Dowsing Without Permission

Recently someone called me for my professional help. Unfortunately, he called at a very bad time. While I said that I couldn’t help him that moment or even that day, nonetheless, I would him back later to get more information on what he wanted. I suggested something he do in the meantime that might be helpful.

Before we hung up, he sensed something off in my energy, and asked me if I was going through something. I said that ‘yes’ I was dealing with major technological issues with a computer program. [I was right in the middle of designing a new cover for one of my books, and the page kept flipping off the screen, the font and all type settings kept switching to a default setting I didn’t want, and I was going bonkers with trying to get it done for a meeting with the printer today. It had been working on it for hours. I was also pressed for time because I had to finish the cover before I could close down the computer, and late to get out the door to feed and lock up my farm animals for the night.  I had spent the entire week searching for a 194 page manuscript that a computer repairman had deleted from my back up hard drive along with 30 years worth of other writing including books, charts, manuals, correspondence . He was able to retrieve only a portion of it.So, yes, I was stressed and the tension must have been in my voice.

There had been other major problems, but I didn’t want to go into it. After all, this was not a friend or relative, not someone I even knew, and certainly, you do not ever discuss your personal issues with clients or potential ones. 

Anyway, when I called him back, he said that following my suggestion he now felt great. But now he wanted to ‘share’ what he picked up on me and tell me how to deal with it. The problem was that I hadn’t asked for his help. I had not given him permission to dowse or tune in with me to do a psychic reading. But because I felt that he was probably a good, decent, kind hearted man just wanting to be helpful, I was polite instead of rudely cutting him off. Nonetheless, the interchange bothered me.

This minor incident brings up some guidelines that we need to talk about in the dowsing  community. 

Here’s what bothered me:

  • Unsolicited dowsing or psychic readings are a form of snooping, spying, and are not ethical. They are an invasion of privacy. 
  • They are a betrayal of trust that others respect your psychic boundaries, and negate building a relationship with them in the future.
  • It is presumptuous that anyone without taking the time to do a detailed, lengthy  interview could possibly know what is going on in someone else’s life or advise them.
  • It can be considered arrogant to tell someone how they might address their problems without knowing all the details from a lengthly conversation–
    • what they already know,
    • what they have already been doing about it,
    • and what the results have been.
    • Otherwise you are insulting them.

While psychics and empaths may have no training or professional guidelines to follow, dowsers who have undergone any training program of value have been told that

  • you must have permission to dowse by the person for whom you are going to dowse in advance– not by their friend or spouse, but the person himself or the person with legal custody or authority has to initiate the request. You do not dowse first, and then ask to share later. If you haven’t been asked, you don’t dowse at all!

ONLY AFTER BEING ASKED, do you should proceed to ask what you consider Divine Spirit:

  •  ‘Can I, May I, Should I’?

But, I repeat YOU MUST BE ASKED to dowse! Some people skip this. DON’T.

Good intentions are NOT good enough.

Remember, that accuracy in all dowsing and intuitive work comes after a long, period of hard work. You may think you are getting permission from your true spiritual guidance to dowse or do a reading, but that thought can also come from your ego, trickster energy, not high level guidance. It is important to practice discernment in selecting someone to work with. If I don’t know you, or know you well enough to have earned my trust and confidence, I don’t want you dowsing for me.

Further, you may think that you know what someone is feeling and why they are feeling that way and what to do about it because it resonates with something within you. But your thoughts are about you and your history, not about the other person.


From every situation, there is much to learn.

VENTING EXERCISE – Writing a letter you do NOT send.  

While this entire blog post is a vent for me of something I have observed for a while, I thought it might potentially be something that could help you as well. Hence, I posted it. 

In retrospect, here what I could or should have said:

Thank you for wanting to be of assistance. But I don’t know you or your qualifications before I would feel comfortable launching into the details. Nor do I have the time to do so now. It is also a violation of my professional code of ethics to discuss any personal issues with clients or potential ones.

 I would have preferred if you had first asked me for permission to ___ (dowse/ tune into me psychically). As it is, I am somewhat uncomfortable. I feel as if was a violation of my privacy even though you are now asking for permission to share what you found. While I feel that you are good, kind-hearted person just wanting to help, I do not want to go into what is going on.

If you want to be of service, I would appreciate it if you would simply bless me by holding a positive vision of me ____ (sorting out all of my technical issues so that books are beautifully and professionally printed to great acclaim, etc.). For that, I would be grateful. Thank you.”

