powerless. One person can make a difference. And that person doesn’t have to be a guru, a charismatic leader, or a motivational speaker. Ordinary people such as Rosa Parkes made a difference. There are people out of the limelight quietly doing simple things like planting trees, cleaning up debris, that over time make an impact upon their communities. There are Transcendental Meditators that have significantly reduced the crime rate or political tensions in certain areas. 

Again, Campbell says that the thoughts, emotions, and consciousness of each individual are felt by the whole. As each person evolves, he makes easier for the next to do so.


One man, Clinical Psychologist, Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len had such a profound healing effect upon his patients at the Hawaii State Hospital for the criminally insane that it was closed in just a few years. Previously that ward had been a very dangerous place with high staff absenteeism and turnover.

“After a few months of Dr Hew Len being there, patients who had been shackled started being allowed to walk freely; others who’d been heavily medicated, started getting their medications reduced; and those who had been seen as having no chance of ever being released, were being released and freed.” 

Dr. Len did this solely through the practice of Ho’oponopono. In studying the inmate files, he would work on healing himself by repeating a mantra over and over –

“I’m sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.”

In saying his mantra, Dr. Len was taking responsibility for what was showing up in his life, which were his patients. He considered it his creation and therefore, his responsibility do something about although it was not his fault. Taking responsibility means to heal yourself in order to heal whatever or whoever it is that appears to you as a problem. 

Physician, heal thyself!” (ancient Greek proverb)

Ho’oponopono recognizes that we are all part of one consciousness system. Consequently, our actions, reactions, and very our consciousness effect the system even as we are effected by it. 

“No man is an Island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were; any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee.

John Donne, Meditation XVII, English clergyman & poet (1572 – 1631)

Ho’oponopono is related to the principle of Quantum Entanglement. While Quantum Entanglement is a theory from physics that explains the effect that one particle can have on another even though separated by huge distances, the psychological implications are that individuals have a very real effect on one another. Your thoughts and feelings not only guide your action but also effect others. 

The bad news is that my funky mood, anger or resentment, even if never expressed, can have a negative effect, like agitation or depression, upon you, which can cycle back onto me. Therefore, I not only have a responsibility to clean up my mess, but it is in my best interests to do so.

“What goes around, comes around.”

The good news is in healing myself, I not only feel better, but I am setting up a conductive environment for others to heal as well, who in turn help even more people to do the same. These ever enlarging ripples in the pond make a big difference. And all of us reap the benefits!

Whether you agree with Hew Len’s underlying premise, you cannot argue with his results. If one man can be heal the criminally insane, what can each of us do with addressing those issues and wrongdoings that upset us? The caveat is that to make a real dent you have to be relentless about constantly clearing any issue until the situation changes. Len says that it is a lifetime process. Like an onion, things come off in layers.

Former hypnosis colleague Doreen Virtue taught me years ago as a way of healing and releasing blame and negative judgment, 

“I recognize and forgive in myself what irritates me about you!”

Rather than immediately assigning blame of who is wrong and needs to be punished, consider that what you judge may also reflect a quality inside yourself. However, getting angry, irritated, upset or triggered is helpful in revealing your Shadow Self – that part of the psyche that denies and hides away of your own unacceptable thoughts, emotions, and behavioral impulses. explained at length by psychiatrist, Dr. Carl Gustav Jung and author Debbie Ford. 

The ego avoids self loathing by denying the existence of it’s own faults by projecting them onto others. This process of denial and projection tends to attract people who reflect these same faults. In other words, if you deny your anger, angry people show up in your life. It is the soul’s attempt to get you to look at yourself and then heal. As you admit and forgive yourself for your own shortcomings, you will have greater tolerance of others, and instead attract others who have likewise worked on healing their own issues.

What is denied cannot be healed. Therefore, unsavory people, conditions or events in our lives serve a useful purpose in calling us to recognize and heal those resonating elements within ourselves. Instead of condemning your adversary, thank them for bringing your own baggage to your attention to now process.

How you can use your upset to heal?

Identify the trait or issue or behavior that you dislike or upsets you. Look inside honestly to see if you have ever exhibited that trait, acted that way or wanted to, even in a minuscule way, maybe years ago. If so, accept and forgive yourself anyway. This is profoundly healing, and stops the repetition of more of the same type of unpleasant experiences.

And then because you may not know or remember if you are ever did something similar, do the Emotional Freedom Technique on a ‘can’t hurt basis:

“Even though I don’t know if  I have ever ____ (felt/done/wanted to)  ___, I deeply love and accept myself.”

“Even though I don’t know if there is anything in me that attracted or contributed to this condition/situation,  I deeply love and accept myself.”

“Even though I don’t know what is within me that resonates with this condition/situation,  I deeply love and accept myself.”

