Speaking at HypnoBiz Virtual Conference

Coming up June 1-5, 2020

beartoons-angerYet another conference is going virtual, but thrilled that it is still happening. HypnoBiz New York Conference this year is joining with other groups to be a huge collection of 64 presenters. For information, click here.

I will be speaking on Releasing Anger Without Killing Anyone!, the title of my book. Chock full of helpful strategies to deal constructively with your emotions once you get upset, but also how to look at things in such a way that you are informed without being drawn into an unnecessary stew.

While there is such a thing as righteous anger, and while needed reforms and positive action can taken precisely because you got angry, nonetheless, it takes a toll. Both the presentation and the book can provide vital information on how to make it work for you, and how to

turn it into a blessing!

AibKKMxrT.htm For information on the 154 page book, click here.

Cartoon image is by http://beartoons.com

Master Dowsing Program

20190411_dowsing cover
In my comprehensive Therapeutic Dowsing & Telepathic Healing manual (248 pages  – 8 1/2 X 11″), I included a long master dowsing program. Today, I just revised it extensively and am offering it for you to be able to clear a host of non-beneficial energies quickly either by installing the 5 page program and issuing a command, or by dowsing over the pages to identify the specific section, word or phrase that needs to be addressed at that time.

Full instructions for installing it are included.

AibKKMxrT.htm Click here for the pdf

then copy and paste into any word processing programming so you can print out.


Dowsing for Discernment

In view of the difficulty to really know who or what to believe, you might experiment with the below dowsing program. Let me know if you think it helps.

Basic Guidelines

  1. Dowsing accuracy requires you to be neutral and unattached to the answer you might receive. In other words, before you can dowse for discernment, it is necessary to let go of your preconceived notions as to what is true or false. Let go of all attachment to what you already believe or want to be true or fear may be true. If you can’t do that, don’t bother dowsing at all because you will only justify your pre-conceived ideas, or hopes or fears. Be alert to any unconscious attempt to direct the swing.
  2. Dowsing accuracy also requires you to neutralize and clear away mass consciousness and any external influence. In other words, the thoughts and emotions of people around you, and those picked up from the media and internet are contagious and interfere with you being able to think for yourself. 

I have heard that you are affected by mass consciousness for up to a 10 mile radius. But if you can neutralize beyond that point, so do it. Especially ask to neutralize and clear specific emotions that you are aware of that are riding high at the moment such as fear, doom, grief, panic, anger, hatred, etc. Ask to neutralize the mass consciousness up to the farthest radius possible. 

Because of the internet, radio and television, we are affected by mass consciousness globally through technology as well. Note that advertising includes subliminal messages. And some thoughts and emotions can also be broadcast via radio waves, internet, cell phone towers, satellites—sadly, all part of the dark use of technology. The military has had the ability to do this for at least since the Iraq war. It is called ‘The Voice of God’ technology. So be sure to neutralize all possible detrimental external influences as you can.

  1. Run all dowsing responses through your ‘gut meter’– your internal sense of what is true or false. 

Think of a time you just knew in your being that something was true or right ahead of time and it proved to be correct. What were those body signals and where? Then think of when something didn’t feel right. It was ‘off’ in some way, and you were also later proved to be correct. What were those body signals and where were they located? If you get a feeling of anything other than ‘spot on’ with a dowsing response, then you need to figure out what needs to be done before you can accept the answer.

Your gut will alert you to when you are not clear of discordant energies, or your question is not worded correctly, or you should not be asking it, or you are not getting to the heart of the matter, etc. Always pay attention to those body signals.

I personally use a simple laminated chart that I have made called “Prepare to Dowse”. It includes 20 items of dowsing preparation, and also 5 degrees of strong yes – strong no on it, and ‘may I, can I, should I’. The flip side is the “Master Dowsing Chart” with percentages, and dates and timing. It is available for sale on my website. Click here: 