ReleasingAngerCoverpngIn my book, Releasing Anger Without Killing Anyone, and the workshops that I am teaching both at the Heartland Hypnosis Conference in St. Louis, Missouri on April 29, and the HypnoExpo in Daytona Beach, Florida on May 17, I recommend writing a letter to fully ventilate everything you WANTED to say but didn’t, and wished that you had. 

Get it all out in the most truthful, blunt manner. Then go back over and refine it to get to the core issue/s. If you later will want, need, or expect to talk to this person later, your un-mailed letter will have clarified the crux of what bothered you, and what you want instead so that your next conversation can be more productive.

Once done,  you can move on to a THANK YOU NOTE you also do NOT send. 

This makes you cognizant of what you learned as a result of the unpleasant interchange (and there is ALWAYS something of value to be gained). When you can acknowledge that you learned or grew a lot perhaps out of necessity, perhaps out of personal commitment to do so, or perhaps just as a natural response to the situation, it assists you to then release any negative emotions regarding that experience. Ask yourself the question, “What can I learn from this to ____ (be better, grow, improve my ____)?” “How could I have handled it better?” Then write down as many things as you can think of.

“Dear ______, thank you for inspiring me with material for this blog article.

Thank you for helping me ____ (learn to, forgive myself for, clarify, set better boundaries, speak up for myself, stop conversations immediately when they are spiraling downwards, come up with a helpful strategy to use next time, etc.)____.

WHAT About the Other Guy? What could he have done differently?

There are always times when we sense that something is ‘off’ when we are speaking with someone. It can be as simple as they are in the middle of something, they have someone on the other phone line, or are running out to an appointment, or the cat just vomited on the rug, etc.

There is no problem asking, but leave it alone if the other person does not want to talk about it, or talk to you, or then, or ___. Do not pursue it through dowsing or any psychic means. Rather just hold a positive image of them at their best – happy, healthy, centered, etc.

  • “Is this a bad time? Would you like to call me back? Can I give you my phone number and you call me when it is a good time?” 
  • “You sound ___ (stressed, tired, etc.). Are you okay? Would you like to talk about it?”
  • “I am a ___ (dowser, empath, psychic, etc.). Would you like my assistance to check on something for you?
  • “Can I help you in any way?”

Post Script: By the way, those familiar with the Law of Attraction, may have noted that I am speaking on Releasing Anger at two conferences coming up shortly. So the Universe has given me an opportunity to practice what I preach and to further expand upon the exercises I had already planned for the classes. The Universe has such a sense of humor!!!

For more information on Ethics see the blog articles below. Even while I talk about dowsing, these ethical considerations apply to any form of counseling, hypnosis, or therapeutic work:

Dowsing Ethics —“Above all, do no harm” 

Dowsing Ethics, Part 2: What Not to Do!


Copyright 3/28/2019 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and links to and are included with the content.



Making Your Dreams Come True

Mitch Horowitz on Goals and Manifestation 

mitch-horowitzRecently I have been listening to a lot of Mitch Horowitz, speaker, author of The Miracle Club and many other books on New Thought, positive thinking, and the occult. He references many of the authors I have read over decades, reiterating what I have been practicing and teaching on goal setting and achievement including creating miracles in your life. But he says it so well, that I am going to summarize his bullet points here with my own commentary.

Basically, in order to manifest your goals and create miracles in your life:

  • You must have a very NARROWLY DEFINED CHIEF AIM.

This chief aim may be expressed multiple ways with smaller goals as part of the overall direction.

For example, my chief aim is to use my voice to uplift, inspire and facilitate mental and emotional healing. I do this through organizing and running teleconferences, teaching, speaking, writing, and making products. I also belong to professional organizations where I can share, develop and express my chief aim. Years ago, I followed this same chief aim through being a professional classical singer.

  • Your goal needs to be PASSIONATE. You need to want it MORE than other distractions. 

It is this passion that will mobilize your energies to do the work and overcome challenges.

  • In addition to being very SPECIFIC, this goal needs to be held with SINGLE MINDED FOCUS. This will give you greater energy and stamina to push through to do what is needed. 

One way to keep your focus is through visualization. Imagine any scene that would imply achievement of your goal.

  • You need to make a DECISION to pursue this goal now. It is not a ‘someday’.
  • For a goal to be authentic, it must be ACTIONABLE. You have to be able to take concrete steps in the direction of it’s achievement. It is cannot be a daydream for which you can do nothing to promote.
  • Your goal must be ETHICAL and in keeping with your CORE VALUES. Furthermore, if you have any partners and collaborators, everyone needs to be in alignment both with your goal and values.

