Quick Ways to Clear a Space of ‘Bad’ Energy

We may all may have experienced an uneasy ‘vibe’ or energetic residue that lingers in a space after strong unhappy or tragic events. Perhaps it stems from a death or divorce and what led up to it, long-standing illness or financial problems, strong dislikes or disputes in the house or neighborhood, an act of violence, arguments or sadness that seem to linger on in the very walls. While our conscious knowledge or personal memory of what took place there may be causing discomfort, it is sometimes an unconscious awareness of events that we feel. 

When the energy feels uncomfortable and stems from emotional residue, there are simple things you can do to shift it. Even if it is coming from another source and requires professional help beyond these simple fixes, doing these things may help. What you do depends upon the extent of oppressive energy that you feel. Start with something quick and simple, and work your way up until you get the results that you want depending upon the intensity of the emotional debris.

Space Clearing

Usually, you do this automatically when moving into a new space. Space clearing is always indicated then and at any subsequent time that either your own negative emotions or that of others have polluted the home or property. Historically, some of this was also done as part of spring and fall cleaning, and before major religious holidays. While everyone seems so busy today, it might be a good idea to bring this tradition back.

  • If the problem is inside the house, open the doors and windows, pull away any curtains or blinds, and let in the sun and fresh air. 
  • Clean — this can include inside closets, cabinets, and under the bed. Wash the windows and glass surfaces. Energy clings to things and dusting, polishing, washing and moving them around helps to clear stuck energies away. Clean with the intention of clearing away any anger, upset, grief, sadness in that space.
  • Clean up also applies to affected outside areas.
  • Smudge with sage, cedar or sweet grass
  • Do a light clearing exercise — imagine holy white or white golden light filling every corner of the space. If it is a house, imagine this light extending down into the basement, into the walls, up to the attic.
  • Use aromatherapy with pure sage, cedar, or rose oils
  • Place fresh flowers or eucalyptus in the area. Or if it is outside, plant colorful, blooming plants.
  • Make noise with drums, bells, gongs, bang pot lids together throughout the entire space. Open closet and cabinet doors, and bang noise into every corner of the house.
  • If it is outside, hang some wind chimes and ring them yourself if there is no wind.
  • Diffuse flower essences
  • Sprinkle holy water around and say some prayers
  • Burn epsom salts with a cap of 100% wood grain alcohol in a pie pan. Carry this burning pan around the room. I prefer this over smudging which stinks up the room with smoke which then must be cleared away before working inside. 
  • Burn purifying incense such as gum mastic, frankincense or myrrh, or protection incense
  • Burn a protection candle made with intention and the addition of special herbs
  • Perform or play holy chants. Prayers should focus on divine love, gratitude, connection to the divine.
  • Play or sing holy or inspirational music – perhaps set up a tape player to repeat continuously and saturate the walls of the house with a more harmonious frequency
  • Sing, dance and play happy music
  • Host a party or get together with happy, positive people to deliberately change the atmosphere and the mental/emotional associations with the space. Wholesome laughter is extremely helpful.
  • Draw Reiki symbols in the air and projecting throughout all walls and corners of each room. I use Cho Ku Ray and Harth.
  • Use specific energy clearing pendulums. These include Spellbreaker, Mace, Releaser, Golden Hue, Isis. Contact me for more information.
  • Get rid of clutter – clutter creates stuck energy
  • Get rid of objects that strongly remind you of painful events
  • Rearrange or change the furniture or ornaments so it looks different and you relate differently to the space
  • Paint the walls of the effected area a different color

Let me know additional ways that you use for space clearing inside or out, and your experiences.

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com  are included with the content.

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