Master Dowsing Program

20190411_dowsing cover
In my comprehensive Therapeutic Dowsing & Telepathic Healing manual (248 pages  – 8 1/2 X 11″), I included a long master dowsing program. Today, I just revised it extensively and am offering it for you to be able to clear a host of non-beneficial energies quickly either by installing the 5 page program and issuing a command, or by dowsing over the pages to identify the specific section, word or phrase that needs to be addressed at that time.

Full instructions for installing it are included.

AibKKMxrT.htm Click here for the pdf

then copy and paste into any word processing programming so you can print out.


Dowsing to Connect to Source and Clear Discordant Energies

See general instructions first given in Basic Dowsing Guidelines.

gold pendulumWhy this post?

Especially since the end of last year I have been targeted by vicious, dark energies. But as I believe in turning every experience into a blessing, I started developing a better clearing protocol than I had already outlined in my dowsing book. This protocol you see below is the result. It helps me. Try out yourself or use it as a guide to write one best suited for you.

Pause between each segment. Wait until the pendulum stops before proceeding. And forcibly repeat any sections that are relevant. 

Dowsing Protocol to Connect to Source and Clear Discordant Energies

“I AM that I AM a powerful, spiritual being endowed with dignity, direction and purpose. I have something of value to offer, and I have a right to call upon the powerful, beneficial forces of the universe to guide, support and protect me on my life’s journey. I do hereby invoke their guidance, support and protection now and always.

It is commanded to remove all blocks known and unknown that interfere with me connecting to my true spiritual guidance, and knowing myself from my divine nature and place in the cosmos. Align my identity with the Source of All That Is. “The Divine Father and I are One.”

Saturate my form and energy field with a surrounding halo of the higher harmonic of gold, and envelop me in a bubble of the highest frequency of divine light. Combust all contaminants in my energy field and purify it so completely that the divine light readily shines in and through me.

Release all blocks known and unknown to my soul’s healing now. Heal all distortions of my ego, and transmute all imperfections of my being. Resolve and release all stuck energies of unhealed emotions.

Extract the positive learning to be gained from each experience and keep it as part of my wisdom. Share this wisdom throughout all my existences. Access, download and activate divine wisdom within me and integrate it fully with the right and effective use of my power so that I make wise choices and use of my time and energy today.

By the authority given to me as a sovereign spiritual being, I declare that all energies within me, my energy field and everything associated with me be harmonized with the highest vibrations of Divine Love.

By the authority granted to me as a sovereign spiritual being, it is commanded that all detrimental energies (including what is invisible or hidden) that cannot be transmuted, healed and harmonized with Divine Love are to be now made harmless and formless, purified in the divine fire, and returned to the void.

It is commanded that all beings meaning me harm in any way be permanently and completely blocked, neutralized, and forever removed from my experience. It is commanded that any connecting psychic links or pathways by which their evil intentions have traveled be permanently cut, severed and dissolved, unable to ever reform. If there are any blocks to such removal, such blocks are now themselves fully nullified so that the command to block, neutralize and remove such beings, and the links dissolved, proceeds effectively.

It is commanded that all detrimental entities and sinister forces be taken to the appropriate place where they can evolve yet do no harm to any life form, and that any of the connecting links, cords or pathways between us be completely severed with Archangel Michael’s sword, and permanently dissolved, never to reform. Nothing can interfere with such swift and total removal.

It is commanded to neutralize and remove all mind control, subliminal messages, detrimental radionics, detrimental thoughts, emotions or inclinations, detrimental influences, psychic attack, curses, black magic, and any detrimental programs, blocks or restrictions sent or imposed upon me or anything associated with me. Neutralize and reverse any and all evil intentions.

Bless me powerfully instead with much greater mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health, happiness, prosperity, joy, success, and support than ever before. And restore optimal functioning in all areas of my being and life.

Duplicate all of the above healing and blessings for all people everywhere throughout all time and space for whom it is appropriate and in accordance with their highest good. Duplicate this also for communities, states and nations alike so that all of humanity and all of it’s organizational structures are healed and blessed.


When you are done, ask if you need to strengthen/repeat any particular segment. In which case, hold the pendulum over the side of the paper, and ask “please indicate” and allow the pendulum to pull you to what you need to repeat. Repeat until you get ‘yes’ to the question, “am I done for now?”

Copyright May, 2020 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.

Psychic Self Defense

This past year I had to re-up everything I thought I knew about clearing detrimental energies. I had been working very long hours,  dealing with emotionally draining people, and a health issue so my energy field was already weakened. With the hype and hysteria about the Corona virus and the resulting mass global consciousness of fear, problems worsened.

I also was not prepared for the sophisticated energies that targeted me – things that were beyond my training from multiple people on spirit releasement (Edith Fiore, Bill Baldwin, Robert Dexler, Father Marty Patton, Irene Hickman, Don Taylor, and more). 

Nonetheless, within every problem is a potential blessing. One of them was gathering more information on how to further strengthen the energy field, which boosts vitality and the immune system as well as balancing the mind and emotions. 

Among what I found valuable is this simple meditation that you can do with or without dowsing. I have written down all the instructions below from this audio file. Click here for the meditation by Dr. Palmer. 