Dowsing Intentions/Commands for Discernment

  • “It is commanded to access, download and activate within me the ability to clearly discern truth from fiction, mind control, propaganda or lies, and accuracy from inaccuracy. Do this now in all areas of concern including education, science, medicine, health, philosophy, history, politics, media, personal interactions, and spiritual beliefs.
  • Download within me the ability to clearly discern when information is being innocently omitted or sincerely believed yet false, from when information is deliberately being hidden, disguised, or falsified. 
  • Access, download and activate my ability to be able to discern the true agendas of others and strengthen this ability with every passing day. 
  • Install a subtle but clear physical sensation and awareness that indicates when someone is telling the truth. Do that now.
  • Install a subtle but clear physical sensation and awareness that indicates when someone is lying. Do that now.
  • Install a subtle but clear physical sensation and awareness that indicates when someone is sincere but the facts are inaccurate. Do that now.
  • I call upon the beneficial forces of the Heavens that love humanity to free all minds from the stranglehold of lies and deceit. Make the truth so obvious to the masses that they can no longer be controlled through ignorance or deception. Do this now in accordance with Divine Law.
  • Neutralize the mentality that knowingly creates and disseminates false information and lies through indoctrination, mind control, brainwashing, propaganda and lies.
  • Neutralize the consciousness that has sought and continues to seek control over others through deceit, manipulation, censorship, dependency, and all forms and means of suppression of knowledge and accurate information. 
  • Neutralize the consciousness that uses the weapons of ridicule, censorship, threats, bullying, punishment, torture and death to silence those who question, and those who know, speak and spread the truth. Heal the trauma of those who have suffered as a result, and heal the fear and trauma of those who have witnessed their suffering. 
  • Neutralize any possible spirit of greed, of desire to control, manipulate, or push the populace into any agenda that is against their highest good through fear, through control of the media, through manipulation or forceful suppression of the truth and those who tell it in any way.
  • Imbue courage and honesty in those who know the truth and want to speak up to do so. Download in both them and us the wisdom about the most effective way to do so. And surround all of us with the support and protection we need to do so safely. 
  • Assist and protect all those desiring and working to create a world where the search for truth is honored and protected, where voicing differences of opinions is not only allowed but protected, and where people can live together in harmony and collaboration without fighting over differences of opinions or beliefs.
  • Fully expose those in power who mean us harm. Expose the means by which they have and are working against the well-being of the people.
  • Remove all those who would profit from deceit and evil agendas from positions and places of power and influence whether political or corporate.
  • Download, access and activate within me and all people both the awareness of what we each can do, and the will to take action to make this world that nurtures and protects the highest good of all it’s citizens and the planet.
  • Duplicate all of the above intentions now for all humans across all timelines as appropriate and in accordance with their highest good and Divine Law.”

fullsizeoutput_356Dowsing on News Sources

  1. Make a list of possible news sources including the word ‘other’ at the end. Don’t just include your usual or mainstream sources of information, but others in the alternate media even those you have never used. Note that almost all mainstream tv/radio/newspapers are owned by just 6 corporations. Hence, there is little difference among them, and in fact, multiple channels have been caught multiple times reading the exact same news script from a teleprompter. For a more balanced picture, it is good to have more than one source that is not related to another. You can google alternative media sites and dowse right off the internet lists you locate. 
  2. When you are reading/listening to a specific article, news report, video, interview, etc., ask what is the percentage of accuracy in this specific ____(article/video/tv/radio) report? 
  3. EXERCISE: Google ‘Alternative Media Sites’ and pick any listing to dowse. 

Here is one article that I link as useful for this exercise because it lists a total 28 different news sites. Click here.  Only look at the names of the media sites and look up their website listed after you do the exercise.

Take a sheet of paper and number from 1-28. Once you have gotten your dowsing answers then you click on the individual websites to check them out. See if blind dowsing on the number of the site compares with your reaction once you check on the individual website. You can repeat this process with any other list you find.

Here are some possible questions to ask that you can do even without looking at the name of the site.

    • Is there any news site on this list that would be a good, general source of accurate, unbiased iinformation? Is there more than one? How many? Please indicate the number of the site on my list with the highest overall rating. Give me the percentage of overall truthfulness and accuracy for each of the recommended sites.
    • Are there any sites in this list that I should skip as an inactive site? 
    • Are there any sites on this list that are highly biased site? Which number/s?
    • Are there any on this list that are full of inaccurate, unverified information? Which number/numbers?
    • Are there any on this list that are just inappropriate or not useful for me? Which number/s?
    • Is there one or more much better sites for me not on this list? Do I already use them? [if ‘yes’, you can jot down some sources you regularly go to, and then ask] Is it on this second list? Please indicate.
    • Can I trust the reporting on ___ [name of news channel/newspaper/internet source] on the topic of ____[name of topic]?
    • What is the best source of accurate, unbiased reporting on the topic of ____?
    • In general, what is a good source of accurate, unbiased reporting on issues concerning me?

