Dowsing for Solutions

My father’s influence

I born into an engineering family. My father, who was a mechanical engineer, inventor of roller bearings for General Motors, and occasional instructor for Hyatt GM, taught me early on to work out my problems on paper. He told me to “think negatively towards a positive solution.” In other words, consider your design from all possible angles including things that could go wrong. And if things are already going wrong, redesign to counteract those non desired effects in order to get your desired outcome. 

Inventors like my late father are both highly analytical and highly creative—a perfect blend of left and right brain thinking, rational and psychic, logical and artistic, head and heart. This is true with dowsers as well. Dowsing is a balancing of both hemispheres of the brain. The analytical and logical left brain helps you to research the subject at hand—both to clarify exactly what is desired, and the elements that may be causing or sustaining a problem, and those that may lead to a possible solution. 

Resolving problems starts first with a recognition that there is a problem and knowing what that is.

My father’s way of thinking applies perfectly to dowsing for solutions to problems and for goal achievement of any kind. Although you may have a clear positive intent of what you want to create, you should also check for and eliminate whatever could sabotage or negatively impact upon that intent. To ignore or deny the negative factors is like putting ice cream (your affirmations and positive desires) on top of horse manure. 

Factors to be considered include among others, your gut level belief in yourself, and in your ability to learn and to solve each phase of the project, your belief in the viability of your project, and your allowance of it versus any doubt or fear. Other factors include conflicts, motivation, commitment, endurance, and anything that could be sap your strength, energy, or your ability to follow through.

Determine the likely causative factors to resolve or clear, and any challenges or conflicts that will need to be addressed. Dowse out your priorities and the order in which to tackle them. Set up a strategy for the best course of action to follow. Your analytical mind will assist you to fine tune your dowsing questions. In fact, you can dowse “is this question now worded correctly?”

For any problems you are likely to encounter again, develop dowsing charts and checklists. These are especially useful and time saving in future.

The real problem may not be apparent.

There can be a problem beneath the problem. For example, you may think that the problem is that you ___ (drink/smoke/eat too much). And while that may be true, there can be an unconscious need or wound that is driving it, for example, trauma, pain, boredom, feeling unloved/not good enough/angry/hurt, etc., unable to set healthy boundaries or express your needs to others, difficulty communicating with others, poor stress management skills, ad infinitum.

So the first task is to write out what you think the problem is. Then dowse out: 

Is this the real problem? If you get a ‘no’, brainstorm on paper until you find it.

Is there a problem underneath that is either creating or aggravating the problem of ___? If you get a ‘yes’, brainstorm what that might be. Always include the word ‘other’ on your list, and dowse out.

You may want to know when the problem first began, and if it originated with you in this or another lifetime, or if you inherited it from an ancestor. For example, author Dr. Bradley Nelson of The Emotion Code as well as others has found that we frequently carry issues that are passed down on our DNA. [Nelson, by the way, has a helpful chart of non-beneficial emotions that can be located with kinesiology. I use his chart with dowsing instead.]

With dowsing, you may ask if you need to research a particular issue. If you get a yes, it may be helpful to know what players are involved as this can help to refresh your memories and emotions and focus on forgiveness or understanding. You can make or purchase dowsing charts for this purpose. Here is mine, Therapeutic Dowsing and Telepathic Healing. 


What do you want instead?

Hint—it is NOT to not have that problem on ____. Clarify the positive opposite of what that problem would look/feel like. How would it show up? How would anyone know without you telling them that you solved that problem?

How motivated are you on a subconscious level?

On a scale of 1-10 how much do you want to resolve that problem and achieve your objective on a subconscious level? Is that problem serving a need or secondary gain? Is it protecting you? To what degree will your subconscious mind permit you to solve the problem? I call this your level of allowance. To what degree will it resist? This is your level of resistance.

Dowse this one at a time and get the percentage for each. Ideally, you want to get the resistance (probably a fear) down to zero and the allowance up to 100%. The way to do this is ask your subconscious mind to review everything to do with that problem, and extract the positive learning first. Then ask if you can heal/transmute any fear or resistance. If you get a ‘yes’, then go and do so.

Secondary gain is a benefit that you get out of a problem that the unconscious mind considers of greater importance than the problem itself. For example, an illness can serve to protect you from something that is painful, upsetting or threatening. Or it can provide attention, acts of love and kindness that you crave. [See the article, “Secondary Gain – A Gain From Pain”]

You might also state “I release any belief, perception or judgement that _____” (belief causing the resistance). “I now choose to believe that ___ (positive opposite belief).” Check with the pendulum again on the levels of resistance, and of acceptance. 

Is anything else blocking you?

Dowse if you have any other blocks to resolving the problem or achieving your goal. Some people have multiple goals that require more time and energy than are possible to achieve all at the same time. Priorities should be dowsed out. Perhaps all goals can be met in some measure with one being the main focus and another as a hobby or a one time event. Again, you can dowse out the percentage of time to devote to each. Perhaps, all can be met in some measure over a lifetime, or achieved sequentially instead of together. Some people have goals that conflict and will need to set up a hierarchy of values, and do some deep soul searching. If you are consciously motivated, but have unconscious blocks, those blocks will have to be addressed first.

What needs to happen?

Next, determine what has to occur to solve that problem and achieve a real transformation. Once you have clarified what you want, identified the problem and elements to be addressed, and brainstormed possible solutions, it is time for action. This may be through dowsing alone as in mental or emotional healing, or through physical or other action. 


Manifesting is the act of creation through joining strong clarity of intent with strong emotion. Positive creation will require an elevated emotion such as love, joy, gratitude, bliss.

Quiet your mind, and drop down into the deepest part of your inner being with clear focused desire to connect with Source — that universal sea of consciousness behind all that is. This is the repository of information, ideas, wisdom and guidance linking all minds throughout time and space. This is the place of pure creation, healing and manifestation where it is possible to alter reality and create miracles. Stay there until you feel a sense of completion – this can be seconds or much longer.


Dowsing is phenomenally valuable in all aspects of problem solving: clarifying intent, aligning with that intent, removing any blocks to such alignment, raising one’s frequency, and connecting with universal consciousness and divine creation to bring about the results you want with greater ease, grace and speed. 


For more information, you can reach Roxanne Louise at 434-263-4337, or

Original copyright 3/17 by Roxanne Louise, and rewritten 6/18. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.  

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