Getting to the Root of It

Anyone who has dealt with weeds knows that unless you can dig up the taproot, the weed comes back. And anyone who has gotten a splinter, knows that until you get it all out, the pain continues. Get only part of it out, and it becomes inflamed and perhaps infected. Thinking positive, ignoring it, or trying not to think about it only prolongs the problem and make it worse.

 And so it is with negative repeating patterns. Any time there is a negative pattern of any kind, you can bet that the root cause has not been addressed. The only way to change things and stop the same problem occurring over and over again is to find and clear the original issue, which will be the unhealed trauma and the negative belief or judgment about the experience.

If you are successful, you will probably not get any more such experiences, or at least, less of them. But should something similar happen again, it’s effect upon you will be greatly mitigated, and you will much more quickly, and with greater effectiveness, grace and ease handle it in a better way. While the annoying people in your life may not have changed, you will have. Therefore, your experience of it will be different. Because you think differently about things that used to bother you, you feel and respond differently.

Getting to the bottom of issues can be tricky and time consuming.

The original event and the interpretations about it may be unknown, long forgotten or repressed. And instead of just one traumatic event, it may be a layering of multiple events, each reinforcing the detrimental judgment that with a self-fulfilling prophecy that tends to 

    • either attract more experiences of like kind,
    • Or you just react and feel as if they are the same type of event even if they are not. In other words, you perceive and feel ____(slight, insult, prejudice, etc.) because you are sensitized, not necessarily because it was intended or actually happened. 

Healing requires not only taking corrective action in the moment, but learning from the experience. Through strong intention, you can decide that the very experience that upsets you will enhance your personal and professional growth, adding to your wisdom, your maturity, and your greater value to others as a leader, counselor, mentor and role model. I call this ‘finding the blessing’.

It is not enough to just neutralize the negative emotions.

Learn and grow through them as well. 

But then go further. 

Ask yourself, “has anything like this happened before?” 

If you get a ‘yes’, then your current problem is alerting you to the need to heal these earlier issues now, and perhaps other related additional ones that you don’t remember. If you do find and heal the root cause, the negative pattern will stop. And if that happens, then go and personally thank the person who is your current ‘pain in the butt’, the one that brought the issue to your attention and motivated you to address it.

Layering of memories

We are hard wired as part of our survival mechanism to put meaning to experience – to interpret it as good or bad, threatening or not. It is the interpretation, not the event itself, that determines the emotion that follows. Perhaps you had an upsetting experience and then made a judgment about it, an interpretation of what it meant to you that you forgot or repressed. Perhaps it was never verbalized, or didn’t register consciously because it happened at a young age, in the womb, or in a past life.

We now have scientific evidence from studies done with mice and children of Holocaust survivors that issues and emotions such as fear are being passed on the DNA to the generations that follow. This may be part of the survival mechanism for the species.

But not only can you pick up things up unconsciously from your ancestors in that way, any vividly imagined events especially those with high emotion can register on an unconscious level as if they actually happened to you even if they did not. This includes the stories you hear from your family, your culture, group, or witness in the media. It can include those experiences of book or movie characters that make a deep impression. All of these elements become part of the soup making up your beliefs and judgments, which go on to create or at least influence your future experiences and it’s impact upon you.

Regardless of where or when it originated, it and others like it are stored internally and can effect you until you process or reframe them. Reframing is changing your interpretation of the event.

For example, after a bad accident, you might continue to shake with fear thinking “I almost died”, but you could also interpret it as “if I’m still here, I must have a purpose,” or “I survived and I’m going to celebrate every day because you never know how long you have, or ”I was protected” or “help was there precisely when I needed it.”

As more and similar experiences occur over time, they are added to the previous ones making the event, the emotions and judgements around them more pronounced like a toe that keeps getting stepped on until it becomes very sensitized and you become over zealous in protecting it.  The one-time judgment about someone stepping on your toes then becomes a generalized global judgment, such as “everyone keeps stepping all over me”, or a sensitivity or issue as in “I have constantly be on the alert that no one steps on me again.” 

Triggers and other factors

But along with the experience that is logged into your memory bank, so are the various elements of that experience – the sounds, colors, location, season, date, and the various people and other things present. Each element is capable of triggering the entire memory and the emotion connected to it. Such elements are labeled triggers. But in addition to the elements present at the time of the experience, you can also react to other things not involved in the bad experience itself, but merely associated with the person, places or things that were involved.