Copywrite by Roxanne Louise, 5/2020. All rights reserved. Article may be shared on any free site, but chart is available for personal use only not to be sold.


Dowsing to Connect to Source and Clear Discordant Energies

See general instructions first given in Basic Dowsing Guidelines.

gold pendulumWhy this post?

Especially since the end of last year I have been targeted by vicious, dark energies. But as I believe in turning every experience into a blessing, I started developing a better clearing protocol than I had already outlined in my dowsing book. This protocol you see below is the result. It helps me. Try out yourself or use it as a guide to write one best suited for you.

Pause between each segment. Wait until the pendulum stops before proceeding. And forcibly repeat any sections that are relevant. 

Dowsing Protocol to Connect to Source and Clear Discordant Energies

“I AM that I AM a powerful, spiritual being endowed with dignity, direction and purpose. I have something of value to offer, and I have a right to call upon the powerful, beneficial forces of the universe to guide, support and protect me on my life’s journey. I do hereby invoke their guidance, support and protection now and always.

It is commanded to remove all blocks known and unknown that interfere with me connecting to my true spiritual guidance, and knowing myself from my divine nature and place in the cosmos. Align my identity with the Source of All That Is. “The Divine Father and I are One.”

Saturate my form and energy field with a surrounding halo of the higher harmonic of gold, and envelop me in a bubble of the highest frequency of divine light. Combust all contaminants in my energy field and purify it so completely that the divine light readily shines in and through me.

Release all blocks known and unknown to my soul’s healing now. Heal all distortions of my ego, and transmute all imperfections of my being. Resolve and release all stuck energies of unhealed emotions.

Extract the positive learning to be gained from each experience and keep it as part of my wisdom. Share this wisdom throughout all my existences. Access, download and activate divine wisdom within me and integrate it fully with the right and effective use of my power so that I make wise choices and use of my time and energy today.

By the authority given to me as a sovereign spiritual being, I declare that all energies within me, my energy field and everything associated with me be harmonized with the highest vibrations of Divine Love.

By the authority granted to me as a sovereign spiritual being, it is commanded that all detrimental energies (including what is invisible or hidden) that cannot be transmuted, healed and harmonized with Divine Love are to be now made harmless and formless, purified in the divine fire, and returned to the void.

It is commanded that all beings meaning me harm in any way be permanently and completely blocked, neutralized, and forever removed from my experience. It is commanded that any connecting psychic links or pathways by which their evil intentions have traveled be permanently cut, severed and dissolved, unable to ever reform. If there are any blocks to such removal, such blocks are now themselves fully nullified so that the command to block, neutralize and remove such beings, and the links dissolved, proceeds effectively.

It is commanded that all detrimental entities and sinister forces be taken to the appropriate place where they can evolve yet do no harm to any life form, and that any of the connecting links, cords or pathways between us be completely severed with Archangel Michael’s sword, and permanently dissolved, never to reform. Nothing can interfere with such swift and total removal.

It is commanded to neutralize and remove all mind control, subliminal messages, detrimental radionics, detrimental thoughts, emotions or inclinations, detrimental influences, psychic attack, curses, black magic, and any detrimental programs, blocks or restrictions sent or imposed upon me or anything associated with me. Neutralize and reverse any and all evil intentions.

Bless me powerfully instead with much greater mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health, happiness, prosperity, joy, success, and support than ever before. And restore optimal functioning in all areas of my being and life.

Duplicate all of the above healing and blessings for all people everywhere throughout all time and space for whom it is appropriate and in accordance with their highest good. Duplicate this also for communities, states and nations alike so that all of humanity and all of it’s organizational structures are healed and blessed.


When you are done, ask if you need to strengthen/repeat any particular segment. In which case, hold the pendulum over the side of the paper, and ask “please indicate” and allow the pendulum to pull you to what you need to repeat. Repeat until you get ‘yes’ to the question, “am I done for now?”

Copyright May, 2020 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com  are included with the content.

Basic Dowsing Guidelines


All dowsing needs to done from a place of personal power, calm, focused intention, and transmitted with a firm will and emotional energy. 

