Integrating Hypnosis & Reiki


Mikao-Usui-2How can integrating Reiki with Hypnosis be a great help to both Hypnotherapists and Reiki Practitioners?

Have you ever had a client who fell asleep during hypnosis and didn’t hear a word you said?

  • Want a quick technique that causes instant trance?
  • Gets the suggestions quickly implanted deep into the unconscious mind?
  • Works regardless of whether the client fell asleep or is only in a shallow level of trance or none at all so that the suggestions work anywayeven on
    • infants,
    • children,
    • elderly,
    • people with narcolepsy or a
    • low attention span,
    • those under anesthesia or
    • in a coma, and
    • even those who don’t speak your language?
    • And can even be used for animal communication? 
  • Would you like a technique that works beautifully with the
    • highly analytical,
    • “unhypnotizable” or
    • difficult client?
  • Would you like an additional tool that relaxes even the most difficult, stressed person?
  • Do you want something more to
    • enhance healing,
    • build stamina, and
    • reduce or remove headaches,
    • muscle spasms, cramps, and
    • other pain with your clients?
  • Want powerful techniques to heal the
    • inner child,
    • past traumas,
    • painful relationships and more,
    • some that are even content free?
  • Want a powerful way to do
    • soul retrieval,
    • soul integration?
  • And would you like an additional business that is compatible with
    • hypnosis,
    • pain management,
    • stress management,
    • past life regression,
    • shamanic work, bodywork,
    • counseling, or
    • animal healing?

You can do more to help your clients through the power of positive suggestion and visualization in the same bodywork session?

  • Reiki can be used to do powerful, emotional release work on yourself and others!
  • Replace negative thinking with positive mental reprogramming!
  • Release blocks or reasons for self-destructive habits and behavior!
  • Get rid of negative beliefs or judgments!
  • Instill positive new beliefs and habits!

Reiki is sometimes preferable and more powerful than straight hypnosis.

But together they create powerful synergistic effect on all levels of body, mind and spirit. Reiki can be done on yourself or others. All life forms benefit.


Even before adding hypnotic languaging, visualizations or interventions, Reiki significantly

  • speeds up healing,
  • reduces or eliminates pain,
  • stress,
  • detoxifies the system,
  • increases circulation,
  • stamina,
  • improves digestion
  • and sleep,
  • calms the nerves and
  • mental chatter, and
  • improves overall well-being.

Some problems just seem to melt away without discussion or intervention. Colds and flu became nonexistent for me several years following my first Reiki class in 1990. But combining the two modalities make an unbeatable healing tool.

Self use of Reiki and hypnosis has

  • saved my life more than once and has
  • severely reduced the negative consequences of accidents, illness and other challenges.

It has made a

  • profound difference in my personal growth,
  • emotional healing, and has
  • deepened my spiritual life.

 Reiki–Path to Transformation – 3 volumes

These books were originally written in 1992 and revised continually since. The latest version is 2017. They are still current and important as they bring the best of both modalities together in a powerful, easy to understand and practice way.

I was the first to teach HypnoReiki!

Putting the two modalities together as early as 1990, and writing about it soon after, certifying people across India in HypnoReiki, and teaching how to integrate hypnosis and Reiki across the United States at multiple national hypnosis conferences and also throughout India since 1992, I believe I was the first to partner these two modalities! However, I did not trademark the name, and another person came along and did so.

Integrating Reiki with Hypnosis

Learning Reiki in 1990 while operating a hypnosis practice, I immediately started integrating it into my work with hypnosis clients more and more. When a Reiki client came for hands-on-treatment, I would use only an abbreviated hypnotic induction or none at all because the Reiki energy itself creates a hypnotic state. I then followed with offering helpful hypnotic suggestions and visualizations appropriate for them as I was working on the body. Then after the hands-on-work was done, I might have them sit in a chair, do the Reiki mind-to-mind reprogramming technique (a traditional Reiki technique I greatly expanded with hypnosis) while summarizing the key suggestions already given and possibly including a hypnotic intervention technique as well.

When my hypnosis clients came into the office with a physical complaint,  I would briefly explain Reiki and ask if they want a spot energy treatment. Then even while I was conducting the intake, or later when it is time for formal trance work to begin, I would continue to either do hands-on Reiki or distant healing while also doing the hypnosis. The Reiki would help reduce their pain in and of itself.

If a client fell asleep during the hypnosis session, or I just wanted to make sure that the suggestions were firmly implanted, I would do the Reiki mind-to-mind reprogramming technique that I pioneered. Sometimes I elected to only use this technique instead of a hypnotic induction with certain people–especially those that were highly analytical, very young, or with people who had narcolepsy or were hard of hearing.

HypnoReiki Miracles

In a free hypnosis lecture, a man in the audience wanted me to show how Reiki creates trance. So he volunteered to be my demonstration subject. He had just won a sizable workman’s compensation settlement as a result of permanent injury to his Achilles heel that prevented him from climbing ladders as a roofer. Spending just 5 minutes or so with him doing this mind-to-mind Reiki reprogramming technique with key suggestions one of which was “I release all blocks known and unknown to my full healing now”, enabled him to be able to again walk normally–an amazing healing!!!