“Even though I don’t know what needs to heal within me that reflects this condition/situation,  I deeply love and accept myself.”

Perhaps in another lifetime you acted in a despicable way, and while you have since matured, you may never have forgiven yourself. Or perhaps, the old data file for that nasty behavior still lingers in the recesses of your being waiting for a trigger to reactivate it. Hence, having a mirror image of your former self may show up in your life to get you to recognize your common humanity and forgive yourself now. Dowse on it.

Dowsing is a phenomenal help in locating root cause of problems.

Dowsing is profoundly powerful, and is the fastest way to identifying issues, the origin, and reasons behind them when utilizing dowsing charts and checklists. It can be used to focus intention to clear mental and emotional issues, and to calibrate completion. And it can identify possible action to take in the physical world. Without dowsing with charts, one can emply age regression, kinesiology or meditation — all of which take much more time.

RESOURCES: You can use dowsing instead of muscle testing with Dr. Bradley Nelson’s book, the Emotion Code. You can dowse with the Infinite Intelligence Process, as outlined in my book, Accessing More—Tapping Into the Wisdom Within With the Infinite Intelligence Process, and you can use the many charts and checklist in my pendulum dowsing manual, Therapeutic Dowsing and Telepathic Healing).

Copyright 4/1/2019 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and links to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com are included with the content.

The Infinite Intelligence Process


For the past several years, I have been teaching others how to tap into the wisdom within both to solve problems with ease and grace, and to relieve stress in minutes with a modality that I developed and call The Infinite Intelligence Process. It can be used anytime, anyplace by ordinary persons to help themselves as well as by hypnotherapists and mental health professionals with sometimes profound results. Yet it is easy to both learn and apply through one of my short workshops or even right out of my book, Accessing More–Tapping Into the Wisdom Within with the Infinite Intelligence Process

What is this inner wisdom and how can you access it?

    • Have you ever had the experience of tapping into something More–more than you are aware of knowing or being able to do consciously? 
    • And has this More allowed you the ability to accomplish the difficult with ease and grace? 
    • Did it allow you to succeed even though success was considered unlikely or even impossible? 
    • Was it there just when you needed it? 
    • And did it solve a problem in the most perfect way?

fullsizeoutput_1d6Certainly, I have on multiple occasions, and I have heard the stories of others as well. Whether it is suddenly being able to solve problems that had previously defied solution, having creative breakthroughs, superhuman strength to save the life of another, or responding protocol perfect to a never before encountered emergency, people have amazed themselves and others when they have spontaneously accessed this greater wisdom, intelligence, strength, ability or knowledge. Sometimes it has come as a result of a necessity or out of nowhere during an emergency, and sometimes it has come in quiet moments after working on it for a prolonged period of time through normal conscious means and then letting their mind relax.

For example, I was awakened one morning with noise coming from my master bathroom. I found my five cats surrounding a copperhead snake that had gotten up into the ventilation system from the crawl space and pushed up the floor grate to get into the room. The snake was coiled up ready to attack, and kept rotating its head to watch each of the cats. What could I do? I had to protect my cats, prevent the snake from getting back down the floor grate and having access from the ventilation system to other parts of the house. I had to be sure to get it, dead or alive, completely out of the house without myself or my animals getting hurt. The way I responded turned out to be protocol perfect even though I had never been trained. How did I just naturally do everything right?

Another time, I found myself caught in a rip tide and rapidly pulled out to sea. I tried swimming to shore, but it didn’t work and I quickly got exhausted. I tried yelling and waving my arms for help, but those on shore didn’t notice and couldn’t hear me over the surf. I was getting wiped out with the waves and getting water in my mouth. Again, it seemed that I tapped into that something More to stay calm and focused on what I could do to stay alive.

Like a cat with nine lives, I have had many experiences starting from childhood that could have been dangerous, even fatal. I have also had many overwhelming responsibilities or pressures through which I sailed calmly. I have accomplished some amazing things with ease. You probably have done or know others who have done the same. Just google feats of superhuman strength and you will find many real life examples.

While necessity does motivate us to look deeper for ideas and strength, it certainly does not guarantee being able to do so as so many people blank or numb out, freeze or just panic. The questions for all of us are:

• How do we tap into that greater knowing, wisdom, ability or resources without it having to be an emergency, life or death situation? 

• How can we tune into whatever it is that allows us to handle life with greater ease and grace on a regular basis? 

• How can we routinely tune in and save ourselves a lot of time and energy, worry and frustration, fear and anger on or about upsetting events as well as ordinary everyday things–our job, relationships, daily life and responsibilities?