  • Affirm & step into your personal power

This is given to you by ___ (God, your Creator/Source). You are not begging or pleading for favors. Rather, claim your right to be here, to chart your own course, to declare what you want in your own life, and the kind of world that will  support you in pursuing it. My personal belief is that your unique spirit like that of everyone else was created on purpose to BE HERE, to offer what only you can. So BE HERE fully starting with an affirmation and then with grounding.

Write out your own strong statement of belief, and affirm it. Such statement can help you face any challenge with or without dowsing. To my affirmation below, I may add any other phrases that are appropriate in the moment. Here is my opening affirmation:

I AM that I AM a powerful, spiritual being endowed with dignity, direction and purpose. I have something of value to offer.”

  • Gather your strength.

On big dowsing projects such as mass global problems that will require massive energy to heal or shift, gather a group to assist you, the bigger the problem, the bigger the group to assemble. It will take as little as 1% of the people to impact the entire world.

You can do this in meetings in-person or virtually. Lynne McTaggert does this by setting up groups of 8. Or you can simply make a psychic request for their High Self to join with you in the healing intention. Group members do not have to be with you physically nor even consciously aware of your request for their help. You might call upon beneficial spiritual forces, religious figures, saints, gurus, those that love humanity and this planet, or people living or dead who have or already are making a powerful, positive difference in the world to join with you in spirit in the healing work you are about to do.

You might imagine holding hands in a circle around the target of your intention whether it be the Earth itself, a person, group, region or nation. As I visualize those I admire and respect welcoming me into their circle and joining hands with me, I am strengthened and empowered. I recognize that I am truly not alone, but rather I am being supported by the universe.

  • Ground & Energize

Many images help in grounding. Whether you drop anchor deep into the earth, or imagine an electrical plug in the bottoms of your feet that connects you to an electrical cable going down to the earth’s core, or you imagine growing roots like a tree, grounding and increasing your energy is important. Pull that energy up through your feet, up your spine and out your head, and then loop it back down to the earth picking up any stress or toxins on the downward cycle and removing it out your feet.Offer the toxins to the microbes in the soil who can use it as compost. Make several cycles until you feel your legs tingling with energy.

  • Center

As you pull energy up the spine, allow your mind to come into a narrow line, letting go of extraneous thoughts so that you can focus on your intention.

  • Connect

Imagine a brilliant golden sun above your head that represents to you the source of divine healing energy and power joined with divine wisdom and love. Pull beneficial energy from this golden sun down through your head and your entire body. Invite the frequency of the higher harmonic of gold such as the halo seen around holy figures. This higher harmonic of gold thought to be connected not just with prosperity and manifestation, but most of all with wisdom. And that is what is needed in solving big problems – to manifest healing through the highest frequency with divine wisdom. Cycle it through you several times. Fill your body with this golden light and the energy of love.

  • Increase your aura and set up a force field

Expand your aura a minimum of 3 feet in all directions, and then perhaps in increments out as far out as you can go, maybe 10-20 feet or more. Dowse this distance for yourself. At the perimeter, install a protective shell, shield or force field that prevents detrimental energy from entering.

  • Continuously monitor and rebalance  your mental, emotional and physical state.

Clear any general detrimental energies around yourself, your home and property whenever you feel a dip towards a less than ideal state. Such detrimental energies can include a wide variety of things such as your own mental or emotional issues,  mass consciousness, noxious energies, EMF, as well as external and deliberate negative or sinister interference. It is not advisable to clear strong negative interference without checking if you are up for it first (“can I?, may I?, should I?, am I ready?”)

Start with words like “neutralize, pulverize, transmute, heal, delete, cancel, or scramble the frequency of ___”. Don’t just say ‘clear’ because the energy will just find someone else to pick upon. Clean it up first. Then either clear it followed by bringing in specific wonderful new energies, or transforming the negative into something positive directly.

    • “It is commanded to completely and permanently ____ [cut/sever/ dissolve/ transmute/ pulverize and remove/ scramble the frequency of] all ____ [name of problem] affecting ___ [person’s name] on every level and dimension of ___(his/her) being throughout all of ___ (his/her) existences. ___. Replace it with the frequency of ___.”
  • Run all dowsing responses through your ‘gut meter’

Your gut, which is your internal sense of what is true or false, will alert you to when you are not clear of discordant energies, or your question is not worded correctly, or you should not be asking that question, or you are not getting to the heart of the matter, etc. Always pay attention to those body signals and then decipher what they mean through charts or with use of your own checklist.

