Rearrange the Furniture to Rearrange Your Life

There is great value in moving things around.

I started early. My family moved next to the Seymours when I was three and Mrs. Seymour welcomed me onto her enclosed front porch to play with one or more of her four children. But what I found most fun was not the toys but rearranging the furniture and everything else there. I did this almost every day for several years. God rest her most tolerant soul.

What was I doing?

Rearranging the furniture is about seeing other options or possibilities, trying out new solutions, new relationships between you and the environment. It is not necessarily about making anything prettier, more functional, although it may do that. Beyond the benefits of feng shui or getting rid of clutter, simply moving the furniture and decorations makes you relate differently to the things in your space. And this possibly may support your desire to be different, to change, grow or relate differently to the larger world.

It calls upon and develops your spatial perception, which is the ability to be aware of your relationships with the environment around you and with yourself,  “to situate yourself, move around, orient yourself, make multiple decisions, analyze situations and representations of our surroundings and the relationship our body has with it.” CogniFit)

Changing things around helps to make (or when desiring to make) other changes.

For example, when working with smokers to break their habit, I advise that they change all their routines associated with the unwanted behavior because those routines act as a trigger. So, I suggest that they sit in a different chair than the one in which they used to smoke, eat and take their work breaks away from their smoking haunts, drive a different way to and from work, etc.

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  Author, Joe DispenzaBreaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One says

“You associate your outer, familiar world with who you think you are, by remembering yourself in this dimension, this particular time and space.” Your routines and all your sensory reminders, which include your environment, keep you plugged into your old self that is tied to the conditions that you want to change. He says “we remain plugged into this past self by following a highly routine, unconscious set of automatic behaviors. For example, you probably wake up on the same side of the bed, slip into your robe the same way as always, look into the mirror to remember who you are, and shower following an automatic routine. Then you groom yourself to look like everyone expects you to look, and brush your teeth in your usual memorized fashion. You drink coffee out of your favorite mug,” etc.

However, what he doesn’t mention is that should you change where the bed is located, you automatically have to get up differently. Move your favorite chair, and you are now viewing the room from a different perspective. You are changing the flow of energy not just in your space, but in your life.

Change something to change something else.

When ending a relationship, I found getting a hair cut was an appropriate symbolic act to let go of the old. Getting new clothes, a new look was part of the new me, the me separate from being identified as part of a couple, that was going to venture out again. Likewise, moving, going someplace new, traveling to a different culture where people have their own ways of relating to life, helps you to reevaluate your own values, priorities, lifestyle, etc. It is helpful as a separation from the old way of life and what you hope to be the new one. Then there is an old Jewish folk saying:  “Change your location, change your luck.”

But for right now, for those unable or unwilling to move or travel in order to get a fresh perspective, a new take on their life, the immediate, easy solution is just to rearrange the furniture.

Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to and  are included with the content.            

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