If your goal is in conflict with your values and ethics, you will experience problems in achieving them or will achieve them at a price such as in health or relationships.


See my earlier blog “Under, Over, Around and Through” as an example of bulldog perserverence and yet also knowing when to shift direction.

  • PRAY for what you want. This can be a request, but it can also be a demand or even be waving your fist.

Jean Slatter calls this Hiring the Heavens and describes it in her book by same title. I write about this in my own book Accessing More – Tapping Into the Eternal Unlimited Self with the Infinite Intelligence Process. The act of prayer summons both internal resources and the something to which we are all linked – that greater sea of consciousness and the Great Intelligence behind all that is.

  • Manifestation has a gestation period. This is the Sabbath, and a time of exercising PATIENCE and REST.

Do what work you can, and then do something to lift and renew your spirit in some way. This will give you fresh energy to bring to your goal later.

  • While you are waiting, STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE.

This continual application and learning prepares you for whatever opportunities do come your way. It also keeps your goal in focus, adding more and more energy to attract what you want.

LIMITS to Mental Causality:

Mitch acknowledges that we live under many laws and forces that effect mental causality. Results are not guaranteed by just following the Law of Attraction. By thinking it so, by visualizing and feeling you can direct miracles into your life. But you cannot always make what you want happen the way you want, when or how. Nonetheless, these are things you can do to increase the odds in your favor.

Copyright 1/2019 by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in other free online sources only if this copyright notice and links to and are included with the content.

Memories – True or False

(The topic of Memory is prescient because of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford who is accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexual abuse 36 years ago. This article was originally written in 2000 and presented since at various hypnosis conferences including the National Guild of Hypnotists. I refer to a wave of lawsuits against therapists implanting false memories especially having to do with sexual abuse back in 1990’s and since. I do not cite later lawsuits beyond the date of publication. )




What is A False Memory and False Memory Syndrome?

Interview with Dowser, Diane Bull

Recently, I interviewed Dowser, frequent presenter and former Trustee of the American Society of Dowsers, Diane Bull, regarding what she thinks is important that new dowsers understand especially on the topic of Ethics and Etiquette. This is the topic that was addressed in the last Dowsing Support and Continuing Education Teleconference Call earlier this month, but for which Diane could not personally participate as she had a previous commitment. Nonetheless, her input is important on this topic. And so I offer it more fully here.

Diane first directed me to the older version of the ASD Preamble upon which concepts the Society was founded. I quote in part: 

“Dowsing is a faculty employed with intent to expand the perceptive abilities of its practitioner beyond three-dimensional limitations. It is a most ancient, varied craft, as ancient and varied as humanity itself. Dowsing has roots, among all manner of peoples, lands, and epochs. There seems to exist an ageless natural knowledge, that enables us to identify ourselves with an unknown source of being and becoming; it is of primary significance, joining Earth, sea, and stars.” [my emphasis]

Spiritual pride is to be avoided by the dowser. Psychic powers, intellectual aptitudes, or physical skills are useless unless applied for the benefit of allThese may properly be expressed only in an increasing awareness of the oneness of all life and in greater love for the whole of humanity….the power generated in and by a group of interested persons is greater by far than the sum of its numbers.”

The primary point is that dowsing is first of all a spiritual connection. It is a receptivity to the source of being that underlies all. And Diane says that dowsing requires a pure heart and an intention of being of service for the highest good. As it is a receiving function, it cannot be pressured. It is helpful to take a deep breath, stop, center, and connect with your own core. She urges us to maintain a childlike wonder at both the process and the answers. 

Dowsing requires a balancing of humility with strength of conviction. When presenting your responses to others, do so as your ‘opinion’.

While new dowsers tend to want to take care of everybody, they need to check first if they should dowse for someone or about a particular topic. Refer out when you get a ‘no‘. You should not feel pressured to dowse for anyone or anything if you feel uncomfortable. Instead, politely decline.

Young dowsers need to rein in their excitement to want to help the whole world until they are ready. If you think that someone needs your help, find a way instead to offer love that is neither marketing nor interfering.

Diane advises seeing everyone as whole and complete, but cautions in changing another person’s energy field, especially if the energy field is already weakened. Clear the energies in the room, not in the people.

There is strength in numbers when people dowse together as it brings in each person’s strengths. Partner dowsing is also helpful. Agree to work together on the etheric level.

Yet each person’s dowsing responses should still be considered ‘opinion’, not fact. Suspend judgment, and accept one another’s differences. Remember that everyone’s truth is only their opinion. Have compassion for others. If you disagree in the group, find a separate venue to present your opinion instead of attacking the person with whom you disagree.