I do this with a laminated chart that I have made called Prepare to Dowse”. It includes 20 items of dowsing preparation, and also 5 degrees of strong yes – strong no on it, and ‘may I, can I, should I’. The flip side is the “Master Dowsing Chart” with percentages, and dates and timing. It is available for sale on my website. Click here: 

  • With any long protocol, you can ask if you need to zero in on any particular command or create a separate dowsing program.

“Do I need to focus on any particular area right now? today?” If you get a ‘yes’, hold the pendulum over the side of the page, and say ‘please indicate’Allow the pendulum drag you to that section, word or phrase. Then issue that command, wait for the swing to stop. Ask “is there anything else I need to focus on today?” Repeat process.

Alternately if you are rushed, you could simply put your hand over the entire page, and instruct your dowsing system to “Take appropriate action with everything on this page in accordance with my highest good.” 

Or you could give the protocol a name and install it as a dowsing program, and then activate the entire program with a single command, “Initiate ___ program”. This is useful if you are unable to get to your instructions. But the best way is to go point by point through it.

  • Memorize any commands or phrases that are especially helpful.

Most of the time you will not have your protocol books or charts with you. You need to be able to dowse quickly whenever, wherever needed. Only by thoroughly internalizing the basic framework of how to approach a given problem, and the wordings most useful for you will you be able to dowse throughout the day for individual concerns wherever you are.

  • Pause between command segments to allow time for the work to be done. 

Wait for the pendulum to move and then to stop before proceeding to the next command. This is important in that you will learn what was going on that needed to be cleared or healed, and the strength of it.

When I start going through a protocol, my pendulum swings vertically forward and back for ‘yes’ and side to side for ‘no’. It might move so strongly that it almost flies out of my hand. This equates to spirit is screaming ‘YES!!!’ or ‘NO!!!’ at me. My pendulum spins counterclockwise when it is clearing/removing a negative. And it spins clockwise when it is installing a positive. 

  • Visualize your intentions happening.

Instill an inner certainty that the work is being done. When you are done clearing a negative, you should get a feeling of calm, peace or shift. When bringing in a positive, add the appropriate positive emotions of love, joy, gratitude, etc. to the healing or blessing. If you do not get a good feeling or calm assurance, you will need to redo or repeat your work.

  • At the end of your dowsing session, offer to duplicate whatever healing and blessing work you have done for others.

“There is a part of my being that knows who else can benefit from any of the healing work I have done today. And that part is reaching out to their High Self including those in their ancestral and familial lines to duplicate whatever healing is appropriate for them and for their own highest good. It is doing so now. Take action with the pendulum and indicate when that healing is complete.”[taken from Therapeutic Dowsing & Telepathic Healing by Roxanne Louise]

  • Remember to say ‘thank you’ at the end.

More dowsing protocols will come in later posts.

Copywrite by Roxanne Louise, May, 2020. However, it may be shared with any free site providing the author, http://www.RoxanneLouise.com and this blog, UnlimitedPotentialHealingCenter.com are listed.

Free Instructional Dowsing Booklet

90300699_3211010178927147_1574235900601171968_n“Get Your Answers Now!!! Learn Dowsing for Decision Making and Wellness”

Texas Dowser, Rosemary Lanza, is offering her 29 page pdf dowsing booklet, “Get Your Answers Now!!! Learn Dowsing for Decision Making and Wellness” free of charge. See link at the bottom. 
Her booklet will teach you how to dowse, and provide dowsing programs that she believes may offer some protection against 5G energies and the corona virus. The booklet also gives some wellness suggestions that she has used successfully for many years to help herself.
Yet, this is not medical advice. She is not claiming to treat, cure or prevent any health issue.

Why is this free?

Rosemary has been strongly guided to do something about the corona virus through writing and disseminating this booklet to everyone she knows by email. She asks that you please forward this to everyone you know so that more and more people around the world can learn to dowse and use it to help themselves and others. Her strong belief is that dowsing can prove very helpful to the health challenges we are facing. 
Whether her dowsing protocols proves helpful against any specific health challenge, dowsing on health can be done experimentally on a ‘can’t hurt’ basis and absolutely help in some regard. 

What can dowsing do for health?