For example, if you have a bad breakup with your boyfriend, you can understand why you to feel uncomfortable should you bump into him again. But now you may very well experience discomfort upon seeing one of his friends or relatives, or hearing one of the bands that both of you enjoyed, your favorite song, or being in a place that you used to go to together. Everything you associate with that boyfriend can awaken all the painful emotions and reasons for the break up. These are triggers too.

With some triggers, you clearly know where the emotion such as the fear comes from. But with other emotions, fears, tension or uneasiness, you may not remember the connection. These are more properly labeled as phobias. The fear seems irrational because the connection to the event that caused it has been lost. So it is not just the upsetting event that needs to be cleared, but also all of the triggers, many of which you may be unaware of until they are activated.

Multiple modalities help to find and process the issue.

1. Meditation

One way a person can get clues is through meditation. Just still your mind and let a question roll around in your mind. For example: 

  • “where does this ____ (emotion/ issue/ problem of ____) come from?”
  • Or, “what do I need to know or let go of to heal this issue fully and completely now?”
  • Or, “how can I look at this experience so that it doesn’t bother me nearly as much?”
  • Or, “why does this problem/issue of ___ keep happening over and over again?”

2. The Infinite Intelligence Process 

The Infinite Intelligence Process is a 3-prong modality that I developed. It can be used with meditation, formal hypnosis, self-hypnosis, or dowsing. I use it daily to clear my mind so that I have a restful sleep, quickly process the events of the day, relieve stress, chip away at issues, access internal resources, and, in general, speed up problem solving and make life go smoother. You can learn it through my book Accessing More – Tapping into the Eternal, Unlimited Self with the Infinite Intelligence Process.

You could utilize phrases like:

 “There is a part of my Being that knows where this ___ (emotion/ issue/ problem of ____) comes from and is bringing everything that I need to know into my awareness so that it can be healed/resolved now.” 

Or “There is a part of me that knows how to heal/resolve this in a way in which I am really pleased, and is doing so now.” 

Or after installing the Process Program that is activated with trigger words of process followed by go, you could say:

“From the perspective of my High Self, process and resolve everything to do with the problem of ____ in a way in which I am really pleased. Go.”

3. Hypnosis

Hypnosis has multiple methods of regressing to cause and then resolving the issue. In age regression, the information is brought up into awareness, verbalized in the hypnosis. The client is then guided in reframing or otherwise resolving the issue until it seems complete. My favorite hypnotic techniques are called ‘unconscious healing modalities’ because they operate below the level of conscious awareness and do not involve any verbalization by the client. The hypnotherapist creates depth of trance, establishes an ideomotor response, gets the agreement of the unconscious mind to locate and resolve the issue by itself. The instructions include to resolve the issue “in a way in which ___ (name) is ‘really pleased”.

4. Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Time Line Therapy outlined in a book by the same title is a specific technique within NLP developed by Tad James and Wyatt Woodsmall. It is very helpful to quickly clear issues for which you don’t know the origin. It works below the level of conscious awareness. The instructions include “find the positive learning and release the upset.”

5. The Emotion Code

This method was developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson and works with muscle testing. But I use pendulum dowsing instead to locate the issue and determine the degree to which it is involved. Even if I use a magnet or running my fingers along the governing meridian as he suggests, I will also use dowsing to clear it further, and then check the degree to which I was successful.

6. The Emotional Freedom Technique 

Tap on the issue and everything around it including “Even though I may not know where this _____ (issue, emotion, problem of ___) comes from, I deeply love and accept myself.” 
There are other energy modalities as well to change beliefs. 

7. Dowsing

20190411_dowsing cover

Pendulum dowsing using charts and checklists specially created for this purpose can quickly find the root cause and related factors of any issue. You can learn to do on your own, anytime day or n


ight. No appointment and no wait time is necessary. It can find information that is not accessible either at all or not as easily found another way. It is extremely helpful in all problem solving, but especially helpful when the original cause is unknown, unconscious, forgotten, repressed, picked up in the womb or from the culture or tribe, or even stemming from past lives.

See Therapeutic Dowsing and Telepathic Healing, available on my website.


4 Upcoming Workshops

Santa Cruz Vending 7:16 copyThis year, I will be addressing finding and resolving root causes of issues from different angles. They are listed below.

Workshop at the Grace Wellness Center, Meredith, New Hampshire, Saturday, April 4, 2020. An all day class, Therapeutic Dowsing & Telepathic Healing”, teaching you pendulum dowsing for locating and clearing stuck mental/emotional issues, as well as practical problem solving for anything. Click here for details.

Workshop at the White Mountain Dowsers in Plymouth, New Hampshire, Sunday, April 5, 2020. A 3+hour workshop on “Discovering Your Unlimited Potential with Hypnosis, Dowsing & Healing Intention”. Click here for details.

