Regrettably, a lot of problems have desended upon the farm/home front that are consuming vast amounts of time & attention as 3 of my employees are out at the same time that the workload has increased dramatically. So it has been decided to reschedule my fantastic workshop “Be the Change!”  We will notify everyone on our email list once a new date is selected. If you are not yet on our list, write to to be added.

This power packed 3-hour workshop will teach you how to 

  • Change detrimental beliefs, 
  • Extract the positive learning to be gained from your experiences,
  • Release stuck energies from upsetting emotions, 
  • Heal traumas, 
  • Resolve issues,
  • Clear secondary gain & blocks getting in your way from doing the work you are here to do, 
  • Communicate on an etheric level to get past the ideological divide with others so that we can live & work together respectfully for solutions to shared problems, & various ways to
  • Send healing energy when you don’t know what else to do wherever it is needed in the world.


Replay of “Regaining Your Center in Times of Stress” with Roxanne Louise

Free Online Seminar Replay of program sponsored by the Foundation of Mind-Body Research:

Due to technical difficulties that prevented Roxanne from sharing the slides & handouts, email for both for full coverage of the material. 

“The Infinite Intelligence Process”

With Roxanne Louise

Nor Cal Dowsers Meeting, Sunday, April 21, 2024

@ 2 PM Pacific (3 PM Mountain, 4 PM Central, 5pm Eastern)


Here is a powerful, yet easy to learn 4-part self help healing system designed to tap into your inner resources on an unconscious or soul level to generate energy, ideas & creative new solutions, to resolve problems, personal  issues, relieve stress, manifest & to heal on all levels – mental, emotional, physical & spiritual – AND to share that healing with others. It does so quickly all below the level of conscious awareness. This system was designed to be done anytime, anyplace with dowsing, meditation or hypnosis as a self-help tool or as a major therapeutic tool by hypnotherapists or other mental health practitioners. It is also infinitely adaptable to multiple other modalities such as the Emotional Freedom Technique, Emotion Code, Ho’Oponopono, & Spirit Releasement Therapy. 

 One part of the system called “Process”, which is a stress management program that once installed works with a short phrase & trigger words. It is adapted to clear detrimental beliefs, emotions or energies that are causing problems. This allows for greater peace of mind that allows for better sleep, productivity & health. Another part is called “Connect” that affirms that all the answers for the objective we seek are within. That recognition connected to the goal allows the creative juices to flow, enhances healthy ego strengthening & spiritual healing. A third part is “Command & Reset” which is an important part of manifesting & goal achievement, and a fourth part is “Duplicating Benefits & Giving Thanks”, which extends your personal healing to others to create a tsunami of healing around the world.

Roxanne’s Books:

The volume discussing the full program Infinite Intelligence Process is in Accessing More – Tapping into the the Eternal, Unlimited Self with the Infinite Intelligence Process

For more information, see this blog article:

Join Zoom Meeting :

Meeting ID: 820 1083 9348

Passcode: 487885

BIO: For information about Roxanne Louise see, , & her blog with over 170 articles – .

For information about Nor Cal Dowsers located in Redding, California, see

“Be the Change!”

A 3-Hour Workshop with Roxanne Louise
In Affiliation with Nor Cal Dowsers, Redding, California
NOTE DATE CORRECTION: Sunday, May 5 (not 7), 2024
Noon Pacific Time, 1 PM Mountain, 2 PM Central, & 3 PM Eastern Time.

“Before you can help make the world right, you must be made right within.” John Miller

Who we are is reflected in the world around us. As we are part of society, we have played a part in creating, contributing to, tolerating or allowing what has gone on in that society. So addressing what we don’t like going on in our world has to include healing ourselves. As within, so without. This includes healing disempowering thoughts, emotions, unresolved issues, lingering trauma or upsets that
• stops us from taking needed action,
• doing what is ours to do,
• Interferes with listening to or working respectfully with others to find solutions, or
• have us sitting on the couch waiting for knight on shining armor to do the work for us.

Positive, lasting change has to start with us.

Physicist, Tom Campbell, has said that simply replacing the leaders or the system, will not result in real, long-term improvement unless the consciousness of the populace changes. One dictator or set of crooks will be replaced by others until the population no longer supports them. “Unless WE change, real, permanent change will not happen. But as we grow and evolve in consciousness, our leaders and systems will reflect that.”

History has also demonstrated that a single individual is not powerless. One person can make a difference. And that person doesn’t have to be a guru, a charismatic leader, or a motivational speaker. Ordinary people such as Rosa Parkes made a difference. There are people out of the limelight quietly doing simple things like planting trees, cleaning up debris, that over time make an impact upon their communities. Dr. Hew Len in his daily practice of Ho’Oponopono made such a profound difference on the criminally insane that within just 4 years the psych ward at Hawaii State Hospital was no longer needed. And Lynn McTaggert in her book, Power of Eight, has shown the incredible results that have taken place with group meditation. Because consciousness is entangled, the thoughts, emotions, and consciousness of each individual are felt by the whole. As each person evolves, he makes easier for the next to do so.

As Mahatma Gandhi has said: We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do.”