  • Dowsing can be used to design a common sense wellness program!
  • Dowsing can be used to relieve stress!
  • But dowsing can also work with energy, information, and consciousness to shift things in a positive direction!

According to quantum physics, everything is composed of energy and information. Hence, you may be interested in how Rosemary does that in regards to health threats.

While the pdf booklet is free,  she would be most appreciative of any donations made to her PayPal account at rosemary080@aol.com
You might also be interested in this talk she gave to the Lone Star Dowsers. Click here.

Click on the link below to download the pdf.

Get Your Answers Now

Simple Affirmation to Solve Problems in These Difficult Times

In my book, Accessing More–Tapping Into the Wisdom Within, I lay out a helpful modality that I call the Infinite Intelligence Process. You can hear it explained on a teleconference here.  

The Infinite Intelligence Process is a method of dealing with stress and doing creative problem solving in powerful ways by harnessing internal resources and tapping into a greater field of consciousness that goes beyond time and space. Lynne McTaggert calls it ‘The Field’.  Quantum physicists talk about all of consciousness being connected. Dowsers call it the ‘Greater Consciousness System’ and deliberately  tap into this field of information and energy to know where to drill for water, oil, and other resources. Indeed, dowsers use it to resolve any problem and answer any important question.

The first part of the Infinite Intelligence Process involves recognizing and affirming that you are infinitely smarter, wiser, more resourceful than of which you are consciously aware. You then give clear instructions to your unconscious mind on what you want or need, and authorize it to take appropriate action to resolve/achieve your intention in a satisfying way using this simple phrase formula:

“There is a part of me that knows ___ , and that part is ____ now ____ in a ___ way.”

Sample Phrase:

“There is a part of my being that knows something that I can do to help myself to ____ in this situation ____ (of /with) _____. And that part brings that information to my attention and provides me the clarity and motivation to take appropriate action on it now.”

Fleshed Out Examples:

“There is a part of my being that knows something that I can do to help myself to boost my immune system so that I don’t get sick from this or any other virus. And that part brings the best information to my attention on what I can do right now in effective, doable, and affordable ways to protect myself without fear, and to take appropriate action on it now.”

“There is a part of my being that knows something that I can do right now that will help me to develop other sources of  income while reducing overhead. And that part brings me the ideas, information and contacts I need to move forward now in effective, doable, and affordable ways.”

“There is a part of my being that knows how I can use this economic shutdown productively that will allow me to come out stronger on the other side of it. And that part is guiding me in clear, doable ways to put everything in place now.”

Just fill in the blanks or adjust this infinitely adaptable phrase to your own needs. Then allow the affirmation to roll around in your mind, and go about your day. Repeat your affirmation anytime you think of your problem so you redirect your mind to find a solution. Be sure to do it especially before you go to sleep because your unconscious will work on it throughout the night. You might well have the answer or the next step to take upon awakening.  This process will increase your ‘hunches’, set up synchronicities, and assist you to make the breakthroughs that you need.

This is similar to a technique Thomas Edison used when he was stuck working on his numerous inventions. Edison had a cot in his laboratory and would nap in a very particular way whenever an experiment reached an impasse. Lying down with the intention of finding a solution to the problem, he held a key in his hand that was suspended over a pail of water. As he allowed himself to drift into a state of hypnosis that occurs naturally as you drift off to sleep, his hand would relax, drop the key and splash his hand. This would wake him up from his nap, and he would go back to work.

What you are doing with the Infinite Intelligence Process is turning over the solution to your subconscious mind which is tied into the greater consciousness field to come up with a creative solution for whatever is going on. By turning a problem over when you don’t consciously know what to do, you will free your mind of stress and pressure so it can relax sufficiently bring the information or ideas into your awareness, or the people, sources and help you might need.

Just as your unconscious mind can digest food effectively, heal from cuts and bruises, or keep your lungs and heart working without your conscious interference, your unconscious can also solve other matters as well. Just provide it clear guidance on what you want and how you want it (ie., quickly, easily, efficiently, in a satisfying way).

More Affirmation Examples:

“There is a part of my Being that knows everything related to that problem/issue of ____, and that part is reviewing it to assist me now to ___ (clarify what needs to be clarified/ resolve what needs to be resolved/ heal what needs to be healed) in a way in which I am really pleased.”