Presenting at the HypnoExpo, Orlando, Florida, April 24-26, “Memory- Staying Out of Legal Problems” Seminar, and “The Shadow Knows”. Click here for details.

Presenting at HypnoBiz New York, May 29-31, “Healing Anger Without Killing Anyone!” . Click here for details

Half-Day Workshop at the American Society of Dowsers Convention, Plymouth, New Hampshire, “Heal Yourself to Heal Your World”. See Click here for details.

Presenting at the West Coast Dowsers Conference, University of California, Santa Cruz, July 2-7. Half day Workshop . Details to follow. See

Presenting at the National Guild of Hypnotists Convention, Marlborough, Massachusetts, August 7-9. “Heal Yourself to Heal Your World” and“Releasing Anger Without Killing Anyone!”.  Click here for details.

More classes are scheduled elsewhere but with pandemic issues in 2020, things are in flux.

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.


Hypnosis for Cancer (and other) Patients

Make a Powerful Healing Difference!

Most major diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, come about after a long period of stress, bad habits, unbalanced lifestyle, overall abuse or neglect of one’s health or needs. Fixing it then is not as simple as undergoing surgery, a particular medical treatment or drug protocol even if those are indicated. It also requires addressing what weakened or overloaded the system in the first place. 

Dealing with stress, both current stressors and past unresolved issues, is always indicated because it is stress that robs vital energy needed for the body’s defense and healthy cell regeneration and repair. 

Hypnotherapists are ideal in helping cancer as well as many other types of patients because we already are experts in many of the factors important for a well rounded treatment protocol.

  • We create hypnoanesthesia for childbirth, surgery, dentistry as well as trauma situations
  • We reduce stress that interferes with the body’s natural defenses.
  • We help heal emotional trauma that may have weakened the system.
  • We enhance relaxation that eases all types of pain (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual), and brings about much needed rest.
  • We utilize positive suggestions to maximize the Placebo Effect.
  • We create and then collapse negative anchors to undo the Nocebo Effect and negative self-fulfilling prophesy.
  • We utilize healing visualizations to assist the body to heal.
  • We empower the client by teaching him multiple self-help tools such as self-hypnosis, stress and anger management, pain management, self-guided visualizations.
  • We install desired, helpful habits, and increase a client’s motivation for practicing them: healthy eating, detoxification, regular exercise, work and sleep habits.
  • We help the client to eliminate unwanted, detrimental behaviors such as smoking or bad eating habits.
  • We help to improve attitude.
  • We help heal relationships.
  • We improve sleep.
  • We teach goal setting and staying focused on any helpful routine including treatment protocols.
  • We assist in problem solving for anything that comes up.
  • We assist the client contacting and working with the healer within that may already know what has to happen in order to heal.

But most importantly, hypnotherapists help clients to 

  • get in touch with their inner core to find the part of their life that is out of balance and draining their life force, and then addressing it, 
  • and to find and fulfill the unmet needs the soul requires to demonstrate good health.
  • If you fire up the spirit, the soul of the person, it can mobilize the system and fire up the body to do what it already knows to do to heal.

In addition to any indicated medical treatment, for healing to occur

  • there has to be a big enough reason to heal, 
  • the energy drains on the system (toxins, overwork, stress and internal conflicts) have to be cleared away,
  • and more energy needs to come in not just with sleep, good nutrition, but also through loving relationships, meaning, purpose and joy.

During a workshop on this topic at the National Guild of Hypnotists, I taught hypnotherapists multiple ways of becoming a powerful asset in their client’s healing journey whether with cancer patients or those with other serious health issues.


Hypnosis has traditionally been used as adjunctive therapy to allopathic medicine. As such, it did the following:

  • reduction of symptoms caused by the illness directly
  • reduction of symptoms caused by the treatment, such as hair loss, nausea from chemotherapy/radiation, and by any medication
  • fear of diagnostic tests, surgery and/or treatment
  • motivation to follow the medical treatment protocol
  • motivation to follow any other physician recommendations, such as follow thru with dietary changes, physical therapy, etc.
  • hypnosis for anesthesia, and speedy post-operative recovery
  • visualization for healing
  • elimination of health destructive habits such as smoking (cancer), or anger outbursts (as in high blood pressure)


The expanded use of hypnosis includes all of the above plus a very wholistic look at the entire life of the patient to bring harmony and balance conducive to good health. This includes:

  • undoing the Nocebo Effect—the impact that fear, hopelessness and self-fulfilling prophecy has had or could still have from hearing the diagnosis of their condition and the likely prognosis that the illness will take. The negative suggestions/expectations may have come from the medical staff, but also support groups, friends/family or even online.
  • locating and resolving the major drivers for the disease — the main mental/emotional stressors that have weakened the system.