In this 3 hour workshop you will learn how to identify & resolve your own issues that are reflected in society or getting in your way from doing the work & making the contribution you are here to do. AND you will also learn how to duplicate the healing benefits to others, & address regional & global issues through focused group intention. We will start with clearing any feelings of powerlessness, victimization, hopelessness, despair, grief, anger, rage, trauma that either we experienced in this or other lifetimes, or that is carried on our DNA from our ancestors.

Your investment of $45 includes handouts. Registration can be done directly by calling Roxanne Louise in Virginia at 434-263-4337 & paying by credit card, or going online & entering $45 in the donation area of her home page, Be sure to register by May 5. Here is the direct link: d6Vi1pLBXkwaAWWLkG8Ti0G2CkwR-63FmqxjLAOSpHElBp2

BE SURE TO SEE our blog article, “Heal Yourself to Heal Your World”

Regaining Your Center In Times of Stress

Free Online Seminar, Saturday, April 6 at 4 PM Eastern (3 PM Central, 2 PM Mountain, 1 PM Pacific)

     In a time of rapid change, increasing polarization of society, & breakdown of institutions, how can you find solid ground upon which to base your life, guide your decisions & plan when the world as you knew it is gone & the future is very much in flux?

     What is the rock you stand upon? How can you regain your sanity when you start freaking out? Or release anger without killing anyone? How can you take the stress of massive change to grow & heal, & by extension to help to heal the world around you as well? In short, how can you take the chaos as motivation to tap into the wisdom within, work on what needs to be addressed starting with the self, & to find & enhance the strength inside to ultimately turn it into a blessing?

     At age 4 like the Lucy of Peanuts cartoon fame, Roxanne Louise started counseling playmates, & was overheard telling another 4 year old that she was “Master of Herself”. Roxanne’s life since has been a personal & vocational quest to understand people, & for various methods that can help especially in the realm of mental & emotional healing & stress management. As in the saying “be careful what you ask for”, much of her knowledge & wisdom has been gained the hard way. During this presentation, she will go over many quick & easy ways she has found effective to reduce stress & turn problems into compost for personal healing & growth.
The Foundation for Mind-Body Research is hosting this free online seminar . Here is a link to their most recent newsletter announcement where you can register. . All videos are recorded & are available here:

Dowsing on Mental & Emotional Issues

Healing Through Time –

Do you live in or around Syracuse, New York?

Quick & Easy Ways to Reduce Stress

  • BREATHE DEEPLY – EXERCISE OR DO SOMETHING PHYSICAL – Any physical activity will get oxygen to your brain so you think clearer at the same time that you discharge stress out of your muscles. Some activities such as singing, dancing, lovemaking, gardening, cleaning out the garage, have additional benefits such as fun, satisfaction, connection to Nature, enhance your relationship, or provide satisfaction and relief to get a needed project done.
  • CHANGE THE FOCUS OF YOUR ATTENTION – turn your head, look out at the horizon, nature, photos of loved ones, happy times, kids, animals, etc.
  • CONNECT WITH & HUG SOMEONE YOU LOVE – even your pets! Call a friend, get together.
  • USE AFFIRMATIONS – Note that affirmations only work if you can believe what you are saying. If you don’t, they will backfire! My favorite is 
    • Question: “How can I turn this into a blessing?” 
    • Affirmation: “I turn this into a blessing!” 
    • Demand from the Universe: “Turn this into a blessing!”
  • ASK FOR HELP Extra hands don’t just add to your productivity, they multiply it many times over.  They build energy.
  • PRAY & GIVE THANKS – Note that it is important to only pray for what you want, not what you don’t. Pray for guidance, understanding, clarification, insight, strength, personal character traits, skills, ideas, wisdom, healing, the right kind of assistance for anything. See the problem either moving towards resolution or being already resolved. Give thanks for it already being completed. 
  • WALKING MANTRAS – This is my personal shortcut using regular movement and sound to create self-hypnosis and reprogram the mind that I have been teaching for over 30 years. My self-hypnosis book, Your Unlimited Potential has many more listed. Take any short, affirmation that can be spoken in a sing-song rhythm and match it to steady movement like walking, cycling, or using a treadmill. Repeat the phrase over and over for a few minutes to shift your thinking in a positive direction. Some affirmations that work are below. The dots represent switching what you say to the next foot.

Ho’Oponopono for the Suffering in the World Today

“I’m sorry for whatever is within me, my relatives or ancestors in this or any lifetime that attracted, allowed, caused, contributed to or resonated in any way with the suffering in the world today. I am sorry for the pain and suffering being experienced by people everywhere whether from natural disasters to all forms of manmade causes such as _____ [add any of specific concern, ie. genocide, wars, riots, crime, hatred, rage, hunger, homelessness, fear, trauma, grief, human trafficking], and more.

Please forgive me. Please forgive all of us. Please correct any erroneous thoughts in my consciousness and/or our shared consciousness that is responsible in any way.

I love you. I love you as I recognize that we are each part of the human family despite any differences.

Thank you for bringing to my attention what needs to heal within myself. Thank you, Infinite Source of All That Is, for bringing love, healing, harmony and balance into this situation for the Highest Good of all. Thank you for healing any resonance with the problem within me, and correcting any errors in my consciousness and humanity’s shared consciousness. Thank you for bringing us all into alignment with the Source of unconditional love, our divine guidance so that we exercise right use of power. Turn this suffering into a blessing. Amen.”

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