Some people may automatically jump to religious causation for all beneficial outcomes, and I do not dispute that miracles may occur. But it is my personal opinion that believing that all help comes from outside of us can actually limit the natural flow and development of what may inherently be an inside but undeveloped part of us. Instead, if we can consider that we are MORE than we think we are, we may be able to connect to the More that we truly are. I do not know or need to know where the demarcation ends of what is me at my highest and best and what goes beyond ‘me’.

Accessing More starts by adopting the open minded attitude that it is possible–that you are able to harness greater resources, wisdom and ability that go beyond the limitations of the ego and conscious mind, beyond the subconscious, to the spiritual dimension of the self that is further linked to an even greater consciousness. Start with a positive attitude and set an intention to do so.

Accessing More of both what is within and without is done below the level of conscious awareness. Simply quiet your mind, and go inside to the peaceful part of you, affirm your intention, and allow that inner something to do its work. This approach circumvents the ego, the mind games, circuitous thinking, internal and external blocks, and inhibiting energies that have prevented previous solution to the issue of concern. The process works to solve practical problems, relieve stress, and heal from long-standing issues–even sometimes those that have previously defied resolution. All aspects of your life can be addressed–mental, emotional, relationship, physical, financial, business, and spiritual.

This process can be used anytime, anyplace as a self-help tool by the ordinary person to help himself in real life situations. It can also be used for meditation, constructive self-programming, and in conjunction with other modalities. But hypnotherapists, dowsers, teachers, counselors, life coaches, energy healers, mental health practitioners, and others can also employ it as a full-fledged therapy. It draws upon the principles and practices of hypnosis, Neural Linguistic Programming, dowsing, meditation, prayer and many energy healing methods.

So what exactly is this More?

While it includes your subconscious mind that regulates all of your body functions, automatic behavior, physical, mental and emotional habits, directives and injunctions, beliefs, judgments, and memory, it goes beyond that. I believe that this More is primarily the eternal, infinite intelligence within you that is intrinsically linked to the ultimate consciousness behind all that is. Using this system increases your awareness that you are More than your ego, More than your body and local mind, and More than the individual, spiritual self that people call the soul, to something beyond.

Traditional religious circles say that this More is God, and exists totally outside and apart from the self, and is reachable through prayer, petition, ritual or sacrifice. Unfortunately, all too often prayers beg, whine, or plead in fear without really believing that help will come, or make things worse by focusing on the negative. Consequently, such practices can nullify such help.

Labeling or identifying this More is not important to access the benefits.

In fact, it can get you stuck and mired in mankind’s perpetual argument over philosophical and religious discussions that are, in the final analysis, unprovable and come down to a matter of beliefs. Whether right or wrong, true or false, your beliefs and attitude do make things easier or harder. So adopting a helpful attitude, a curious mind that holds a window of possibility when you desire to solve a problem or achieve a goal is crucial to your success.  

The Infinite Intelligence Process is one way to tap into what I call More.

It helps you to adopt an attitude that will make things easier and flow more readily. It makes a big difference in processing overload and releasing stress, and it does so in a very simple way that you can do anytime, any place. Let me show you how you can quickly and easily tap into that incredible wisdom and resources within you on a regular basis! 

Accessing More — Tapping into the Eternal, Unlimited Self with the Infinite Intelligence Process is available at https://www.roxannelouise.com/accessing-more-tapping.html for just $24.95 plus shipping.


This is a rewrite of an article originally done in 9/21/17. New copyright 3/20/19 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com  are included with the content.  

Harness your anger to get better!

  • Have you ever thought of anger as an OPPORTUNITY to learn and grow?
  • Have you thought that it can prod to do something different and potentially find a better way?
  • That it can push you to go after a better relationship, job, location, home or car?
  • That in getting fed up you make a decision – a decision to change, to do something about your drinking or smoking or other habits, your health, your weight, your lifestyle, or to do a thousand other things you already know you need to do?
  • That it can impress upon you that you need to set better boundaries, to learn to communicate more clearly, to think before you speak or act, to not settle for less, to stand up for yourself, to ask questions instead of making assumptions?
  • That it can alert you to what needs to heal within yourself, old buried wounds, things from childhood, things you thought you got over long ago but didn’t, and motivate you to do something about it now?
  • And that it can cause you to take a good look at yourself and see what other people see in how you effect people, how you ignore, or upset them, how you take them for granted or give them the impression that they can take you for granted?
  • Have you considered that anger can be your TEACHER, your COACH?  
  • That it can nudge you off the couch and motivate you into taking much needed and long overdue action to create a life that is meaningful and satisfying? 

And have you considered that by using anger in this way, your life will get better?

Learn to harness your anger to help you to become a better person and improve your life.