This understands that while anything that stops energy leaking out of the body’s system, and reduces stress, including long buried issues, frees up energy for the body to heal, there needs to be a deliberate search for and healing of those specifically related events, beliefs, judgments and decisions.

  • addressing the energy equation.

Illness results when more energy demands are placed on a body than it has the reserves to cover.

Anything that  stops energy from leaking out maintains critical energy reserves. 

Anything that brings more energy into the system makes more energy available for the body to do what it already knows how to do in order to heal.

  • motivating the client to investigate, inaugurate on a can’t hurt basis, and maintain a common sense approach to good self-care in addition to what was advocated by the client’s team of medical advisors.

This relates to improving the energy equation, and can include:

  • improving diet, sleep and exercise
  • adding supplements, herbs, homeopathic, aromatherapy, or other
  • various healing modalities for overall wellness not directly tied to healing the specific illness (massage and other bodywork, energy work, chiropractics, etc.)
  • eliminating counter productive habits that go beyond smoking or overeating, but include non-beneficial mental and emotional habits as well
  • reducing toxicity
  • addressing the spiritual dimension

This will include connecting to that something More beyond the body and the self. It could include a connection to what people call God, but could also be a connection to family, community, nature, humanity as a whole.

It also looks to whether the client has a sense of meaning, value and purpose in his life. If, for example,  the client perceives life as meaningless and unfulfilling, why heal? This relates to strengthening the “life urge”, the will to live. But it goes beyond just the ego’s drive to survive to something more, to fulfilling some important purpose or goal, such as raising a child.

  • accessing internal wisdom to locate and heal what’s out of balance in the person’s life

This may include visualizations that personify and work with the “healer within”, Gestalt dialog, or just internal questioning and affirmations as with the Infinite Intelligence Process (“There is a part of me that knows ___ and is ___ so now”).

  • looking for the message/lesson/opportunity/blessing hidden within the disease

Because physical illness is sometimes driven by the soul to heal a soul issue, the faster the learning occurs, the quicker the need for that illness is resolved. Physical healing can then (but not always) follow. Carolyn Myss talks about this.

  • amplifying the client’s inner wisdom in making the right decisions for himself
  • increasing joy and overall fulfillment in life

If a person loses his will or desire to live, the body soon follows. In order to heal, there has to be a reason or desire to do so that goes beyond just get out of unpleasant symptoms or physical pain. This may mean helping the client to find and follow his life’s purpose. It may mean making radical changes in his life. Why get better if it means going back to a life or situation that is intolerable?

  • improving primary relationships
  • improving balance in life
  • dealing with any other stressors including the stress caused from being sick, the financial worries, the practical problems of not being as capable and self-sufficient as before.
  • teaching any self-help skills, particularly stress management tools (self-hypnosis, EFT, Emotion Code, Infinite Intelligence Process, etc.) , that you know and which might well help the client whether or not they are strictly ‘hypnosis’
  • utilizing any other modalities that you know (such as energy healing) and which might well help the client whether or not they are strictly ‘hypnosis’ as long as the client approves.
  • changing both the internal and external environment of the cells – this includes the mental and emotional environment as well as physical and spiritual. For Hypnotherapists, changing the environment starts with helping the client to change his perception of the environment because as Biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton says, perception creates chemistry. 

This may be as basic as healing one’s perception that they are living in a hostile environment. Fear is the big issue to address. Fear mobilizes the body for fight or flight. Only love, feeling safe, being at peace enables the body to move into growth and healing.

Physicians may offer drugs to change the cells chemistry, and diet, herbs, supplements, aromatherapy and homeopathic remedies also do so. But thoughts and emotions also change internal chemistry, and sometimes faster.

  • empowering the client to make informed decisions about his own treatment.

Hypnotherapist and long time Director of Health, Education, AIDS Liason, Michael Ellner says that patients who are actively involved in making their own decisions about their treatment do better. This may be motivating the client to investigate other treatment options for the disease, whether still within the allopathic model or not. These other treatment options may be in addition to or instead of traditional allopathic treatment.

  • restoring hope and eliminating the feeling of powerlessness and being a victim of disease
  • making the client aware of his resources and his ability to respond constructively to the health challenge

The goal is to empower the client to bring his body, mind, spirit and his life back into balance and harmony that will support good heath.   

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.