And above all, in all ways do no harm.

Diane lives with her husband and dowser, Leroy Bull, who also has played a prominent part in the American Society of Dowsers. They now reside in Stamford, Connecticut. Both are most skilled in a multitude of dowsing applications.



Dowsing Ethics —“Above all, do no harm” 



NOTE: Everything in the article below could just as easily be applied to ethical behavior involving any form of psychic or spiritual healing, energy work such as long distance Reiki, or remote viewing.

Dowsing About Others & Your Deepest Fears

You’ve just taken your first dowsing class and you’re all excited about the vast possibilities of finding information hidden from your conscious mind that can be elicited through dowsing. And, you or an enthusiastic friend are curious, nosy, angry, fearful, or otherwise emotional, and want to dowse on it, including dowsing for or about other people. For example, “Is my boyfriend cheating on me?” or “Do I (or does) ___ have __ disease?” 

Or you or a friend have to make important decisions with serious ramifications: “Should I get a divorce/ get married/ quit my job/ move to __?” Or you or that friend are wondering why you dislike, or are having a problem with a specific person.

Dowsing is a fantastic tool that in the hands of an ethical, grounded person who exercises common sense, and then has good training and extensive experience to recognize and avoid the pitfalls. It can lead to valuable knowledge, discovery, healing, etc.

But if entered into carelessly, or as entertainment, it can, like the Ouija board, lead to ethical violations, delusion, making serious mistakes in judgment and bad decisions, ruining relationships, reputation, and possibly harming someone else as well. Without quieting the mind and adopting a neutral attitude to the dowsing response, letting go of personal agenda and any desire to ‘fix’, control or manipulate others, you could be on a merry chase along the ego’s hopes, fears and prejudices.

Because of all these reasons, most dowsing schools teach their students to ask three basic questions listed below.

The Three Question Test

  1. May I? Do I have permission to ask questions or to do work in this area?
  2. Can I?  Do I have the ability to successfully dowse in this area? Am I ready?
  3. Should I? Is it my business to know? Is it advisable, appropriate, and the right time to do it? Am I properly prepared?

You may also want to ask: “Is this the appropriate time?” 

Having a legitimate right to know the answer is critical.

Dowsing for personal information about someone else who has not asked you for help, and about which is outside of your rightful business to know, is snooping. It is an invasion of privacy, a kind of psychic spying, and wrong. For example, inquiring about your neighbor’s sexual habits, or relationship with his spouse is none of your business.

However, if you are considering hiring someone, or giving him the keys to your house to feed the animals if you are away, if you have children, and you are considering entrusting the care of your child in this person’s babysitting care, you do have a need to know about them in the areas that are relevant to those rightful concerns – is he or she honest, trustworthy, capable, does he exercise good common sense, is he respectful of you, your family and your property, etc.

Having good intentions is not by itself enough.

While wanting to be of service and dowse to help someone who is having problems is laudable, in general, dowsers feel that you should not dowse for someone else unless they have specifically asked for your help.  There are some exceptions to this, such as dowsing on behalf of a child under your custody, and perhaps, a person in a coma.

But first apply the three question test. Is it is ethical and appropriate for you to seek information on another? Is it right for you to request specific action be taken on their behalf or are you meddling in their affairs and unwittingly trying to control or manipulate them? Unsolicited attempts to control and manipulate is black magic.

Only dowse in a way that you are sure would please them if they knew both the nature and content of your questions and your requests for healing.

Here’s the test

If the person about whom you were dowsing heard every word you said, would this person be happy about it, or be annoyed that you were poking your nose into their business? Are you being presumptuous to think that you know what’s best for them and what they want? Better to ask the person directly for permission to dowse, and precisely how they would like your help.

Don’t presume anything.

As long as you do not specify what you think their highest good might be, no permission is required to pray or dowse for someone’s highest good, or to dowse to bless them in a general way.

For example, asking Spirit to surround a person in a cocoon of love or healing energy, or to connect an individual to his own true spiritual guidance so that he makes the right decisions for himself is a blessing. However, asking Spirit to help him to ___ (leave or stay in their relationship/ stop smoking/ become a vegan/ quit or stay in his job) is serious meddling unless he has specifically asked for that help.

Just as you do not have permission to walk into your neighbor’s house and look around because you are curious, or start to redecorate it because you think it needs it, you need permission before checking on others and to change things that have no relationship to you. They are entitled to live their own life as they please even if you disagree with it or think it is wrong.