PSYCHIC SELF DEFENSE by Dr. Terrence Palmer Waterstones

  1. Place your feet flat on the floor and close your eyes.
  2. Visualize a gold light that goes down to the center of the earth and comes up into your feet.
  3. Open your heart chakra, and visualize a golden light from your heart chakra going down to the solar plexis and sacral chakras, and streaming outwards from those chakras front and back.
  4. From your heart chakra see the light running down the arms and out the fingers.
  5. Move this light up through the throat, 3rd eye, and outwards from the chakras front and back.
  6. Connect the light from the heart to the light coming down into the crown from the universal consciousness or the life giving sun. Feel the warmth. Connect with the universal consciousness of creation which exists everywhere.
  7. Be with the experience of oneness with Creation and the warmth and peacefulness of tranquility.
  8. Repeat if necessary until you feel the oneness with Creation.
  9. Check if clean from other entities. Ask 3 times “Am I sovereign?” and be sure to receive a positive response each time. 
  10. If you do not get 3 yeses, imagine taking a golden sword and cutting all around over your body and head and under feet to cut any negative cords from any time and any source.
  11. Visualize your etheric body burning brightly with golden white fire with  a declared intention that the fire will burn away any negativity that may be hidden in your etheric field.
  12. Repeat 3 times, “Am I sovereign?” Continue until you get 3 yesses. If you do not get that, then seek outside help. When clear of all negative energies, go onto next step.
  13. Visualize a bubble of golden white light emerging from your heart chakra and spreading outwards through every cell of your body to the skin and beyond. 
  14. Visualize yourself inside of this bubble of golden white light. This is your protected space where nothing can enter or cause you harm, a shell or armor. You do not step outside of this sacred and safe field of positive energy.
  15. You are now grounded to the earth and connected to your own higher self and the Source of universal creative energy. The bubble or shell of your strength and aura is your protection from negative energy. This aura needs constant reinforcement and maintenance to make sure that it is strong and provides adequate protection at all times. In precisely the same way as your body has an immune system, so too does your etheric body. If your etheric auric armor  becomes weakened or has holes in it then negative energy may infect it and cause all sorts of emotional, mental and physical sickness. Use this method daily.

Dr. Palmer’s website is

He has put many videos online of various remote clearing sessions on youtube. Click here, 

Prayer and curses work on the same principles?

Really? Why would anyone say that?

Let me explain. I am a Hypnotherapist trained to understand the power of suggestions, the principles of the unconscious mind, and how the unconscious mind and emotions help to create reality and impact upon our lives. I am also a Reiki Master Teacher trained in energy work, and a Dowser trained in the power of intent to effect change and healing.

Prayer and curses are related. 

Both work on similar principles. They are simply

Clear intention + strong emotion + belief projected outwards to someone or something.

What differentiates them is

  1. the intention behind it, not just the Being to whom you pray,
  2. the image you hold in your mind,
  3. your belief/faith that it is possible or not, and
  4. the emotional energy that goes along with it.

Please don’t pray with fear in your heart!

Even if your intention is to help but you are visualizing a negative outcome with a lot of emotional energy, your prayers can hurt. 

While probably most people think that prayer works simply by appealing to an outside source  (God) regardless of how they pray, the outcome of prayer, in my opinion, depends on you as well. The words, images and feelings you hold while praying can work in alignment with or against what you want.

INTENTION – what do you want?

IMAGE – what image are you holding in your mind? Are you imagining what you want or what you don’t want?

TARGET – who or what is the focus of your attention?

BELIEF – do you really think that your prayer can be answered or not? Is it possible?

EMOTIONAL ENERGY – what is the nature of the emotion that is energizing your prayer and driving it forward to the target (the person or situation that you want to help)?


  • People usually think to pray when there is a crises and when they are in fear. If they are feeling powerless, they sabotage their own ability as co-creator to make changes to manifest a better condition. A fearful person is inclined to run or freeze, not take positive action.

During the American Revolution, there was a Springfield, New Jersey minister who used to say “Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.” In other words, don’t just pray, do something.

And as the Dalai Lama has said after the recent Paris shootings, it is “not for God to fix this. Humans created it, and humans must fix it themselves.”

  • If the person praying doesn’t  believe the prayer will be answered, that the help will come, it is like saying to God, ‘forget about it.’  Doubt cancels out.
  • If the person praying is so focused on what they don’t want to happen, they are unwittingly broadcasting more of that into the world. This can happen when they are consumed with worry, anger, fear or upset. Take the time to quiet your mind first, gain some perspective, and get into alignment with your spiritual source. In my perspective, this means getting into the frequency of love. Go to that quiet place within.

Hypnosis can help you find this quiet place and then anchor it. We hypnotherapists usually call this our “safe place.” From that place ask,

What is mine to do? 

How can I be of service? 

  • While anger is powerful energizer to carry intention to the target, it is the same as cursing or black magic if directed at anyone or anything. If you curse your enemies, don’t expect them to act any better. Whereas Dr. Hew Len in the modernized version of Ho’oponopono has demonstrated convincingly that love and forgiveness can heal even the criminally insane.

Using your anger in a positive way

If you have difficulty getting out of the energy of anger, you can harness it constructively to focus of the positive opposite that you would like to see in the world, and to powerfully project that outwards. Use your anger to get off the couch and do something to make the world a better place. Then you can turn this tragedy into a blessing. Hold the thought,

How can I turn this into a blessing?

While bad behavior has to be stopped, you cannot stop violence by creating more of it. The experiences of Northern Ireland and elsewhere has clearly proven that violent retaliations against violence create more violence that seems never to stop.

In the meantime, in your prayers hold the intention of what you want to see in the world, in your country and neighborhood, and pray for guidance and assistance to do what is yours to do. Believe it is possible to effect positive change. Gather others around to do the same. Keep the image front and center. As Transidential Meditators have proven, group meditation for peace does make a difference. Then follow it with action.

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.