“There is a part of my Being that knows everything related to this pandemic and the  shutdown And that part is assisting me now to sort through the contradictory information to clarify what is really going on so that I can know the proper action to take to protect myself, my business, and my family.”

“There is a part of my Being that knows everything to do with my goal of ____, and that part is evaluating the best way to achieve it now, and assisting me to do so with ease, efficiency and joy.”

“There is a part of my Being that knows how I can resolve this problem of ___ in a way even better than I can imagine. And that part is assisting me now to do so.”

“There is a part of my Being that knows everything about me – my credentials, interests and abilities. And that part directs me to another job or business opportunity better than I had before, and better than I could have imagined.”

“There is a part of my Being that knows the best use of my time, energy and resources.  And that part is guiding me me to make the wisest choices today so that I accomplish the most important things with grace and ease.”

“There is a part of my Being that knows the root cause and all relevant factors involved in this problem of ___. And that is assisting me now to resolve those issues quickly and efficiently in the best possible way.”

“There is a part of my Being that knows how I can resolve this situation gracefully with ___ in a win-win way. And that part is assisting me now to do so.”

“There is a part of my Being that knows the best ___ (person/company/tool) to help me with ___ to achieve my goal/s of ___ efficiently and affordably,  And that part is bringing that information to me now.”

fullsizeoutput_1d4Important Notes

The phrase in a way in which I am really pleased” is added to exclude any possibility of the problem being solved in unhappy ways. For example, you can solve that problem of an unreasonable boss by getting fired, or you can get out from those house payments by going into foreclosure. 

It is not enough to know a solution. That solution must be put into place. So you have to include an action word for that to happen. This is because your unconscious mind is literal. If you ask a literal person if  they can close the door, they will reply ‘yes’ without closing the door. If you want your subconscious mind to do something, you must specifically say so.

Be specific enough without boxing yourself in. The best solution may be better than you can imagine.


If you want to learn the full program, it is outlined in this 112 page manual described here

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to http://www.roxannelouise.com and


http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com  are included with the content.

How Do You Know Who & What to Believe?

In today’s world where just six corporations in the US control almost all of the media outlets, where pharmaceutical companies supply those media companies with the biggest advertising revenue (and you can’t bite the hand that feeds you), where it appears that the insanely rich such as Bill Gates can steer the narrative of any story, where whistleblowers like Julian Assange are persecuted, and real hard-nose journalists that we relied upon to tell us the truth seem to have gone extinct,

  • How can you determine what is true and what is fiction?
  • How can you have the necessary facts to make important decisions?
  • How can you know who you can trust?

It is much more than determining who you like and who appears to be honest and sincere. It is a matter of being able to determine if even the good people themselves have all the facts to be able to accurately inform and advise us. 

No where is this more important than on the subject of health.

Pharmaceutical companies spend about 30 billion dollars/year in advertising, of which 20 billion is for persuading doctors and other medical professionals of the benefits of their prescription drugs. They do this by sending sales representatives to doctors’ offices for face-to-face visits, providing free drug samples and other swag, offering payments for speeches, food and beverages, travel, and hosting disease “education.” (see here) A JAMA report says that doctors themselves are being misled just like consumers by deceptive marketing.

In light of the above, do I just take the doctor’s recommendation and allow my children to be vaccinated according to an intense schedule of 74 mandated vaccines they are required to take up to age 18, with more expected to come online? Especially is this concerning when I hear from the World Health Institute itself that doctors are “lucky to get a half day training in vaccines” and that there are NO double blind placebo studies on  any vaccine. (source Robert F. Kennedy Jr.). Or do I have to do the hard research myself to determine which are safe and appropriate and when?

Can I trust what the doctor tells me about his proposed treatment or surgery for my disease? Or do I again have to get the layman’s equivalent of a doctorate degree before I can trust that his recommended treatment is the best way to address my health issue, and that there are not simpler, safer, or cheaper alternatives? Do I have to read the fine print on every prescribed drug before I put anything in my mouth? And then do I have to read the literature on how every drug may or may not be counter indicated for another drug or condition?

Again this is a serious concern as medical errors are the third-leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. (source) A Johns Hopkins study claims more than 250,000 people in the U.S. die every year from medical errors. Other reports claim the numbers to be as high as 440,000. My own mother and two boyfriends were among the statistics.

