Source Energy Medicine

10422248_328327904010993_3462995313165762810_n I just returned from New York after studying with Stephen Joseph Pollitt, originator of Source Energy Medicine, for 2 + days. It intrigues me to consider that you might be able to imprint water with a strong, clear intention, and turn it into ‘medicine’ for the healing of specific health issues as well as for general physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. To check out Stephen’s work, see here.

While I have read his book and took a weekend training, that may not be enough to accurately explain his work. So please keep this in mind while reading this article, and visit his own site for direct information.

Pollitt refers to the work of Masaru Emoto, who demonstrated that the crystalline structure of water can be powerfully effected through both spoken and written words, music, videos, photos and prayer. masaru_emoto (pix taken from

iu Emoto took a word such as love, peace, joy, or hate, anger and placed it on a bottle of water, then froze it, and looked at the structure under a microscope. Positive words created beautiful snowflake-like hexagonal shapes, whereas negative words created blobs. Emoto’s book, The Hidden Messages in Water, is fascinating, widely available on Amazon, and he also was featured in the movie, What the Bleep Do We Know

For a video showing the process Emoto used in collecting water samples, preparing and later examining them, plus many photos of the beautiful shapes seen in the water crystals, see What is the Photograph of Frozen Water Crystals. Also see the documentary on Emoto’s work. Here is a short video of more examples of the water samples exposed to various words. 

12744014_551158805061234_8314712491893192159_n As our bodies are mostly water, Stephen Pollitt’s premise as written in his book, Heal Thyself, is that it is possible to positively affect health and well-being by drinking water that is imprinted with strong positive intention for that end. However, unlike Emoto, who was writing a single word or phrase on a water bottle, Pollitt writes out very detailed description of what he wants to occur, and  assigns such intention with an 8-digit number sequence derived through dowsing. The number assigned becomes the “word” for the formula. He then creates a label with this number, adds the infinity symbol, plus a symbol for Om that he believes calibrates with very high frequency, and finally pastes this label onto a water bottle. As with Masaru Emoto, the water “reads” the label, which imprints the intent upon the water. Pollitt then recommends that you drink the water over a period of time until you see the desired results. Results vary from immediate, to days, to weeks or months up to a year. In general, the results are designed to be gradual and gentle without adverse ‘healing crises’. However, the remedies can be speeded up for an emergency situation.

Pollitt believes that everything has frequency. In this, he is in agreement with other dowsers and those who practice radionics, those who believe that you can determine the frequency of both health and disease, and make adjustment in those frequencies to get the results you want. For example, a person practicing radionics would determine the frequency of a pathogen, parasite, agricultural pest, or the frequency of ideal life force of the person, animal or plant, and then broadcast that frequency.

Like those practicing biodynamic gardening or holistic health, Pollitt believes that if you raise the overall frequency or vibration of the targeted organism (animal or human), that that organism will be able to fend off disease. However, Pollitt seems to distinguish between a person’s overall frequency calibration and his frequency in various areas of functioning. For example, he described one highly spiritually evolved Yogi who nonetheless had multiple health challenges because his frequency in those areas where he was experiencing dis-ease was low. Pollitt believes that if you raise the frequency high enough in all areas of your life, you will become incompatible to dis-ease.

In calibrating frequency, Pollitt has accepted the logarithmic scale of Dr. David Hawkins, author of Power vs. Force.  However, Hawkins is himself a controversial figure as you will see in this article  and this oneHawkins is an American psychiatrist, author and spiritual teacher. Hawkins uses arm muscle testing technique, borrowed from Applied Kinesiology (a form of body dowsing) “to absolutely and objectively test the truth of any statement, calibrating it on an arbitrary logarithmic scale of 0 to 1000 (and sometimes higher), with different states of consciousness — shame (20), apathy (50), fear (100), anger (150), courage (200), reason (400), love (500), peace (600), enlightenment (700-1000) — located on different points on this scale, forming a linear and fixed one-dimensional “map of consciousness”. This model of consciousness has metaphorical parallels to science’s map of the electromagnetic spectrum, and it is not dissimilar to Ron Hubbard’s Scientology emotional tone scale and The Sedona Method’s hierarchy of emotions formulated by Lester Levenson, whom Hawkins worked with quite closely for a while (although he now classifies Levenson as a “fallen teacher” – link.)”

So while I as a Dowser believe that dowsing is very helpful as a diagnostic tool, and a tool for profound mental and emotional healing, it cannot be used as an infallible method to determine absolute truth.  And this is the argument against Dr. David Hawkins and others placing too much authority on the dowsing response. Responses vary with energy level, mood, allergens, atmosphere, and many other variables. Hence, determining supplements, medications, treatments, remedies through dowsing alone should fall into the category of “can’t hurt”. One benefit to Source Energy Medicine is that there are no negative side effects. As Pollitt himself says, the worst that can happen is nothing. Furthermore, each remedy in Source Energy Medicine has a description so you can use that to determine what you would like to take. But there is also a recommended protocol. Dowsing is not necessary.

A major contribution of Pollitt’s work is his emphasis upon decreasing subconscious mind resistance to healing, and on increasing allowance for healing to occur. As a hypnotherapist focusing on unconscious healing modalities, I feel that this is critical. While clients consciously want to obtain positive results, many times they are sabotaging themselves through secondary gain, as well as non-beneficial beliefs or judgements. Such negative beliefs include “nothing can help me, nothing works, I just have to live with it (pain/disease), all the people in my family get ___,” etc. There are many ways to shift beliefs, both consciously and on a subconscious level. Pollitt claims that Source Energy Medicine assists in transmuting unconscious resistance and increasing allowance of healing.

Pollitt comes across as a highly principled man dedicated to help his fellow man to heal in a simple, inexpensive, graceful way. He feels healing should be accessible by everyone throughout the world regardless of their finances. So while I do not agree with some of his strong spiritual bias (Course in Miracles, Conversations with God, Ester Hicks’ Abraham, many New Thought teachings, David Hawkins), I respect and trust him as a man of good will. 

Source Energy Medicine has testimonials of positive healing benefits. And because it is free to both download the book, labels and instructions in using them, I consider it easy and safe to test it out for yourself. Just preparing and drinking the formulated water will activate your Placebo Response (see also here), which is helpful in it’s own right. But drinking it is also opening your acceptance of the positive intention or ‘prayer’ behind it. Consequently, I have made a commitment to myself to do it for up to a year to see if it has any benefit for me. If nothing else, it is a good excuse to drink more water.

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.


1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Janis
    Sep 19, 2016 @ 13:10:41

    Nicely done. Intelligent, thoughtful with a touch of humor. I apply positive words to my water pitcher which I like to read there, however, I have not noticed any more positive effects from drinking this “purified” water as opposed to any other water. I will check out Pollitt’s formulas and drink more water also! Looking forward to seeing you at the NATH conference


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