Over a lifetime, both personally and professionally, I have had the ‘opportunity’ that pushed me to learn about the unconscious forces driving emotional reactions, choices, behavior, issues, and interpersonal problems. And because I like to sleep at night and did not like experiencing negative repeating patterns myself, I was motivated to learn, change and grow.

“Necessity is the Mother of invention.” 

What I did learn in order to help myself, helped others as well, and some profoundly so. I compiled much of it in a 154 page content rich manual, Releasing Anger Without Killing Anyone, to assist in facilitating clear communication, resolving internal and external conflicts, enhancing personal growth, and improving relationships of all kinds. Using this material, I have gained greater perspective and maturity. I am seldom triggered, and if I am, I immediately work to heal the causative factors. My sleep is greatly improved, and I have developed inner resources, resiliency and peace of mind. My clients and students also report positive results.


You can learn and teach much of this information right out of the books.

This is some of what the book covers.

  • ReleasingAngerCoverpngBecome aware of underlying beliefs, judgments, faulty assumptions or perceptions that cause anger!
  • Learn more effective communication skills to both avoid unnecessary problems and to address the ones you have!
  • Learn to maintain and regain balance and perspective quickly!
  • Set better boundaries!
  • Learn to fight clean and stop conversations from spiraling downwards!
  • Learn more effective coping skills!
  • Take effective action without the baggage of the past!
  • Use anger to grow in maturity and cast off leftovers of childhood!
  • Allow anger to locate and address your own unhealed wounds!
  • Understand the underlying dynamics of anger!
  • Learn to deal with what is instead of wasting precious energy in resistance!
  • Notice negative patterns and screw them up!
  • Understand and dissolve triggers!
  • Nip anger in the bud by noticing and taking action at the first warning signs!
  • Understand physical reasons for anger so you can address them!
  • Use anger as motivation for much needed healing and change!
  • Make your adversaries help you!
  • Learn the benefits of anger


dolores-3-e1355459003189-219x300[1]Yesterday, as I was fighting off some ‘bug’ and just trying to rest,  I listened to a video of Dolores Cannon yesterday saying that “ILLNESS IS SOMETHING YOU BRING ON YOURSELF”.
No one would argue that an individual has a great deal of control as to what he does or does not do that affects his health. And by not doing what he knows to do or not do to be or remain healthy, some individuals may in fact be choosing to be sick. See my blog article:  “What if illness was sometimes a choice?”)
However, Dolores in her blanket statement that “illness is something you bring on yourself” ignores the multitude of factors over which you have no control: your dna, the health and nutrition of your ancestors, your mother’s nutrition during her pregnancy with you, how well you were fed as a child, the economics and the political instability of the times that would even enable the availability of wholesome food & necessities of life. And what about the cleanliness of the water & air, whether or not your home had lead paint, whether you were exposed to multiple toxins, whether you were overly vaccinated, experienced high stress levels in the home and larger community, or trauma at any point in your life?  
Dolores like Dr. Michael Newton, author of Life Between Lives, believes that you pick your parents in a pre-birth planning session. But while many people in hypnotic regression have reported that to be what happened to them, can we know that everybody picks their parents or just some? Is it possible that for some the parents are chosen for them? And even if you did choose them, it doesn’t seem realistic that you signed up for everything that came along with those individuals such as every inherited body weakness, potential disease, and possible element from a long line of ancestors on both sides that could impinge upon your health over your lifetime. 
I am picking on my hypnosis colleague Dolores whom I both knew personally, and heard speak live many times at conferences over several years, because she like many in the New Age community that are enamored with the Law of Attraction, and the power of our mind and emotion to create reality, are overly simplistic and ignore the many factors and other forces involved. While she has justly received respect and acknowledgement for her work, we should not blindly accept her dogmatic conclusions as if they are literal truth when they are just her beliefs and theories. All hypnotically retrieved information has to be validated carefully and never accepted at face value. 

Difficulty in making definitive, accurate conclusions from client work utilizing hypnosis.

Because it is very difficult to ascertain the factual accuracy of anything reported in hypnosis, states have strict guidelines in whether or not and how they will allow any testimony in court where memory was hypnotically refreshed. Persons in hypnosis can lie, create a total fantasy, and mix true elements with falsehood. While in hypnosis, they are highly suggestible and can be led knowingly or not by the hypnotist to come to believe that something happened that did not.

Limits to mental causation of reality

What has repeatedly annoyed me with Dolores (and others) despite her voluminous body of interesting material, is in presenting her work as factual when the truth is that hypnosis is a creative process. It cannot be considered research. Hopefully, it is utilized to be therapeutic. But sometimes, it is just total fantasy. 
If you are interested in delving into the limits of hypnosis to extract true information, contact me at Roxanne@RoxanneLouise.com for a free 30 page pdf on False Memory.

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