As a hypnotherapist,  I know it is possible to program the mind to heighten our gut level instincts. We can install subtle but clear body signals as to when our subconscious picks up clues that a person is lying or telling us the truth. The signal could be a twitch of a finger, an itch on the nose. 

Kinesiology can be used to determine if something is right or not for you. If you do radionics and work with a stick plate, you can get yes/no answers from a rough or smoothe feel along any surface including just rubbing your thumb and forefinger together.

But if you dowse, you can use a percentage chart or the chart below. As you will see, my chart will give you much more information than just yes or no as to the accuracy or truthfulness of information. But first follow procedures to clear your mind of any preconceived ideas and clear your energy field of any interference.


Created by Roxanne Louise© 2020. All rights reserved.

20190411_dowsing coverIf you want to learn pendulum dowsing, my book below is a 248 page comprehensive manual to help you do so. For further information on it click here.


Copyright 5/4/2020 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and links are included to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com .

Man Meant It for Evil but God Meant It for Good.

“But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.” Joseph addressing his brothers in Genesis 50:20

Bad things in life can sometimes result in unexpected, good outcomes.

In this biblical story, Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. Although his brothers meant to harm him, Joseph ended up in Egypt where he became second in command under the Pharaoh because he was able to interpret the Pharaoh’s disturbing dreams and advise him on what to do. The dreams foretold of a coming famine that led Joseph to be put in charge of a mass grain storage that enabled the Egyptians and and it’s neighbors to survive a prolonged food collapse. Joseph’s brothers were among those that traveled to Egypt to buy food unknowingly from Joseph himself. Amazingly, Joseph was able to forgive his brothers’ treachery as he saw their action as God’s plan to save many people. 


You may have heard me speak about Nelson, who was fired on a Friday along with his entire department of 40 people. On Tuesday, those not fired were killed as a plane flew into their very floor of the World Trade Center on 9/11. Or about Carolyn, fired from her job in NYC Opera Chorus, who used it to ramp up her vocal training, and got hired in the Metropolitan Opera Chorus at twice the salary, security and prestige a few months later. Or Irene whose house and contents were severely damaged by fire, but who totally rebuilt her home, greatly improving it in a way that only the insurance money made possible.

What we see as a bad, awful, or even tragic event, can have within it the seed of an equal or greater benefit for us or others depending upon how we handle the situation and the choices we make in response to our problems.

Ty & Charlene Bollinger, who founded The Truth About Cancer that has helped so many people get well, did so because of losing a number of family members to the disease. Candace Lightner and Cindi Lamb, whose children were victims of drunk drivers, started MADD – Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. America itself was founded largely by people oppressed because of their religion, ethnicity, or political views. The New School for Social Research in New York City was founded by  refugees escaping Nazi Germany. 

Our response matters!

I am convinced that the proper attitude and an open and alert mind to deliberately look for the benefit or to find way to create one is essential to: 

Turn It Into a Blessing!

For many years I have adopted this attitude as my immediate response to adversity. While I may mouth the phrase, the emotional shift doesn’t always happen right away, but it helps. Like anyone, I get angry or depressed or wonder what I can do. But this attitude, this single-minded determination to use every experience to grow or get better in some way even though I may not have a clue as to how something good could possibly come out of the current situation or what I can do, leads me out of an emotional cesspit into appropriate action and positive change.

Finding the blessing is necessarily coupled with the questions:

What Can I Learn from This?

How can I, you, or how can we use our difficult or upsetting situation to be better in some way?

How can it make my, yours, or our ___ (business, relationship, life, health or community) better?

And right now with the crises from Covid 19, all of us can ask:

How can we use our experience with this global pandemic and shutdown to make

  • our countries stronger and better?
  • our business and economies more resilient?
  • our immune system and overall health better?
  • our supply chains more crises proof?
  • the information upon which we base serious decisions more accurate?
  • our food supply less dependent upon non-local sources?
  • our supply of critical items no longer totally dependent upon foreign nations?
  • our source of  personal income less dependent upon only one source?
  • our neighborhoods more supportive?
  • our governments – local, state and national – more responsive to the wishes of it’s ordinary citizens not just the big monied interests?
And how can we make sure others do not take unfair advantage of this or any crises to take away our our health, livelihoods, or our freedoms to enrich themselves and advance their private agendas at our expense?
Copyright 5/4/2020 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and links are included to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com .