Thank You for Being an Asshole!

It gave me the push I needed to move on to something better!


Thanksgiving is a traditional time to think about our many blessings and focus on gratitude for the many wonderful people in our life.

And while it is easy to be grateful for good things, I have learned to also be grateful for when someone has crossed that unspoken, invisible line that enabled me to finally end an unhappy situation or relationship–the one beset with problems that I was tolerating, but which lacked sufficient justification in my own mind to leave UNTIL he/she/they did the one thing that could not be forgiven. Had they not done that,  I might still be there unhappy and frustrated for more wasted time.

Maybe it was a job that seemed to be dead-end. Maybe you were passed over for promotions. Maybe someone was cheating on you, or repeatedly treating you with disrespect, taking advantage of your kindness or generosity as if they were entitled to it, or taking you for granted over and over – expecting much but giving little in return. You didn’t speak up, stop it, or walk out for some reason until ….

Whatever it was that was the final straw–the one more time too many to gloss over, to forgive, to pretend that it wasn’t happening, or that it wasn’t that important, the one more time it became apparent that trying to talk about it and work it out wasn’t ever going to work–that one more time, no matter how upsetting or painful, was precisely what was needed to get you to rise up and say ‘NO MORE! That one more time finally precipitated decisive action that led to your growth, and, yes, something better. And that is why I can be grateful to the jerk that got me moving because in the end it turned out to be a BLESSING!

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.

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