Why should Hypnotherapists and others should learn pendulum dowsing?

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Pendulum Dowsing locates issues very fast. It allows you to quickly grasp the broader dynamics so you become more comprehensive and effective!

This translates into greater productivity and client satisfaction, and enhanced reputation, more referrals, and greater job satisfaction for you.



Benefits of Dowsing:

  • Rapidly locate the root cause and other factors involved in any issue even before a client walks in the door!
  • Pinpoint what needs to be addressed before the intake interview! This can guide the intake process itself by knowing what questions to ask!
  • Establish priorities and a treatment plan!
  • Track client acceptability of various hypnotic interventions and proper pacing!
  • Set up a strategy for problem solving of any kind – personal or professional!
  • Clear causative factors or determine a strategy to do so!
  • Determine the client’s subconscious motivation to solve his problem/reach his goal, do his part to help himself!
  • Quickly determine where a client is stuck and use dowsing to clear it!
  • Use for marketing strategies, finding an office, and a host of other practical business matters!
Dowsing whether done using a forked stick, L-rods, bobber or pendulum is a wonderful way to tune into the vast information stored in the unconscious and superconscious mind. While historically been used to locate water, gold and ores, and more recently applied to locating missing persons, pets, objects such as unexploded bombs, it can be used for literally everything INCLUDING every aspect of your client work, business and personal matters.
As a hypnotherapist, I use it extensively to locate and clear stuck energies, both for myself on a regular basis, and for my clients. Stuck energies include mental and emotional issues and upsets that have piled up and make dealing with current issues, staying healthy or healing if you are ill, achieving your goals, and living your life with enthusiasm and abundant vitality much more difficult. So freeing up this energy is vital to all areas of your life. It includes not just the unpleasant memories but also the negative beliefs and judgments about those events that continue to color your world and limit you in multiple ways including resolving it effectively.

How does energy get stuck?

Basically, energy gets stuck when it is unprocessed. Perhaps when an upset occurred, you or your client didn’t know how to deal with it and, therefore, didn’t. Perhaps you were too young. Perhaps you didn’t have the skills, or the awareness of what you were registering on an unconscious level. Perhaps your family, culture or religion taught you to deny and not express your thoughts and the resulting emotions. So you may have stuffed your feelings instead of quickly resolving them thereby avoiding future issues.
On the other hand, even if you had the awareness of the importance of resolving issues and even the therapeutic skills, you may have had neither the time or energy to do so. This frequently happens during a crisis, ill health, or overwhelm. By the time the emergency passes, you may be so busy on catching up on other needed tasks, that you lack any interest in going back to dealing with past unpleasantries.

The Unpleasant Wake-Up Call

As you are aware, unprocessed negative emotions and the non-beneficial thoughts have a way of surfacing as illness, insomnia, nightmares, relationship issues, increasing irritation, explosive bursts of anger, depression, malaise, and problems of all types. Consequently, it is important process them as quickly as possible. However, many times what you think is resolved does not stop the negative repeating pattern. This indicates that you never addressed the root cause or other important factors.

Dowsing can help!

This is where dowsing is profoundly helpful to locate what you missed. Yes,  you can do hypnotic regression work, or unconscious healing modalities, but all are very time consuming and require the assistance of someone else (if it is for yourself). Here is where you can do powerful self-healing as well as cut to the chase with your clients as well.

Roxanne has written an entire course manual pictured below. Available through her website, www.RoxanneLouise.com.

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