However, if you perceive that someone is suffering from non-beneficial energy such as a psychic attack or other interference, I don’t feel that you need permission from that individual to dowse to request spiritual intervention on their behalf to remove it. I consider that similar to calling the cops to tell them that thieves or trespassers are in your neighbor’s house. But ask the three questions anyway. Besides the ethical question, you could be getting in over your head. In addition, you do not willy nilly remove energy that is non-beneficial to humans as it is good for other life forms such as termites, ants and cats. Ask first what you can or should do.

  • Does the individual want your help? AND

  • Are you clear on precisely what he wants?

Just because you mean well doesn’t entitle you to remove what you consider negative thoughts, habits, or personality quirks in others. Just because you think you know what they want, doesn’t mean that you do. Lots of people say that they want something, when in their heart of hearts, they do not. Just because you think that they should not die if they are sick, does not mean that it is what the soul wants especially if it means remaining in tremendous physical pain or a vegetative state. 

While using the wording “in accordance with your Highest Good” is a helpful safety clause for dowsing, prayer or energy work such as Reiki, it is not sufficient to avoid manipulation and to prevent violation of another’s free will. Take care not to assume karmic debt by meddling with someone else. Hence again the advisability of asking

Can I? May I? Should I?” 

No permission is required to inquire about someone else if they have requested your  help, or if you are asking questions to better understand your relationship with them, but only in the areas of inquiry that are relevant. As mentioned before, it is appropriate for you to inquire about someone’s character if you are considering doing business with them, entering into a relationship, or entrusting them with some important aspect of your life, home, business or family. But stick to only what is relevant and your/their legitimate right to know, and nothing more.

Clarify the answers you receive

When dowsing, with or without charts or checklists, know that the answers indicated may not be literally true, but metaphorically or only partially so. The charts or checklists may not provide you with the correct answer but point you in the right direction. The Greater Intelligence that is providing you with dowsed information can only work with the words you have listed on the page, or the specific questions you have asked, your vocabulary and understanding at the time. That is why you should repeat the question in different wordings to make sure of the interpretation. Are you telling me that _______?

It is helpful for every chart/checklist to include the word “other”. Also helpful is to write “somewhat” or “maybe”. I have seven specific pendulum code movements that help me gain greater accuracy: “yes”, “no”, “maybe”, “somewhat”, “working mode” (doing what I have asked it to do), “balancing” (or putting in good energy), and “don’t know, don’t want to answer”. Finally, pay attention to your gut feelings when dowsing to come to know what is a clear ‘yes’ and ‘no’ or ‘sort of’ response.

Be sensitive in how you report what you find and to whom.

Any dowsing answers about others should be revealed to them with only the greatest of gentleness and tact and must never elicit fear, anger or despair. 

As a hypnotherapist, I am well aware of the power of suggestion to heal or to do great harm. Remember that your dowsing can be inaccurate or you may not be interpreting it correctly. Better to use the information you obtain through dowsing to ask your client questions to elicit more information:

  • What is your objective?
  • Tell me more about ____?
  • How do you feel about ____?
  • What’ s going on with you?
  • How is that effecting you?
  • Are you telling me that you would like ___?” 

I find that I can usually help a person more by teaching them how to apply dowsing to reduce their own stress, and to heal mentally and emotionally rather than just dowsing for them myself. Teaching my clients or encouraging them to learn other self-help methods is usually indicated. I find that my other training in counseling, hypnosis, stress management, and just my observations and life experience, are just as valuable in assisting other as dowsing. Employ multiple tools in helping both yourself and others.

Here are some additional, basic guidelines:

  • Keep confidentiality.
  • Respect someone else’s reputation–it is a precious thing.
  • Remember that your dowsing or interpretation of it can be faulty.
  • Consider carefully what you report and the maturity and understanding of those to whom you report whatever you find.
  • Power misused is taken away. 

Misused power, especially where it violates the free will of others, invites dark energy and karmic debt. If you want high level spiritual energy to work with you, then you need to operate with the highest ethics and use it responsibly to be of service in the world, starting with a commitment to heal yourself.

  • Like attracts like

When you dowse, you are working with spiritual forces in resonance with your intention and frequency. Gossip attracts tricksters in the spiritual realm. Dowsing when you are intoxicated, angry, jealous, resentful, fearful, greedy, egotistical, or feeling like a victim, will attract those in the spiritual realm that feel comfortable with that and even encourage you to be more so. 

So before you dowse

    • take time to center and ground your energy
    • raise your vibration by thinking of gratitude, unconditional love, compassion for others
    • hold a desire to be of service.
    • ask:  Can I, May I, Should I. 

Above all, do no harm!

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.