All Hands on Deck!

I believe that those of us here are positioned in this moment of time for a reason. It is not a time to flee or hide from what is or may be coming, as there is nowhere to go. The threats we face are global. And when you cannot run, your only recourse is to stand your ground, unite and take action.

“for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”       

2 Timothy 1:7

I believe that whatever talents, knowledge or skills you have already acquired including the skill of discernment, knowledge of the law, skill in communication, collaboration, education, networking, team building, problem solving, along with the qualities of integrity and courage, are being called upon now to form coalitions to face the rapid disintegration of our nation and indeed the entire world. It is time to come together as rapidly as we can to CHANGE COURSE. Mass misinformation, fear mongering and mind control, censorship, violence and intimidation by domestic terrorist groups such as Antifa, and the massive overreach of government are rapidly leading towards the total control and subjugation of humanity, and the disintegration of society.

“For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” Romans 8:15

It is time for us to breathe deeply, pulling up strength through our feet from the earth. CLAIM THE GROUND YOU WALK ON and your right to SELF DETERMINATION. Stand up and strengthen your reserve, and connect firmly to the divine, eternal consciousness that has sustained you and mankind in every peril. Then as you tap into that great Spirit and draw upon the love that is there for you, and indeed for all of us, listen to that still small voice within for guidance on what is YOURS to do and then DO IT.

Envision a world WE ALL WANT – one that protects the freedoms we so shortly lost – like those of free speech, movement, assembly, religion, sovereignty over your own body, and the ability to breathe clean fresh air. Imagine a world where the air and water are pure, and food is healthy and abundant, where people can disagree while still working TOGETHER to solve problems, where children and the sanctity of life are cherished and protected, and where politicians are SERVANTS OF THE PEOPLE. As Martin Luther King said

“I have a dream….”.

I think of the original Martin Luther, who as just a monk in 1521 was called before the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V to recant his 95 thesis posted on a church door. Luther replied to his sovereign:

“I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God. Amen.”

Pull in that strength that comes from being connected to both heaven and earth and feel it running up through your spine strengthening your backbone and your will to defend your core values and everything you hold sacred. Your children, your grandchildren are depending upon you.

Those of my generation remember the mighty cry of Martin Luther King, who like his namesake, was a man of great moral courage. With clear vision of a world where all sides could live together peacefully in a better world, he said:

“We shall overcome….”.

How shall we now overcome corruption, greed that tramples over public health, welfare, and the right to control what happens to your body, and the outrageous abuse of power?

As Benjamin Rush, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, said

The American war is over; but this far from being the case with the American revolution. On the contrary, nothing but the first act of the drama is closed. It remains yet to establish and perfect our new forms of government, and to prepare the principles, morals, and manners of our citizens for these forms of government after they are established and brought to perfection.”

I believe we are headed to a much needed different type of revolution – not of guns, but one of consciousness. This revolution is one of awakening people globally to things previously hidden, a tearing away the veil that has hidden the controllers behind the curtain. This revolution in consciousness is one of awakening and empowering the inner power, creativity, problem solving ability, and strength of will of ordinary people to establish what our founders originally intended to create which was a government that protects life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – not just for us, but for humanity as a whole. It is a revolution in consciousness that supports the right and means for self-determination.

A society and it’s government reflects the consciousness of a people. So if we want our society to heal, then in addition to whatever action we take, we must heal our own consciousness. This means dealing with our own imperfections, fears and wounds.

It means creating a vision of what kind of world we want our children and grandchildren to inherit, and working towards making that possible. Martin Luther King had a clear dream that birthed the Civil Rights Movement. What is your dream of a positive future?

Such a dream will inspire and guide you to taking appropriate action whether it is cleaning up the oceans of garbage, or the rivers of pollution, teaching others the guiding principles outlined in our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and the practice of self-examination, compassion and forgiveness taught by religions.

I would like to see tolerance and respectful dialog taught in the schools. I would like young people provided with positive role models of others that rose from humble backgrounds to make a strong, positive contribution to the world. Teaching victimization and stoking feelings of entitlement and desire for revenge destroys society and has to stop. Bring back school debating teams, and have contestants switch sides to argue the opponents point of view so that they learn to see both sides of every issue.

Get involved in some part of your community to exercise citizen oversight in an area of your concern. This past year has taught us that we can not trust any aspect of government to take care of us. It is time for us to commit to citizen oversight of those who are supposed to work for us, to make sure that they serve the highest good of us, the people, instead of themselves.  Perhaps choose to oversee the school board. Perhaps attend town hall meetings and vocalize what you want and do not want to happen in your community. If we cannot tolerate petty dictators in our home, we should not tolerate them in our local, county, state or national government or any of it’s agencies.

In any storm, all hands are needed on deck!

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.

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