Mistakes, Regrets & Moving On

I was listening to Oprah Winfrey saying that “there are no mistakes because you have a supreme destiny.. There is a supreme moment of destiny, of calling on your life. Your job is to feel that, to hear that, to know that ….Sometimes when you are not listening you get off track…but it’s all leading to the same path. There are no wrong paths.…you learn as much from your losses as you do from your victories.”

When you are overwhelmed with a challenge,

“get still and ask what is the next right move, and from that space, ask what is the next right move, and the next right move…You are not defined by what someone says is a failure for you. Failure is just there to point you in a different direction.”iu-2
citation: http://i.huffpost.com/gen/1588759/images/o-OPRAH-facebook.jpg


Personally, I have regrets made from being over confident or under confident.

I have made lots of mistakes, some really, really stupid, unwise, disastrous, painful, expensive mistakes. Sometimes overconfident of my abilities, I have thrust myself full into relationships, careers, relocations, obligations, purchases, financial matters without really understanding what it would mean–the ramifications of it and whether I was capable not just at that moment to handle it, but whether it would be sustainable and desirable long term.

On the other hand, sometimes reeling from the pain of previous mistakes or regrets, I might have been under confident, and did not take the leap of faith to track down and seize a new opportunity, relationship or experience. Sometimes I didn’t think I was good enough, worthy, capable, and so held back. Or that the carrot dangling in front of me was just a tease and would be snatched away at the last moment causing me more pain at rejection or failure. Sometimes I just needed time to lick my wounds before risking again.
BUT I have learned from all of my mistakes, although, unfortunately, not right away. Some  I made over and over again until it became obvious that I needed to do something different, that it wasn’t a matter of trying harder or tweeking my approach.

The value of your mistakes


Mistakes, failures all teach you a lot. All of the wisdom I gained from my own has gone into helping others. They have caused me to be more empathetic to others, to understand what they are going through, and how they can move out of it. I can now provide the candle of hope for them that there is  life on the other side of even major mistakes precisely because I have been there, done that. And so can you.

As a small child, I sat at the feet of my amazing and wise grandmothers and listened to their stories. By age 4, I decided that above all I wanted to achieve wisdom in my life. However, wisdom comes from experience, and that includes mistakes and failure, and sometimes regrets.


Learning and moving on

My new mantra is “I turn everything into a blessing”. Or sometimes, I just say “how can I turn this into  a blessing?” I look for something I can learn regardless of how I feel or felt about what happened. This means that I get far less stressed or aggravated about new unpleasantries than before. I bounce back faster. As my outside ages, I get better on the inside. And so can you.
Copyright by Roxanne Louise. However, this article may be shared in free online sources only if this copyright notice and link to http://www.roxannelouise.com and http://unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com  are included with the content.            

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