Mass Thought & Emotional Contagion

Sensing Energy

You walk into a room, building, drive down a street or enter a neighborhood, and for some reason, start feeling different than before. Maybe you relax and feel a sense of peace, happiness or safety. Or you start getting agitated, scared, creeped out, depressed, or simply uncomfortable. There may not appear to be any obvious or rational reason for it, but you can’t deny that you are sensing or reacting to something. What?”

Vibes can be sensed over long distances. They can wake us up from sleep. They are particularly strong when we have a close connection to specific people (as when a mother knows that her child is in danger), or to any group of people with whom we feel bonded, identified or associate. Perhaps you walk into a group of people and instantly feel something is wrong. Then you find out that they had been arguing and the hostility was still ‘in the air’. As we say you could cut the atmosphere with a knife!’

We call this “Picking Up Vibes (see article here), and all of us exhibit an sensitivity to and awareness of it in varying degrees .

While I feel that picking up vibes is part of our human ‘survival system’, I also feel that it is possible to remain aware of the ‘disturbance in the force’ without being negatively impacted. In other words, you can be aware that it is raining outside without getting wet inside. The awareness helps you prudently put on a raincoat and take an umbrella if you must go out.

The problem is not in perceiving uncomfortable energies, but that such non-beneficial energies sometimes stick and are difficult to shake because of being in a weakened state, whether physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.

This weakened state might come from both current as well as past issues that are not yet resolved. We call these things Triggers.

The cumulative effect of whatever is triggering you or weakening your system makes it harder to gain perspective, and deal with those issues. It also makes you vulnerable to other stressors as well as to other outside energies that drain your energy further and feed off and aggravate the very non-beneficial thoughts and emotions you may be trying to heal.

Weakening agents include:

  • Fatigue, exhaustion, lack of sufficient sleep and pushing beyond your limits.
  • Other health issues including illness, toxicity, inflammation, lowered immunity, poor diet.
  • Overwhelm, worry and stress in your personal life. Concern for loved ones or yourself.
  • Worry, grief, fear, anger, depression or upset about the suffering, cruelty, corruption, ignorance, injustice, and evil that you perceive or hear about in local, national, world conditions and events.
  • Your own unhealed emotional wounds, limiting beliefs and judgments.

Like attracts like. 

If you have not healed your own issues and trauma whether experienced by you personally in this or another lifetime, inherited or absorbed from your ancestors or group with which you are identified, you are more likely to be negatively impacted by whatever is mass consciousness is broadcasting through the psychic airways. (A mass consciousness is any strongly held thought/s or emotion/s that are shared by a large group of people.)

However, once you heal (and you can do this multiple ways), you are less impacted, and in a much better place to respond effectively if a response is appropriate.

General Rule:

Anything that depresses your spirit or challenges your health makes you vulnerable to being impacted by bad vibes.  

But the reverse is also true.

Anything that lifts your spirits and enhances your health can strengthen your energy field and make you more resilient to non-beneficial energies, stress, and able to deal, in general, with problems or challenges of any kind including detrimental thought and emotional contagion.

What else helps?

Dowsing, hypnosis, meditation & a host of energy healing modalities such as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), TAT (Tapas Accupressure Technique), and more can heal triggers and issues. It can lessen or eliminate unnecessary, unrealistic fear. It can increase awareness of both inner and outer resources, and focus attention on gratitude. It can connect with inner wisdom and spiritual guidance. All of these have a huge impact upon your peace of mind. So can it lessen the mass consciousness of fear? anger? depression? and other detrimental emotions? Well, the short answer is ‘yes’.

Join me and my guest Cynthia Brush-Pires for discussion, meditation & dowsing exercise for more about this topic, and specifically the ‘how’ of applying the remedies.

Click here for TELECONFERENCE Recording from Sunday, October 25, 2020 “THOUGHT CONTAGION” with Roxanne Louise & Cynthia Brush-Pires
Check out our DOWSING PROTOCOLS and the following articles: 
1. Neutralizing the Detrimental Effect of Mass Consciousness 
2. Dowsing for Discernment 
3. Dowsing to Connect to Source and Clear Discordant Energies 
4. Simple Affirmation to Solve Problems in These Difficult Times 
5. Dowsing for Discernment

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