Master Dowsing Program

20190411_dowsing cover
In my comprehensive Therapeutic Dowsing & Telepathic Healing manual (248 pages  – 8 1/2 X 11″), I included a long master dowsing program. Today, I just revised it extensively and am offering it for you to be able to clear a host of non-beneficial energies quickly either by installing the 5 page program and issuing a command, or by dowsing over the pages to identify the specific section, word or phrase that needs to be addressed at that time.

Full instructions for installing it are included.

AibKKMxrT.htm Click here for the pdf

then copy and paste into any word processing programming so you can print out.


7 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Carol Wolf
    May 19, 2020 @ 15:24:09

    Thank you. I was actually studying the book this week.


  2. Melissa Richards
    May 19, 2020 @ 15:27:48

    Thank you!


  3. Khawar pervaiz
    May 19, 2020 @ 17:01:06

    Download web page is not found


  4. NCD ...
    May 20, 2020 @ 15:17:56

    Very nice Roxanne. Thank you. Lots of Love, J


  5. Lawrence Sobel
    May 26, 2020 @ 12:18:28

    Hi Roxanne,


    Thank you ever so much for this truly exceptional “ Master Dowsing Program“. I would like to share it with my Yahoo email group. Some of the members of the group are not dowsers. Can non-dowsers use your program? If so, how do you recommend non-dowsers use your program? By focused attention?


    If you want to, you could simply send me a self contained  email and request that I forward it to my group. You could provide your contact information and information for non-dowsers. I would then simply forward it to my group pretty much as it is.


    Some other thoughts:

    • Perhaps you could synthesize it with the court of atonement methodology.

    • For my own use I would number each paragraph of the script and dowse on the numbers that contain items that need my attention. 


    Once again, thank you for this truly remarkable program.

      Looking forward to hearing from you, Larry


    • unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter
      May 27, 2020 @ 15:27:37

      So glad you like it. And yes, I was thinking already of numbering the paragraphs for easy dowsing. As it is, I just dowse over the page and it drags me over to the word, sentence or paragraph I need.

      Right now, you have permission to send it in it’s entirety with all links directing people back to my website or blog. It cannot be sold. The reason why I am offering it free is to quickly shift energy in the world.

      And yes, the program can be done without dowsing. The energy comes not from the pendulum but from focused intention. The pendulum does nothing other than indicate that something IS being done, when and to what extent. Valuable, yes, but not essential.

      Could it be synthesized with the court of atonement? Absolutely.


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