Another time after doing a Reiki attunement, I did the Reiki mind-to-mind reprogramming technique to help a woman who was scheduled for biopsy on her breast. I guided her through a visualization to imagine the growth shrinking while giving her positive suggestions. She felt a ‘ping’. Then when she went to the doctor that same day, the lump was gone!

I did this technique with a client that alternated between anorexic and bulimic behavior. The amount of energy flowing through my hands as I was holding her head and neck was so intense that I had to stretch out my arms and stand as far away from her as I could. I could easily tell from the heat which of my hypnotic suggestions or interventions were having deep impact, and which not so much, when to keep them going, and when to move on. This went on for 45 minutes. After that session, her binging and purging, which was several times/day, cut in half. After the fourth session, she was able to go through Thanksgiving with her family (a challenge to be sure) absolutely fine with no such behavior! 

At another time, I had a 4 year old brought to me because on chronic ear infections. Again, I chose the Reiki mind-to-mind reprogramming technique with suggestions of various options for her to be able to reduce or shut out what she was hearing that she didn’t want to hear, which were family arguments. These options, such as walking out of the room, telling others to be quiet or shut up, putting her hands over her ears, would still allow her the ability to hear what she did want to hear. I impressed upon her how important it was to have good hearing so that she could hear “I love you” , nice music, birds singing, and other wonderful things and sounds. Her mother told me that before they reached the car after the session, the child’s ears started draining, and there were no more infections after that.

With another client, I did the mind-to-mind communication technique for the purpose of soul retrieval. This woman had experienced a lot of trauma during her lifetime. After the session, her previous narrow face had visibly broadened and her color was much improved.  Other positive benefits were noted at the time.

Make a powerful, healing difference!

While I am not claiming that such miracles occurred with everyone, it is incredible it happened with anyone. You can never know when what you say or do is precisely what someone needs that allows them to heal, to shift, to throw off the weight of trauma or injury. Words can have a profound impact, so it is important to learn how to use them to do so in the most healing way.

Telepathic communication is an important part of healing work.

The unspoken thoughts and images, expectations and beliefs, whether positive or negative, supportive or not, that a therapist, physician, teacher, parent, spouse, or any person in a position of authority, influence and/or rapport has about a person has a powerful effect for good or ill. Hypnotherapists regularly undo the effects that negative suggestion has had on their clients. Reiki practitioners and healers of other stripes likewise need to learn how to do this also. But all need to telepathically transmit positive beliefs and expectations to their clients. You can learn how to deliberately make a powerful difference with Reiki distant healing combined with images, and the Reiki reprogramming technique.

And by the way, if you do not believe your client can improve, you must, in all fairness to them, refer them out!

Language and suggestion can heal or kill.

This is the subject of the placebo or nocebo response in medicine. It is not enough to have good intentions. Reiki practitioners and bodyworkers of all kinds need to learn the basics of hypnotic languaging because energy work creates hypnotic trance. This means that anything you say or that they hear while you are working on them and shortly thereafter while they are still super relaxed is taken in much as if it were hypnotically delivered. You can do great good or harm. My books can teach you to only say things in a way that is helpful.

Reiki can telepathically help someone mentally and emotionally.

You can send helpful suggestions or guide your clients through a hypnotic or NLP intervention, such as Time Line Therapy, telepathically. I did this sometimes when a client could not come in personally but was under duress. And there were other times that a session did not allow enough time to deal with an issue or a piece of it as thoroughly as I would have liked. Being able to reach them telepathically allowed me to tie up those loose ends. This technique consists of sending Reiki distant healing along with Reiki mental/emotional healing and adding hypnotic suggestions, visualizations or interventions. Sometimes, within minutes, they would call me back and report a complete positive shift in attitude!

Reiki induces trance, so it is important to learn basic hypnotic principles and formulation of suggestions to insure that no harm is inadvertently done through casual speech. The mental reprogramming technique is so powerful that whatever is the practitioner’s mind goes directly into the client’s unconscious. Therefore, it is imperative that the Reiki practitioner understands proper hypnotic languaging, respects the client’s wishes, and has a great deal of integrity. Therefore, not everyone can or should learn these advanced techniques.

As you are gathering, there is more to Reiki than either hands-on energy work or straight distant healing. There is hands-on work combined with suggestion/and or visualization. There is mind-to-mind reprogramming you can do on yourself, or on another person. There is distant healing combined with telepathically communicated suggestions, visualizations, and/or interventions. There is a drawing exercise with distant healing as well. All three volumes of my Reiki books instruct you in several ways in which integrate the two modalities effectively.  These advanced Reiki techniques, which I either originated or greatly expanded previously known Mikao Usui Reiki methods, are outlined so you can do them yourself.

For more information, see my website: and look up the 3 Reiki books listed under ‘Store’ 

Copyright 8/5/2016 by Roxanne Louise, edited 4/20/19. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and links to and are included with the content.